201 research outputs found

    A Study On Perceived Risk, Frugal Shopping and Perceived Enjoyment that Affect Customer Attitude To Accept Toy and Equipment Renting For Children

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    The industrialisation and urbanisation have made goods affordable and quickly to obtain. These create  hyper-consumption where we are used to buying more than we need, and so fast discarding the things that we buy. Access-based consumption is a trend that gains more popular in today society, in which consumer can have access to new and various items without having to own them. One of access-based consumption is renting, and this concept has been applied in many sectors such fashion, property and recently applied in items for children, as now more Millenials are living in limited space, so they really need to very critical in choosing which product to own. The study aims to research the relationship between perceived risk, frugal shopping, perceived enjoyment and attitude toward renting items for children. The online questionnaire was administered to 100 participants. The results showed that psychological risk affects attitude negatively, perceived enjoyment affect attitude positively, and frugal shopping affects perceived enjoyment and attitude positively. Marketing strategies are suggested for renting business owners by embracing the enjoyment feeling from renting as follows: promoting that by renting consumer’s house will less clutter with unwanted items; the benefit of getting new items regularly without having to buy; the benefit of playing and using items beyond their usual shopping budget; and that by renting the lifetime of one item is maximized

    Kajian Studi Kasus Social Enterprise dari Sudut Pandang Konsep Design for Happiness

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    Perkembangan teknologi manufaktur dan informasi mendorong perubahan nilai-nilai perekonomian. Berdasarkah hasil riset dari Philips di tahun 2014, dinyatakan akan makin besar ekonomi berbasis transformasi. Dalam konteks ini muncullah, bisnis bermodel social enterprise, bisnis yang bertujuan untuk menangani masalah sosial, meningkatkan kapasitas komunitas, memberikan pekerjaan dan training kepada komunitas, atau membantu lingkungan. Dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir start up berbasis social enterprise mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan baik secara local maupun global. Di sisi lain, Design for happiness adalah desain yang memberikan kebahagiaan pada konsumen, melalui tiga hal desain yang memelihara hubungan sosial, desain yang memaknai kehidupan seseorang, desain yang membuat konsumen berpartisipasi aktif. Dalam tulisan ini, dikaji tiga bisnis social enterprise : Sukhacitta, Du’Anyam dan Toms, bagaimana ketiga bisnis ini menjalankan visinya dan dianalisa dari kacamata design for happiness: bagaimana visi diimplentasikan dalam konteks desain yang secara eksplisit bisa dilihat kostumer. Hasil kajian adalah masing-masing social enterprise memiliki keunikannya masing-masing, tapi ada tiga elemen yang paling dapat mencerminkan visi social enterprise. Yang pertama adalah produk dengan desain yang gaya casual dan nyaman untuk kegiatan sehari-hari, yang kedua adalah logo yang mengkomunikasikan visi tidak literal tapi konsumen dapat menghubungkan visi dan logo dengan mudah bila membaca informasi yang ada di website. Yang ketiga adalah konten sosial media bercerita pembangunan kapasitas dan peningkatan kualitas hidup komunitas yang dibangun

    Eksplorasi material daur ulang kantong plastik dengan teknik origami

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    Shopping plastic bag is a thermoplastic type LDPE and HDPE, that can be heated with hotpress. Through this recycling process come new material that can used for product material. The recycle plastic material has a lot of potential to be used as a product application. market research From founded many brands that try to recycle plastic still using another new material to give support to the plastic recycle material. Origami is a paper folding art that is commonly known by everyone. The study tried to apply the origami technique on recycled plastic bag material that has been heated with hotpress machine. With origami technique 90% the product can be made with this material entirely without the help of sewing and other materials. This is seen as an opportunity for the market that still use many new materials to support this material. The folding gives construction to the one sheet material and give new function to the recycle plastic material.  The research uses experimental method. Series of paper origami patterns are applied on the recycle material, till founded several folding that can be apply on the recycle plastic sheet material. The research result is a variety of functional products made with origami techniques that have been egistered design industry copy wright.


