1,032 research outputs found

    Natural Killer Cell Assessment In Peripheral Circulation And Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Of Patients With Severe Sepsis: A Case Control Study

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    Sepsis is a complex systemic inflammatory syndrome, the most common cause of which is attributed to systemic underlying bacterial infection. The complete mechanisms of the dynamic pro- and anti-inflammatory processes underlying the pathophysiology of sepsis remain poorly understood. Natural killer (NK) cells play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of sepsis, leading to exaggerated inflammation due their rapid response and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interferon gamma (IFN-gamma). Several studies have already shown that NK cells undergo lymphopenia in the peripheral blood of patients with sepsis. However, our understanding of the mechanisms behind its cellular trafficking and its role in disease development is restricted to studies in animal models. In this study, we aimed to compare the human NK cell subset (CD56(bright or dim)) levels in the peripheral blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of sepsis patients. We conducted a case-control study with a sample size consisting of 10 control patients and 23 sepsis patients enrolled at the Hospital Cajuru (Curitiba/PR, Brazil) from 2013 to 2015. Although we were able to confirm previous observations of peripheral blood lymphopenia, no significant differences were detected in NK cell levels in the BAL fluid of these patients. Overall, these findings strengthened the evidence that peripheral blood lymphopenia is likely to be associated with cell death as a consequence of sepsis.183NHMRC Early Career FellowshipNational Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) FellowshipCancer Cure Australia Priority-Driven Young Investigator Project Gran

    The small bowel submitted to hypothermic hyperbaric oxygenation: a morphologic study in rats

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o grau de lesao do intestino delgado submetido a preservacao hipotermica e oxigenacao hiperbarica (OHB). Metodos: Foram utilizados 20 ratos Wistar machos, com peso medio de 264,33 g e idade de 3 meses. Apos irrigacao intraluminal e perfusao vascular, segmentos jejunais de 3cm de cada animal foram mantidos em Ringer lactato a temperatura entre 2 e 4°C (RLg) e distribuidos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos: Grupo Ia = acondicionamento em geladeira por 12 horas (n=10); Grupo Ib = aplicacao de OHB refrigerada por 12 horas (n=lO); Grupo lIa = acondicionamento em geladeira por 24 horas (n=lO); Grupo IIb = aplicacao de OHB refrigerada por 24 horas (n=lO). Avaliaram-se o grau de lesao da mucos a e a altura das vilosidades por H.E., bem como os indices de apoptose e de mitose pelo metodo de TUNEL e por expressao do PCNA, respectivamente. Resultados: Nos Grupos Ia e lIa, observaram-se maiores graus de lesao (Graus 6 e 7), com significante diminuicao da espessura da camada mucosa e aumento do indice de apoptose (p<O,OI) quando comparados com os Grupos Ib e IIb, caracterizando a melhor condicao de preservacao com a aplicacao da OHB. Os indices de apoptose no Grupo Ib foram menores do que no Grupo IIb (p<O,OI). Os indices mitoticos foram maiores nos segmentos preservados na camara hiperbarica, se comparados aos acondicionados na geladeira (p<0,05), indicando que a OHB mantem a potencial idade de recuperacao da mucosa. Conclusao: A oxigenacao hiperbarica protege o intestino delgado de rato das lesoes decorrentes da preservacao hipotermicaThe aim of this work was to evaluate the range of mucosal injury in small bowel submitted to hypothermic preservation and hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO). Methods: Twenty 3-month-old male Wistar rats weighting 240 to 300 g were used as bowel donors. After luminal flush and vascular perfusion, 3-cm segments were maintained in Ringer’s solution at temperatures between 2°C to 4°C and randomly divided into 4 groups: Group Ia = conditioned in cold storage for 12 hours; Group Ib = conditioned in refrigerating HBO chamber for 12 hours (n=10); Group IIa = conditioned in cold storage for 24 hours (n=10); Group IIb = conditioned in refrigerating HBO chamber for 24 hours (n=10). After these preservation times, we studied intestinal tissue injury and morphometric analysis of the villi by H.E; apoptotic index by TUNEL and mitotic index by PCNA expression. Results: The grade of the lesions was significantly greater among group Ia and Ib compared to groups IIa and IIb, with smaller villi height and greater apoptotic index (p < 0,01). The apoptotic index was significantly smaller in group Ib compared to group IIb (p < o,01). The mitotic index was greater in segments preserved in hyperbaric chamber compared to conditioned in cold storage (p<0,05). Conclusion: The hyperbaric oxygenation protects the rat small bowel of the lesions in cold storage and preserves its structure adequatelyBV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Project Wireless Sensor Network Architecture for Tunnel Monitoring

