22 research outputs found

    Nutrient concentrations in minke whale faeces and the potential impact on dissolved nutrient pools off Svalbard, Norway

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    There is increasing interest in assessing the impact of whales on nutrient and carbon cycling in the ocean. By fertilising surface waters with nutrient-rich faeces, whales may stimulate primary production and thus carbon uptake, but robust assessments of such effects are lacking. Based on the analysis of faeces collected from minke whales (n = 31) off Svalbard, Norway, this study quantified the concentration of macro and micronutrients in whale faeces prior to their release in seawater. Concentrations of the macronutrients nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) in minke whale faeces were 50.1 ± 10.3 and 70.9 ± 12.1 g kg−1 dry weight, respectively, while the most important micronutrients were zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and copper (Cu). By combining measured faecal nutrient concentrations with estimated prey-consumption and prey-assimilation rates, we calculate that the current population of approximately 15, 000 individuals in the small management area (SMA) of Svalbard defecates daily 7 ± 1.4 tonnes (t) N and 10 ± 1.7 t P during summer. The molar ratio of N:P in minke whale faeces was 1.6:1, meaning that N was proportionally limiting, when compared to average elemental ratios of 16:1 in phytoplankton. In case of no N limitation in surface waters at that time, the release of elemental P through defecation in surface waters has the potential to stimulate 407 ± 70 t of carbon per day during summer as new or regenerated primary production in the SMA of Svalbard. This amounts to 0.2 to 4 % of daily net primary production in this region. This study provides the first assessment of nutrient concentration in whale faeces prior to their dissolution in sea water. Further research, namely on the amount of N released via urine and seasonal changes in excreted nutrients, is needed to better assess the full potential of whale nutrient additions to dissolved nutrient pools in surface waters at regional and global scales.publishedVersio

    Repurposing chlorpromazine for anti-leukaemic therapy by nanoparticle encapsulation

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    Treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) relies on decades-old drugs, and while recent years have seen some breakthroughs, AML is still characterised by poor prognosis and survival rate. Drug repurposing can expedite the preclinical development of new therapies, and by nanocarrier encapsulation, the number of potentially viable drug candidates can be further expanded. The anti-psychotic drug chlorpromazine (CPZ) has been identified as a candidate for repurposing for AML therapy. Nanoencapsulation may improve the suitability of CPZ for the treatment of AML by reducing its effect on the central nervous system. Using the emulsion-evaporation technique, we have developed PEGylated PLGA nanoparticles loaded with CPZ for AML therapy. The nanoparticles were characterised to be between 150 and 300 nm by DLS, of spherical morphology by TEM, with a drug loading of at least 6.0% (w/w). After an initial burst release of adsorbed drug, the remaining 80% of the drug was retained in the PLGA nanoparticles for at least 24 h. The CPZ-loaded nanoparticles had equal cytotoxic potential towards AML cells to free CPZ, but acted more slowly, in line with the protracted drug release. Crucially, nanoparticles injected intravenously into zebrafish larvae did not accumulate in the brain, and nanoencapsulation also prevented CPZ from crossing an artificial membrane model. This demonstrates that the purpose for nanoencapsulation of CPZ is fulfilled, namely avoiding effects on the central nervous system while retaining the anti-AML activity of the drug.publishedVersio

    "I utlandet, men ikke abroad" : Eastleigh - tradisjon og mobilitet i en somalisk bydel i Nairobi

