274 research outputs found

    Leaving the Middle Behind -- Wisconsin at a Turning Point

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    Illustrates salient long-term economic, agricultural, demographic, and political trends in the state through the stories of individuals and businesses. Highlights the need to revive the state's strengths as a center of innovation, culture, and democracy


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    Considering that in the spectrum of juvenile criminal sanctions punishment of deprivation of liberty is the most severe criminal sanction, international documents related to juveniles in conflict with the law proclaim standards that this sanction has to be imposed only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest period. Issues like possible duration of subject sanction and scope of its imposition, represents some of the basic features of the legal and judicial policy of sanctioning of juveniles, and represent the subject of this paper. The author analyzes how these issues are regulated in Bosnia and Herzegovina“s and comparative law, and how aforementioned standards are applied in practice. Applying the comparative analysis it was determined that there are certain indicators that Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the countries that has in its heritage „humane“ sanctioning policy of juvenile offenderes, and that the aforementioned international standards are consistently accepted in domestic law as well as in the jurisprudence.Imajući u vidu da u spektru maloljetničkih krivičnih sankcija kazna lišenja slobode predstavlja najstrožiju krivičnu sankciju, međunarodni dokumenti iz oblasti postupanja sa maloljetnicima u sukobu sa zakonom proklamiraju standard da se ona ima izricati samo kao krajnje sredstvo (ultima ratio) i u što kraćem trajanju. Upravo pitanja mogućeg trajanja predmetne sankcije, te obima njenog izricanja predstavljaju neka od osnovnih obilježja zakonske i sudske politike sankcioniranja maloljetnika, te čine predmet istraživanja ovog rada. Autor je analizirao kako su ova pitanja uređena u bosanskohercegovačkom i uporednom pravu, te kako su spomenuti standardi oživotvoreni u praksi. Primjenom komparativnopravne analize utvrđeno je kako postoje određeni pokazatelji da Bosna i Hercegovina spada u red zemalja koje baštine „humanu“ politiku sankcioniranja maloljetnih učinitelja krivičnih djela, te da su spomenuti međunarodni standardi dosljedno prihvaćeni kako u pravu, tako i u sudskoj praksi ove zemlje

    Evaluating the psychometric properties of the aggressive driving behavior questionnaire (ADBQ)

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    A principal axis factor analysis with promax rotation yielded four factors, or joint variations between the 20 items, that were inter-correlated with eigenvalues greater than 1. The ADBQ was also found to have high internal consistency (Cronbach\u27s alpha = .86). The four factors were used to form four subscales of aggressive driving behavior that included anger/aggression, speeding/minor infractions, overt expression, and judgment of other drivers. The four subscales were found to correlate with self-reported biographical and driver history data, as well as, gender differences across scales. Additional analyses were conducted using data from the present sample from the University of Central Florida (N = 285) and the data from the previous study from Old Dominion University (N = 230) and Michigan Technological University (N = 265) for a combined sample of 780 undergraduate students. The findings in this present study provided additional support for the consistency, predictive validity, and factor structure of the ADBQ instrument. The Aggressive Driving Behavior Questionnaire proves to be a valuable measure in predicting the likelihood of a person engaging in aggressive driving behavior. The implications for driving behavior assessment, training, and instrument development are also discussed.; Over the past decade, aggressive driving behavior has become a topic of concern among the public, media, and researchers in the psychological community. Aggressive driving is a problematic pattern of social behavior that is not only a leading cause to motor vehicle accidents, but a serious threat to public safety. One instrument that has been developed to assess aggressive driving behavior is the Aggressive Driving Behavior Questionnaire (ADBQ). The ADBQ is a 20-item paper and pencil questionnaire intended to measure a driver\u27s likelihood for engaging in aggressive driving behavior. The ADBQ was developed using a factor-analytic approach that combined five previously developed aggressive driving behavior scales (Brill, Mouloua & Shirkey, 2007). Of the 81 items of the five combined scales, nineteen latent variables were extracted and accounted for 67.4% of the explained variance for the observed responses. The final 20th item was developed by splitting one of the latent variables. A previous study, conducted at Old Dominion University (N = 230) and Michigan Technological University (N = 265), examined the ADBQ\u27s factor structure and internal consistency, and found relatively high internal consistency (Cronbach\u27s alpha = .77) and the identification of six factors using a principal axis factor analysis (Brill & Mouloua, 2011). The ADBQ was also tested in a controlled laboratory environment and found significant evidence that suggest the ADBQ is a valid predictor of aggressive driving behavior in a simulated environment (Brill, Mouloua & Shirkey 2009). The purpose of the present study was to further investigate the psychometric properties of the ADBQ. Based on a sample of 285 undergraduates (170 women and 115 men) from the University of Central Florida, the study examined the internal consistency, predictive and construct validity, and factor structure of the new questionnaire

