984 research outputs found

    Vortex entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates coupled to Laguerre-Gauss beams

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    We study the establishment of vortex entanglement in remote and weakly interacting Bose Einstein condensates. We consider a two-mode photonic resource entangled in its orbital angular momentum (OAM) degree of freedom and, by exploiting the process of light-to-BEC OAM transfer, demonstrate that such entanglement can be efficiently passed to the matter-like systems. Our proposal thus represents a building block for novel low-dissipation and long-memory communication channels based on OAM. We discuss issues of practical realizability, stressing the feasibility of our scheme and present an operative technique for the indirect inference of the set vortex entanglement.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, RevTex

    Decoherence in a fermion environment: Non-Markovianity and Orthogonality Catastrophe

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    We analyze the non-Markovian character of the dynamics of an open two-level atom interacting with a gas of ultra-cold fermions. In particular, we discuss the connection between the phenomena of orthogonality catastrophe and Fermi edge singularity occurring in such a kind of environment and the memory-keeping effects which are displayed in the time evolution of the open system

    An association of boswellia, betaine and myo-inositol (Eumastós) in the treatment of mammographic breast density. A randomized, double-blind study

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    Mammographic breast density is a recognized risk factor for breast cancer. The causes that lead to the proliferation of the glandular breast tissue and, therefore, to an increase of breast density are still unclear. However, a treatment strategy to reduce the mammary density may bring about very relevant clinical outcomes in breast cancer prevention. Myo-inositol is a six-fold alcohol of cyclohexane, has already been proved to modulate different pathways: inflammatory, metabolic, oxidative and endocrine processes, in a wide array of human diseases, including cancer and the genesis of mammary gland and breast diseases, like fibrosis, as well as metabolic and endocrine cues. Similarly, boswellic acid and betaine (three-methyl glycine) both inhibit inflammation and exert protective effects on breast physiology. Based on this scientific background, we hypothesized that a combination including, boswellic acid, betaine and myo-inositol would be able to reduce breast density working on different pathways.OBJECTIVE: Mammographic breast density is a recognized risk factor for breast cancer. The causes that lead to the proliferation of the glandular breast tissue and, therefore, to an increase of breast density are still unclear. However, a treatment strategy to reduce the mammary density may bring about very relevant clinical outcomes in breast cancer prevention. Myo-inositol is a six-fold alcohol of cyclohexane, has already been proved to modulate different pathways: inflammatory, metabolic, oxidative and endocrine processes, in a wide array of human diseases, including cancer and the genesis of mammary gland and breast diseases, like fibrosis, as well as metabolic and endocrine cues. Similarly, boswellic acid and betaine (threemethyl glycine) both inhibit inflammation and exert protective effects on breast physiology. Based on this scientific background, we hypothesized that a combinat ion including, boswellic acid, betaine and myo-inositol would be able to reduce breast density working on different pathways. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study, seventy-six premenopausal women were randomly assigned to the placebo and the experimental drug arms (Eumastós®) for six months. RESULTS: After 6 months of treatment, statistically significant difference between the two groups was recorded on the breast density reduction (60% vs. 9%), using mammographic as well as ultrasound examination. CONCLUSIONS: Preliminary data collected here with support the starting assumptions,that the association comprising boswellic acid, betaine and myo-inositol significantly reduces mammary density, providing the first evidence for a new and safe approach for the management of mammographic density treatment

    Critical assessment of two-qubit post-Markovian master equations

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    A post-Markovian master equation has been recently proposed as a tool to describe the evolution of a system coupled to a memory-keeping environment [A. Shabani and D. A. Lidar, Phys. Rev. A 71, 020101 (R) (2005)]. For a single qubit affected by appropriately chosen environmental conditions, the corresponding dynamics is always legitimate and physical. Here we extend such situation to the case of two qubits, only one of which experiences the environmental effects. We show how, despite the innocence of such an extension, the introduction of the second qubit should be done cum grano salis to avoid consequences such as the breaking of the positivity of the associated dynamical map. This hints at the necessity of using care when adopting phenomenologically derived models for evolutions occurring outside the Markovian framework.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX4. Close to published versio

    Better under stress: Improving bacterial cellulose production by Komagataeibacter xylinus K2G30 (UMCC 2756) using adaptive laboratory evolution

