1,147 research outputs found

    Manejo De Residuos SĂłlidos Hospitalarios En La Unidad OncolĂłgica Solca-Chimborazo

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    It was determined that the handling of the solid waste generated by the SOLCA – Chimborazo cancer hospital was not appropriate, both internally and externally. Because of that, the classification, transport, storage, deactivation, and intermediate disposition are inconvenient. Thus, it was realized that it is important to have the requirements and documents to follow and comply the objectives that are specified within the management, focusing on feedback and continuous improvement. To learn about the nature of the generated residuals, they were characterized in the hospital. Common, infectious, radioactive, organic and sharp residuals were found during the months of September, November and December. The common waste is comprised of cardboard, paper and plastic. The per-capita production of residuals was 0.76 kg/patient/day. The environmental impact caused by the generation of hospital solid waste was 56% severe impacts and 44% moderate impacts, which could elicit health problems in the population surrounding the hospital. For this reason, the appropriate management of solid waste allowed to obtain large environmental benefits and reduce the pollution generated by the hospital solid waste. It is recommended to SOLCA-Chimborazo and other health institutions the implementation of an adequate solid waste management, which will allow them to comply with all the requirements enforced by the environmental regulations

    Absence of static phase separation in the high-Tc cuprate YBa2Cu3O6+yYBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+y}

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    We use 89Y NMR in YBa2Cu3O6+yYBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+y} in order to evaluate with high sensitivity the distribution of hole content p in the CuO2 planes. For y=1 and y=0.6, this hole doping distribution is found narrow with a full width at half maximum smaller than Delta p=0.025. This rules out any large static phase separation between underdoped and optimally doped regions in contrast with the one observed by STM in Bi2212 and by NQR in LaSrCuO. This establishes that static electronic phase separation is not a generic feature of the cuprates.Comment: published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 89, 157002 (2002) (only minor changes as compared to previous version) Article of 4 pages + 3 figure

    Barley β-glucan accelerates wound healing by favoring migration versus proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts

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    β-Glucans are considered candidates for the medication in different human pathologies. In this work, we have purified β-glucan from a selected barley line and tested their effects in primary human dermal fibroblasts. Unexpectedly, we have observed that this compound promoted a short-transitory proliferation arrest at 24 h after its addition on the medium. We have determined that this transitory arrest was dependent on the cell-cycle regulator protein Retinoblastoma. Moreover, dermal fibroblasts increase their migration capacities at 24 h after barley β-glucan addition. Also, we have described that barley β-glucan strongly reduced the ability of fibroblasts to attach and to spread on cell plates. Our data indicates that barley β-glucan signal induces an early response in HDF cells favoring migration versus proliferation. This feature is consistent with our observation that the topical addition of our barley β-glucan in vivo accelerates the wound closure in mouse skin

    Oral administration of the selective GPR120/FFA4 agonist compound A is not effective in alleviating tissue inflammation in mouse models of prototypical autoimmune diseases

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    ω3-polyunsaturated free fatty acids (ω3-PUFAs), particularly docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), are thought to exert health promoting effects in metabolic and in inflammatory diseases. The molecular mechanisms of these beneficial effects are only partially understood. DHA and EPA activate Free Fatty Acid receptor 4 (GPR120/FFA4). Recently, the first orally available, synthetic ligand of FFA4, 3-[2-chloro-5-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]-3-azaspiro[5.5]undecane-9-acetic acid ("compound A"; cpd A) has been developed. Cpd A exhibits distinctly higher potency, efficiency, and selectivity at FFA4 than ω3-PUFAs and ameliorates insulin resistance and adipose tissue inflammation in the mouse. With GPR120/FFA4 activation believed to also attenuate tissue inflammation in autoimmune diseases, cpd A may also have a beneficial effect in these diseases. We have therefore addressed the therapeutic potential of cpd A in mouse models of three prototypical autoimmune diseases, specifically psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and bullous pemphigoid. The effect of cpd A on the course of Aldara™-induced psoriasis-like dermatitis, K/BxN serum transfer arthritis, and antibody transfer pemphigoid disease-like dermatitis was scrutinized. Cpd A did not alter the course of Aldara-induced psoriasis-like dermatitis, K/BxN serum transfer arthritis, or antibody transfer pemphigoid disease-like dermatitis. Our results suggest that therapeutic regimens solely relying on FFA4 activation do not bear the potential to treat inflammatory diseases. With cpd A distinctly more potent in activating GPR120/FFA4 than ω3-PUFAs, this also suggests that GPR120/FFA4 activation by ω3-PUFAs does not significantly contribute to the health-promoting effects of ω3-PUFAs in autoimmune diseases

    The longitudinal structure function F_L: perturbative QCD and k_T-factorization versus experimental data at fixed W

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    We use results for the structure functions FLF_L for a gluon target having nonzero transverse momentum square at order αs\alpha_s, obtained in our previous paper, to compare with recent H1 experimental data for FLF_L at fixwd W values and with collinear GRV predictions at LO and NLO approximation.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Lactoferrin is a survival factor for neutrophils in rheumatoid synovial fluid

