119 research outputs found

    Učinak fermentacije pomoću suhog kvasca na kemijski sastav i svojstva proteina u sjemenkama plave lupine

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    The eff ect of 24-hour fermentation of lupin seeds by different yeast strains on their chemical composition was determined. After fermentation, the mass fraction of proteins increased and their in vitro digestibility and biological activity significantly improved. The amino acid profi le of fermented products was similar to that of raw lupin seeds. The significant reduction in the mass fraction of oligosaccharides and phytate, but not of alkaloids was found. The pH level of fermented products decreased as a consequence of the increase of lactic and propionic acid mass fractions. The most favourable changes in the Chemical composition of blue lupin seeds were obtained in fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae baker’s yeast and Fermivin 7013 strain.Određen je učinak 24-satne fermentacije sjemenki lupine pomoću različitih sojeva kvasca na njihov kemijski sastav. Nakon fermentacije se bitno povećao maseni udjel proteina, njihova probavljivost in vitro i biološka aktivnost. Aminokiselinski profil fermentiranih proizvoda bio je sličan onom sirovih sjemenki lupine. Pronađen je bitno manji maseni udjel oligosaharida i fitata, ali ne i alkaloida. Povećali su se udjeli mliječne i propionske kiseline, što je bitno smanjilo pH-vrijednost fermentiranih proizvoda. Najbolji kemijski sastav imale su sjemenke plave lupine fermentirane pomoću pekarskog kvasca (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) i soja Fermivin 701

    Hranjiva vrijednost i fiziološki učinak hrane za štakore s dodatkom sirovih sjemenki lupine te sjemenki fermentiranih s pomoću kvasca Candida utilis

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    The growth and physiological responses of the rats to diet supplemented with raw and Candida utilis-fermented yellow and blue lupin seeds were determined. The diets containing soya bean meal, raw and fermented blue and yellow lupin were administered to eight rats in each diet group for four weeks. Yellow lupin seeds in the diets of rats improved significantly (p<0.05) feed intake, protein digestibility, body mass gain and protein efficiency ratio in comparison with blue lupin seeds. On the contrary, blue lupin seeds affected significantly (p<0.05) gastrointestinal fermentation processes in comparison with yellow lupin seeds. Fermentation of lupin seeds increased crude protein content and reduced phytate and oligosaccharide content. In the fermented products, a higher number of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts but reduced number of coliform bacteria was found. Fermentation by Candida utilis positively (p<0.05) aff ected protein digestibility of feed, body mass gain and protein efficiency ratio of rats, as well as the activity of some bacterial enzymes and cholesterol concentrations in the blood serum.U radu je ispitan utjecaj hranidbe štakora sjemenkama žute i plave lupine, sirovim ili fermentiranim s pomoću kvasca Candida utilis, na njihov rast i fiziološke promjene. Štakori su u grupama po osam jedinki hranjeni sojinom sačmom, te sirovim ili fermentiranim sjemenkama plave i žute lupine tijekom četiri tjedna. Sjemenke žute lupine znatno su povećale (p<0,05) unos hrane, probavljivost proteina i tjelesnu masu, te povećale omjer proteinske djelotvornosti u usporedbi sa sjemenkama plave lupine. Sjemenke su plave lupine pak bitno utjecale (p<0,05) na fermentacijske procese u gastrointestinalnom traktu, za razliku od žute lupine. Fermentacijom se u sjemenkama lupine povećao udjel sirovih proteina, a smanjio udjel fitata i oligosaharida. U fermentiranim je proizvodima pronađeno više bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja te kvasaca, a manje koliformnih bakterija. Fermentacija s pomoću kvasca Candida utilis pozitivno (p<0,05) je utjecala na probavljivost proteina, povećanje tjelesne mase i omjer proteinske djelotvornosti, koncentraciju kolesterola u krvi, te na aktivnost nekih bakterijskih enzima

    Digital twin technology — awareness, implementation problems and benefits

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    Aiming to ensure current market needs, manufacturing companies search for tools and methodologies that would help them deliver their products efficiently and costeffectively and enable them to become a part of Industry 4.0. Digital twins are a technology created based on the idea of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The solution helps recreate physical devices in virtual space based on gathered data. It supports performance tests, configuration changes, and predictive maintenance without engaging existing machines. The paper aims to gain knowledge about the awareness level of the digital twin technology among industry representatives and identify the most important problems that stand in the way of implementing the technology in enterprises. The research focused on market awareness of the described technology. It also examined how companies use employee suggestions to improve their organisations and the factors that influence process efficiency. The methods used for the research were a literature review and cross-sectional survey conducted with 50 employees of manufacturing and IT companies. The research showed the need to implement digital twins in enterprises. Half of the survey respondents replied that the technology would help improve the efficiency of the company’s processes. The main benefit of the conducted research is identified awareness of the technology among industry representatives. In the future, the research will be extended to include the analysis of specific cases affecting the implementation of digital twins in enterprises