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    Among naturally produced polymers, bacterial cellulose is receiving enormous attention due to remarkable properties, making it suitable for a wide range of industrial applications. However, the low yield, the instability of microbial strains and the limited knowledge of the mechanisms regulating the metabolism of producer strains, limit the large-scale production of bacterial cellulose. In this study, Komagataeibacter xylinus K2G30 was adapted in mannitol based medium, a carbon source that is also available in agri-food wastes. K. xylinus K2G30 was continuously cultured by replacing glucose with mannitol (2% w/v) for 210 days. After a starting lag-phase, in which no changes were observed in the utilization of mannitol and in bacterial cellulose production (cycles 1-25), a constant improvement of the phenotypic performances was observed from cycle 26 to cycle 30, accompanied by an increase in mannitol consumption. At cycle 30, the end-point of the experiment, bacterial cellulose yield increased by 38% in comparision compared to cycle 1. Furthermore, considering the mannitol metabolic pathway, D-fructose is an intermediate in the bioconversion of mannitol to glucose. Based on this consideration, K. xylinus K2G30 was tested in fructose-based medium, obtaining the same trend of bacterial cellulose production observed in mannitol medium. The adaptive laboratory evolution approach used in this study was suitable for the phenotypic improvement of K. xylinus K2G30 in bacterial cellulose production. Metabolic versatility of the strain was confirmed by the increase in bacterial cellulose production from D-fructose-based medium. Moreover, the adaptation on mannitol did not occur at the expense of glucose, confirming the versatility of K2G30 in producing bacterial cellulose from different carbon sources. Results of this study contribute to the knowledge for designing new strategies, as an alternative to the genetic engineering approach, for bacterial cellulose production

    Biodiversidad de Hirudinea en ambientes dulciacuícolas serranos (Provincia de Buenos Aires), Argentina

