778 research outputs found

    Profile of HbA1c, Cholesterol and Triglyceride in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM Type-2) is a metabolic disease which characterized by hyperglycemia due to failure of insulin secretion, insulin action or both. If DM is not handled properly, then it will arise complications in various organs of the body. The criterias of DM control including HbA1c levels and lipid fractions. Lipid pattern in patients with DM type 2 is very dependent on HbA1c control. High HbA1c is associated with high triglycerides and cholesterol. Research objective to find out the description of Hba1c, cholesterol and triglyceride levels in patients of DM type 2 at the Outpatient Poly of RSUD Tidar Magelang. Research method the research type was descriptive with observational design. Primary data were obtained from levels measurements of HbA1c, cholesterol and triglycerides.. The normal HbA1c levels 4-5,80%, good control 6,1-6,5%, moderate 6,6-7,8%, bad 8,8-14,1% respectively as much as 65,96%, 12,77%, 10,64%, and 10,90%. The normal cholesterol levels 100-160 mg/dL, moderate 200-220 mg/dL, and high 250-300 mg/dL, respectively 74,47%, 10,64%, and 14,89%. The normal triglyceride levels 70-140 mg/dL, high limit 150-165 mg/dL, and high 200-252 mg/dL respectively as much as 63,83%, 19,15% and 17,02%. Based on the age of normal HbA1c levels as much as 65,96%, normal cholesterol 74,47%, and triglycerides 63,83%. The levels of HbA1c, cholesterol, and triglycerides were mostly normal in age groups of elderly, and male. The high levels of HbA1c, cholesterol, and triglycerides were more common in elderly than in other age groups

    P(i)de Approach for Indonesian Options Pricing

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    Jakarta Stock Exchange Indonesia has started to trade Indonesian options at September 9th, 2004. An Indonesian option can be considered as an American style barrier option with immediate (forced) exercise if the price hits or crosses the barrier before maturity. The payoff of the option is based on a moving average of the price of the underlying stock. The barrier is fixed at the strike price plus or minus a 10 percent. The option is automatically exercised when the underlying stock hits or crosses the barrier and the difference between strike and barrier is paid immediately. We will refer to this type of option as an Indonesian option. In this paper we study the pricing of the Indonesian option under Black-Scholes model by PDE approach and under Variance Gamma model by PIDE approach.DOI :http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jims.


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    One type of general insurance is motor vehicle insurance. Premium pricing of general insurance can be calculated by some methods. In this study, Bayes method will be used. The distribution of claim frequency is Poisson distribution and the distribution of claim severity is Exponential distribution. The premium is calculated by multiplying the expectation of claim frequency and the expectation of claim severity. Based on the historical data analysis using the Bayes method, the highest pure premium of motor vehicle insurance in Indonesia is Hino brand and the lowest pure premium is Honda brand. The result of this premium pricing can be used as a reference for the insurance companies to manage their motor vehicle insurance reserves

    Pemodelan Intensitas Transisi dan Peluang pada Asuransi Perawatan Jangka Panjang

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    Proses Perubahan status kesehatan dalam asuransi perawatan jangka panjang dengan lima status dimodelkan dengan model markov multi status, yang dinyatakan sebagai model peluang transisi dari suatu status ke status yang lain. Dengan menggunakan data survival penghuni panti wredha Abi Yoso, Pakem, Sleman, pada bagian akhis tesis ini akan ditunjukkan penghitungan intensitas transisi, peluang transisi antar status dan premi asuransi untuk besar manfaat tertentu

    Penerapan Activity Based Costing System Sebagai Dasar Penentuan Harga Sewa Room Karaoke (Studi Kasus Pada NAV Karaoke Keluarga Cabang Braga Citywalk)

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the comparison of the cost of renting karaoke rooms used by NAV Karaoke Management with the cost of goods using the Activity Based Costing System that will be used in this research, so that the results of the comparison can be known using this method.  This Activity Based Costing System is worthy and relevant to be used in finding out karaoke room rental prices or it is not quite fitting for the current situation. Descriptive - qualitative technique is used in this study so that researchers can come directly to the related research object, that is NAV Karaoke Braga Citywalk branch, to acquire the data and information needed with a case study approach.  The analysis that is used is a comparative analysis, meaning that the researcher has intention to compare the price set by NAV management with the cost calculated using the Activity Based Costing System method with a description of the discussion. The results of this study found a quite significant difference between the cost of goods set by NAV itself and the cost of goods calculated based on calculations using the Activity Based Costing System method, the description of the discussion shows the difference in prices for each type of room available in the current three-month period. &nbsp


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    Ei-banking atau juga dikeinal seibagai Inteirneit banking meirupakan salah satu teirobosan baru di bidang teiknologi peirbankan dimana kita bisa meilakukan tranksaksi bank meinggunakan eileiktornik meilalui inteirneit atau tanpa uang fisik yang biasa kita pakai. Ei-banking ini juga meimpeirmudah kita atau manusia dalam meilakukan tranksaksi dan leibih eifisiein dalam meilakukan keigiatan yang beirhubungan deingan tranksaksi atau lainnya. Dibalik keimudahan dalam peinggunaannya dan keimajuan teiknologinya, Ei-banking juga meimpunyai keikurangan atau masalah-masalah teirutama masalah yang ditujukan keipada nasabah bank teirseibut


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    Forests have significant function related biological diversity, habitat protection of flora fauna such as orangutan, tiger, elephant; climate-related functions such as carbon sequestration, air pollution; human settlements, human health, school activities, habitat for people, rural livelihoods; state defense as natural resources such as commercial industrial wood,  non-wood forest products, international and national trade; ecotourism, recreation. However the problem in Indonesia is forest fires. In order to maintain  its  functions, all the famers, forestry-concession owners, government, local government and private enterprise should prevent and suppress the forest fires through the existing law and regulations such as Constitution Law of 1945, Act Number 5 Year 1990, Act Number 22 Year 1999, Act Number 41 Year 1999, Act Number 1 Year 2009, Act Number 6 Year 1994 and Act Number 17 Year 2004 and aircraft operation conducted by foreign aircraft such as Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Russia and Singapore to assist Indonesian’s forest fires.Keywords: aircraft operation; forest fires; legal ground; liability; responsibilit