306 research outputs found

    Behaviour of the chlamydospores of Fusarium solani var. coeruleum (Sacc.) Booth in soil

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    Imperial Users onl

    Arseni Pacheco Ransanz (1932-2011)

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    Més sobre l'origen del cat. Inxa, inxar, i cast. Hincha

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    El cat. inxa ‘malvolença, irritació' fou explicat com a manlleu del cast. hincha ‘encono' —mot normalment considerat un derivat d'hinchar (INFLARE). L'autor en un article de 1991 va defensar la tesi que inxa i el verb inxar ‘aquissar', ‘irritar, provocar' serien de creació expressiva, formats damunt una interjecció exhortativa ins‡a! emprada per a incitar el gos a atacar. Aquesta hipòtesi ha estat posada, recentment, en dubte. El present estudi torna a tractar la complicada problemàtica d'inxa, de diversos components semàntics, amb una nova perspectiva i amb revisions. S'hi intenta provar: a) que la tesi del castellanisme no es pot sostenir, i b) que la tesi de creació expressiva és ben defensable i que ens assegura una explicació satisfactòria. S'hi demostra, a més, que la derivació d'inxa ‘estelleta, pua' i ‘mena d'empelt', d'inxa ‘irritació' rep suport de la documentació disponible. En canvi, inxa ‘llengüeta d'un instrument de vent' amb la variant guinxa, suposen una base onomatopeica en el so imitatiu ins‡s‡ / gins‡s‡. L'article tracta també la història del cast. hincha. Intenta demostrar que el cast. ant. incha ‘odio', testimoniat només un cop en un text de la segona meitat del s. XIII, també deu ser de creació expressiva, formada a partir de l'exhortatiu ins‡a! paral.lelament amb cat. inxa d'ins‡a! D'altra banda, el cast. hincha ‘encono', que comença a aparèixer en el s. XVI, s'explica com a un derivat d'hinchar ‘inflar', això sí, però amb certa influència semàntica del verb henchir ‘omplir' (IMPLERE).Catalan inxa ‘rancour, ill-feeling' was explained as a borrowing from Castilian hincha ‘rancour, ill-feeling' —a word normally considered a derivative of hinchar (INFLARE). The author in an article of 1991 defended the thesis that inxa and inxar ‘to incite (a dog)', ‘to irritate, to provoke' are most likely words of expressive creation, formed on an exhortative interjection ins‡a! used to urge a dog to attack. Doubt was cast on this hypothesis in a recent publication. The present study takes up once more the complicated problem of inxa, with its various semantic components, from a new perspective, and with some revisions. An attempt is made to prove: a) that the hypothesis which considers inxa ‘rancour' a Castilianism is untenable, and b) that the thesis which explains inxa as a word of expressive creation is defensible and provides us with an overall satisfactory solution. Moreover, it is shown that the theory that derives the secondary meanings of inxa, ‘splinter, sliver', ‘a kind of cion', receives support from available data. On the other hand, inxa meaning ‘reed of a wind instrument' with the variant form guinxa presuppose an onomatopeic basis in imitative sound ins‡s‡ / gins‡s‡. The article also deals with the history of Castilian hincha. Efforts are made to prove that old Spanish incha ‘hatred', known only from one example from the second half of the 13th century, was very likely also an expressive creation, formed on an exhortative in ca, in parallel with the Catalan inxa from ns‡a!, while the Spanish hincha ‘rancour, ill-feeling', which makes its appearance in the 16th century, is explained as a derivation from hinchar ‘to swell' (INFLARE), though with some degree of semantic influence from henchir ‘to fill' (IMPLERE)

    El Problema de la -d- primaria en español: historia de la investigación. Un nuevo planteamiento

