93 research outputs found

    Assessment of the risk of Hepatitis E virus occurrence in pork carcasses at slaughter in the UK

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a RNA virus of the genus Hepevirus. HEV genotype 3 is zoonotic and pigs are the main reservoir. This genotype has been identified in the United Kingdom, in sporadic locally-acquired cases without recent history of foreign travel to endemic countries. The number of HEV-confirmed human cases in the UK has increased significantly, from 124 cases in 2003 to 661 in 2013. Non-travel cases now account for the majority (69%) of cases observed annually in the UK. Our aim was to assess the risk of HEV occurrence in pork carcases at slaughter in the UK. We performed a quantitative exposure assessment using Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the number of carcasses contaminated with HEV produced in a high throughput porcine abattoir during one year. The input data used were: a) true prevalence in British pigs, b) probability of viral shedding in bile and faeces c) number of pig carcases with bile and/or faecal contamination detected during post-mortem inspection. The following assumptions were made when data were unavailable: a) sensitivity and specificity of the RP-PCR diagnostic test; b) meat from viraemic pigs was considered HEV-positive; c) visual faecal and bile contamination only considered since microscopic contamination would not be detected through visual inspection. We estimated through our model that 175,152 (2.4%) of carcases produced in high throughput abattoirs would be infected with HEV in one year period. The number of viraemic pigs slaughtered at the abattoir was the largest driver of the uncertainty in carcass contamination. Variations in this parameter would change the output from 62,982 carcasses up to 306,320. Mitigation strategies at farm level should be explored, as it appears that control at this level would likely result in a higher reduction in HEV contamination in pork meat

    Integrated cost-benefit analysis of tsetse control and herd productivity to inform control programs for animal African trypanosomiasis

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    Animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) and its tsetse vector are responsible for annual losses estimated in billions of US dollars ($). Recent years have seen the implementation of a series of multinational interventions. However, actors of AAT control face complex resource allocation decisions due to the geographical range of AAT, diversity of ecological and livestock systems, and range of control methods available. The study presented here integrates an existing tsetse abundance model with a bio-economic herd model that captures local production characteristics as well as heterogeneities in AAT incidence and breed. These models were used to predict the impact of tsetse elimination on the net value of cattle production in the districts of Mambwe, in Zambia, and Faro et DĂ©o in Cameroon. The net value of cattle production under the current situation was used as a baseline, and compared with alternative publicly funded control programmes. In Zambia, the current baseline is AAT control implemented privately by cattle owners (Scenario Z0). In Cameroon, the baseline (Scenario C0) is a small-scale publicly funded tsetse control programme and privately funded control at farm level. The model was run for 10 years, using a discount rate of 5%

    Printing in three dimensions with graphene

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    Responsive graphene oxide sheets form non‐covalent networks with optimum rheological properties for 3D printing. These networks have shear thinning behavior and sufficiently high elastic shear modulus (Gâ€Č) to build self‐supporting 3D structures by direct write assembly. Drying and thermal reduction leads to ultra‐light graphene‐only structures with restored conductivity and elastomeric behavior

    Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in Ethiopia: Analysis of a national serological survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a contagious viral disease of small ruminants in Africa and Asia. In 1999, probably the largest survey on PPR ever conducted in Africa was initiated in Ethiopia where 13 651 serum samples from 7 out of the 11 regions were collected and analyzed by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA). The objective of this paper is to present the results of this survey and discuss their practical implications for PPR-endemic regions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We explored the spatial distribution of PPR in Ethiopia and we investigated risk factors for positive serological status. Intracluster correlation coefficients (ρ), were calculated for 43 <it>wereda </it>(administrative units).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seroprevalence was very heterogeneous across regions and even more across <it>wereda</it>, with prevalence estimates ranging from 0% to 52.5%. Two groups of <it>weredas </it>could be distinguished on the basis of the estimated ρ: a group with very low ρ (ρ < 0.12) and a group with very high ρ (ρ > 0.37).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results indicate that PPRV circulation has been very heterogeneous, the values for the ρ may reflect the endemic or epidemic presence of the virus or the various degrees of mixing of animals in the different areas and production systems. Age appears as a risk factor for seropositive status, the linear effect seeming to confirm in the field that PPRV is highly immunogenic. Our estimates of intracluster correlation may prove useful in the design of serosurveys in other countries where PPR is of importance.</p

    The disproportionate case–fatality ratio of COVID-19 between countries with the highest vaccination rates and the rest of the world

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    Objectives: The global reported cumulative case–fatality ratios (rCFRs) and excess mortality rates of the 20 countries with the highest coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination rates, the rest of the world and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) were compared before and after the commencement of vaccination programmes. Methods: A time series model was used to understand the trend of rCFR over time, and a generalized linear mixed model was used to understand the effect of vaccination on rCFR. Results: By 31 December 2022, an average of 260.3 doses of COVID-19 vaccine per 100 population had been administered in the top 20 vaccinated countries, compared with 152.1 doses in the rest of the world and 51.2 doses in SSA. The mean rCFR of COVID-19 had decreased by 69.0% in the top 20 vaccinated countries, 26.5% in the rest of the world and 7.6% in SSA. Excess mortality had decreased by 48.7% in the top 20 vaccinated countries, compared with 62.5% in the rest of the world and 60.7% in SSA. In a generalized linear mixed model, the reported number of vaccine doses administered (/100 population) (odds ratio 0.64) was associated with a steeper reduction in COVID-19 rCFR. Conclusions: Vaccine equity and faster roll-out across the world is critically important in reducing COVID-19 transmission and CFR

