853 research outputs found

    Theorizing Among Ruins: An Existentialist Perspective on Political Violence

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    Streaming audio requires RealPlayer.The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.In this talk, Gatta considers the contribution of German philosopher Karl Jaspers to a possible mode of theorizing violence, in particular the experience of violence, as defining trait of human existence and something that political theory cannot afford to ignore. In particular, Gatta dwells on Karl Jaspers’s notion of boundary situation as enabling both attention to the fact of struggle and violence and a reflection on the possibility of its episodic overcoming.Ohio State University. Mershon Center for International Security StudiesEvent webpage, streaming audio, event photo

    Gavage Program for the Preterm Infant

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    Preterm infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit, are susceptible to hospital acquired infections due to their immature immune systems. To mitigate this occurrence a change project will be implemented to decrease the incidence of nosocomial infection in this population. The project will be focusing on preterm infants working on full nipple feeds. Our project is aiming to discharge this population home with a nasogastric tube to work on feedings, rather than remaining in the hospital. Chart Audits were conducted pre-program and found approximately 18 patients acquired blood stream infections and 2 acquired MRSA. The method used to assist in implementation of this project was Lewin’s Change Theory. This theory focuses on three stages to best help change projects. The first stage is unfreezing; the phase focuses on the recognition of a problem within the facility. The second stage is moving; this process involves in-depth discussion to cultivate this new project. The last phase is refreezing, in this stage the new process has begun implementation. This stage is vital in the sustainability of this project. A Root Cause Analysis was explored to substantiate the need for a project of this caliber. This analysis showed that our patients weakened immunity along with environmental factors and the hesitancy of several attendees were causative factors in our patients becoming ill. A cost analysis was conducted and found that hospitalization for a preterm infant with no complications is approximately 1,200,000forafourmonthstay.Whereasaninfantwhomacquiresaninfectioncanremaininthehospitalforanadditionalmonthatacostofapproximately1,200,000 for a four month stay. Whereas an infant whom acquires an infection can remain in the hospital for an additional month at a cost of approximately 3,000,000. There was not an opportunity to evaluate this project due to many contributory factors in implementation. There have been many discrepancies in billing and registration, that has caused a delay in execution of this project. Further review of the billing and registration process is needed to best support this program. Once this project is fully functional it is anticipated that there will be a 30% decrease in nosocomial infections in this population and length of stay will be decreased my several weeks to months. Chart Audits will be conducted at the six-month mark to measure the success of this program. The summation of this project will be to decrease the incidence of nosocomial infections in the preterm infant. Which will decrease the length of stay that will correlate to costs savings

    Room temperature electron spin relaxation in GaInNAs multiple quantum wells at 1.3 mu m

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    The authors report a direct measurement of electron spin relaxation in GaInNAs semiconductor multiple quantum wells at room temperature. Multiple quantum wells of widths 5.8, 7, and 8 nm exhibiting excitonic absorption around 1.3 mu m have been studied. Spin relaxation times were found to increase with well width in the range of 77-133 ps. The spin relaxation time dependence on first electron confinement energy suggests the Elliot-Yafet mechanism [A. Tackeuchi , Physica B 272, 318 (1999)] as the dominant relaxation process. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.</p

    Optically-pumped saturable absorber for fast switching between continuous-wave and passively mode-locked regimes of a Nd:YVO4 laser

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    We report on the fast (~50 μs) remote-controlled switching between continuous-wave (cw), cw mode-locked (ML) and Q-switched ML modes of operation of a Nd:YVO4 laser using an optically-pumped saturable absorber (SA). Pulses as short as 40 ps with an average output power of 0.5 W are obtained in cw ML regime

    Análisis de las variaciones de niveles piezométricos del complejo acuífero cuaternario, registrados dentro de pozos profundos, por la CAR, entre 1998 y 2007, en la Sabana de Bogotá

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    Saneamiento de comunidadesEstudios periódicos de las variaciones de los niveles piezométricos de los acuíferos y sus flujos del agua subterránea, son de vital importancia para contribuir con el desarrollo de proyectos que regulen y preserven este recurso hídrico. En la Sabana de Bogotá, cerca del 80%, de las captaciones, se abastecen de agua subterránea, del Complejo Acuífero Cuaternario. (CAR, 2005). Para el análisis, en este estudio, se aplicaron métodos y herramientas de geoestadística, determinando las técnicas más apropiadas para modelar las superficies piezométricas. Se realizaron estadísticas espaciales, mediante software, Arcgis y Surfer para obtener diferentes tipos de modelos 3D, a partir de las curvas de isopiezas, año a año (desde 1998 a 2007). Se evaluaron cualitativa y cuantitativamente las variaciones del nivel regional del agua subterránea, así mismo, se determinaron las direcciones predominantes de los flujos correspondientes al acuífero cuaternario, en el área de estudio. Como resultado, fue posible establecer que existen variaciones anuales en los niveles piezométricos de la Sabana de Bogotá del orden de una o dos decenas de metros por año, y una gran variación acumulada mayor a la citada en estudios anteriores; y por otra parte, que el área, declarada legalmente como critica, por la CAR en agosto de 2016, la encontramos afectada en una mayor extensión, hacia el sector suroccidental, que incluye parte de los municipios de Facatativá y el Rosal.Introducción 1. Generalidades del trabajo de grado 2. Marco de referencia 3. Metodología 4. Análisis de recurso Conclusiones y recomendaciones Bibliografía ApéndiceEspecializaciónEspecialista en Recursos Hídrico

