25 research outputs found

    The instability of Alexander-McTague crystals and its implication for nucleation

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    We show that the argument of Alexander and McTague, that the bcc crystalline structure is favored in those crystallization processes where the first order character is not too pronounced, is not correct. We find that any solution that satisfies the Alexander-McTague condition is not stable. We investigate the implication of this result for nucleation near the pseudo- spinodal in near-meanfield systems.Comment: 20 pages, 0 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Demagnetization via Nucleation of the Nonequilibrium Metastable Phase in a Model of Disorder

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    We study both analytically and numerically metastability and nucleation in a two-dimensional nonequilibrium Ising ferromagnet. Canonical equilibrium is dynamically impeded by a weak random perturbation which models homogeneous disorder of undetermined source. We present a simple theoretical description, in perfect agreement with Monte Carlo simulations, assuming that the decay of the nonequilibrium metastable state is due, as in equilibrium, to the competition between the surface and the bulk. This suggests one to accept a nonequilibrium "free-energy" at a mesoscopic/cluster level, and it ensues a nonequilibrium "surface tension" with some peculiar low-T behavior. We illustrate the occurrence of intriguing nonequilibrium phenomena, including: (i) Noise-enhanced stabilization of nonequilibrium metastable states; (ii) reentrance of the limit of metastability under strong nonequilibrium conditions; and (iii) resonant propagation of domain walls. The cooperative behavior of our system may also be understood in terms of a Langevin equation with additive and multiplicative noises. We also studied metastability in the case of open boundaries as it may correspond to a magnetic nanoparticle. We then observe burst-like relaxation at low T, triggered by the additional surface randomness, with scale-free avalanches which closely resemble the type of relaxation reported for many complex systems. We show that this results from the superposition of many demagnetization events, each with a well- defined scale which is determined by the curvature of the domain wall at which it originates. This is an example of (apparent) scale invariance in a nonequilibrium setting which is not to be associated with any familiar kind of criticality.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figure

    Conceptualising fields of action for sustainable intensification A systematic literature review and application to regional case studies

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    [EN] After two decades of research on sustainable intensification (SI), namely securing food production on less environmental cost, heterogeneous understandings and perspectives prevail in a broad and partly fragmented scientific literature. Structuring and consolidating contributions to provide practice-oriented guidelines are lacking. The objectives of this study are to (1) comprehensively explore the academic SI literature, (2) propose an implementation-oriented conceptual framework, and (3) demonstrate its applicability for region-specific problem settings. In a systematic literature review of 349 papers covering the international literature of 20 years of SI research, we identified SI practices and analysed temporal, spatial and disciplinary trends and foci. Based on key SI practices, a conceptual framework was developed differentiating four fields of action from farm to regional and landscape scale and from land use to structural optimisation. Its applicability to derive region specific SI solutions was successfully tested through stakeholder processes in four European case studies. Disciplinary boundaries and the separation of the temporal and spatial strands in the literature prevent a holistic address of SI. This leads to the dominance of research describing SI practices in isolation, mainly on the farm scale. Coordinated actions on the regional scale and the coupling of multiple practices are comparatively un-derrepresented. Results from the case studies demonstrate that implementation is extremely context-sensitive and thus crucially depends on the situational knowledge of farmers and stakeholders. Although, there is no 'one size fits all' solution, practitioners in all regions identified the need for integrated solutions and common action to implement suitable SI strategies at the regional landscape level and in local ecosystems.This research was financially supported by the European Commission under grant agreement 652615 and conducted in the context of the ERA-Net FACCE SURPLUS project VITAL, with the national funders NWO (Netherlands), BMBF (Germany), INIA (Spain), ANR (France).Weltin, M.; Zasada, I.; Piorr, A.; Debolini, M.; Geniaux, G.; Moreno-Pérez, OM.; Scherer, L.... (2018). Conceptualising fields of action for sustainable intensification A systematic literature review and application to regional case studies. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 257:68-80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2018.01.023S688025

    Molecular dynamics simulations of phase separation in the presence of surfactants

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    The dynamics of phase separation in two-dimensional binary mixtures diluted by surfactants is studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations. In contrast to pure binary systems, characterized by an algebraic time dependence of the average domain size, we find that systems containing surfactants exhibit nonalgebraic, slow dynamics. The average domain size eventually saturates at a value inversely proportional to the surfactant concentration. We also find that phase separation in systems with different surfactant concentrations follow a crossover scaling form. Finally, although these systems do not fully phase separate, we observe a dynamical scaling which is independent of the surfactant concentration. The results of these simulations are in general in agreement with previous Langevin simulations [Laradji, Guo, Grant, and Zuckermann, J. Phys. A 44, L629 (1991)] and a theory of Ostwald ripening [Yao and Laradji, Phys. Rev. E 47, 2695 (1993)]. © 1994 The American Physical Society

    First World Consensus Conference on pancreas transplantation: part II - recommendations

