62 research outputs found

    Naturaleza y cultura en América Latina. Dinámica demográfica, calidad de vida y riesgos ambientales. Naturaleza, bienestar y malestar en la Argentina a principios del siglo XXI

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    In this work we will study the relationship among environmental risks, demographic dynamics and grade of Argentinean population’s well-being. These dimensions are mediated by culture in the argentine territory. For environmental risks we will use fl ood problems, earthquake, tornadoes and land deterioration; for demographic dynamics we will use inter-census growth and migratory balances. And for measuring the grade of Argentinean population’s well-being we will use a specially made for index. We will use for that a GIS, in which we will have, on fi rst term, the digitization of the respective layers of environmental risks; in second term we will have the information on demographic dynamics and, fi nally, we will have a synthetic index of population’s well-being. This synthetic index is built starting from a pondered combination of signifi cant indicators of environmental and socioeconomic dimensions like education, health and housing. Starting from an operation of overlapping of layers we will be able to size for each one of the environmental risks the demographic balance and the grade of well-being of Argentinean population’s different segments. This will allow us to size and to oppose the grades of well-being and the demographic dynamics according to the grade of affectation of each one of the considered physical-environmental events, allowing also establishing scenarios for the projection of these phenomena in the mark of the process of global environmental change

    Notas metodológicas para el análisis de la mortalidad diferencial aplicación al partido bonaerense de Tandil

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    Two usual methods form aking studies about differential mortality (social groups definition from occupation or social groups definition by using administrative spatial units), both have problems. This paper poposes and applies an alternative way to overcome same problems, by managing information defects, the interaction between the occupational range and residential place and, its possible incoherences. In order to this, they are usee both adequate spatial study units and a structural-locational matrix.Los dos procedimientos habituales para realizar estudios sobre mortalidad diferencial (definición de grupos sociales a partir de la ocupación o a través de unidades espaciales administrativas), tienen dificultades. En este trabajo se propone y aplica im procedimiento alternativo que permite superar algimos de estos problemas, controlando los problemas de información, la interacción y los posibles desfases entre jerarquía ocupacional y lugar de residencia. Para ello se utilizan adecuadas unidades de análisis espacial y una matriz estructural-locacional. [fr] Les deux procédés habituels pour réaliser des études sur la mortalité différentielle (définition de groupes sociaux à partir de categories professionnelles ou d'unités spatiales administratives) ont des certains de ces problèmes, tout en contrôlant les problèmes d'information et l'interaction et les possibles décalages entre hiérarchie professionnelle et heu de résidence. Pour ce faire l'on utiUse des unités d'analyse spatiale adéquates et une matrice structurelle-résidentielle

    Calidad de vida en la Argentina a lo largo de los períodos censales 1869 a 2010

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    This work proposes the compilation of the results of the processing of the variables that allowed each Census operation to develop a Quality of Life Index (QLI) for the Argentine territory. The first 10 National Censuses were carried out during the following years: 1869, 1895, 1914, 1947, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1991, 2001 and 2010. Population variables referring to the health and education of the population and variables were selected. housing and environmental. The evolution of the indicator over the years and the different spatial configuration of the country is analyzed.En este trabajo se propone la compilación de los resultados del procesamiento de las variables que permitieron en cada operativo Censal, elaborar un Índice de Calidad de Vida (ICV) para el territorio argentino. Los 10 primeros Censos Nacionales, se llevaron adelante durante los siguientes años: 1869, 1895, 1914, 1947, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1991, 2001 y 2010. Se seleccionaron variables poblacionales referidas a la salud y la educación de la población y a variables habitacionales y medioambientales. Se analiza la evolución del indicador a lo largo de los años y de la diferente configuración espacial del país.&nbsp

    COVID-19 y adultos mayores: comparación espaciotemporal entre mortalidad y vacunación en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las variaciones espaciotemporales de la mortalidad por COVID-19 en adultos mayores y de la vacunación contra la COVID-19 en esta población. Se utilizaron datos de defunciones por COVID-19 y de personas de 70 a más años inmunizadas con la primera dosis de vacunas contra esta enfermedad, en partidos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, desde el 29 de diciembre del 2020 al 30 de junio de 2021. Se emplearon técnicas de escaneo espaciotemporal para detectar conglomerados. Los partidos del Gran Buenos Aires que tuvieron mayor vacunación con la primera dosis de la vacuna Sputnik V en población de 70 a más años, entre mediados de marzo y principios de abril de 2021, coincidieron mayormente en registrar una disminución de la mortalidad en esta población, entre finales de abril y finales de junio de 2021. Este estudio mostró algunos indicios del impacto positivo de la aplicación de la primera dosis de la vacuna Sputnik V en el Gran Buenos Aires