    Factores de riesgo laboral en el profesional de Enfermería del Centro Quirúrgico del Hospital II- I Moyobamba 2022

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    La presente investigación fue realizada en el Centro Quirúrgico Del Hospital II I Moyobamba 2022, la cual tuvo como objetivo determinar los factores de riesgo laboral, en el profesional de enfermería del Centro Quirúrgico del Centro de Salud mencionado anteriormente. Para ello, la metodología empleada fue de diseño descriptivo simple, empleando como técnica de recolección de datos a la encuesta y como instrumento al cuestionario. Los principales resultados fueron que el 75% manifiestan que existen riesgos laborales biológicos; el 75% manifiestan que existen riesgos laborales químicos; el 45% manifiestan que existen riesgos laborales físicos; 65% manifiestan que existen riesgos laborales ergonómicos y el 70% manifiestan que existen riesgos laborales psicosociales. Por último, las principales conclusiones fueron que, el 65% del personal de salud manifiesta que existen riesgos laborales, por lo que es necesario que se realicen acciones correctivas referente al ámbito biológico, químico, físico, ergonómico y psicosocial.The present investigation was carried out in the Surgical Center of the Hospital II-I Moyobamba 2022, where the purpose is to determine the occupational risk factors, in the nursing professional of the Surgical Center of the Health Center mentioned above. For this, the methodology used was a simple descriptive design, using the survey as a data collection technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. The main results were that 75% state that there are biological occupational hazards; 75% state that there are chemical occupational risks; 45% state that there are physical occupational risks; 65% state that there are ergonomic occupational risks and 70% state that there are psychosocial occupational risks. Finally, the main conclusions were that 65% of health personnel state that there are occupational risks, so it is necessary to carry out corrective actions regarding the biological, chemical, physical, ergonomic and psychosocial fields.Tesis de segunda especialida

    Shoshone text

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    Microlight trike

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    Tema diplomskog rada je dizajn i razrada mikrolake ovjesne jedrilice s motorom i numerička analiza te konstrukcije. Povijest zmajarstva, izgled konstrukcije motornih ovjesnih jedrilica te tehnike upravljanja i leta jedrilica opisani su u uvodu rada. Nakon uvida u stanje tržišta i analizom postojećih proizvoda, definirane su karakteristike koje mikrolake ovjesne jedrilice moraju imati te su prikazana i analizirana rješenja za pojedine konstrukcijske zahtjeve. Na temelju toga osmišljen je koncept mikrolake ovjesne jedrilice koji je modeliran korištenjem programskog paketa SolidWorks. Koncept je u nastavku rada detaljno prikazan te je opisan način sklapanja i rastavljanja konstrukcije. Nabrojane su važnosti pravilnog dimenzioniranja cijevi konstrukcije i prikazan je položaj pilota tijekom leta motornom ovjesnom jedrilicom koristeći programski paket Catia V5. U nastavku rada, korištenjem programskog paketa Abaqus, provedena je numerička analiza konstrukcije osmišljenog koncepta. Prvo su provjerena naprezanja tijekom leta za više slučajeva opterećenja. Nakon toga analizirana je čvrstoća konstrukcije prilikom slijetanja kada dolazi do udarnog opterećenja. Na temelju numeričke analize zaključeno je da su pojedine cijevi predimenzionirane te je nakon promjene promjera i debljina stijenki tih cijevi provedena još jedna analiza naprezanja konstrukcije. U završnom poglavlju dan je zaključak na temelju provedenih numeričkih analiza konstrukcije.The theme of this master thesis is design and development of powered microlight hang glider and numerical analysis of its construction. The history of hang gliding, design of hang gliders and the techniques for flying are described in the introduction. After market research and analysis of existing products, the characteristics of microlight hang gliders are defined and solutions for particular design requirements are presented and analyzed. Based on this, the concept of a microlight hang glider was designed and modeled using SolidWorks. The concept is presented in detail and structure assembly as well as disassembly are described. The importance of the correct dimensioning of the structure pipes is described and the position of the pilot during the flight is shown using Catia V5. In the following, a numerical analysis of the construction was carried out using Abaqus. First, the stresses of the structure during flight were checked for multiple loading cases. Afterwards, the strength of the structure during landing when impact load occurs is analyzed. On the basis of the numerical analysis of the structural stress, it was concluded that individual pipes were over-dimensioned and, after changing the diameter and wall thickness of these pipes, another structural stress analysis was performed. The final chapter provides a conclusion based on the numerical analysis of the structure

    Resonant Absorption in GaAs-Based Nanowires by Means of Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy

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    Semiconductor nanowires made of high refractive index materials can couple the incoming light to specific waveguide modes that offer resonant absorption enhancement under the bandgap wavelength, essential for light harvesting, lasing and detection applications. Moreover, the non-trivial ellipticity of such modes can offer near field interactions with chiral molecules, governed by near chiral field. These modes are therefore very important to detect. Here, we present the photo-acoustic spectroscopy as a low-cost, reliable, sensitive and scattering-free tool to measure the spectral position and absorption efficiency of these modes. The investigated samples are hexagonal nanowires with GaAs core; the fabrication by means of lithography-free molecular beam epitaxy provides controllable and uniform dimensions that allow for the excitation of the fundamental resonant mode around 800 nm. We show that the modulation frequency increase leads to the discrimination of the resonant mode absorption from the overall absorption of the substrate. As the experimental data are in great agreement with numerical simulations, the design can be optimized and followed by photo-acoustic characterization for a specific application