430 research outputs found

    Three-Body Encounters of Black Holes in Globular Clusters

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    Evidence has been mounting for the existence of black holes with masses from 10^2 to 10^4 M_Solar associated with stellar clusters. Such intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) will encounter other black holes in the dense cores of these clusters. The binaries produced in these interactions will be perturbed by other objects as well thus changing the orbital characteristics of the binaries. These binaries and their subsequent mergers due to gravitational radiation are important sources of gravitational waves. We present the results of numerical simulations of high mass ratio encounters, which help clarify the interactions of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters and help determine what types of detectable gravitational wave signatures are likely.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures to appear in the proceedings of The Astrophysics of Gravitational Wave Sources, College Park, MD, 24-26 April 200

    Three-Body Dynamics with Gravitational Wave Emission

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    We present numerical three-body experiments that include the effects of gravitational radiation reaction by using equations of motion that include the 2.5-order post-Newtonian force terms, which are the leading order terms of energy loss from gravitational waves. We simulate binary-single interactions and show that close approach cross sections for three 1 solar mass objects are unchanged from the purely Newtonian dynamics except for close approaches smaller than 1.0e-5 times the initial semimajor axis of the binary. We also present cross sections for mergers resulting from gravitational radiation during three-body encounters for a range of binary semimajor axes and mass ratios including those of interest for intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). Building on previous work, we simulate sequences of high-mass-ratio three-body encounters that include the effects of gravitational radiation. The simulations show that the binaries merge with extremely high eccentricity such that when the gravitational waves are detectable by LISA, most of the binaries will have eccentricities e > 0.9 though all will have circularized by the time they are detectable by LIGO. We also investigate the implications for the formation and growth of IMBHs and find that the inclusion of gravitational waves during the encounter results in roughly half as many black holes ejected from the host cluster for each black hole accreted onto the growing IMBH.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figures, minor corrections to match version accepted by Ap

    Growth of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Globular Clusters

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    We present results of numerical simulations of sequences of binary-single scattering events of black holes in dense stellar environments. The simulations cover a wide range of mass ratios from equal mass objects to 1000:10:10 solar masses and compare purely Newtonian simulations to simulations in which Newtonian encounters are interspersed with gravitational wave emission from the binary. In both cases, the sequence is terminated when the binary's merger time due to gravitational radiation is less than the arrival time of the next interloper. We find that black hole binaries typically merge with a very high eccentricity (0.93 < e < 0.95 pure Newtonian; 0.85 < e < 0.90 with gravitational wave emission) and that adding gravitational wave emission decreases the time to harden a binary until merger by ~ 30% to 40%. We discuss the implications of this work for the formation of intermediate-mass black holes and gravitational wave detection.Comment: 28 pages including 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    Revisiting the black hole mass of M87* using VLT/MUSE Adaptive Optics Integral Field Unit data I: Ionized gas kinematics

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    The stellar dynamic-based black hole mass measurements of M87 are twice that determined via ionized gas kinematics; the former is closer to the estimation from the diameter of the gravitationally-lensed ring around the black hole. Using deeper and more comprehensive ionized gas kinematic data, we aim to better constrain the morphology and kinematics of the nuclear ionized gas, thus gaining insights into the reasons behind the disagreement of the measurements. We use both Narrow and Wide Field Mode integral field spectroscopic data from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer instrument, to model the morphology and kinematics of multiple ionized gas emission lines in the nucleus of M87. The new deep dataset reveals complexities in the nuclear ionized gas kinematics. Several ionized gas filaments can be traced down into the projected sphere of influence. We also found evidence of a partially-filled biconical outflow. The velocity isophotes of the ionized gas disk are twisted and the position angle of the innermost gas disk tends toward a value perpendicular to the radio jet axis. The complexity of the nuclear morphology and kinematics precludes the measurement of an accurate black hole mass. The results support a 6.0 ×109M⊙\times 10^{9}\rm M_{\odot} black hole in a 25\deg disk, rather than a 3.5 ×109M⊙\times 10^{9}\rm M_{\odot} black hole in a 42\deg disk. The specific RIAF model earlier proposed to reconcile the mass measurement discrepancy was also tested. In general, Keplerian disk models perform better than the RIAF model when fitting the sub-arcsec ionized gas disk. A disk inclination close to 25\deg for the nuclear gas disk, and the warp in the sub-arcsec ionized gas disk, help to reconcile the contradictory nature of the mass discrepancy between stellar and ionized gas black hole masses, and the mis-orientation between the axes of the ionized gas disk and the jet.Comment: 21 pages, 22 figures (5 of them in the appendix). Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Dft And X-ray Study Of Structural, Electronic, Elastic And Optical Properties In Be1–xznxs Alloys Depending On Vegard’s Law