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    I denne hovedoppgava beskriver jeg deler av det somaliske eksilmiljøet i Eastleigh i Nairobi, med vekt på å få fram hvordan Eastleigh på ulike måter konstrueres som et somalisk sted, og hvilken betydning det har som somalisk sted, slik det inngår i ringer av ulike kontekster, fra det lokale til det transnasjonale/ globale. 1) Jeg prøver å vise hvordan stedet og somalierne der er prega av historia på bestemte måter. a) Ved å beskrive samspillet mellom de som har kommet dit i ulike historiske perioder, kjennetegna av sine bestemte historiske hendelser, og b) hvordan den nære historia spesielt preger den gruppa jeg fokuserer mest på, de som kom til Eastleigh etter sammenbruddet i Somalia i 1991. 2) Oppgava fokuserer videre på det somaliske fellesskapet som finnes og som produseres i Eastleigh; hvordan det institusjonaliseres, hvordan disse institusjonene formes og nyskapes av det hverdagsliv og de ulike livsprosjekt som realiseres der, og hvordan de slites mellom tradisjon og endring. 3) Jeg legger særlig vekt på den flyt av penger, varer, tjenester og informasjon/beslutninger som foregår mellom Eastleigh og verden utenfor, både til og fra ulike deler av Somalia, og til og fra det store utland, "abroad". 4) Siste del av oppgava forsøker å fange opp noe av den aktivitet og energi som er knytta til det å komme seg "abroad" - til utlandet, nesten samme hvilket land det skulle være. Jeg ser på hvordan forventninger om utreise kan gi bestemte sjukdomstegn, og på sammenhengen mellom utreise og de moralske dilemmaer som kan oppstå, når utreise innebærer å fortelle sine livshistorier på en bestemt måte, eller at en må manipulere med både identitet og alder

    Leading Teams in an International Project Context : The Effectiveness of Transformational and Transactional Leadership

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    Several scholars have argued that the effects of transformational leadership vary according to the context in which it is executed. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership on job satisfaction and team performance, and the effectiveness of transformational and transactional leader behaviors in different levels of environmental dynamism. We also tested tolerance for ambiguity as a moderator on the relationship between transformational leadership and work adjustment. All results were collected from international assignees working in multinational project teams in the oil and gas industry. Results from multiple hierarchical regression analyses (N = 286) revealed a strong, direct effect of both transformational and transactional leadership on job satisfaction and team performance. Simple slope analyses showed that both leadership dimensions were effective in low, medium, and highly dynamic work environments. Transformational leadership was a moderately strong predictor of work adjustment, while tolerance for ambiguity showed a weak, but significant positive relation with work adjustment. Team members’ tolerance for ambiguity did not have an impact on the effectiveness of transformational leadership on work adjustment. Our results provide support for the applicability and effectiveness of transformational and transactional leader behaviors in a variety of work environments. One implication from this study is that multinational corporations should develop transformational and transactional leadership skills among team leaders on international assignments

    Passiv medvirkning

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    Den typiske passive medvirkning foreligger når en person har en særlig plikt til å handle på bakgrunn av sin tilknytning til hovedmannen. Når medvirkeren i slike tilfeller forholder seg passiv der han burde og kunne ha valgt et annet handlingsalternativ, vil han kunne ilegges straffeansvar. I slike tilfeller er det klart at passiv medvirkning er en egen type medvirkning ved siden av den fysiske og den psykiske medvirkning. Det er den passive medvirkning og dens grenser som er tema i denne avhandlingen