    Employer branding in the tourism market

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    Budowanie marki pracodawcy staje się we współczesnym świecie istotnym czynnikiem wyróżniającym firmy na rynku i pozwalającym im na pozyskiwanie wykwalifikowanej kadry, dzięki kreowaniu pozytywnego wizerunku na rynku pracy i oferowaniu szeregu korzyści związanych z zatrudnieniem. Branża turystyczna jako branża postrzegana jako potencjalnie atrakcyjna stanowi wyzwanie dla pracodawców podejmujących walkę o przyciągnięcie jak najlepszych kandydatów do swoich firm. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie założeń teoretycznych związanych z definiowaniem, postrzeganiem i procesem budowania marki pracodawcy, a także funkcjonowaniem rynku turystycznego z uwzględnieniem rynku pracy w turystyce i charakterystyki pracowników i potencjalnych pracowników branży turystycznej. Badania empiryczne w oparciu o metodę kwestionariuszową, podejmowane w pracy pozwalają na znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytania w jaki sposób pracownicy i potencjalni pracownicy branży turystycznej postrzegają pracodawców działających na rynku i czy ich działania są przez nich zauważalne, czy mogą nazwać je skutecznymi, a także ocenę samej atrakcyjności wizerunku pracodawcy, wykorzystywanych form employer brandingu i jego wpływu na konkurencyjność firm na rynku.Wyniki prowadzonych badań pozwoliły na stwierdzenie, że wizerunek pracodawców w branży turystycznej jest w większości atrakcyjny dla potencjalnych pracowników, jednak sama ocena działań związanych z employer brandingiem jest zróżnicowana.Building an employer brand in the modern world becomes an important factor distinguishing companies on the market and allowing them to acquire qualified staff, thanks to creating a positive image on the labor market and offering numbers of benefits related to employment. The tourism industry as a sector perceived as potentially attractive is a challenge for employers who are struggling to attract the best candidates for their businesses.The aim of the work is to present the theoretical assumptions related to definition, perception and the process of employer branding, as well as the functioning of the tourism market, including the labor market in tourism and the characteristics of employees and potential employees of the tourism industry. The research allows to find answers to questions on how employees and potential employees of the tourism industry perceive employers operating on the market and whether their activities are noticed by them, can they be called effective, as well as the assessment of the attractiveness of the employer's image, diversity of forms of employer branding and its impact on the competitiveness of companies on the market.The surveys allowed to state that the image of employers in tourism industry is mostly attractive to potential employees, however, the evaluation of employer branding activities is diversified

    Non-nutritive compounds in Fabaceae family seeds and the improvement of their nutritional quality by traditional processing - A review

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    The consumption of seeds of the Fabaceae family is distributed worldwide mainly due to their high content of proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids, jointly with vitamins and minerals. However, they contain several non-nutritive compounds (NNCs) that can exert adverse or beneficial actions upon ingestion depending on their chemical structure, concentration, time of exposure and their interaction with other dietary components. In this review, we present the representative legume NNCs, their chemical nature and their adverse and beneficial biological actions. Moreover, we summarized updated findings on the effect of different traditional processing, bearing in mind that legumes are mainly consumed in the household milieu, on the concentration of legume NNCs. The results of the in-vivo studies prove that the reduction/elimination of legume NNCs improves nutritional quality and the fate of improvements depends on many parameters such as botanical source, chemical composition, content, type of processing and operational conditions used, among others. Together, this review can provide a comprehensive perspective for further elucidating the roles of plant lectins that may target programmed cell death pathways. This review may, in turn, ultimately help to consumers for whom legumes are part of a vegetarian diet or are consumed as staple food which must take into consideration the improvement of legume nutritive quality by traditional processing. © by Piotr Gulewicz 2014.Peer Reviewe

    Odpowiedzialność społeczna biznesu na przykładzie banku transnarodowego w Polsce

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    The article deals with the issues of corporate social responsibility towards employees on the example of a transnational bank operating in Poland. The issue is presented on the basis of literature studies and own research. It has been pointed out that employees constitute the most important group of stakeholders for enterprises. Moreover, the working conditions and employees’ satisfaction with the work has been analyzed.W artykule, na bazie studiów literaturowych i badań własnych, przedstawiono problematykę dotyczącą odpowiedzialności społecznej przedsiębiorstw wobec pracowników na przykładzie działającego w Polsce banku transnarodowego. Wskazano, że pracownicy stanowią najważniejszą grupę interesariuszy dla przedsiębiorstwa. Dokonano także analizy warunków pracy oraz zadowolenia pracowników z pracy

    Relación entre diferentes formas de nitrógeno y el desarrollo y rendimiento de Lupinus albus L. originario de diferentes países