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    Abstract: This paper presents an architecture for wireless sensor networks (WSN) operating in the 2.4GHz RF band for implementation in environments of small tunnels. The study begins with an objective description of the RF architecture and with the implementation of a RSSI analysis in real scenarios. The designed modules are using directional and omnidirectional antennas for each test scenario. In initial experiment is included a test on the 433Mhz band. The developed WSN architecture provides a higher degree of reliability at environments with denser structures (tunnels) and enables the use of directional and omnidirectional antennas for better signal behavior considering the structure of environment to propagation

    Mother-and-child catheter-facilitated optical coherence tomography: A novel approach to improve intracoronary imaging

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    Background: Our aim was to prospectively analyze the usefulness of mother-and-child catheter approach with the GuideLiner® (GL) catheter extension system to overcome some potential limitations associated with the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods: We included consecutive patients referred to our institution for coronary angiogram in whom OCT image acquisition was obtained using GL. From February 2015 to May 2016, a total of 19 procedures (18 patients) were prospectively included. Results: In more than two thirds of the procedures, the OCT catheter was unable to cross the coronary stenosis prior to the use of GL. The right coronary artery was the most frequently involved coronary vessel (63%). The main reason for using GL (47% of cases) was poor engagement of the coronary ostium and lack of support of the guiding catheter (47%). Eventually, in 18 out of 19 procedures, a good quality OCT image was obtained and, when indicated, successful percutaneous coronary intervention with stent implantation was performed. Of note, there were no serious complications related to the use of GL during OCT imaging. Conclusions: Optical coherence tomography through a catheter extension system is a useful technique able to overcome some of the limitations associated with this imaging technique ensuring adequate blood clearance and thus optimal image quality

    Mother-and-child catheter-facilitated optical coherence tomography: A novel approach to improve intracoronary imaging

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    Background: Our aim was to prospectively analyze the usefulness of mother-and-child catheter approach with the GuideLiner® (GL) catheter extension system to overcome some potential limitations associated with the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT).Methods: We included consecutive patients referred to our institution for coronary angiogram in whom OCT image acquisition was obtained using GL. From February 2015 to May 2016, a total of 19 procedures (18 patients) were prospectively included.Results: In more than two thirds of the procedures, the OCT catheter was unable to cross the coronary stenosis prior to the use of GL. The right coronary artery was the most frequently involved coronary vessel (63%). The main reason for using GL (47% of cases) was poor engagement of the coronary ostium and lack of support of the guiding catheter (47%). Eventually, in 18 out of 19 procedures, a good quality OCT image was obtained and, when indicated, successful percutaneous coronary intervention with stent implantation was performed. Of note, there were no serious complications related to the use of GL during OCT imaging.Conclusions: Optical coherence tomography through a catheter extension system is a useful technique able to overcome some of the limitations associated with this imaging technique ensuring adequate blood clearance and thus optimal image quality

    The origins of the Angolan civil war. International politics and domestic political conflict 1961-1976.

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    This thesis views the Angolan civil war as a conflict that resulted from both internal and external political factors. The war, fought in the period 1975-1976 between the MPLA and the FNLA-UNITA coalition to succeed Portuguese colonialism in Angola, involved the intervention of external powers on behalf of both sides. This study examines, in part, the relationships that were established between these international powers and the Angolan movements. Due to the way in which these external relationships modified the nature of the internal political dispute, they became an intricate part of the origins of the conflict itself. The internationalization of the Angolan civil war was predicated, however, on an internal political conflict that emerged from a dynamic interaction of the effects of both Portuguese colonialism and divergent currents of Angolan anti-colonialism. While the particularities of Portuguese colonialism and the Salazarist regime played their part in establishing some of the conditions within which Angolan anti-colonialism emerged, the latter was also a product of specific political choices on the part of the movements involved. In this interaction there can also be found the roots of the conflict between the Angolan movements. This internal conflict was further exacerbated when the parties to it hoped to bolster their respective positions by establishing relationships with external powers. The establishment of these relationships was in part achieved by appealing to external rivalries, in particular to that of the competition between the superpowers, but also to regional rivalries, such as that between Congo and Zaire and wider continental divisions. The interaction between the internal conflict and these external rivalries is shown to have contributed significantly to the origins of the civil war. This thesis maintains its focus tightly on the specific question of the origins of the Angolan civil war. Those developments that led to the war, rather than the conflict itself are its main concern