    Evaluasi Material Timbunan untuk Perbaikan Waduk Lalung, Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    Waduk Lalung adalah waduk dengan tipe konstruksi bendungan urugan Adalah suatu bendungan yang dibangun dengan cara menimbunkan bahan –bahan seperti : batu, krakal, krikil, pasir, dan tanah pada komposisi tertentu dengan fungsi sebagai penampung atau pengangkat permukaan air yang terdapat di dalam waduk di udiknya. Pada dinding sebelah barat Waduk Lalung ini terdapat longsoran yang dapat merusak struktur tubuh bendungan. Evaluasi material timbunan dilakukan untuk mengetahui klasifikasi dan karakteristik material timbunan utnuk perbaikan Waduk Lalung. Penyelidikan geoteknik yang dilakukan adalah pemetaan geoteknik dan analisis atterberg limits, grainsize, pada tubuh bendungan, tebing atas, tebing bawah, material longsoran. Proctor test dilakukan pada test pit dimana terdapat longsoran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pengolahan data empiris, yaitu sebuah metode yang menggunakan data dari sampel yang ada. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui klasifikasi dan karakteristik material timbunan. Pada material longsoran dari hasi uji atterberg limits didapatkan liquid limit 53,75 % dan plastic limits 33,04%, dari uji grainsize didapatkan hasil kerikil 0,39%, pasir 21,48%, lanau 32,22%, lempung 45,91%. Pada tebing atas dari hasi uji atterberg limits didapatkan liquid limit 52,17 % dan plastic limits 32,89%, dari uji grainsize didapatkan hasil kerikil 0,00%, pasir 7,42%, lanau 31,28%, lempung 61,31%. Pada tebing bawah dari hasi uji atterberg limits didapatkan liquid limit 52,10 % dan plastic limits 31,29%, dari uji grainsize didapatkan hasil kerikil 0,77%, pasir 5,47%, lanau 41,64%, lempung 52,12%. Pada tubuh bendungan dari hasi uji atterberg limits didapatkan liquid limit 42,72 % dan plastic limits 29,22%, dari uji grainsize didapatkan hasil kerikil 2,76%, pasir 13,72%, lanau 35,90%, lempung 47,62%. Dari uji proctor didapatkan dry density 1,47 gr/ dan dari uji unit weight didaptkan hasil dry density 1,12%. Kata kunci : material timbunan, uji mekanika tanah, bendungan uruga