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    This paper discusses the influence of form of nitrogen (N) used as fertilizer, such as N2, NH4+, NO3-, (NH4+ + NO3-) and -NH2, on the development and yield and the protein content and yield of low-alkaloid cultivars of Lupinus albus L. from Poland, Spain, and Chile. The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse and plants were grown in perlite. The different forms of N used significantly influenced lupin development and yield. Plants only developed normally in treatments where N was delivered in the molecular form N2 or as (NH4+ + NO3-). For the other forms of N anomalies like necrosis, chlorosis, and small leaves were present. In contrast to cv. Butan, the N used as NH4+ disturbed flowering in cvs. Multolupa and Marta, which produced no seed. Moreover, N form also influenced protein seed protein content and yield.El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la influencia de diferentes formas de nitrógeno (N2, NH4+, NO3-, (NH4+ + NO3-) y -NH2), utilizadas como fertilizante, sobre el desarrollo, el rendimiento vegetativo y el contenido y rendimiento proteico de diferentes variedades dulces de Lupinus albus L. originarias de Polonia, España y Chile. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en invernadero, utilizando perlita como sustrato. Las plantas se desarrollaron adecuadamente sólo cuando el aporte de nitrógeno fue en forma de N2 o como (NH4+ + NO3-). Cuando se utilizaron las otras formas de nitrógeno se observaron anomalías como necrosis, clorosis u hojas de tamaño reducido. En contraste con el cultivar Butan, cuando se utilizó NH4+, los cultivares Multolupa y Marta presentaron alteraciones en la floración, que dieron lugar a una carencia de semillas. Además, la forma del nitrógeno utilizada tuvo una importancia crucial en el contenido proteico de las semillas, así como en el rendimiento proteico

    Food safety evaluation of broccoli and radish sprouts

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    Three cultivars of broccoli seeds (Brassica oleracea var. italica), cv. Tiburon, cv. Belstar and cv. Lucky, and two cultivars of radish seeds (Raphanus sativus), cv. Rebel and cv. Bolide, were germinated for three and five days and safety aspects such as microbiological counts and biogenic amines were investigated. Cytotoxicity evaluation was also carried out. Broccoli and radish sprouts contained numbers of mesophilic, psychrotrophic, total and faecal coliform bacteria which are the usual counts for minimally processed germinated seeds. Putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, tyramine, spermidine and spermine increased during sprout production although these levels were below those permitted by legislation (5 mg/100 g of edible food). Broccoli and radish sprouts demonstrated no toxic effects on proliferation and viability of HL-60 cells and should be included in our diets as healthy and safe fresh foods.This research was funded by Project AGL-2004-00886/ALI from the Spanish CYCYT. Dr. Piotr Gulewicz thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science for a postdoctoral fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Uncertainty and cash during a pandemic: the case of Poland

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    Wzrost podaży pieniądza gotówkowego jest jednym z najciekawszych zjawisk monetarnych ostatnich lat. Zwłaszcza okres pandemii COVID-19 cechował się skokowym wzrostem znaczenia pieniądza gotówkowego w obiegu. W artykule rozważa się, czy niepewność związana ze skutkami pandemii była źródłem zwiększonej podaży pieniądza gotówkowego. W celu pomiaru niepewności skonstruowano Wskaźnik Niepewności Pandemicznej oraz Wskaźnik Niepewności Gospodarczej za okres styczeń 2019 – grudzień 2021. Konstruując wskaźniki przyjęto, że poziom niepewności odczuwany przez gospodarstwa domowe oraz przedsiębiorstwa niefinansowe lepiej obrazują wyszukiwania haseł w wyszukiwarce internetowej aniżeli (jak to ma miejsce w przypadku innych mierników niepewności) publikacje prasowe lub wskaźniki rynków finansowych. Obydwa nowe wskaźniki wykazują związek z podażą pieniądza gotówkowego w Polsce w okresie pandemii, przy czym związek ten jest szczególnie silny w przypadku Wskaźnika Niepewności Pandemicznej. Zmiany podaży pieniądza gotówkowego w Polsce nie były związane z dynamiką sprzedaży detalicznej (wykluczyć zatem można zmiany popytu na pieniądz z motywu transakcyjnego). Znaczenia nie mają także rzeczywiste przypadki COVID-19 oraz wysokość stopy procentowej. Utrzymywanie rezerwy pieniądza gotówkowego jest wobec tego traktowane przez podmioty jako optymalna strategia w okresie wzrostu niepewności. Ta funkcja pieniądza gotówkowego stwarza nowy kontekst w dyskusjach dotyczących pełnej rezygnacji z pieniądza gotówkowego.The increase in the cash supply is one of the most interesting monetary phenomena in recent years. In particular, the period of the COVID-19 pandemic was marked by a significant increase in the cash in circulation. The article considers whether the uncertainty related to the effects of the pandemic was the source of the increased cash supply during the pandemic in Poland. In order to measure uncertainty, the Pandemic Uncertainty Index and the Economic Uncertainty Index were constructed (monthly data for the years 2019–2021). It was assumed that the level of uncertainty experienced by households and non-financial enterprises is better illustrated by search terms in an internet search engine than (as is the case with other uncertainty measures) press publications or financial market indicators. Both new indicators are related to the cash supply in Poland during the pandemic, and this relationship is particularly strong in the case of the Pandemic Uncertainty Index. Changes in the cash supply in Poland were not related to the dynamics of retail sales (therefore, changes in the transactional demand for money can be excluded). The actual number of COVID-19 cases and the interest rate are also irrelevant. Maintaining a cash reserve is therefore treated by entities as an optimal strategy in a period of increased uncertainty. This cash function creates a new context in the discussions about the full waiver of cash.