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    Este artigo apresenta os resultados de avaliações da eficácia do Programa Empreendedor Rural – PER – em alcançar seus objetivos. O PER é um programa de educação rural para produtores e trabalhadores rurais desenvolvido no Paraná e executado pelo Senar/PR e Sebrae/PR que visa elevar os estoques de capital humano e social no meio rural. O programa adota o construtivismo como método de ensino e a elaboração de projetos de investimento como eixo de aprendizagem. Na Fase I do Programa, executado a partir de 2003, o objetivo principal é a promoção de empreendedorismo no meio rural, por meio de um treinamento com cerca de 5 meses de duração. A Fase III, executada a partir de 2005, tem como objetivo principal a ampliação do capital social no meio rural, e se desenvolve por cerca de 9 meses. A avaliação do programa foi planejada para coletar informações em três fases distintas: (1) início do programa (Marco Zero), (2) término do programa e (3) após um ano do término do programa. O programa foi avaliado por meio de questionários e entrevistas estruturadas, em amostras de participantes estatisticamente significativas. Aos resultados foram aplicados métodos de estatística descritiva, teste de Qui-quadrado, apresentação gráfica de dados e a técnica de “data mining”. Os resultados para a Fase I mostram que o programa foi eficaz na promoção de empreendedorismo, especialmente na criação de negócios próprios pelos participantes um ano após a conclusão do treinamento, entre outros resultados. Para a fase III a avaliação mostra que, ao final do treinamento, que implica na elaboração de projetos associativos, os participantes tiveram uma visão mais crítica e real do seu efetivo estoque de capital social. O programa contribuiu como ponte para a rede social existente, mas não foi suficiente em si mesmo para gerar um aumento no capital social das comunidades.---------------------------------------------The paper presents results of evaluations of the effectiveness of the Agribusiness Management Program - PER - in reaching its objectives. The PER is a rural educational program for producers and managers developed in the state of Paraná. Senar/PR and Sebrae/PR are in charge of the program execution that aims at raising the supplies of human and social capital in the state rural areas. The program uses a constructive approach as educational method and the elaboration of investment projects as its learning alignment. The Phase I of the Program, executed since 2003, aims at empowering rural entrepreneurship, by means of a training program with 5 months duration. Phase III, executed since 2005, has as major objective increasing the stocks of social capital in the state rural areas and its learning program lasts about 9 months. The evaluation of the program was planned to allow collecting information in its three distinct phases: (1) at beginning of Phase I of the program (Landmark Zero); (2) at the end of Phase I; and (3) after one year of the end of Phase I of the program, for each group of participants. The program was evaluated by means of questionnaires and structuralized interviews, with statistically significant sample of participants. Methods of descriptive statistics, tests of Qui-square, graphical presentation of data and the technique of “date mining” were applied to analyze the answers. The results for Phase I show that the program was efficient in promoting entrepreneurship, especially in the creation of business-oriented projects for the participants. They were, among others results, observed to be implemented one year after the conclusion of the Phase I training. The evaluation process showed that at the end of Phase III training, that required the elaboration of an associative project by the participant, they had a more critical and real vision of the effective stock of social capital in their area. The program built a bridge for the existing social network, but it was not enough in itself to generate an increase in the stock of social capital for the communities.educação rural, empreendedorismo, capital social, liderança, eficácia de capacitações, rural education, entrepreneurship, social capital stock, leadership, effectiveness of qualifications, Agribusiness, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Effects of supervised practice on the accuracy of observers for manual segmentation of simulated electromyograms

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    Visual interpretation of electromyograms is common, but its accuracy is unknown. This study compared the accuracy curves of inexperienced observers in detecting muscular contractions from variable, simulated surface electromyogram signals. Accuracy was assessed both without feedback (unsupervised practice) and with feedback (supervised practice) to determine whether a training effect existed. Six observers performed manual segmentation in 300 simulated waveforms using a phenomenological model with a variable number of contractions (n=1, 2 or 3), smooth changes in amplitude, marked on-off timing, and a variable signal-to-noise ratio (0-39 dB). Segmentation was organized in two one-day sessions with 15 blocks of 20 signals each for the unsupervised and supervised practices, respectively. Supervised practice was provided by an immediate visual feedback on the manual segmentation. The accuracy curve showed no significant linear regressions for either unsupervised (R2=.104, p=.241) or supervised practices (R2=.153, p=.150). No significant difference in accuracy was observed between the unsupervised and supervised practices (85% [77; 99] and 88% [73; 97], respectively; p=.295). Unsupervised practice yielded low accuracy for one muscular contraction (AUC=.43; cut-off=12.8 dB) and increased with supervised practice (AUC=.63; cut-off=9.5 dB). Unsupervised practice resulted in high accuracy for two contractions (AUC=.88; cut-off=6.9 dB) and was similar to the supervised practice (AUC=.81; cut-off=6.3 dB). Supervised practice using visual feedback improved the accuracy of inexperienced observers in the segmentation of one muscular contraction in simulated electromyograms and did not influence the accuracy of two muscular contractions