17 research outputs found

    Performance of GPS slant total electron content and IRI-Plas-STEC for days with ionospheric disturbance

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    Total Electron Content (TEC) is an important observable parameter of the ionosphere which forms the main source of error for space based navigation and positioning systems. Since the deployment of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), cost-effective estimation of TEC between the earth based receiver and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites became the major means of investigation of local and regional disturbance for earthquake precursor and augmentation system studies. International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) extended to plasmasphere (IRI-Plas) is the most developed ionospheric and plasmaspheric climatic model that provides hourly, monthly median of electron density distribution globally. Recently, IONOLAB group (www.ionolab.org) has presented a new online space weather service that can compute slant TEC (STEC) on a desired ray path for a given date and time using IRI-Plas model (IRI-Plas-STEC). In this study, the performance of the model based STEC is compared with GPS-STEC computed according to the estimation method developed by the IONOLAB group and includes the receiver bias as IONOLAB-BIAS (IONOLAB-STEC). Using Symmetric Kullback-Leibler Distance (SKLD), Cross Correlation (CC) coefficient and the metric norm (L2N) to compare IRI-Plas-STEC and IONOLAB-STEC for the month of October 2011 over the Turkish National Permanent GPS Network (TNPGN-Active), it has been observed that SKLD provides a good indicator of disturbance for both earthquakes and geomagnetic storms. © 2016 Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration

    Space weather studies of IONOLAB group

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    IONOLAB is an interdisciplinary research group dedicated for handling the challenges of near earth environment on communication, positioning and remote sensing systems. IONOLAB group contributes to the space weather studies by developing state-of-the-art analysis and imaging techniques. On the website of IONOLAB group, www.ionolab.org, four unique space weather services, namely, IONOLAB-TEC, IRI-PLAS-2015, IRI-PLAS-MAP and IRI-PLAS-STEC, are provided in a user friendly graphical interface unit. Newly developed algorithm for ionospheric tomography, IONOLAB-CIT, provides not only 3-D electron density but also tracking of ionospheric state with high reliability and fidelity. The algorithm for ray tracing through ionosphere, IONOLAB-RAY, provides a simulation environment in all communication bands. The background ionosphere is generated in voxels where IRI-Plas electron density is used to obtain refractive index. One unique feature is the possible update of ionospheric state by insertion of Total Electron Content (TEC) values into IRI-Plas. Both ordinary and extraordinary paths can be traced with high ray and low ray scenarios for any desired date, time and transmitter location. 2-D regional interpolation and mapping algorithm, IONOLAB-MAP, is another tool of IONOLAB group where automatic TEC maps with Kriging algorithm are generated from GPS network with high spatio-temporal resolution. IONOLAB group continues its studies in all aspects of ionospheric and plasmaspheric signal propagation, imaging and mapping. © 2016 IEEE

    Modification of solar activity indices in the International Reference Ionosphere IRI and IRI-Plas models due to recent revision of sunspot number time series

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    The International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) imports global effective ionospheric IG12 index based on ionosonde measurements of the critical frequency foF2 as a proxy of solar activity. Similarly, the global electron content (GEC), smoothed by the sliding 12-months window (GEC12), is used as a solar proxy in the ionospheric and plasmaspheric model IRI-Plas. GEC has been calculated from global ionospheric maps of total electron content (TEC) since 1998 whereas its productions for the preceding years and predictions for the future are made with the empirical model of the linear dependence of GEC on solar activity. At present there is a need to re-evaluate solar and ionospheric indices in the ionospheric models due to the recent revision of sunspot number (SSN2) time series, which has been conducted since July 1, 2015 [Clette et al., 2014]. Implementation of SSN2 instead of the former SSN1 series with the ionospheric model could increase model prediction errors. A formula is proposed to transform the smoothed SSN212 series to the proxy of the former basic SSN112=R12 index, which is used by the IRI and IRI-Plas models for long-term ionospheric predictions. Regression relationships are established between GEC12, the sunspot number R12, and the proxy solar index of 10.7 cm microwave radio flux, F10.712. Comparison of calculations by the IRI-Plas and IRI models with observations and predictions for Moscow during solar cycles 23 and 24 has shown the advantage of implementation of GEC12 index with the IRI-Plas model

    Online computation of International Reference Ionosphere Extended to Plasmasphere (IRI-Plas) model for space weather

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    Ionosphere is the most challenging part of Space Weather with its spatio-temporal variability and dispersive nature. Ionospheric models are very important in reducing positioning error in GNSS system. International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) is an empirical, deterministic and climatic model of ionosphere up to 2000 km in height. Recently, IRI Extended to Plasmasphere (IRI-Plas) model has been developed to extend the interest region of IRI to the GPS orbital height of 20,000 km. Both IRI and IRI-Plas provide ionospheric parameters such as electron density, electron and ion temperatures according to their height profiles. In order to update the model to current ionospheric conditions, IRI-Plas can input F2 layer critical frequency (foF2), maximum ionization height (hmF2), and also Total Electron Content (TEC). Online IRI-Plas is developed for the ionospheric community to run multiple tasks at various locations, dates and times with optional foF2, hmF2 and TEC inputs in a user-friendly manner. In this paper, we are going to present the capabilities of the Online IRI-Plas service and provide some comparisons between IRI-Plas outputs and ionosonde measurements. The comparison between online IRI-Plas foF2 outputs and ionosonde foF2 measurements indicates that the model with TEC input can significantly improve the representation of the current ionospheric state, which is very successful especially in the geomagnetically disturbed days. Keywords: Ionosphere, Space weather, IRI-Plas, GPS, TEC, IONOLA