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    AbstractSmall micro enterprise is one of the important factor in Indonesia economy, due to its capability to employ high number of workers. Product design is one of disciplines that really close to SME in particular handicraft SME. This study is started because product design students often find difficult in looking for artisans near Pelita Harapan University. As a result, they go to Bogor, Bandung, Cirebon and Jakarta for making product. Wira Multi Agung, Bamboo Hat Community, Pelangi Crochet, Pak BudhyWorkshop are the four SMEs studied in this paper. They’re many other handicraft SMEs in Banten. From the study, founded that SMEs really need product designer’s expertise, because mostly the SMEs’ design is from buyers that come to them. Therefore, a system need to be made to connect product design student in Universitas Pelita Harapan danhandicraft SMEs in Banten.  AbstrakUsaha kecil mikro menengah adalah salah satu motor perekonomian negara Indonesia, karena mampu menyerap tenaga kerja yang demikian banyak. Desain Produk adalah salah satu ilmu yang sangat dekat dengan UMKM .khususnya UMKM berbasis Kriya. Kajian ini dilatar belakangi karena kesulitan mahasiswa desain produk untuk mencari pengrajin sekitar kampus Universitas Pelita Harapan, sehingga mereka sering kali harus pergi ke Bogor, Bandung, Cirebon, Jakarta untuk pembuatan produk. UMKM yang distudi adalah Wira Multi Agung, Komunitas Topi Bambu, Rajutan Pelangi, Bengkel Pak Budhy. Mereka adalah sebagian kecil dari UMKM yang ada di Banten. Di dapatkan hasil bahwa UMKM sangat memerlukan bantuan desain produk, karena desain sepenuhnya masih bergantung pada customer yang datang. Rekomendasi daristudi ini adalah perlu dibuat mekanisme terstuktur yang menghubungkandesain produk di Universitas Pelita Harapan dan UMKM Banten berbasis kriya

    Desain Kemasan Produk Kriya dari Daur Ulang Limbah Kardus dengan Metode Design Driven Material Innovation

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    Abstrak—Selama beberapa dekade, material telah menjadi pusat penelitian desain produk secara teoritis dan praktik. Ada banyak limbah bahan di sekitar kita. Untuk itu, merancang dari bahan daur ulang muncul sebagai solusi alternatif untuk pengelolaan limbah dan masalah konsumsi yang berkelanjutan. Limbah kertas adalah limbah umum di rumah, jadi belajar cara mendaur ulangnya akan sangat bermanfaat bagi lingkungan. Design driven material Innovation (DDMI) adalah metode sistematis merancang dengan bahan-bahan inovatif baru yang belum pernah digunakan sebelumnya yang terdiri dari lima langkah: penginderaan, rasa - membuat, menentukan, mengatur, dan menempatkan. Studi ini mengambil pendekatan penelitian melalui desain, di mana para peneliti menyelidiki dengan membuat proyek desain. Hasil penelitian adalah prototipe desain kemasan produk kerajinan yang terbuat dari daur ulang kertas yang dibuat dengan mengikuti metode DDIM. Selain itu, penelitian ini merangkum beberapa faktor yang penting bagi DDIM: pengetahuan tentang teknologi produksi, pengetahuan tentang tren pasar, dan integrasi pengetahuan. Studi ini berkontribusi pada keilmuan desain produk dengan memberikan arahan kepada desainer produk bagaimana menciptakan bahan inovatif baru dengan metode DDIM.Abstract— For decades, material has been at the center of product design research and practice agendas. There are numerous materials wastes all around us. As a result, designing from recycled materials arose as an alternative solution to the waste management and sustainable consumption problems. Paper waste is a common material waste at home, so learning how to recycle it is beneficial to the environment. Design driven material Innovation (DDMI) is a systematic method of designing with new innovative materials that have never been used before. It consists of five steps: sensing, sense - making, specifying, setting up, and placing. The study took a research-through design approach, in which researchers investigated by creating a design project. The research results are prototypes of crafts product packaging design made from paper recycle made by following the DDIM method. In addition, the study recommend several factors that are important to DDMI: knowledge of production technology, knowledge of market trend, and knowledge integration. The study contributes to product design’s body of knowledge by giving direction to product designers how to create new innovative material with DDMI method


