272 research outputs found

    Words of the Leader: “Justice Supports the National Idea and Diplomacy”

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    The article is dedicated to the modernizing the Republic of Azerbaijan every day - the biggest tribute to the blessed memory of the great leader, whose 97th anniversary we celebrate with great respect May 10 this year. As long as our national state exists, HeydarAliyev, the founder of our Motherland, will always live in the heart of the Azerbaijani people, his bright ideas will constantly illuminate our path

    Higgs-strahlung in Abelian Extended Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We analyze the Higgs production via the Higgs-strahlung process e+ehkl+le^{+}e^{-}\to h_{k}{\it{l}}^{+}{\it{l}}^{-} in an Abelian Extended Supersymmetric SM. We work in the large Higgs trilinear coupling driven minimum of the potential, and find that the next-to-lightest Higgs cannot be produced by this process. Other Higgs scalars, namely the lightest and the heaviest, have cross sections comparable to that in the pure SM. It is found that the present model has observable differences with the other popular model, NMSSM, in the same type of minimum.Comment: 12 pages, 2 postscript figures. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Multidimensional Inverse Boundary Value Problem for a System of Hyperbolic Equations

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    In the paper we investigate the solvability of the inverse multidimensional boundary value problem for the system of hyperbolic type equations. A method is proposed to reduce the considered problem to some non infinite system of differential equations. The proposed method allows one to prove the existence and uniqueness theorems for the multidimensional inverse boundary value problems in the class of the functions with bounded smoothness

    Zielona energia na Karaibach: jej wpływ na turystykę i rozwój gospodarczy

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    The green energy agenda has become one of the most important issues in international relations. Many island states of the Oceania have taken the course of green economy construction. The Caribbean states are in some way similar to the Oceania ones and have also made several steps towards greener future. Some of these states are tightly connected with international tourism, leading to the high dependence of their economies from touristic revenues. The article examines this interconnection, including economic component in the analysis. The major question of the article is how does (or doesn’t) tourism influence the development of green energy in the Caribbean states. The two major economies examined in the region are Cuba and Dominican Republic as the two examples of the totally different economic systems and approaches to the development of the green energy. The key findings of the article include such conclusions as the possibility of synergetic  interdependence between tourism, economy and green energy and the positive effects this interdependence has. The other finding is that the Cuban method of introducing green energy is less effective than the Dominican one. The novelty of the article includes the comparison of the two economic models in the Caribbean and the development of strategies for the green energy proliferation in the countries.Agenda zielonej energii stała się jedną z najważniejszych kwestii w stosunkach międzynarodowych. Wiele wyspiarskich stanów Oceanii przeszło na kurs budowy zielonej gospodarki. Państwa karaibskie są w pewien sposób podobne do krajów Oceanii i również poczyniły kilka kroków w kierunku bardziej ekologicznej przyszłości. Niektóre z tych państw są ściśle powiązane z turystyką międzynarodową, co prowadzi do silnego uzależnienia ich gospodarek od przychodów z turystyki. W artykule przeanalizowano to powiązanie, uwzględniając w analizie komponent ekonomiczny. Głównym pytaniem artykułu jest to, w jaki sposób turystyka wpływa (lub nie) na rozwój zielonej energii w krajach karaibskich. Dwie główne gospodarki badane w regionie to Kuba i Dominikana jako dwa przykłady całkowicie odmiennych systemów gospodarczych i podejść do rozwoju zielonej energii. Do kluczowych ustaleń artykułu należą takie wnioski, jak możliwość synergicznej współzależności między turystyką, gospodarką i zieloną energią oraz pozytywne skutki tej współzależności. Drugim wnioskiem jest to, że kubańska metoda wprowadzania zielonej energii jest mniej skuteczna niż dominikańska. Nowością artykułu jest porównanie dwóch modeli gospodarczych na Karaibach oraz opracowanie strategii proliferacji zielonej energii w tych krajach

    System Perspective Analysis for Molecular and Genetic Source of Salt Tolerance in Cotton