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    U radu je dat uporedno-pravni prikaz starosnih granica krivično-pravnog maloljetstva, kao dobnog okvira u kojem mlade osobe, zbog svoje nedoraslosti, uživaju posebni (povlašteni) krivično-pravni status. Kada je riječ o donjoj granici, kao granici nastupanja krivično-pravnog maloljetstva i odgovornosti, ona se kreće od šest ili sedam godina u pojedinim državama, pa sve do osamnaest godina. U većini evropskih država ova granica se veže za uzrast od 14 godina, što predstavlja minimalnu dob sposobnosti za kršenje krivičnog zakona koju predlaže Komitet UN za prava djeteta. U uporednom pravu značaj ove starosne granice je u pojedinim zakonodavstvima relativiziran propisivanjem dviju ili više takvih granica (u zavisnosti od težine krivičnih djela ili zbog primjene doli capax doktrine), kao i primjenom još nekih rješenja. S druge strane, u većini država krivično-pravno maloljetstvo traje do navršenih osamnaest godina, premda u pojedinim državama u SAD-u i nekim drugim vanevropskim državama ono prestaje i ranije. Značaj ove granice u pojedinim zakonodavstvima je relativiziran mogućnošću primjene maloljetničkog krivičnog prava i na (mlađe) punoljetne osobe, ali i mogućnošću upućivanja (transfera) maloljetnika na postupanje krivičnih sudova opće nadležnosti („sudova za odrasle“) i prije prestanka maloljetstva. U radu su analizirani međunarodni standardi koji se odnose na ova pitanja, kao i legislativna rješenja u državama iz regiona. Zaključno je konstatirano kako su rješenja koja sadrže maloljetnička krivična zakonodavstva država s prostora bivše SFRJ usklađena s međunarodnim standardima iz ove oblasti.This paper presents a comparative legal overview of the juvenile age of criminal responsibility as an age framework in which young people enjoy a special (privileged) criminal status due to their immaturity. When it comes to the lower limit as minimum age of criminal responsibility, comparative legal solutions are different and they range from six or seven years in some countries, up to eighteen years in other. In most European countries, the age limit is set at the age of 14, which is the minimum age of criminal capacity proposed by UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. In comparative law the significance of the age limit is relativized by prescribing two or more such age limits (depending on the gravity of the crime or due to the application of the doli capax doctrine), as well as other legal solutions. On the other hand, in most countries, juvenile criminal responsibility lasts until the age of eighteen, although in some states in the United States and some other non-European countries it ends earlier. The importance of the age limit in some legislations is relativized by the possibilities of applying juvenile criminal law to young adults, but also through the possibility of referring minors to the criminal courts of general jurisdiction (“adult courts”) even before the age of criminal majority. In the paper was analyzed international legal standards related to these issues, as well as legislative solutions in the countries of the region. In conclusion it was stated that the legal solutions contained in juvenile criminal legislation of the countries of the former SFR Yugoslavia are harmonized with international standards in this area.Dieser Beitrag analysiert aus der rechtsvergleichenden Perspektive die Altersgrenzen der strafrechtlichen Minderjährigkeit, im Rahmen welcher jüngeren Personen aufgrund ihres Alters ein (sonder)strafrechtlicher Status zugeteilt wird. Die unterste Altersgrenze des Vorhandenseins der strafrechtlichen Verantwortung, erstreckt sich von sechs oder sieben Jahren bis zu achtzehn Jahren in einigen Staaten. In den meisten europäischen Staaten liegt diese Altersgrenze jedoch bei 14 Jahren, als der Grenze für die Fähigkeit gegen das Strafrecht zu verstoßen, wie vom UNAusschuss für Kinderrechte vorgeschlagen. Wie sich aus der Rechtsvergleichung ergibt, sei diese Altersgrenze in einigen Gesetzgebungen dadurch relativieret, dass zwei oder mehrere solche Grenzen vorgeschrieben sind (bedingt durch die jeweiligen Straftaten oder durch die Anwendung der Doktrin doli capax), sowie durch die Anwendung anderer Regelungen. Andererseits, in den meisten Staaten dauert die strafrechtliche Minderjährigkeit bis zum vollendeten achtzehnten Lebensjahr, obgleich in einigen US-Staaten und in Staaten außerhalb Europas diese Grenze niedriger liegt. Die Bedeutung der Altersgrenze wurde in einigen Gesetzgebungen durch die Möglichkeit das Minderjährigenstrafrecht auch in Bezug auf Heranwachsende anzuwenden, wie auch durch Verweisung (Transfer) der Minderjährigen auf die Strafgerichte der allgemeinen Zuständigkeit („Gerichte für Erwachsene“) noch während die Minderjährigkeit andauert. Es wurden daher internationale Standards, die sich auf diese Fragen beziehen, und Gesetzgebungsregelungen der Staaten aus der Region, analysiert. Wie schlussgefolgert, die Regelungen der ehemaligen Staaten Jugoslawiens, die minderjährige strafrechtliche Gesetzgebung umfassen, entsprechen den internationalen Standards.Nel lavoro è stata data una rassegna giuridica comparata dei limiti d’età nel diritto penale minorile, quale fascia d’età entro la quale le persone giovani, a causa della loro incapacità, godono di uno stato penale speciale (privilegiato). Quando si tratta del limite inferiore, come quel limite sopra il quale agisce il diritto penale minorile e la responsabilità, esso varia dai sei o sette anni in certi stati, sino ai diciotto anni. Nella maggior parte degli stati europei questo limite si collega all’età di 14 anni, la quale rappresenta l’età minima che propone il Comitato ONU sui Diritti dell’Infanzia per acquisire la capacità di violare la legge penale. Nel diritto comparato l’importanza di questo limite d’età è relativizzata dai due o più limiti d’età prescritti in certe legislazioni (secondo la gravità dei reati oppure a causa dell’applicazione della dottrina doli capax), come anche dall’applicazione di alcune soluzioni diverse. Dall’altra parte, nella maggior parte degli stati il diritto penale minorile è applicabile fino ai diciotto anni compiuti, anche se in alcuni stati degli USA ed in alcuni stati non europei esso finisce ancor prima. L’importanza di questo limite in alcune legislazioni è relativizzata dalla possibilità dell’applicazione del diritto penale minorile anche sulle persone adulte (giovani), ma pure dalla possibilità di mandare (trasferire) il minore al processo di fronte alle corti penali di competenza generale (“corti per gli adulti”) anche prima che lo stato minorile sia terminato. Nel lavoro sono stati analizzati gli standard internazionali riguardanti queste questioni, ma anche le soluzioni legislative negli stati della regione dell’ex Jugoslavia. Infine è stato costatato che alcune soluzioni che contengono le legislazioni penali minorili negli stati del territorio dell’ex Jugoslavia sono in conformità con gli standard internazionali esistenti in quest’area