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    Leeches are important benthic members in rivers and streams of low altitude mountain environments and show a high grade of endemic species in the Neotropical Region (Ringuelet, 1944; 1947; 1985; Christoffersen, 2009). As members of food chains they act as predators or as preys. They are intermediate host in life cycles ofDigenea, Cestoda and parasitic Protozoa. Their medicinal use is known, as well as their rol as pollution bioindicator (Sawyer, 1986). On the other hand, there are many contributions to the knowledge of this group, particularly: the discovery of new species Siddall; et al. (2001, 2004), Gullo (2006, 2008); Kutchera et al (2013), the redescription of others in the basis of molecular analysis (Mosser, et al. 2012 a y b; 2013); the contruction of phylogeny (Siddall, et al. 2003, 2005) and the contribution to the global Hirudinea diversity (Sket, 2008). Despite their importance as benthic members, it is not common to include them in the analysis of benthic macroinvertebrates, because of their difficult identification. There is a lack of studies of leech biodiversity in Argentina and no antecedents for low altitude mountain environments are recorded. The heart of the investigation lies in the specific conditions of the area in question, where slightly varying environments provide the proper ecological requirements for a variety of species which are essential for biodiversity conservation. The specimens were collected in seasonal samplings during 2009, 2010 and 2011. The selected sampling locations were: Sauce Grande and Sauce Chico rivers; San Bernardo, El Negro, Rivera and El Divisorio streams. Physical and chemical parameters as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, oxygensaturation, conductivity and total disolved solids were recorded in each location. Three Surber samples (0.09 m2, 250 μm mesh size) were taken in each stream. The collected specimens were fixed in 5% formaldehyde solution for 24 hours and preserved in alcohol 70%. Associations between species and environmental variables were analyzed using correspondence canonical analysis (CCA) taking into account the seven most plentiful species and four environment variables.Associations among species were analyzed using clustering analysis (UPGMA) and the Jaccard similarity index. Pearson´s correlation coefficient and Student's t-distribution were used as well. Ten leech species were recorded in a freshwater environment at Sierra de la Ventana: Helobdella simplex (Moore, 1911); Helobdella brasiliensis Weber, 1915; Helobdella triserialis triserialis (Blanchard, 1849); Helobdella adiastola Ringuelet, 1972; Helobdella hyalina (Ringuelet, 1942);Helobdella triserialis lineata (Verril, 1874), Helobdella duplicata duplicata (Moore, 1911); Theromyzon propinquum Ringuelet, 1947 and Helobdella cordobensis Ringuelet, 1943. Helobdella cordobensis represents the first recording of its kind in the Buenos Aires province. The three most frequent and abundant species (more than 150) individuals in total) were H. simplex (31,55% n=348), H. triserialis s. st. (30%, n=331) and H. brasiliensis (14,50%; n=160), while H. hyalina (6,98%, n=77), H. adiastola (5,25%, n=58), H. cordobensis (4,98% n=54), H. triserialis lineata (n=33, 2,99%), H. duplicata (2,17 n=24), H. michaelseni (1,17% n=13) and T. propinquum (0,36% n=4) showed lower frequency of occurrence and a lower number of individuals. Associations among species were analyzed using clustering analysis with the Jaccard index. The clustering analysis revealed two species assemblages. A first group is represented by six species: H. brasiliensis, H. triserialis s.st., H. triserialis lineata, H. simplex, H. hyalina and H. adiastola and thesecond group is constituted by only one species, H. cordobensis. Relationships between species and environmental variables were examined with CCA. Axis 1 ofthe ordination diagram shows 99.1 % correlation between species and environmental variables. The occurrence of H. simplex, H. triserialis s. st., H. triserialis lineata, H. brasiliensis and H. hyalina near the centre of the ordination diagram is a  consequence of their wide range of tolerance. H. adiastola (r = 0.44, p < 0.05) and H. brasiliensis (r = 0.30, p < 0.05) are positively correlated to pH, whereas H. cordobensis (r = -0.80, p < 0.01) is negatively correlated to that variable. In addition, H. adiastola (r = -0.90 p < 0.01) and H. brasiliensis (r = -0.77, p < 0.01) are negatively correlated to water temperature and the specific richness shows the same trend (r = -0.79, p < 0.01). Leeches in Sierra de la Ventana do not differ from that found in other lentic and lotic environments of Buenos Aires province (Gullo, 1991; Darrigran et al., 1998; Gullo, 2007; César et al., 2009). The present records in Buenos Aires province indicate that Helobdella cordobensis is only found in freshwater low-altitude mountainous environment at Sierra de la Ventana. Hirudinea are more abundant into submerged vegetation and their amount decreases with depthas a consequence of the lack of vegetation, adequate substrates and nutrients. Several factors limit the leech number and species found in an environment. In order of importance, they are: nutrient availability, type of substrate, water depth, stream, size and type of the water body, water hardness, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, cloudiness and salinity (Sawyer, 1986). The UPGMA clustering showed the  association among H. brasiliensis, H. triserialis s.st., H. simplex, H. triserialis lineata, H. hyalina and H. adiastola, being the first three species the more frequent and abundant in the sampling sites. It should be pointed out that H. triserialis s. st., H. simplex and H. hyalina were the more abundant and frequent species recorded by César et al. (2009) in Martín García Island. After analyzing the relationships among species and environment variables it is concluded that H. simplex, H. triserialis s. st., H. triserialis lineata, H. brasiliensis and H. hyalina, which are the more frequent species, have a wide range of tolerance to the fluctuations of environmental parameters, and as a consequence they are located close to the center of the ACC diagram. No statistically significant results were obtained for the correlation of H. simplex with pH and of H. hyalina with conductivity. In this respect, these results differ from those obtained by César et al., 2009. On the other hand, H. adistola and H. cordobensis, which are less frequent, seem to be more sensitive to pH fluctuations. Sawyer (1986) points out that this parameter could affect the organisms that leeches take for feeding. Hirudinea are considered organisms with great physiological plasticity because they can survive under anoxia conditions for some days and under hyperoxia during long periods of time (Davies & Govedich, 2001). No statistically significant results were obtained for the correlation with dissolved oxygen. The measured values of dissolved oxygen did not show fluctuations during the year.Diez especies de hirudíneos Glossiphoniidae fueron recolectadas en ambientes dulceacuícolas de Sierra de la Ventana: Helobdella simplex (Moore, 1911); Helobdella brasiliensis Weber, 1915; Helobdella triserialis (Blanchard, 1849);, Helobdella adiastola Ringuelet, 1972; Helobdella hyalina (Ringuelet, 1942); Helobdella  lineata (Verril, 1874), Helobdella duplicata duplicata (Moore, 1911); Theromyzon propinquum Ringuelet, 1947 y Helobdella cordobensis Ringuelet, 1943. Esta última representa un nuevo registro para la provincia de Buenos Aires. La asociación entre las especies fue analizada empleando análisis de agrupamiento y coeficiente de similitud de Jaccard, revelando la existencia de dos grupos. Las relaciones entre las especies y variables ambientales fueron analizadas con Análisis Canónico de Correspondencia (ACC). El análisis sugiere que el 99,1% de la correlación entre las especies y variables se distribuye sobre el eje 1 del diagrama de ordenamiento. H. simplex, H. triserialis, H.  lineata, H. brasiliensis y H. hyalina se hallan próximas al centro del diagrama debido a su mayor rango de tolerancia. H. adiastola, y H. brasiliensis están correlacionadas positivamente con el pH, mientras que H. cordobensis está negativamente correlacionada con esta variable. Por otra parte, H. adiastola y H. brasiliensis están correlacionadas negativamente con la temperatura del agua y la riqueza específica mostró la misma tendencia. La importancia de la investigación radica en las particularidades locales del área, donde los ambientes constituyen verdaderos refugios de especies con diferentes requerimientos ecológicos que resultan fundamentales para la conservación de la biodiversidad