    Análisis de la evolución de la tasa de mortalidad infantil en los departamentos de Argentina: 1994-2003

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    Description of the behavior of Infant Mortality Rate values in a specific period is a complex task, often requiring both geographical and mathematical knowledge. In this work, a statistical method based on a robust linear fit of Infant Mortality Rate values in Argentinean departments between 1994 and 2003 is used to depict both the trend and the speed of changes. The utility of this tool and some of the revealed situations are discussed.El modelado de la evolución de la Tasa de Mortalidad Infantil a lo largo de un cierto período es un problema de interés compartido por distintas disciplinas. En este trabajo se utiliza un método estadístico robusto para modelar los valores de la Tasa de Mortalidad Infantil en los departamentos de Argentina entre 1994 y 2003, y representar cartográficamente dicha evolución. La discusión se centra en la utilidad del método empleado y en algunos de los resultados obtenidos

    Genetic Footprints of Iberian Cattle in America 500 Years after the Arrival of Columbus

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    Background: American Creole cattle presumably descend from animals imported from the Iberian Peninsula during the period of colonization and settlement, through different migration routes, andmay have also suffered the influence of cattle directly imported from Africa. The introduction of European cattle, which began in the 18th century, and later of Zebu from India, has threatened the survival of Creole populations, some of which have nearly disappeared or were admixed with exotic breeds. Assessment of the genetic status of Creole cattle is essential for the establishment of conservation programs of these historical resources. Methodology/Principal Findings: We sampled 27 Creole populations, 39 Iberian, 9 European and 6 Zebu breeds. We used microsatellite markers to assess the origins of Creole cattle, and to investigate the influence of different breeds on their genetic make-up. The major ancestral contributions are from breeds of southern Spain and Portugal, in agreement with the historical ports of departure of ships sailing towards the Western Hemisphere. This Iberian contribution to Creoles may also include some African influence, given the influential role that African cattle have had in the development of Iberian breeds, but the possibility of a direct influence on Creoles of African cattle imported to America can not be discarded. In addition to the Iberian influence, the admixture with other European breeds was minor. The Creoles from tropical areas, especially those from the Caribbean, show clear signs of admixture with Zebu. Conclusions/Significance: Nearly five centuries since cattle were first brought to the Americas, Creoles still show a strong and predominant signature of their Iberian ancestors. Creole breeds differ widely from each other, both in genetic structure and influences from other breeds. Efforts are needed to avoid their extinction or further genetic erosion, which would compromise centuries of selective adaptation to a wide range of environmental condition

    Perceptions, attitudes and knowledge of evidence-based medicine in primary care in Spain: a study protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The philosophy of evidence-based medicine (EBM) was introduced in the early 90s as a new approach to the practice of medicine, using the best available evidence to make decisions about health care. Despite ongoing controversy, EBM has developed enormously and physicians' attitude towards it is generally positive. Nevertheless, in Spain little is known about this topic. We will therefore undertake a study to explore perceptions, attitudes and knowledge about EBM among primary care physicians.</p> <p>Methods and design</p> <p>A mixed-method study combining qualitative and quantitative designs will target family practitioners in Spain with the objective of evaluating current attitudes and perceptions about evidence-based medicine. The project will consist of two phases: a first phase running focus groups to identify perceptions and attitudes of participants, and a second phase assessing their attitudes and knowledge about EBM by means of a survey. Both phases will explore these issues in three different subgroups: family practitioners, with or without previous formal education in EBM; members of working groups that formulate healthcare recommendations; and physicians in charge of training family practice residents. Additionally, we will undertake a systematic review to identify and synthesize the available evidence on this topic.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The study will identify and gain insight into the perceived problems and barriers to the practice of evidence-based medicine among general practitioners in Spain. The project will also evaluate the main knowledge gaps and training needs, and explore how evidence-based medicine is being taught to family medicine residents, the medical practitioners of the future. Our results will aid researchers and health care planners in developing strategies to improve the practice of evidence-based medicine in our country.</p

    Recent Progress and Next Steps for the MATHUSLA LLP Detector

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    We report on recent progress and next steps in the design of the proposed MATHUSLA Long Lived Particle (LLP) detector for the HL-LHC as part of the Snowmass 2021 process. Our understanding of backgrounds has greatly improved, aided by detailed simulation studies, and significant R&D has been performed on designing the scintillator detectors and understanding their performance. The collaboration is on track to complete a Technical Design Report, and there are many opportunities for interested new members to contribute towards the goal of designing and constructing MATHUSLA in time for HL-LHC collisions, which would increase the sensitivity to a large variety of highly motivated LLP signals by orders of magnitude.Comment: Contribution to Snowmass 2021 (EF09, EF10, IF6, IF9), 18 pages, 12 figures. v2: included additional endorser