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    The First World Consensus Conference on Pancreas Transplantation provided 49 jury deliberations regarding the impact of pancreas transplantation on the treatment of diabetic patients, and 110 experts' recommendations for the practice of pancreas transplantation. The main message from this consensus conference is that both simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK) and pancreas transplantation alone can improve long-term patient survival, and all types of pancreas transplantation dramatically improve the quality of life of recipients. Pancreas transplantation may also improve the course of chronic complications of diabetes, depending on their severity. Therefore, the advantages of pancreas transplantation appear to clearly surpass potential disadvantages. Pancreas after kidney transplantation increases the risk of mortality only in the early period after transplantation, but is associated with improved life expectancy thereafter. Additionally, preemptive SPK, when compared to SPK performed in patients undergoing dialysis, appears to be associated with improved outcomes. Time on dialysis has negative prognostic implications in SPK recipients. Increased long-term survival, improvement in the course of diabetic complications, and amelioration of quality of life justify preferential allocation of kidney grafts to SPK recipients. Audience discussions and live voting are available online at the following URL address:

    A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an autonomy-supportive message) or were restrictive and shaming (i.e. a controlling message) compared to no message at all. Results partially supported experimental hypotheses in that the controlling message increased controlled motivation (a poorly-internalized form of motivation relying on shame, guilt, and fear of social consequences) relative to no message. On the other hand, the autonomy-supportive message lowered feelings of defiance compared to the controlling message, but the controlling message did not differ from receiving no message at all. Unexpectedly, messages did not influence autonomous motivation (a highly-internalized form of motivation relying on one’s core values) or behavioral intentions. Results supported hypothesized associations between people’s existing autonomous and controlled motivations and self-reported behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing: Controlled motivation was associated with more defiance and less long-term behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing, whereas autonomous motivation was associated with less defiance and more short- and long-term intentions to social distance. Overall, this work highlights the potential harm of using shaming and pressuring language in public health communication, with implications for the current and future global health challenges

    Correlations between infiltration, emergence, crust strength and physical and chemical soil properties of irrigable soil of the MacIntyre Brook, Queensland

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    Relationships between infiltration, seedling emergence (of Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and crust strength were correlated with soil physical and chemical properties for SO sites adjacent to the Macintyre Brook, Inglewood in southern Queensland. Regression techniques were used to determine the relationships between site response and pH, electrical conductivity, total exchangeable cations, and percentages of sodium, carbon, sand, silt and clay. The regressions indicated that high inter-correlation existed between soil properties measured. Infiltration was significantly correlated with specific conductivity, clay, sand, carbon and coarse sand, and emergence was significantly correlated with carbon and coarse sand. Crust strength was significantly correlated with clay, carbon, sand, sodium, silt and pH. An increase in percentage carbon through organic matter management may be the simplest solution to overcoming infiltration, emergence and crusting problems in the soil examined

    Bone muscle interactions and vitamin D

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    Beyond the established roles of vitamin D in bone and mineral homeostasis, we are becoming increasingly aware of its diverse effects in skeletal muscle. Subjects with severe vitamin D deficiency or mutations of the vitamin D receptor develop generalized atrophy of muscle and bone, suggesting coordinated effects of vitamin D in musculoskeletal physiology. At a mechanistic level, vitamin D exerts wide-ranging effects in muscle and bone calcium handling, differentiation and development. Vitamin D also modulates muscle and bone-derived hormones, facilitating cross-talk between these tissues. In this review, we discuss emerging evidence that vitamin D regulates bone and muscle in a direct, integrated fashion, positioning the vitamin D pathway as a potential therapeutic target for musculoskeletal diseases.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Muscle Bone Interactions"

    Hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) potentiates beta-cell survival after islet transplantation of human and mouse islets

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    A high proportion of β-cells die within days of islet transplantation. Reports suggest that induction of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) predicts adverse transplant outcomes. We hypothesized that this was a compensatory response and that HIF-1α protects β-cells during transplantation. Transplants were performed using human islets or murine β-cell-specific HIF-1α-null (β-HIF-1α-null) islets with or without treatment with deferoxamine (DFO) to increase HIF-1α. β-HIF-1α-null transplants had poor outcomes, demonstrating that lack of HIF-1α impaired transplant efficiency. Increasing HIF-1α improved outcomes for mouse and human islets. No effect was seen in β-HIF-1α-null islets. The mechanism was decreased apoptosis, resulting in increased β-cell mass posttransplantation. These findings show that HIF-1α is a protective factor and is required for successful islet transplant outcomes. Iron chelation with DFO markedly improved transplant success in a HIF-1α-dependent manner, thus demonstrating the mechanism of action. DFO, approved for human use, may have a therapeutic role in the setting of human islet transplantation.Rebecca A. Stokes, Kim Cheng, Natasha Deters, Sue Mei Lau, Wayne J. Hawthorne ... Shane Grey ... et al

    Reduction of ARNT in myeloid cells causes immune suppression and delayed wound healing.

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    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) is a transcription factor that binds to partners to mediate responses to environmental signals. To investigate its role in the innate immune system, floxed ARNT mice were bred with lysozyme M-Cre recombinase animals to generate lysozyme M-ARNT (LAR) mice with reduced ARNT expression. Myeloid cells of LAR mice had altered mRNA expression and delayed wound healing. Interestingly, when the animals were rendered diabetic, the difference in wound healing between the LAR mice and their littermate controls was no longer present, suggesting that decreased myeloid cell ARNT function may be an important factor in impaired wound healing in diabetes. Deferoxamine (DFO) improves wound healing by increasing hypoxia-inducible factors, which require ARNT for function. DFO was not effective in wounds of LAR mice, again suggesting that myeloid cells are important for normal wound healing and for the full benefit of DFO. These findings suggest that myeloid ARNT is important for immune function and wound healing. Increasing ARNT and, more specifically, myeloid ARNT may be a therapeutic strategy to improve wound healing