175 research outputs found

    La educación social y la web 2.0: Nuevos espacios de innovación e interacción social en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    La Educación Social en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) requiere de nuevos procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje para ubicarse en el escenario del desarrollo de la sociedad del conocimiento y la información. Para ello, las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs), y especialmente las prácticas formativas de corte socio-constructivista e investigador que utilicen aplicaciones web 2.0, jugarán un papel muy significativo en la innovación y la mejora de la Educación Social. El presente trabajo realiza una aproximación conceptual al concepto de web 2.0 y analiza las implicaciones didácticas de la segunda generación web en el proceso de convergencia con Europa en materia de Educación Superior.Social Education at European Higher Education Area requires new teaching and learning processes to be located on the knowledge and information society scene. For that purpose, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) - especially social-constructivism and researcher formative practices using web 2.0 applications- will play a significant role in the innovation and improvement Social Education. This article analyzes didactic implications through a conceptual approximation about web 2.0 and the second generation in the convergence process with Europe in terms on Higher Education

    Diseño e implementación del kernel de xDEVS, versión distribuida

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    Para entender nuestro proyecto, debemos comprender DEVS. Dentro de los formalismos más populares de representación de sistemas de eventos discretos se encuentra DES. En la década de los 70, el matemático Bernard Zeigler propuso un formalismo general para la representación de dichos sistemas. Este formalismo denominado DEVS (Discrete EVent System Specification) es el formalismo más general para el tratamiento de DES. DEVS permite representar todos aquellos sistemas cuyo comportamiento pueda describirse mediante una secuencia de eventos discretos. Estos eventos se caracterizan por un tiempo base en el que solo un número de eventos finitos puede ocurrir. DEVS Modelado y Simulación tiene múltiples implementaciones en varios lenguajes de programación como por ejemplo en Java, C# o C++. Pero surge la necesidad de implementar una plataforma distribuida estable para proporcionar la mecánica de interoperabilidad e integrar modelos DEVS diversificados. En este proyecto, se nos dará como código base el core de xDEVS en java, aplicado de forma secuencial y paralelizada. Nuestro trabajo será implementar el core de manera distribuida de tal forma que se pueda dividir un sistema DEVS en diversas máquinas. Para esto hemos utilizado sockets de java para hacer la transmisión de datos lo más eficiente posible. En un principio deberemos especificar el número de máquinas que se conectarán al servidor. Una vez estas se hayan conectado se les enviará el trabajo específico que deberán simular. Cabe destacar que hay dos formas de dividir un sistema DEVS las cuales están implementadas en nuestro proyecto. La primera es dividirlo en módulos atómicos los cuales son subsistemas indivisibles en un sistema DEVS. Y la segunda es dividir las funciones de todos los subsistemas en grupos y repartirlos entre las máquinas. En resumen el funcionamiento de nuestro sistema distribuido será comenzar ejecutando el trabajo asignado al primer cliente, una vez finalizado actualizará la información del servidor y este mandara la orden al siguiente y así sucesivamente

    The Medianet Project: Integration of Multimedia Services for the next Generations Business oriented Internet

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    This work is at: 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, took place July 10-13, 2012 in Madrid, Spain.This article gathers the foundational premises of the MEDIANET project as well as intermediate results obtained along its firsts two years. MEDIANET is a Spanish project founded by the Comunidad de Madrid government, which strives for a significant scientific advance in the future media Internet where important advances are necessary to allow end-users to perceive a good quality of experience. The network technologies objectives consist of the definition and validation of new proposals for the efficient transport of high bandwidth, real-time data flows in a decentralized way where the network provides mechanisms to seamlessly request and configure devices to increase the quality of experience perceived by end-users. Furthermore, new experiences with layer 2 networks and a cross-layer design will be tested with high bandwidth demanding media services. An important objective is to develop, evaluate in depth and implement on diverse platforms , a new low latency transparent bridge protocol based in on-demand path set up, suitable for campus and data center networks. The global result will be an integrated and independent advancement in future media Internet protocols, algorithms, switching architectures and standards.The funds for the MEDIANET project are provided by the Comunidad de Madrid government under reference number S2009/TIC-1468.Publicad

    Creación, gestión y uso de objetos de aprendizaje en la Web

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    El proyecto “Creación, Gestión y Uso de objetos de Aprendizaje en un Entorno Web” se ha desarrollado en la asignatura Sistemas Informáticos. Tiene como objetivo la puesta en producción de la versión 1.0 del Museo Virtual García Santesmases de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Este proyecto se centra en la construcción de una herramienta que sirva para la creación y gestión de recursos educativos, Objetos de Aprendizaje, modulares que puedan ser utilizados por diversos sistemas de enseñanza. Los Objetos de Aprendizaje creados con la herramienta a la que se refiere este proyecto están basados en los objetos del museo de informática García Santesmases, por lo que también se pueden utilizar como elementos de un museo virtual. [ABSTRACT] The proyect called “Creation, Management and Use of Learning Objects in the Web” has been developed into the subject “Sistemas Informáticos”. The main target is the setting in production of the 1.0 version of the “Virtual García Santesmases Museum” located at the School of Computer Science of the Complutense University of Madrid. This project focuses in the construction of a tool to be useful in the creation and management of educational resources, Learning Objects, modular Objects that they may be used by various tuitional systems. The Learning Objects created with the tool that this project refers to itself are based in the objects of García Santesmases Museum, so that also they can utilize themselves like elements of a virtual museum

    Machine learning screening tools for the prediction of extraction yields of pharmaceutical compounds from wastewaters