    Defining Mob Grazing in the Upper Midwestern United States

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    Mob grazing has emerged as an increasingly used management strategy on pasture-based farms throughout the country; however, the practice lacks clear definition among practitioners. We conducted a survey of livestock and dairy producers using some form of rotational grazing in the upper midwestern United States (N = 155) to gather producer-generated definitions, perceptions of benefits and disadvantages, and implementation strategies for mob grazing. The results describe a practice defined by variability and associated with compelling impacts. Implementation of mob grazing differed among producers, although most used it as a strategic tool and not a rigid management strategy

    Applying the response surface methodology to predict the energy retrofit performance of the TABULA residential building stock

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    Recent advances in computing software have enabled the development of calibrated building energy simulations tools that allow retrofit-related analysis including optimization and energy-efficient building design. However, to create a national energy and climate plan, using these tools may imply a great deal of effort (time, cost, and human resources) to carry out simulations for the full set of different building types, construction, geometries, design parameters, and retrofit scenarios. Because of this, simplified approaches that can reliably estimate the impact of energy-efficiency retrofit alternatives based on averaged building stock characteristics could offer a significant advantage, especially in middle-income countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina. This study aims to explore the energy reduction potential of a representative building from the national residential building stock by utilizing the response surface methodology (RSM). In this study, RSM is combined with the energy simulation tools EnergyPlus and DesignBuilder to model the energy savings associated with energy-efficient retrofit measures for a residential building from the national TABULA registry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This study introduces a novel energy consumption model that can be applied to optimize energy-efficient retrofit design solutions for reducing the energy consumption for heating and cooling in the residential building sector. Moreover, the model developed was validated by using the results of a national survey on energy consumption in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the use of the model developed is versatile and suitable for rapid prediction of energy-efficient retrofit-related energy consumption and energy savings of the residential building stock

    Effects of Topical Ozone Application on Outcomes after Accelerated Corneal Collagen Cross-linking: An Experimental Study

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    Purpose: Ozone is a trioxygen molecule that spontaneously degrades into oxygen and oxygen free radicals. This study was designed to assess the effects of topical ozone application on outcomes after corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL). Methods: Enucleated fresh cadaver yearling sheep eyes (n = 28) were divided into five groups: control (C, n = 6), sham (S, n = 6), ozone only (Z, n = 6), CXL only (X, n = 5), and Ozone + CXL (ZX, n = 5). In all groups, except C, the epithelial layer was removed. In group Z, 20 μg/mL liquid ozone was topically applied. In group X, CXL was performed in the accelerated pulse mode. In group ZX, both CXL and ozone were applied. Post-interventional oxygen levels were determined and corneal confocal microscopy and optical coherence tomography were performed. Corneas were evaluated using light and electron microscopy. Results: Pre-interventional central corneal thickness (CCT) was highest in the control group and considerably similar in the remaining groups (P = 0.006). Pre- and post-interventional CCT were significantly different in the ozonated groups (Z and ZX) (P = 0.028; P = 0.043). Demarcation line depths were similar in groups Z, X, and ZX (P = 0.343). Increased stromal tissue reflectivity was observed in groups Z, X, and ZX. Oxygen levels were higher in the ozonated groups (Z and ZX) (P = 0.006), and caspase activity was higher in the CXL groups (X and ZX) (P = 0.028) as compared to the other groups. Group ZX showed tighter, more regular, and parallel fibrils. Conclusion: Ozone increases corneal stromal oxygenation which can probably augment the effect of CXL. Future studies should investigate the safety and feasibility of ozone application during CXL