    Finite-time quantum Stirling heat engine

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    We study the thermodynamic performance of a finite-time non-regenerative quantum Stirling-like cycle used as a heat engine. We consider specifically the case in which the working substance (WS) is a two-level system (TLS). The Stirling cycle is made of two isochoric transformations separated by a compression and an expansion stroke during which the WS is in contact with a thermal reservoir. To describe these two strokes we derive a non-Markovian master equation which allows to study the real-time dynamics of a driven open quantum system with arbitrary fast driving. Following the real-time dynamics of the WS using this master equation, the endpoints of the isotherms can deviate from the equilibrium thermal states. The role of this deviation in the performance of the heat engine is addressed. We found that the finite-time dynamics and thermodynamics of the cycle depend non-trivially on the different time scales at play. In particular, driving the WS at a time scale comparable to the resonance time of the bath enhances the performance of the cycle and allows for an efficiency higher than the efficiency of the quasistatic cycle, but still below the Carnot bound. However, by adding thermalization of the WS with the baths at the end of compression/expansion processes one recovers the conventional scenario in which efficiency decreases by speeding up the processes. In addition, the performance of the cycle is dependent on the compression/expansion speeds asymmetrically, which suggests new freedom in optimizing quantum heat engines. The maximum output power and the maximum efficiency are obtained almost simultaneously when the real-time endpoints of the compression/expansion processes are considered instead of the equilibrium thermal endpoint states. However, the net extractable work always declines by speeding up the drive.Peer reviewe

    Orthogonality catastrophe and decoherence in a trapped-fermion environment

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    The Fermi-edge singularity and the Anderson orthogonality catastrophe describe the universal physics which occurs when a Fermi sea is locally quenched by the sudden switching of a scattering potential, leading to a brutal disturbance of its ground state. We demonstrate that the effect can be seen in the controllable domain of ultracold trapped gases by providing an analytic description of the out-of-equilibrium response to an atomic impurity, both at zero and at finite temperature. Furthermore, we link the transient behavior of the gas to the decoherence of the impurity, and to the degree of the non-Markovian nature of its dynamics

    A Microbial Co-Culturing System for Producing Cellulose-Hyaluronic Acid Composites

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    In this study, a co-culture system combining bacterial cellulose (BC) producers and hyaluronic acid (HA) producers was developed for four different combinations. AAB of the genus Komagataeibacter sp. and LAB of the Lactocaseibacillus genus were used to produce BC and HA, respectively. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction were used to investigate changes in BC-HA composites chemical and morphological structure. Water absorption, uptake, and antibacterial properties were also tested. Outcomes highlighted a higher bacterial cellulose yield and the incorporation of hyaluronic acid into the composite. The presence of hyaluronic acid increased fiber dimension-nearly doubled for some combinations-which led to a decreased crystallinity of the composites. Different results were observed based on the BC producer and HA producer combination. However, water holding capacity (WHC) in all the samples improved with the presence of HA, while water uptake worsened. A thymol-enriched BC-HA composite showed high antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli DSM 30083(T) and Staphylococcus aureus DSM 20231(T). Results could contribute to opening new applications in the cosmetics or pharmaceutical fields

    The psychological impact of COVID-19 on people suffering from dysfunctional eating behaviours: A linguistic analysis of the contents shared in an online community during the lockdown

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread several months ago from China and it is now a global pandemic. The experience of lockdown has been an undesirable condition for people with mental health problems, including eating disorders. The present study has the aim of understanding the impact of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with selfreported disordered eating behaviours. A linguistic analysis was carried out with regard to the online posts and comments published by 1971 individuals (86% women) in a Facebook online community focusing on EDs during the lockdown. A total of 244 posts and 3603 comments were collected during the 56 days of lockdown (from the 10th of March until the 4th of May 2020) in Italy and were analysed by Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) software. The results showed that words related to peer support decreased in posts over time, and that anxiety and anger increased in the published comments. Moreover, greater feelings of negativity and anxiety were found in posts and comments throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as lesser use of words related to positive emotions. Thematic qualitative analysis revealed eight themes that described the main subjective components of ED symptomatology and distress during the first COVID-19 lockdown. The current findings can help in delivering tailored treatments to people with eating disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic
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