278 research outputs found

    Interview with Luis Valdez

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    Energy Audit for an Old Industrial Building in Gävle

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    (English)The Swedish industrial sector has overcome the oil crisis and has maintained the energy use constant even though the production has grown. This has been achieved thanks to the development of several energy policies, by the Swedish government, towards the 2020 goals. This thesis carries on this path and performs an energy audit for an old industrial building in Gävle (Sweden) in order to propose different energy efficiency measures to use less energy while maintaining the thermal comfort. The building is in quite a bad shape and some of the areas are unused making them a waste of money. By means of the invoices provided by different companies, the information from the staff and some measures that have been carried out in-situ, the energy balance has been calculated from where conclusions have been drawn. Although it is an industrial building, the study is not going to be focused in the industrial process but in the building’s envelope and support processes, since the unit combines both production and office areas. Therefore, the energy balance is divided in energy supplies (district heating, free heating and sun irradiation) and energy losses (transmission, ventilation hot tap water and infiltrations). The results show that the most important supply is that of the DH whereas the most important losses are the transmission and infiltration. Thus, the measures proposed are focused on the reduction of this relevant parameters. The most important measures are the renovation of the windows, heating systems valves and the ventilation. The glazing of the dwelling is old and some of it is broken accounting for quite a large amount of the losses. The radiator valves are not properly working and there does not exist any temperature control. Therefore the installation of thermostatic valves turns out to be a must. Moreover, some part of the building has no mechanical ventilation but conserves the ducts. These could be utilized if they are connected to the workshop’s ventilation which is capable of generating sufficient flow for the entire building. Finally, although other measures could also be carried out, the ones proposed appear to be the essential ones. A further analysis should be carried out in order to analyze the payback time or investment capability of the company so as to decide between one measure or another. A market study for possible new tenants for the unused parts of the building is also advisable

    Program Cinema and Health: An initiative of public health to promote the health of the adolescence

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    El Programa Cine y Salud es una herramienta para mejorar la calidad de la educación para la salud que realiza el profesorado de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). El cine permite profundizar en el área emocional y de desarrollo de habilidades personales, y ayuda además a reflejar situaciones de la vida cotidiana de los jóvenes para facilitar su reflexión sobre las mismas. Cada curso, Cine y Salud llega actualmente hasta casi 50.000 adolescentes aragoneses.The Program Cinema and Health is a tool to improve the quality of the education for the health that makes the teaching staff of the Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO). The cinema allows getting into the emotional area and of development of personal abilities, and helps in addition to reflect situations of the daily life of the young people to facilitate its reflection on the same ones. Each course, Cinema and Health reach more at the moment than 50.000 aragonese adolescents

    Film, cultures and hopeful realism : new coexistence versus "racism in the distance"

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    La nueva tecnología propicia el acceso democrático a la comunicación de todos los individuos, pueblos y cultural al mismo tiempo que favorece que esa misma tecnología se desarrolle en manos de unos pocos, que pueden mediatizar la información. Esta paradoja se va salvando gracias a la fuerza cultural que nace de los pueblos y culturas marginadas, que en sus productos culturales y mediáticos expresan sus sentimientos y opiniones, transmitiendo al mundo la necesidad de los intercambios culturales y del diálogo entre las civilizaciones. En este interesante trabajo se hace una reflexión sobre la invisibilidad del emigrante desde la perspectiva multicultural, incidiendo en las representaciones mediáticas que ofrecen la comunicación de nuestros días.New Technologies enhances the democratic access to communication of individuals, peoples and cultures. However, it also favours the development of such technology in the hands of a few, who can mediate information. This paradox is somehow solved thanks to the cultural force of marginalised peoples and cultures, who express their feelings and opinions and transmit the need of cultural exchange and dialogue among civilizations to the world through their cultural and media products. This essay explores the immigrant’s invisibility from a multicultural perspective, with a stress on the media representations that communication offers nowadays

    Interview with Antonio R. Flores

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    Interview with Sandra Cisneros

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    Interview with Sandra Cisneros

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    Interview with Richard Rodríguez

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    Myths and Archetypes: The Hero’s Journey in Django Unchained

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    The Antebellum South has always raised interest in contemporary writers, as it is one of the most aching periods of American history. This is the reason it is a recurrent topic in American literature, in which some patterns are commonly followed in order to build a story. Myths and archetypes are a recurrent tool in order to frame those stories. Django Unchained is framed into those archetypes adapted to this moment in history. The present dissertation aims at analyzing the way in which the archetype of the hero and his journey is vital to understand this story. In order to do this, the different stages and phases of the hero’s journey will be confronted with the plot of the movie. Results aim to offer an insight into whether this pattern and archetype are more or less present in the movie.El periodo anterior a la Guerra de Secesión estadounidense siempre ha despertado el interés de los escritores modernos, ya que es uno de los períodos más dolorosos de la historia de Estados Unidos. Por eso es un tema recurrente en la literatura estadounidense, en la que se siguen algunos patrones para construir una historia. Los mitos y arquetipos son una herramienta recurrente para enmarcar esas historias. Django Unchained se enmarca dentro de esos arquetipos adaptados a este momento de la historia. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo analizar la forma en que el arquetipo del héroe y su viaje es vital para entender esta historia. Para ello, las diferentes etapas y fases del viaje del héroe serán contrastadas con la trama de la película. Los resultados buscan demostrar si este patrón y arquetipo están más o menos presentes en la película.Grado en Estudios Inglese