51 research outputs found
The FlowSimulator framework for massively parallel CFD applications
In this paper the FlowSimulator framework for multi- disciplinary computational fluid dynamics simulations on high performance computer platforms is described. An overview of the provided functionality is given and possible benefits for tool developers as well as design engineers are presented
Closed needle pleural biopsy in Iceland 1990-1999
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: Closed pleural biopsy is done to determine causes of pleural effusion after fluid analysis has been nondiagnostic. The aim of the study was to evaluate results of closed pleural biopsy in Iceland. Material and methods: All pathology reports of closed pleural biopsy from 1990-1999 at the Department of Pathology were reviewed. Hospital records for these patients were screened. Results: There were 130 samples from 120 individuals. There were 74 males and 46 females. Deceased are 75/120. The most common diagnosis was pleuritis or fibrosis in 85/120, cancer in 15 and three had tuberculosis but 17/120 had other results. The sensitivity of a closed pleural biopsy for diagnosing cancer was 27%. Adding cytology increased the sensitivity to 56%. Of those that had pleuritis on initial biopsy the cause was found to be cancer in 33/85, pneumonia in 11, trauma in 5 and in 8 there were other causes. In 25/85 no etiology could be found. By doing further studies it was demonstrated that the cause for the fluid was malignancy in 55/120. Of those most had lung cancer or 24/55, and the second most common cause was breast cancer in 7. Despite further studies no cause was found in 32/85. Conclusions: Closed pleural biopsy has fairly low sensitivity for diagnosis of cancer but it can be increased by adding cytologic evaluation. It is necessary to do further investigations and follow-up in patients that have inflammation in pleural biopsy.Inngangur: Lokuð fleiðrusýnataka er gerð til að finna orsök fyrir vökvasöfnun í fleiðruholi sem ekki hefur fundist skýring á með vökvarannsókn eingöngu. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að kanna niðurstöður lokaðrar fleiðrusýnatöku með nál á Íslandi. Efniviður og aðferðir: Hjá Rannsóknastofu Háskólans í meinafræði voru athuguð vefjarannsóknasvör allra fleiðrusýna frá 1990-1999. Sjúkraskýrslur voru kannaðar. Niðurstöður: Um var að ræða 130 sýni frá 120 einstaklingum, 74 körlum og 46 konum. Látnir eru 75/120. Algengasta greiningin var fleiðrubólga eða bandvefsaukning hjá 85/120, krabbamein hjá 15 og þrír voru með berkla en hjá 17/120 voru aðrar niðurstöður. Næmi fleiðrusýnis var um það bil 27% við greiningu á illkynja vexti. Ef frumurannsókn var einnig gerð á vökvanum jókst næmið í 56%. Af þeim sem greindust með fleiðrubólgu var orsökin illkynja vöxtur hjá 33/85, lungnabólga hjá 11, fimm vegna áverka og hjá átta voru aðrar orsakir, en hjá 25/85 fannst engin skýring. Með frekari rannsóknum var hægt að sýna fram á að orsökin fyrir vökvanum var krabbamein hjá 55/120. Af þeim voru langflestir með lungnakrabbamein, eða 24/55, því næst kom brjóstakrabbamein með sjö tilfelli. Þrátt fyrir frekari rannsóknir fannst engin skýring á vökvasöfnuninni hjá 32. Ályktanir: Lokuð fleiðrusýnataka með nál hefur fremur lágt næmi í greiningu illkynja æxla en auka má næmið með því að gera frumurannsókn á vökvanum. Þörf er frekari rannsókna og eftirlits hjá þeim sem hafa bólgu í fleiðrusýni
Lung Transplantation in Icelanders
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This article is open access.Inngangur: Lungnaígræðsla er valkostur við meðferð á langt gengnum lungnasjúkdómum, öðrum en krabbameinum, þegar lífslíkur eru mjög skertar og lífsgæði léleg, þrátt fyrir bestu mögulegu meðferð. Í flestum tilvikum batna lungnapróf og heilsutengd lífsgæði mikið við lungnaígræðslu. Sýkingar og stíflumyndandi berkjungabólga, einnig kallað langvinn höfnun, eru algengustu fylgikvillarnir eftir lungnaígræðslu. Efniviður og aðferðir: Hér er sagt frá íslenskum sjúklingum sem farið hafa í lungnaígræðslu frá febrúar 1988 til janúar 2015. Gagnagrunnur var unninn afturskyggnt úr sjúkraskrám. Safnað var upplýsingum um bakgrunn sjúklinga, ígræðsluaðgerð, ónæmisbælingu og hafnanir, fylgikvilla og lifun. Niðurstöður: Alls hefur verið gerð 21 lungnaígræðsla á 20 einstaklingum en einn sjúklingur hefur tvisvar farið í aðgerð. Um var að ræða 9 konur og 11 karla og meðalaldur við ígræðslu var 45 ár (20-61 ár). Flestar aðgerðirnar hafa verið gerðar á Sahlgrenska-sjúkrahúsinu í Gautaborg. Flestir fengu ígrædd bæði lungu. Langvinn lungnateppa var algengasta ábendingin. Algengustu fylgikvillar eftir lungnaígræðslu voru hafnanir og sýkingar. Átta af 20 sjúklingum hafa fengið bráðahöfnun og helmingur sjúklinga langvinna höfnun. Alls eru 6 af 20 sjúklingum látnir, af þeim létust þrír vegna langvinnrar höfnunar á ígræddu líffæri. Miðgildi lifunar er 8,5 ár. Fimm ára lifun er 74%. Ályktanir: Lungnaígræðslur á Íslendingum eru nú framkvæmdar á Sahlgrenskasjúkrahúsinu í Gautaborg en eftirfylgni er á vegum sérhæfðra lungnalækna á Landspítala. Fylgikvillar og lifun íslenskra sjúklinga er sambærilegt við það sem gerist á stærri stofnunum. Náin samskipti og samstarf við stofnunina þar sem ígræðsla fer fram er lykilatriði.Introduction: Lung transplantation is a treatment option for end-stage lung diseases, excluding lung cancer, when life expectancy is short and quality of life is poor. In most instances pulmonary function and quality of life improves after lung transplantation. Infections and rejection are the most common complications and limit the feasibility of lung transplantation. Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis of lung transplantations performed on Icelanders from February 1988 to January 2015. Clinical information was obtained from medical records and a database was created. Information on demographics, underlying lung disease, type of transplantation, immunosuppression, rejection and other complications was collected. Results: A total of 21 lung transplantations were performed, one of which was a retransplantation. There were 9 females and 11 males and the mean age was 45 years (20-61 years). Most of the operations were done at the Sahlgrenska hospital in Gothenburg. Bilateral lung transplantion was the most common operation. COPD was the most common indication. Rejection and infections were the most common complications. Eight of 20 patients have had acute rejection and half of the patients chronic rejection. Six of 20 patients are deceased, three died from chronic rejection. Median survival is 8,5 years. Five-year survival is 74%. Conclusions: Lung transplantations are currently performed at the Sahlgrenska hospital in Gothenburg but follow-up is in the hands of specialized pulmonologists in Iceland. Complications and survival for Icelandic patients is similar to larger centers. Close cooperation with the transplanting center is essential
Home mechanical ventilation in Iceland
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObjective: To describe the users of home mechanical ventilation treatment in Iceland. Material and methods: Records for all patients in Iceland using noninvasive ventilatory support at home on April 30th 1999 were analysed. Results: A total of 54 patients were using ventilatory support at home. There were 33 males and 21 females. The mean age for the group was 61 years. The mean treatment time was 3.5 years. The majority were using pressure controlled ventilators that were connected to a nose mask or full face mask. The most common reason for treatment was decreased respiratory muscle function. In 11 patients this was secondary to muscle- or neurological diseases, in nine from TBC sequelae and in six post polio or from idiopathic kyphoscoliosis. In addition there were 21 patients that had a combination of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and sleep-related breathing disorder. Cheyne-Stoke breathing secondary to congestive heart failure was the reason for home ventilatory treatment in five males and two females. These patients had relatively normal spirometric and bloodgas results, which is in contrast to the rest of the group, where spirometric values were on the average less than 50% of predicted. Arterial blood gases commonly showed hypoxia and 16 of the patients had long-term oxygen therapy (over 16 hrs/day). Conclusions: Home ventilatory treatment has become part of medical treatment in Iceland and benefits patients with decreased ventilatory function, especially during sleep
Gradual caldera collapse at Bárdarbunga volcano, Iceland, regulated by lateral magma outflow
Large volcanic eruptions on Earth commonly occur with a collapse of the roof of a crustal magma reservoir, forming a caldera. Only a few such collapses occur per century, and the lack of detailed observations has obscured insight into the mechanical interplay between collapse and eruption.We usemultiparameter geophysical and geochemical data to show that the 110-squarekilometer and 65-meter-deep collapse of Bárdarbunga caldera in 2014-2015 was initiated through withdrawal of magma, and lateral migration through a 48-kilometers-long dike, from a 12-kilometers deep reservoir. Interaction between the pressure exerted by the subsiding reservoir roof and the physical properties of the subsurface flow path explain the gradual, nearexponential decline of both collapse rate and the intensity of the 180-day-long eruption.</p
Designing of a computerized diary, a research instrument and an aid to improve time management strategies
EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
Multibody Simulation of an Elastic Delta Wing in Wind Tunnel Manoeuvres
The central challenge is to simulate the time-accurate aeroelastic coupling of the flexible aircraft body with a non-linear aerodynamic solver for specific flight manoeuvres. The approach described in this work is one of two investigated variants in the DLR project SikMa and is characterized by the use of a multibody system (MBS) to account for the elastic structure as well as the flight mechanics and its loose coupling to the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. The exchanged data is interpolated with a general mesh coupling tool and transferred through an internet socket allowing a distributed computational environment.
The presented applications are coupled simulations for the wind tunnel setup of an elastic delta wing in both guided and free-to-roll manoeuvres
Multibody Simulation of a Generic Delta Wing Configuration in Roll Motion
The central challenge is to simulate the time-accurate aeroelastic coupling of the flexible aircraft body with a non-linear aerodynamic solver for specific flight manoeuvres which are introduced by rigid body motions of large amplitude. The approach described in this work is one of two investigated variants in the DLR project SikMa and is characterized by the use of a multibody system (MBS) to account for the elastic structure as well as the flight mechanics and its loose coupling to the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. The exchanged data is interpolated with a general mesh coupling tool and transferred through an internet socket allowing a distributed computational environment.
The presented applications comprise coupled simulations for the wind tunnel setup of an elastic delta wing in both guided and free-to-roll manoeuvres. The simulation results are compared to wind tunnel data
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