    Brucella spp. infection in large ruminants in an endemic area of Egypt: cross-sectional study investigating seroprevalence, risk factors and livestock owner's knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Brucellosis is regarded as one of the major zoonotic infections worldwide. It was first reported in Egypt in 1939 and is now endemic, the predominate species of <it>Brucella </it>in cattle and buffalo in Egypt is <it>B. melitensis</it>. The aim of the study was to estimate seroprevalence of <it>Brucella </it>spp. in cattle and buffalo reared in households in an Egyptian village, identify risk factors for animals testing seropositive and to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) of livestock owners with regards to brucellosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was carried out in a village in Menufiya Governorate of Egypt. In June and July 2009, 107 households were selected using systematic sample and all lactating cattle and buffalo present in the household were sampled and tested for antibodies against <it>Brucella </it>spp. In addition, a questionnaire collecting information on potential risk factors for <it>Brucella </it>spp. infection in cattle and buffalo was administered to the household member responsible for rearing the livestock. Between December 2009 and February 2010 households were revisited and a second questionnaire regarding KAPs associated with brucellosis was administered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>True individual and household seroprevalence were estimated to be 11.0% (95% CI: 3.06% to 18.4%) and 15.5% (95% CI: 6.61% to 24.7%), respectively. Cattle and buffalo kept in a household with sheep and goats had 6.32 (95% CI: 1.44 to 27.9) times the odds of testing seropositive for <it>Brucella </it>spp., compared to cattle and buffalo that were not. Most participants in the study stated that livestock owners assist in the parturition of ruminants without wearing gloves and that some farmers sell animals which they suspect are <it>Brucella </it>infected to butchers or at market. Many participants made their livestock's milk into cheese and other dairy products without pasteurising it.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Brucellosis was endemic at high levels, in the current study. Although livestock owners had good general knowledge of brucellosis, they still appeared to participate in high-risk behaviours, which may contribute to the high seroprevalence in the area. Veterinarians, public health authorities and other community leaders need to collaborate to control the disease in animals and to manage the risk of human exposure.</p

    Dupuytren's disease in bosnia and herzegovina. An epidemiological study

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    BACKGROUND: It is generally held that Dupuytren's disease is more common in northern than in southern Europe, but there are very few studies from southern European countries. METHODS: We examined the hands of 1207 men and women over the age of 50 years in Bosnia and Herzegovina. RESULTS: The prevalence of Dupuytren's disease was highly age-dependent, ranging from 17% for men between 50–59 years to 60% in the oldest men. The prevalence among women was lower. The great majority only had palmar changes without contracture of the digit. The prevalence was significantly lower among Bosnian Muslim men than among Bosnian Croat and Serbian men and significantly increased among diabetics. No association could be detected between Dupuytren's disease and smoking, alcohol consumption or living in rural or urban areas. CONCLUSION: We conclude that, contrary to previous opinion, Dupuytren's disease is common in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Risk-based inspection as a cost-effective strategy to reduce human exposure to cysticerci of Taenia saginata in low-prevalence settings

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    Taenia saginata cysticercus is the larval stage of the zoonotic parasite Taenia saginata, with a life-cycle involving both cattle and humans. The public health impact is considered low. The current surveillance system, based on post-mortem inspection of carcasses has low sensitivity and leads to considerable economic burden. Therefore, in the interests of public health and food production efficiency, this study aims to explore the potential of risk-based and cost-effective meat inspection activities for the detection and control of T. saginata cysticercus in low prevalence settings

    The disproportionate case-fatality ratio of COVID-19 between top vaccinated countries and the rest of the world

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    Objectives We compared the global reported cumulative case-fatality ratio (rCFR) and excess mortality between top-20 countries with COVID-19 vaccination rates, the rest of the world and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) before and after commencement of vaccination programmes. Methods We performed time series model to understand the trend of rCFR over time and performed generalized linear mixed model to understand role of vaccination on rCFR. Results By 31 December 2022, on average 260.3 doses of COVID-19 vaccines per 100 people had been administered in the top-20 vaccinated countries, compared to 152.1 doses in the rest of the world, and 51.2 in SSA. The mean rCFR of COVID-19 had dropped by 69.0% in the top in the top-20 vaccinated countries, 26.5% in the rest of the world and 7.6% in SSA. The excess mortality had dropped by 48.7% in top vaccinated countries compared to 62.5% in the rest of the world and 60.7% in SSA. In a generalized linear mixed model, reported number of vaccine doses administered doses (/100 population) (Odds ratio:0.64) was associated with a steeper reduction of the country's COVID-19 rCFR. Conclusions Vaccine equity and faster roll-out across the world is critically important in reducing COVID-19 transmission and CFR