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    Nowadays, actual and usable information are required from companies. In order to adapt to those changes, the companies started using internet as a channel for investor relations. Their websites are designed to offer a wide specter of company\u27s financial information, as well as non-financial information that might be useful to financial public. The subject of this paper is to research the usage of internet in a company\u27s investor relations. Through review of literature, the paper shows importance of websites development and how, by adequate usage, they may have an impact on the investor relations. For that purpose, the work includes research of the impact of Internet in conducting activities with investors at the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The methodology used in this work comprised a survey, carried out on a convenient sample of companies. Analysis conductes on websites of BiH companies with most traded stocks at stock excange, showed that the companies were aware of the importance of using web in communication with investors. However, one of the conclusions is that there is a big space for improvement regarding the use of new internet tools among most of BiH companies.U današnje vrijeme od kompanija se zahtijeva pružanje aktualnih i upotrebljivih informacija. Kako bi se prilagodile tim promjenama, kompanije su počele koristiti internet kao kanal za odnose s investitorima. Mrežne stranice kompanija zamišljene su tako da pružaju širok raspon financijskih informacija vezanih za poslovanje kompanije, kao i nefinancijskih informacija koje mogu biti važne za financijsku javnost. Tema ovoga rada je istraživanje uporabe interneta u provođenju aktivnosti odnosa s investitorima. Pregledom i analizom literature u radu je prikazana važnost razvoja internetskih stranica te kako se odgovarajućim načinom njihove uporabe može utjecati na upravljanje aktivnostima odnosa s investitorima. U tu je svrhu provedeno istraživanje utjecaja primjene interneta u provođenju aktivnosti s investitorima na tržištu Bosne i Hercegovine. Korištena metodologija obuhvatila je anketiranje kompanija na prigodnu uzorku. Analiza provedena na web stranicama bosanskohercegovačkih kompanija, čijim se dionicama najviše trgovalo na burzi, pokazala je da postoji svijest o važnosti uporabe interneta u komunikaciji s investitorima. Međutim, pokazalo se da u segmentu uporabe novih internetskih alata ima puno prostora za unaprjeđenje kod većine kompanija

    Inducing pluripotency in the domestic cat (Felis Catus)

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    Domestic cats suffer from a range of inherited genetic diseases, many of which display similarities with equivalent human conditions. Developing cellular models for these inherited diseases would enable drug discovery, benefiting feline health and welfare as well as enhancing the potential of cats as relevant animal models for translation to human medicine. Advances in our understanding of these diseases at the cellular level have come from the use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). iPSCs are capable of differentiating into derivatives of all three germ layers, therefore overcoming the limitations of primary differentiated cells and the ethical concerns of using embryonic stem cells. No studies however report the generation of iPSCs from domestic cats (fiPSCs). Feline adipose derived fibroblasts were infected with amphotropic retrovirus containing the coding sequences for human Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, cMyc and Nanog. Isolated iPSC clones were expanded on mouse inactivated embryonic fibroblasts in the presence of feline leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF). Retroviral delivery of human pluripotent genes gave rise to putative fiPSC colonies within 5-7 days. These iPS-like cells required foetal bovine serum and feline LIF for maintenance. Colonies were domed with refractile edges, similar to mouse iPSCs. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated positive staining for stem cell markers: alkaline phosphatase, Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and SSEA1. Cells were negative for SSEA4. Expression of endogenous feline Nanog was confirmed by qPCR. The cells were able to differentiate in vitro into cells representative of the three germ layers. These results confirm the generation of the first induced pluripotent cells from domestic cats. These cells will provide valuable models to study genetic diseases and explore novel therapeutic strategies