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    The problem of the primary -d- in Spanish: research history. A new approach Latin intervocalic primary -d- came to Hispano-Romance as a fricative [δ] together with the secondary [d] (occlusive) from -t-. The [δ], having been subject to structural pressure, was lost for the most part in the early period of the language, though it was preserved in a number of words: crudo, desnudo, grado, nido, nudo, sudor, vado. This development was widely discussed and debated in several studies. In the present article an attempt is made to demonstrate that the persistence of the [δ] in the words in question has been possible because of a merger with the secondary [d] in certain conditions. In addition, some phonetic problems, and also some lexical ones, such as the formation of cola from cauda are examined. Moreover, special attention is paid to the treatment of the atonic suffix -ǐdus (limpio, sucio, etc.) within the context of Romance.La -d- primaria intervocálica del latín llegó al hispano-romance como [δ] (fricativa) junto con la [d] secundaria (oclusiva) procedente de -t-. La [-δ-], sujeta a una presión estructural se perdió en gran parte, en los primeros siglos del idioma, conservándose, sin embargo, en una serie de voces: crudo, desnudo, grado, nido, nudo, sudor, vado. Este desarrollo fue muy discutido y debatido en varios estudios. En el presente trabajo se intenta demostrar que la conservación de la [δ] en dichos vocablos ha sido posible por su confluencia con la [d] secundaria en ciertas condiciones. Aparte de esto, se enfocan una serie de problemas fonéticos, e incluso algún problema léxico, como la formación de cola de cauda. Por lo demás, recibe atención especial el tratamiento del sufijo átono -ǐdus (limpio, sucio, etc.) en un contexto románico

    El tractament de la -n " N' en català

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    In this article, the author studies the eliminating process of -n " N' in Catalan, process that, in accordance with the documentation that he contributes, it reveals partially during 10th century and it looks to be consummated at the end of 1 lth century —excepting Rosellonese language— in singular forms, whereas in -ns plural forms, the -n was preserved. He also analyses the differences among this solution, Gascon language and Spanish dialects

    Mechanism of Internal Oxidation of Alloy 617 in Controlled Impurity Helium Environments at High Temperatures.

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    Alloy 617 has been identified as the primary candidate alloy for the intermediate heat exchangers of the High temperature gas-cooled reactors featuring very high core outlet temperatures in the range of 750 - 850 °C. In this temperature regime, the impurities in the helium coolant result in carburization, surface and internal oxidation of Alloy 617. Among these degradation modes, selective internal aluminum oxidation along the grain boundaries of the alloy is likely to be the life-limiting corrosion process as it can significantly lower the creep ductility and fatigue resistance of the alloy. Alloy 617 was exposed in a Cr-Cr2O3 Rhines pack and He-CO-CO2 gas with the objective of characterizing the surface and internal oxidation behavior and determining the governing oxygen transport mechanisms of rapid internal aluminum oxidation of Alloy 617 in the temperature range of 750 - 850 °C. Surface Cr oxidation is facilitated by grain boundary diffusion of Cr cations, whereas the internal aluminum oxidation kinetics are predominantly governed by the accelerated oxygen transport along the incoherent Al2O3 - metal interfaces in the internal oxidation zone of Alloy 617. The oxygen diffusion coefficients along these interfaces are several orders of magnitude greater than those reported in pure nickel and binary nickel based alloys. Another contribution to the rapid internal oxidation is the gas permeability of Cr2O3, which results in enhanced oxygen concentration at the alloy - Cr2O3 interfaces. Despite formation of a surface Cr2O3 film, the atomic fraction of oxygen established at the alloy - Cr2O3 interfaces in He-CO-CO2 environments is a factor of 4 greater than that did at the alloy surface by the dissociation oxygen partial pressure of Cr2O3 in the Rhines pack exposure at 850 °C. The oxygen solubility and diffusion coefficient values determined in this dissertation are used to determine that internal oxidation of Alloy 617 in He-CO-CO2 environments can be mitigated by increasing the Al concentration of the alloy at least to 5.0 at.%.PHDMaterials Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108813/1/gulsoy_1.pd

    Investigación sobre la composición química, minerales y ácidos grasos de dos cultivares de almendra cultivados como orgánico y convencional en el sudeste de Turquía