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    This study examines the influence of integrity, professionalism, workload of auditors on the audit quality. This research uses convenience sampling technique to select the respondent. Data were collected through a survey on 46 respondents auditors of the Public Accountant of Palembang. Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) was applied to analyzed the data.The result of this research indicate positive influence of integrity on audit quality, indicate negative influence of workload on audit quality. Futhermore, it was found that there were no significant influence professionalism on the audit quality

    Penelitian Persepsi Kemasan Produk Skin Care Wanita dengan Pendekatan Teori Semantik

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    Di Indonesia, penelitian mengenai desain kemasan masih sangat minim, akibatnya pada saat mengembangkan desain kemasan, desainer menggunakan insting pribadinya untuk mendesain. Di sisi lain, industri produk perawatan kulit bertumbuh pesat, seringkali ditemukan perusahaan mengganti kemasannya secara berkala, maka penelitian internasional banyak dilakukan di desain kemasan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian skala lokal perlu dilakukan untuk meneliti persepsi konsumen pada kemasan produk dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori semantik, apakah kemasan yang ada sudah menyampaikan manfaat produk secara efektif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penyebaran kuisoner semi terstruktur menggabungkan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Brand yang dipilih adalah Martha Tilaar, Sariayu, Viva, dan Citra. Hasil akhir yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah rekomendasi desain kemasan yang menarik konsumen.Kata Kunci: desain kemasan; desain produk; persepsi; teori semantik.Research in Packaging Perception of Woman Skin Care Products with Semantic Theory ApproachIn Indonesia, little research has been done in view of packaging design recommendations. As a result, when developing packagings, designers use their own personal judgment. Meanwhile, skin care products are a fast growing industry in which we often find brands changing their packagings very frequently. Internationally, a great deal of research has been done on this subject. However, local research is needed for evaluating consumer perception of Indonesian skin-care packagings using a semantic theory approach, to find out whether existing packagings convey the products' benefits effectively. A combination of qualitative and quantitative data from semi-structured questionnaires provided experiential data reflecting the research subjects' engagement in perceiving a range of packaging samples from selected Indonesian skin-care brands. Based on this research, recommendations for future packaging design can be provided.Keywords: packaging design; product design; perception; semantic theory

    KEGIATAN PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT : Perancangan Sarana Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Untuk Sekolah Cahaya Al-fuqron, Desa Gunung Sari, Kecamatan Mauk, Kabupaten Tanggerang

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    Abstract Early childhood education is one of the most important stages in the process of child growth. This program was designed in order to prepare young children for further education at the elementary school stage. However, many early childhood education facilities, especialy owned by the government located in villages still have unfeasible facilities, based on data from Early Childhood Education Association in 2016. From unfit buildings to inadequate learning facilities. UPH saw this as an oppounity to do community service, since it is necessary to design an appropriate and suitable learning tool for children in their early childhood age, in which case study was conduct on an early childhood education facility located in a village in Mauk area, Cahaya Al Fuqron. The design process begins with researching data through observation to the facility, interviews with the people in the area as well expert on the early childhood education. The results were twenty multifunction furnitures designed and produced for the school. Hopefully in the long run this can be developed to another inadequate early childhood education facilities in other villages and provide appropriate and suitable facilities to the children with lower-middle class target market. The design also supports the home-based furniture industry and as an effort to support and assisting early childhood education nationally


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    Akuntansi adalah suatu sistem yang dapat membantu suatu pihak membaca aktivitas ekonomi suatu entitas. Penerapan akuntansi  di Indonesia mengikuti standar akuntansi yang berlaku, diantaranya adalah  SAK-ETAP.  Dibidang pendidikan, SAK-ETAP dikenal materi akuntansi dasar yang dipelajari sebelum mempelajari standar akuntansi yang lain. Standar yang diatur dalam SAK-ETAP diantaranya adalah aset tetap yang meliputi pengakuan hingga perlakukan penyusutan suatu aset tetap.  Setiap suatu entitas pasti akan memiliki aset tetap dalam operasionalnya. Pelatihan ini  dapat membantu para pengajar di Sekolah Alam Sriwijaya  untuk memperkenalkan perlakuan aset tetap dalam akuntansi beserta perhitungan , jurnal, hingga penyajiannya dalam laporan keuangan.  Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 8 orang pengajar. Metode pelatihan yaitu ceramah dan diskusi, serta latihan di akhir ses
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