19 research outputs found


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    Government agency is collective designation which includes work unit and organizational unit of ministries or departments, non-departmental government institution, secretariat of state high institution, and other central and regional government agencies; including state-owned enterprises, state-owned legal entities, and regional-owned enterprises. One of the very effective models in improving the quality of performance of an agency is by using the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. This research was conducted with the aim of: 1) measuring the performance of XYZ Government Agency so that their performance consistency can be monitored and 2) finding out the opportunities and obstacles in measuring the performance of XYZ Government Agency by using the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award (MBNQA) criteria. The type of this research is descriptive research that uses XYZ Government Agency as the research object. The measurement conducted in this research applies the Malcolm Baldrige method. The findings showed that the criteria with the highest percentage score is operation (39.8%) and the lowest percentage score is strategy (35.1%). The total score is 377.5 from a maximum score of 1000 points. It showed that the performance of XYZ Government Agency is at the level of “initial growth” (scale point of 376-475

    Evaluation of Human Resource Information System by Using HOT-Fit Model

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    Today’s competitive business environment, many organization give more attention to enhance effectiveness and efficiency of employee. PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali as a subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero) also continues to improve business processes of Human Resource Management through the application of Human Resource Information System (HRIS). This application has been developed since 2016 and is still implemented 67% of the HRIS PJB model design. This certainly raises questions about the development of HRIS PJB implementation, which is need for an evaluation of the implementation of HRIS PJB applications. HRIS Manager has never conducted an evaluation of HRIS PJB that can strengthen the benefits of its use for employees. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the use of HRIS PJB applications in this case the focus on the Personal Management module in order to assess its usefulness to the needs of users and organizations by using Human Organization Technology (HOT) Fit Model. Primary data were obtained through a survey method by distributing questionnaires to PT PJB employees as application users. Data analysis method used is Partial Least Square using SmartPLS. The results of this study shows the suitability of this application benefits. If there is a gap, alternative solutions are needed to improve and develop applications in the future. Decision making through Borda Count Method is used to get the right solution with the current conditions and can be used as improvements priority and development of HRIS PJB applications for both application managers and management of PT PJB

    Analisis Beban Kerja untuk Menentukan Jumlah Optimal Karyawan dan Pemetaan Kompetensi Karyawan Berdasar Pada Job Description (Studi Kasus : Jurusan Teknik Industri, ITS, Surabaya)

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    Beban kerja yang harus ditanggung dalam suatu unit organisasi erat kaitannya dengan efisiensi dan efektivitas suatu perusahaan. Hal ini dikarenakan beban kerja tersebut termasuk pada pengaturan sumber daya manusia yang merupakan sumber daya penting dalam perusahaan. Banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan dalam hal efisiensi sumber daya manusia, antara lain adalah dengan lebih mengoptimalkan jumlah karyawan agar melakukan aktivitas secara tepat. ITS Surabaya, sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Indonesia, juga tidak lepas dari permasalahan beban kerja ini. Adanya empat kali perubahan statuta dan penyesuaian mengenai Organisai Tata Kelola (OTK), membuat pihak ITS harus melakukan reformasi birokrasi dan reformasi organisai untuk mengembangkan ITS kedepannya. Hal ini berdampak pada banyaknya perubahan job description yang dilakukan oleh bidang-bidang yang ada di ITS, termasuk yang menjadi objek penelitian ini yaitu Jurusan Teknik Industri ITS, sehingga beban kerja yang ditanggung oleh setiap karyawan di setiap bidang tidak sesuai dengan jumlah karyawan pada bidang itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu analisis pengukuran beban kerja untuk menentukan jumlah optimal karyawan yang seharusnya dibutuhkan oleh setiap bidang. Pada penelitian ini nantinya, yang akan digunakan adalah metode perhitungan beban tugas per jabatan sesuai dengan KEP/75/M.PAN/7/2004 dan NASA-TLX

    The Effect of Marine Fish Biomass Stock Reduction to Fishers Revenue (A Case Study of Sardinella Lemuru Fisheries on Bali Strait)

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    Stock assessment studies indicate that Sardinela Lemuru fisheries of Bali strait have been overfishing. This research attempts to (1) Identify the effect of biomass stock reduction to fishers revenue per trip, (2) Analyze the economic feasibility study for purse seine of Muncar, Banyuwangi. System Dynamic approach is used for simulation modeling. Simulation output shows a strong correlation between fish stock reduction and fisher revenue. The growth of fishing effort per year results on the reduction of catch per unit effort and total catch per year. Feasibility study concludes that purse seine (30 GT) which operates 120 trips per year is no longer a profitable business since 2020

    Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem Distribusi Perusahaan Batubara dengan Adanya Penambahan Coal Terminal

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    The company ‘X’ plans to build a new coal terminal as the  strategy to take over the infrastructure and improve the service level for the customers. This idea was triggered by the  projection of future local demand due to the Mega Project (10,000 MegaWatt) and the financial capability of the company are also became the background of developing the new coal terminal. The objective of this research is to analyze the performance of distribution system with the development of new port and stockpile. The performance measure are reliability, cost, responsiveness, and flexibility of the distribution system. The main methods using in this research are system modelling and simulation. The first step for doing this research is developing existing distribution system model and the new model (with port and stockpile). Running the simulation of that model was done by designing the two scenario, i.e. using the fixed demand of product from PLTU and increasing of demand of products doe to the development of new power plant. The results from simulation and performance measurement for both distribution model show that the founding of new coal terminal for the company will affect positively to the performance of its distribution system