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    Organic farming is a human and environment friendly production system that is based on soil fertility and food safety without using chemical fertilizers and pesticides in production, aiming to re-establish the deteriorated ecological balance as a result of harmful production practices. Organic products attract the interest of consumers as they are strongly perceived as healthier products compared to conventional food. This study aimed to determine the differences in chemical, mineral, and fatty acid characteristics between conventionally and organically cultivated Ferragnes and Ferraduel almond cultivars. When conventional and organic almonds were evaluated in terms of fatty acids, proximate compositions, and minerals, crude oil and Mg were statistically insignificant, while Cu was significant (P < 0.05) and all others were quite significant (P < 0.001). Total sugar was higher in organic samples compared to conventional samples in both cultivars. The crude oil and linoleic acid (12.93% for Ferragnes and 14.99% for Ferraduel) were higher in conventional samples but oleic acid (78.9% for Ferragnes and 81.08% for Ferraduel) was higher in organic samples. In addition, organic samples contained higher Mg and Fe but lower P, K, Ca, Na, Zn, Mn and Cu when compared with conventional samples. The results indicate that conventionally cultivated almonds present higher mineral content and lower fatty acid value compared to organically cultivated almonds.La agricultura orgánica es un sistema de producción amigable con el ser humano y el medio ambiente, basado en la fertilidad del suelo y la seguridad alimentaria. Este sistema suele prescindir del uso de fertilizantes químicos y pesticidas en la producción, con el objetivo de prefijar el equilibrio ecológico previamente destruido como resultado natural de prácticas de producción incorrectas. Los productos orgánicos están atrayendo cada vez más el interés de los consumidores ya que se perciben como productos más saludables en comparación con los alimentos convencionales. Este estudio tenía como objetivo determinar las diferencias en las características químicas, minerales y ácidos grasos existentes entre los cultivares de almendra de Ferragnes y de Ferraduel, cultivados tanto convencionalmente como orgánicamente. Cuando se evaluaron las almendras convencionales y las orgánicas en términos de ácidos grasos, composiciones proximal y minerales, el aceite crudo y el Mg fueron estadísticamente insignificantes, mientras que los valores de Cu fue significativo (P < 0.05) y todos los demás fueron bastante significativos (P < 0.001). El azúcar total fue mayor en muestras orgánicas en comparación con muestras convencionales en ambos cultivares. El aceite crudo y el ácido linoleico (12.93% para Ferragnes y 14.99% para Ferraduel) fue mayor en muestras convencionales, pero el ácido oleico (78.9% para Ferragnes y 81.08% para Ferraduel) fue mayor en muestras orgánicas. Además, las muestras orgánicas contenían mayor Mg y Fe pero menor P, K, Ca, Na, Zn, Mn y Cu cuando se compararon con las muestras convencionales. Los resultados indican que las almendras convencionales presentan mayor contenido mineral y menor valor de ácidos grasos en comparación con las cultivadas orgánicamente

    Phenolic content and biological activities of Lycium barbarum L (Solanaceae) fruits (Goji berries) cultivated in Konya, Turkey

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    Purpose: To evaluate the phenolic content and biological activities of Lycium barbarum fruits cultivated in Turkey.Methods: Phenolic compounds in the water and methanol extracts of the fruits were determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and superoxide radical scavenging activities and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays were used to evaluate the antioxidant potential of the fruits. The  acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity of the fruits was evaluated by Ellman assay.Results: LC-MS/MS results showed that all the extracts contained phenolic compounds including flavonoids, phenolic acids, anthocyanins and  polyphenols. Some anthocyanins, namely, cyanidin-3-Oglucoside, cyanidin chloride, pelargonin chloride, pelargonidin chloride, and pelargonidin-3-0-glucoside were identified in the fruits for the first time. Pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside and cyanidin-3-O-glucoside were the main anthocyanins in the water extract with levels of 119.60 ± 12.04 and 1112.25 ± 125.40 mg/kg, respectively. The results indicated that the extracts possessed good radical scavenging and ferric-reducing activities.Conclusion: The results show that Lycium barbarum cultivated in Konya is a good source of the phenolic compounds, and thus may be exploited for commercial production of the antioxidants.Keywords: Lycium barbarum, Goji berries, Antioxidant activity, Acetylcholinesterase, Flavonoid

    Kraft pulping properties of european black Pine cone

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    In this study, different mixtures of cones and wood chips of European black pine (Pinus nigra) were kraft cooked, and the resulting pulp and paper properties were investigated. Also, the chemical compositions and fiber dimensions of the cones and wood were examined. Cone chips were mixed in different ratios (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) with wood chips prior to pulping. Also, kraft pulping of 100% cone chips and 100% wood chips were conducted so the results could be compared. The kraft pulp of 100% cone chips had lower pulp yield, lower pulp strength, and higher kappa number than that of 100% wood chips. As the ratio of cone chips was increased in the mixture of cone chips and wood chips, higher kappa numbers and lower total screened yield were obtained. Additionally, the strength properties and brightness of the resulting kraft pulp were decreased gradually. However, the opacity of the pulp was increased slightly. Consequently, cone fibers of European black pine can be used as a raw material in the paper industry by mixing with wood fibers