    Fordeling av gjess og jaktorganisering i Nord-Trøndelag om høsten

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    Tombre, I. M., Gundersen. O. M. & T. Reinsborg. 2016. Fordeling av gjess og jaktorganisering i Nord-Trøndelag om høsten. – NINA Rapport 1272. 33 s. Arealbruk hos kortnebbgås (Anser brachyrhynchus) og grågås (Anser anser) ble høsten 2014 og 2015 registrert i kommunene Levanger, Verdal, Steinkjer og Inderøy i Nord-Trøndelag fylke. Noen registreringer er også gjennomført i Overhalla kommune. Flest gjess, både av kortnebbgås og grågås, er det i Levanger kommune, etterfulgt av Steinkjer og Verdal. Inderøy og Overhalla har sporadisk mindre flokker med gjess. Det er flest gjess i større områder som er tilrettelagt for gåsejakt av flere samarbeidende grunneiere. Gåsejakten er her organisert på en måte som samlet sett gir mindre forstyrrelser for gjessene, da det til enhver tid er områder det ikke jaktes i og som følgelig fungerer som friområder for gjessene. I Nord-Trøndelag finnes slike grunneierorganiserte jaktområder i Egge i Steinkjer kommune, og på Nesset og i Skogn /Ronglan området i Levanger. Det er vanskelig å skille om mange gjess er i jaktorganiserte områder fordi jakten lettere kan administreres i områder med mye gjess eller om det er mye gjess i slike områder fordi her til enhver tid er friarealer som gir gjessene ro. Mest sannsynlig er det en kombinasjon av de to mulige forklaringene. Større jaktorganiserte områder letter en løpende fellingsrapportering da slike tilrettelegginger har kontroll på fellingstallene forløpende. Det er en fordel med tanke på forvaltningen av kortnebbgås at kunnskap om fortløpende fellingstall er nødvendig for å følge de kvoter som Norge til enhver tid har til rådighet under den internasjonale forvaltnings-planen. I denne planen er det satt et bestandsmål som Norge må forholde seg til, og selv om bestanden i dag er over dette nivået er jaktuttaket økende og det forventes at bestanden etterhvert vil nå dette nivået.Tombre, I. M., Gundersen. O. M. & T. Reinsborg. 2016. Fordeling av gjess og jaktorganisering i Nord-Trøndelag om høsten. – NINA Rapport 1272. 33 s. Autumn registrations of pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) and greylag geese (Anser anser) were conducted in the county of Nord-Trøndelag, Norway, in 2014 and 2015. The municipalities covered were Levanger, Verdal, Steinkjer and Inderøy. There were also some registrations in the municipality of Overhalla. Levanger had the largest numbers of geese, regardless of species, followed by Steinkjer and Verdal. In Inderøy and Overhalla, smaller flocks were registered sporadically. Larger areas where several landowners have organised a common goose hunting arrangement were shown to have the highest numbers of geese. The hunting in such areas are organised in a way that always leave some fields protected from hunting, hence being a refuge area for the geese. In Nord-Trøndelag, such arrangements can be found in Egge in the municipality of Steinkjer, and at Nesset and in Skogn/Rongland in Levanger municipality. It is difficult to assess whether there are many geese in these areas because the threshold for organising the goose hunting is lower in areas with more geese, or due the possibility that more geese are attracted to these areas since there will always be a safe harbour under such arrangements. Probably, it is a combination of the two. In larger areas of organised hunting, there is usually a reporting system providing an up-to-date overview of the bag. Hence, such arrangements are advantageous when it comes to international obligations. In the international management plan for pink-footed geese, running harvest data will be necessary when the number of geese in the population reaches the target set for the population. At this target, Norway will have a quota system reflecting the total bag shared with Denmark. Although the current population level of pink-footed goose is above this target, an increasing harvest rate in both countries are currently causing a decline in the population.© Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Publikasjonen kan siteres fritt med kildeangivelse

    Women with coronary heart disease – making sense of their symptoms and their experiences from interacting with their general practitioners

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    Cardiovascular disease and particularly coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death among women and men worldwide. CHD in women, and their symptoms and treatment trajectory are not well understood. Studies indicate gender-related differences in symptom presentation, comorbidity, help-seeking behavior, and the quality of diagnostics and treatment of CHD. Although the incidence rates among men have decreased over the last decades, myocardial infarction among women has been increasing. Studies suggest limited knowledge among patients and doctors about the nature of CHD symptoms in women. Knowledge of patients’ experiences and descriptions of symptoms may have important impact on diagnostic decision-making. This qualitative interview study explored how female patients experienced and understood their CHD symptoms and the treatment provided by their general practitioners (GPs). Nine patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass graft surgery were recruited from the waiting list, and interviewed before surgery. Data were analyzed by drawing on phenomenological method. The women reported various symptoms, including atypical symptoms such as fatigue, back and shoulder pain and dyspnea. The CHD symptoms were sometimes masked, and interpreted as gastro-esophageal reflux, chronic obstructive pulmonic disorder, asthma, nervous problems and muscular pain. While some accepted their doctors’ diagnoses, others perceived their symptoms as due to tiredness, burnout and increasing age. Delayed treatment and misdiagnosis were explained by factors including failing to seek help and misinterpreting symptoms. There were a widespread frustration with doctors’ ignorance of symptom descriptions, diagnostics and treatment approach. Women and their GPs may experience difficulties in recognizing CHD symptoms, resulting in misdiagnosis and inadequate and/or delayed treatment. The quality of the patient–provider communication is vital in preventing these problems. More knowledge and awareness about women’s CHD is needed – both among health providers and in public