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    Structural, optical and electronic properties and elastic constants of Be1–xZnxS alloys have been studied by employing the commercial code Castep based on density functional theory. The generalized gradient approximation and local density approximation were utilized as exchange correlation. Using elastic constants for compounds, bulk modulus, band gap, Fermi energy and Kramers–Kronig relations, dielectric constants and the refractive index have been found through calculations. Apart from these, X-ray measurements revealed elastic constants and Vegard’s law. It is seen that results obtained from theory and experiments are all in agreement

    Examining subgrid models of supermassive black holes in cosmological simulation

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    While supermassive black holes (SMBHs) play an important role in galaxy and cluster evolution, at present they can only be included in large-scale cosmological simulation via subgrid techniques. However, these subgrid models have not been studied in a systematic fashion. Using a newly-developed fast, parallel spherical overdensity halo finder built into the simulation code FLASH, we perform a suite of dark matter-only cosmological simulations to study the effects of subgrid model choice on relations between SMBH mass and dark matter halo mass and velocity dispersion. We examine three aspects of SMBH subgrid models: the choice of initial black hole seed mass, the test for merging two black holes, and the frequency of applying the subgrid model. We also examine the role that merging can play in determining the relations, ignoring the complicating effects of SMBH-driven accretion and feedback. We find that the choice of subgrid model can dramatically affect the black hole merger rate, the cosmic SMBH mass density, and the low-redshift relations to halo properties. We also find that it is possible to reproduce observations of the low-redshift relations without accretion and feedback, depending on the choice of subgrid model.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, revised from referee comments, accepted by Ap

    A case of recurrent epilepsy-associated rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor with anaplastic transformation in the absence of therapy.

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    Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT) most commonly occurs adjacent to the fourth ventricle and therefore rarely presents with epilepsy. Recent reports describe RGNT occurrence in other anatomical locations with considerable morphologic and genetic overlap with the epilepsy-associated dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET). Examples of RGNT or DNET with anaplastic change are rare, and typically occur in the setting of radiation treatment. We present the case of a 5-year-old girl with seizures, who underwent near total resection of a cystic temporal lobe lesion. Pathology showed morphologic and immunohistochemical features of RGNT, albeit with focally overlapping DNET-like patterns. Resections of residual or recurrent tumor were performed 1 year and 5 years after the initial resection, but no adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy was given. Ten years after the initial resection, surveillance imaging identified new and enhancing nodules, leading to another gross total resection. This specimen showed areas similar to the original tumor, but also high-grade foci with oligodendroglial morphology, increased cellularity, palisading necrosis, microvascular proliferation, and up to 13 mitotic figures per 10 high power fields. Ancillary studies the status by sequencing showed wild-type of the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1), IDH2, and human histone 3.3 (H3F3A) genes, and BRAF studies were negative for mutation or rearrangement. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed codeletion of 1p and 19q limited to the high-grade regions. By immunohistochemistry there was loss of nuclear alpha-thalassemia mental retardation syndrome, X-linked (ATRX) expression only in the high-grade region. Next-generation sequencing showed an fibroblast growth factor receptor receptor 1 (FGFR1) kinase domain internal tandem duplication in three resection specimens. ATRX mutation in the high-grade tumor was confirmed by sequencing which showed a frameshift mutation (p.R1427fs), while the apparent 1p/19q-codeletion by FISH was due to loss of chromosome arm 1p and only partial loss of 19q. Exceptional features of this case include the temporal lobe location, 1p/19q loss by FISH without true whole-arm codeletion, and anaplastic transformation associated with ATRX mutation without radiation or chemotherapy

    Numerical evolution of multiple black holes with accurate initial data

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    We present numerical evolutions of three equal-mass black holes using the moving puncture approach. We calculate puncture initial data for three black holes solving the constraint equations by means of a high-order multigrid elliptic solver. Using these initial data, we show the results for three black hole evolutions with sixth-order waveform convergence. We compare results obtained with the BAM and AMSS-NCKU codes with previous results. The approximate analytic solution to the Hamiltonian constraint used in previous simulations of three black holes leads to different dynamics and waveforms. We present some numerical experiments showing the evolution of four black holes and the resulting gravitational waveform.Comment: Published in PR

    Exploring Accretion and Disk-Jet Connections in the LLAGN M81*

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    We report on a year-long effort to monitor the central supermassive black hole in M81 in the X-ray and radio bands. Using Chandra and the VLA, we obtained quasi-simultaneous observations of M81* on seven occasions during 2006. The X-ray and radio luminosity of M81* are not strongly correlated on the approximately 20-day sampling timescale of our observations, which is commensurate with viscous timescales in the inner flow and orbital timecales in a radially-truncated disk. This suggests that short-term variations in black hole activity may not be rigidly governed by the "fundamental plane", but rather adhere to the plane in a time-averaged sense. Fits to the X-ray spectra of M81* with bremsstrahlung models give temperatures that are inconsistent with the outer regions of very simple advection-dominated inflows. However, our results are consistent with the X-ray emission originating in a transition region where a truncated disk and advective flow may overlap. We discuss our results in the context of models for black holes accreting at small fractions of their Eddington limit, and the fundamental plane of black hole accretion.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
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