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    Sources of tolerance salinity stress in plants are the results of sets of the simple effect and interaction among genes. A systematic perspective at the polygenic trait process of resistance to environmental stresses, including salinity stress, and the interactions among genes and their inheritance, may provide new insights into the process of integrating beneficial genes into genotypes. In this study, we aimed interaction of candidate genes include NHX1, TPS1, ERF2, SOD, CIPK, PP2C. Salinity was selected and their correlation was calculated using their pathway. The results showed that the effect of antioxidant gene alignment including SOD, the most direct effect and the genes most effective in regulating sodium / potassium channels and antiporters were the second most effective factor. The relationship between these two groups of genes and their protein activity was positive and highly significant (Pvalue <0.001). This result showed that, strengthening of antioxidant systems in cotton either directly or indirectly through environmental induction or through trans activators can be effective in salt stress tolerance of genotypes. If we ignore the effects of environmental induction regulated by agro-ecophysiological conditions, most transcriptional factors study focused on ERF1. It was through binding to CIS elements that were effective in resisting to salt stress

    New components of information technology definitions and evaluation of dynamic characteristics of formal model profiles agent systems

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    The extension of the functionality of the methodology of forming a model of information-analytical intelligence agentsПредложено расширение функциональных возможностей методологии формирования модельно-аналитического интеллекта информационных агенто

    Рецидив рака почки: предикторы и результаты повторной парциальной нефрэктомии (обзор литературы)

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    In the last ten years, the number of organ preservation surgeries for kidney cancer significantly increased. Per literature data, the incidence of recurrences after partial nephrectomy is between 2.9 and 11 %, mostly they are located in the operated or contralateral kidney. Positive surgical margin, high stage and histological subtype of the tumor, as well as hereditary diseases, can serve as predictors for recurrences. In renal cancer recurrences, radical nephrectomy, ablation therapy and repeat tumor resection are possible treatment methods. Kidney resection, same as in primary renal tumors, leads to chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular complications. Different ablation methods, despite their low invasiveness, are not always technically possible. Therefore, in patients with kidney cancer recurrence and satisfactory functional status, repeat partial nephrectomy can be a method of choice. The literature describes the outcomes of open repeat kidney resection with high incidence of general and severe complications. The number of these complications significantly decreased due to the use of robot-assisted access for resection of recurrent renal tumors. Functional characteristics of repeat kidney resections do not significantly decrease, especially in robot-assisted partial nephrectomy. Oncological outcomes of these surgeries remain intermediate, further prospective multi-center trials are needed for their confirmation.За последнее десятилетие количество органосохраняющих операций при раке почки значительно увеличилось. По данным литературы, после парциальной нефрэктомии частота рецидивов колеблется от 2,9 до 11 %, в основном они локализуются в оперированной или контралатеральной почке. Предикторами их развития могут быть положительный хирургический край, высокая стадия и гистологический подтип опухоли, а также наследственные заболевания. При рецидивах рака почки возможны такие варианты лечения, как радикальная нефрэктомия, аблационная терапия и повторная резекция опухоли. Удаление почки, как и при первичных ренальных опухолях, ведет к развитию хронической болезни почек и сердечно-сосудистых осложнений. Различные методы аблации, несмотря на их малоинвазивность, не всегда технически выполнимы. Поэтому у пациентов с рецидивом рака почки и неотягощенным соматическим статусом методом выбора может быть повторная парциальная нефрэктомия. В литературе описаны результаты открытой повторной резекции почки с высокой частотой общих и серьезных осложнений. Количество этих осложнений значительно уменьшилось при использовании роботического доступа для удаления рецидивных ренальных опухолей. Функциональные показатели после повторных резекций почки ухудшаются незначительно, особенно при робот-ассистированной парциальной нефрэктомии. Онкологические результаты данных операций являются еще промежуточными, для их подтверждения необходимы дальнейшие проспективные исследования

    Time Frequency Method of Solving One Boundary Value Problem for a Hyperbolic System and Its Application to the Oil Extraction

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    We consider the boundary value problem, where the motion of the object is described by the two-dimensional linear system of partial differential equations of hyperbolic type where a discontinuity is at a point within the interval that defines the phase coordinate x. Using the method of series and Laplace transformation in time t (time-frequency method), an analytical solution is found for the determination of debit Q(2l, t) and pressure P(2l, t), which can be effective in the calculation of the coefficient of hydraulic resistance in the lift at oil extraction by gas lift method where l is the well depth. For the case where the boundary functions are of exponential form, the formulas for P(2l, t) and Q(2l, t) depending only on t are obtained. It is shown that at constant boundary functions, these formulas allow us to determine the coefficient of hydraulic resistance in the lift of gas lift wells, which determines the change in the dynamics of pollution