    Continuous Vector-Based Entropy Measurement on the Organizational Culture Evaluation

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    It is believed that organizational culture is one of the primary strategies that drive employee productivity and competitiveness. The abstract of organizational culture is a complex and dynamic phenomenon and challenge in the field of research till the present. The efficacy of human interaction with an organization is closely related to the propagation of organizational culture. In the meantime, cultural entropy is a metric for assessing the process of cultural dissemination in organizations, where a reduced entropy value is preferable. This study aims to modify the entropy culture algorithms that accommodate discrete and continuous vectors. We applied Shanon’s entropy as the fundamental formulation and the Axelrod model as the peer interaction analysis. The proposed measurement of cultural entropy considers not only the desired values but also evaluates the gap with the espoused value of the organization. The modified cultural entropy algorithm can measure the entropy value for discrete and continuous vectors. Measuring cultural entropy using continuous data results in an approach that can better display value heterogeneity within organizations

    Analisa Postur Kerja Pekerja Pengupas Mete Dengan REBA(Rapid Entire Body Assessment)

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    Proses pengupasan mete dan pengeluaran biji mete dilakukan secara manual. Biji mete dikupas satu persatu dengan menggunakan kacip, kemudian dikuluarkan dari cangkangnya menggunakan cukit. Stasiun kerja pengupas mete sangat segerhana. Umumnya mereka bekerja dengan duduk di kursi rendah, hanya beberapa yang bekerja pada kursi yang agak tinggi. Selama proses pengupasan ini terdapat keluhan dari pekerja mengenai rasa sakit pada beberapa bagian tubuh akibat proses pengupasan mete. Keluhan fisik yang dialami berupa rasa sakit ini terjadi pada jaringan musculoskeletal (musculoskeletal tissue). Didapati bahwa proses kerja yang tidak ergonomis dan alat yang sifatnya manual (kacip dan cukit) diduga menjadi penyebab keluhan fisik tersebut. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan postur kerja untuk menilai risiko dan keluhan muskuloskeletal (musculoskeltal disorders) yang dialami anggota tubuh dikarenakan posisi kerja yang tidak ergonomis. Metode yang digunakan adalah REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment). Ditentukan dua jenis operasi kerja yaitu mengupas mete dan mengeluarkan biji mete yang diamati pada tiga orang pekerja. Hasil penilaian REBA diketahui bahwa posisi kerja mengupas mete berada pada skor 12-14 dan mengeluarkan mete berada pada skor 13. Skor ini menunjukkantingkat aksi 4 yang artinya risiko pekerjaan sangat tinggi sehingga perlu segera diberikan tindakan perbaikan. Tindakan perbaikan yang nantinya dilakukan adalah perbaikan metode kerja yang dapat mengurangi risiko pada badan, leher, kaki, lengan atas, lengan bawah dan pergelangan tanga

    The Effect of Financial Incentives, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

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    Organization or business performance always have close relation with its own member or employee performance and productivity. Most of them only focus on raising the wealthy of its member by giving financial incentives hoping it will reflect with significant improvement of member performance. But in some case giving the incentives not always bring significant increase to member productivity. This study was made with the aim to determine the effect of financial incentives, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction on employee performance. This study uses quantitative study. Data collection procedures used in this study are structured data collection. The population used is 10 persons of installation and maintenance employees of PT. KONE Indo Elevator throughout Indonesia that has implement some financial incentive to boots up their employee performance. The result of the study was financial incentives and job satisfaction have positif and significant effect to employee performance while organizational commitment not having signifficant effect to employee performance

    Implementasi Sun Tzu The Art Of War pada Business Model Canvas pada Objek Wisata Selfie

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    XYZ adalah tempat wisata selfie yang memadukan konsep wisata alam dan wisata edukasi. Keberlangsungan bisnis XYZ terancam karena tingginya persaingan industry pariwisata di Kota Batu dan adanya kesamaan konsep antara pesaing dengan XYZ. Guna menghadapi persaingan yang ketat, XYZ perlu membuat strategi pemasaran dan bisnis model yang baru agar meningkatkan daya saing, aspek bisnis dan inovasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini merumuskan bisnis model canvas baru yang telah terimplementasi strategi pemasaran berdasar Sun Tzu The Art of War pada objek wisata XYZ. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terpilihnya stratagems Take The Opportunity To Pilfer A Goat yang mana pengembangan dari stratagems diimplementasikan dalam blok-blok Bisnis Model Canvas. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah rancangan BMC setelah terimplementasi stratagems Sun Tzu Take The Opportunity To Pilfer A Goat mengakibatkan perubahan pada tujuh blok. Ke tujuh blok tersebut terjadi dari Customer segments, Channels, Resource, Activities, Partnership, Value Proposition, dan Cost Structur