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    Pharmaceutical compounds have become an increasingly important source of pollutants in wastewaters being conventional treatments ineffective in removing them, so they are commonly discharged into the environment. Pharmaceuticals can be successfully removed using liquid-liquid extraction, and COSMO-RS can be used to predict interactions and identify the most promising solvents. However, COSMOtherm models cannot account for key process parameters, which reduces the accuracy of these computational models. Therefore, there is a need for alternative computational approaches to accurately predict the extraction yields of pharmaceuticals which can incorporate both processing and interaction variables. This work used machine learning to predict the extraction yield of eleven pharmaceuticals using eight solvents. Six regression models and two classification models were explored. The best performance was obtained with ANN regressor (test MAE: 4.510, test R2: 0.884) and RF classifier (test accuracy: 0.938, test recall: 0.974). The RF regression analysis and classification also showed key extraction yield features: solvent-to-feed ratio, n–octanol–water partition coefficient, hydrogen bond and Van der Waals contributions to excess enthalpy, and pH distance to nearest pKa. Machine learning showed as an excellent tool for screening and selecting the most promising solvents and process conditions to remove pharmaceuticals from wastewater.This work was supported by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid [project numbers P2018/EMT-4341 and PR65/19-22441]. Diego Rodríguez-Llorente thanks Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades for awarding an FPU grant (FPU18/01536)

    El Protocolo Familiar: Tenías S.A.

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    Este trabajo consta de varias partes: en primer lugar, se define qué es un Protocolo Familiar y se explica en qué consiste su finalidad y objetivos y cómo funciona, en segundo, se presentan varios artículos importantes referentes a la legislación de los Protocolos Familiares tanto a nivel regional como nacional y, por último, se simula el diseño de un protocolo familiar para la empresa Tenías S.A.<br /

    Módulos Académicos Acreditables como estrategia de internacionalización y movilidad académica. El caso del Centro Tecnológico de Desarrollo Regional Los Reyunos. UTN; Argentina.

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    El presente trabajo refiere a la experiencia de internacionalización que realiza el Centro Tecnológico de Desarrollo Regional Los Reyunos de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional de la República Argentina. Los denominados Módulos Académicos Acreditables, MAA, constituyen una herramienta académica que dentro del grado de Ingeniería y Administración han logrado concretar una amplia acción de intercambio entre estudiantes de Argentina y Brasil; y están en fase de suma estudiantes de Paraguay y Chile. Se analizan los resultados de las actividades programadas en escala significativa pues involucran contingentes de 40 y 50 alumnos que provenientes de Universidades del sur de Brasil realizan los MAA en CTDR Los Reyunos; y de alumnos de Argentina que realizan los MAA en sedes de Brasil, con acreditación académica aplicable a sus trayectorias curriculares

    Interface electronic system for measuring air acidity with optical sensors

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    Environmental acidity is a key parameter in Cultural Heritage conservation issues since it has a direct impact on degradation of both exposed and stored materials. Unfortunately, most of the acidity sensors now available are electrodes, which are not able to measure pH in gaseous phases and, therefore, are not suitable for measuring the environmental acidity of the air. This paper describes the development of an interface electronic system designed for the practical application and using of environmental acidity sensors prepared by the Sol–Gel procedure. These chemical sensors were investigated previously. They have optical response: their color changes reversibly depending on the pH of the surrounding environment (air). A simple portable unit with a wireless ZigBee interface has been designed and developed to measure the environmental acidity in museums, showcases, store and exhibition rooms and several Cultural Heritage buildings. Main achievements of the interface electronic system have focused, on the one hand, on conversion of the optical signal of sensors into an electric current and, on the other hand, on the computer interfacing to obtain quantitative data of environmental pH. Quantitative data are obtained through the calibration curve of sensors and the software designed for managing the whole system.The authors acknowledge partial funding of programs: Geomateriales (ref. S-2009/Mat-1629, Regional Government of Madrid), Consolider Ingenio 2010 (ref. TCP CSD2007-00058, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation), and project ref. HAR2012-30769 from the Spanish MINECOPeer reviewe

    Indocyanine green angiography-guided thyroidectomy versus conventional thyroidectomy for preserving parathyroid function: study protocol for a randomized single-blind controlled trial

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    Introduction: Angiography with indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence performed before thyroidectomy would allow identification of the vascularization of parathyroid glands, maximizing efforts for preserving functioning glands intraoperatively. The rationale of the study was based on the hypothesis that showing the vascular pattern of the parathyroid glands by means of ICG angiography before performing the thyroidectomy could prevent permanent hypoparathyroidism. Methods and analysis: We propose a randomized single-blind controlled and multicenter clinical trial to assess the efficacy and safety of ICG angiography-guided thyroidectomy to identify the vascular pattern of the parathyroid glands versus conventional thyroidectomy in patients scheduled for elective total thyroidectomy. Patients will be randomized 1:1 to ICG angiography-guided thyroidectomy (experimental group) or conventional thyroidectomy (control group). Patients in the experimental group will undergo ICG angiography before thyroidectomy to identify the feeding vessels of the parathyroid glands and then, post-thyroidectomy ICG angiography to predict immediate parathyroid gland function by scoring the degree of fluorescence of the glands. Patients in the control group will undergo post-thyroidectomy ICG angiography only. The primary outcome measure will be the rate of patients with permanent hypoparathyroidism. Secondary outcome measures will be rate of postoperative hypoparathyroidism, the percentage of well vascularized parathyroid glands remaining in situ, the levels of iPTH and serum calcium after surgery and the influence of the type of vascular pattern of the parathyroid glands over these outcomes, as well as the safety profile of ICG angiography. Discussion: The results will contribute to adopt a new surgical strategy based on intraoperative ICG angiography before performing total thyroidectomy, according to which the rate of permanent hypoparathyroidism could be substantially reduced