    Fishery changes and implications - need for a wider approach to address socioeconomical effects in fisheries management

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    Probabilistic maturation reaction norms (PMRN) were used to investigate changes in the maturation of sardine cohorts and to discuss whether genetic effects, environmental effects or both are plausible explanations of maturation changes. Long‐term changes in maturation were described using samples collected from landings off the western Portuguese coast since 1947. Estimates of the length at 50% maturity (L50) were calculated for 44 years of the study period and were shown to be good proxies of PMRN midpoints of recruit spawners (Lp50 for age 0–1 fish). Data collected during acoustic surveys were used to explore density‐dependent and environmental effects on the maturation probability of recruit spawners since 1996. Sardine probability of maturing at a given length declined from the early 1950s to the late 1960s, corresponding to an increase of ca. 2 cm in both L50 and Lp50. This trend reversed abruptly in the early 1970s but became shallower or even halted in the early–mid‐1990s. Long‐term changes in maturation probability showed a direct relationship with fish condition in the growing season preceding maturation. The maturation trend also agrees with reported warming of Portuguese coastal waters since the 1970s while survey data support the relationship between Lp50 and SST in the growing season. The hypothesis of a genetic change, possibly induced by high fishing exploitation, could explain the positive trend in maturation probability since the 1970s but is not consistent with the earlier reversal of that trend. On the other hand, the consistency of trends in L50/Lp, condition, and temperature provides support to the hypothesis of direct environmental effects on sardine maturation probability

    Teknologiutvikling for økt lønnsomhet i rekenæringenFryselagring av reker (AP2)

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    I denne arbeidspakken har det vært studert om lagring av reker ved -40, -30 og -20 °C har betydning for pilleutbyttet. Hovedfunnene er at fryselagringstemperatur ikke har betydning for pilleutbytte. Det ble imidlertid observert at råstoffet var varierende i størrelse. Størrelsesvariasjon har innvirkning på pilleutbytte. Dette innebærer at størrelsesvariasjonen kan ha påvirket resultater for pilleutbytte og dermed overskygget eventuelle sammenhenger mellom fryse¬lagrings-temperatur, tid på fryselager og pilleutbytte

    Rapport/Report 5/2014 English Summary

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    -I denne arbeidspakken har det vært studert om lagring av reker ved -40, -30 og -20 °C har betydning for pilleutbyttet. Hovedfunnene er at fryselagringstemperatur ikke har betydning for pilleutbytte. Det ble imidlertid observert at råstoffet var varierende i størrelse. Størrelsesvariasjon har innvirkning på pilleutbytte. Dette innebærer at størrelsesvariasjonen kan ha påvirket resultater for pilleutbytte og dermed overskygget eventuelle sammenhenger mellom fryse¬lagrings-temperatur, tid på fryselager og pilleutbytte.In this work, storage of frozen shrimp (Pandalus borealis) at -20, -30 and -40 °C, respectively, have been studied with respect to yield. The shrimps were stored up to six months with subsequent sampling each month. The results show that storage temperature does not influence the yield of the shrimps. However, it was observed that the size of the shrimps varied more than indicated on the labelling; 200–300 shrimps per/kg. As the size of the shrimps influences the yield, it is assumed that variation in size has influenced a potential coherence between storage temperature and yield