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    Objectives. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein that is released from activated neutrophils at sites of inflammation and has anti-microbial as well as anti-inflammatory properties. This study set out to determine whether lactoferrin can delay neutrophil apoptosis and could act as a survival factor for neutrophils in SF

    Acute WNT signalling activation perturbs differentiation within the adult stomach and rapidly leads to tumour formation

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    A role for WNT signalling in gastric carcinogenesis has been suggested due to two major observations. First, patients with germline mutations in adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) are susceptible to stomach polyps and second, in gastric cancer, WNT activation confers a poor prognosis. However, the functional significance of deregulated WNT signalling in gastric homoeostasis and cancer is still unclear. In this study we have addressed this by investigating the immediate effects of WNT signalling activation within the stomach epithelium. We have specifically activated the WNT signalling pathway within the mouse adult gastric epithelium via deletion of either glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) or APC or via expression of a constitutively active β-catenin protein. WNT pathway deregulation dramatically affects stomach homoeostasis at very short latencies. In the corpus, there is rapid loss of parietal cells with fundic gland polyp (FGP) formation and adenomatous change, which are similar to those observed in familial adenomatous polyposis. In the antrum, adenomas occur from 4 days post-WNT activation. Taken together, these data show a pivotal role for WNT signalling in gastric homoeostasis, FGP formation and adenomagenesis. Loss of the parietal cell population and corresponding FGP formation, an early event in gastric carcinogenesis, as well as antral adenoma formation are immediate effects of nuclear β-catenin translocation and WNT target gene expression. Furthermore, our inducible murine model will permit a better understanding of the molecular changes required to drive tumourigenesis in the stomach

    Using hipersepctral images for decay detection in Pinus halepensis (Mill.) in the Mediterranean forest

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    [ES] El incremento de los efectos negativos del cambio climático y la aparición de especies invasoras en los bosques de todo el mundo requieren el desarrollo de métodos innovadores para monitorear y medir cuantitativamente el estado de salud de las masas arboladas. Estos efectos son especialmente notables en el área mediterránea, donde el decaimiento de las masas por sequías recurrentes ha incrementado los daños por plagas secundarias cuyas poblaciones, de otro modo, estarían en equilibrio. Las tecnologías de teledetección nos permiten afrontar trabajos en grandes superficies con una precisión razonable. En particular, se ha demostrado que nuevos índices espectrales obtenidos a partir de imágenes hiperespectrales y térmicas de alta resolución son buenos predictores para la detección temprana de cambios fisiológicos relacionados con enfermedades. En este estudio piloto desarrollado en una masa de Pinus halepensis en la Comunitat Valenciana, se lleva a cabo una simulación controlada de decaimiento por medio del anillado secuencial de árboles, haciendo un posterior seguimiento en campo del decaimiento que provoca. La captura de imágenes hiperespectrales de alta resolución ha permitido analizar la relación entre la información espectral en cada uno de los árboles anillados con su decoloración y estado de decaimiento observado. La metodología propuesta permite la detección de árboles afectados con tres meses de antelación a la aparición de síntomas visuales, clasificándolos con un nivel de acierto superior a 0,9 con los clasificadores Random Forest y Support Vector Machine. Los índices que generaron mejores resultados fueron PRI, VOG1, VOG2, GM1 y OSAVI. Este estudio piloto permite pensar que algunos de estos índices puedan ser utilizados en la detección temprana de marchitamientos generales de los pinares y, por tanto, tengan aplicación en la monitorización de las principales amenazas de los bosques europeos, las plagas de perforadores o los organismos de cuarentena como Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.[EN] The increasing negative effects of climate change and the emergence of invasive species in forests around the world require the development of innovative methods to monitor and quantitatively measure the health status of woodlands. These effects are especially notable in the Mediterranean area, where the decline of stands due to recurrent droughts has increased the damage caused by secondary pests whose populations would otherwise be in balance. Remote sensing technologies allow us to work on large surfaces with reasonable precision. In particular, new spectral indices obtained from high-resolution hyperspectral and thermal images have been shown to be good predictors for the early detection of physiological changes related to diseases. In this pilot study developed in a stand of Pinus halepensis in the Comunitat Valenciana, a controlled simulation of a decay is carried out by means of sequential girdling of trees, making a subsequent field monitoring of the caused decay. Through a hyperspectral camera, the spectral information of each of these trees is analyzed in relation to their discoloration and state of observed decay. The proposed methodology allows the detection of affected trees three months before the appearance of visual symptoms, obtaining a precision higher than 0.9 with Random Forest and Support Vector Machine classifiers. The vegetation indices with better results were PRI, VGO1, VGO2, GM1 and OSAVI. This pilot study allows us to think that some of these indices can be used in the early detection of general pine wilt and, therefore, have application in the monitoring of the main threats to European forests, borer pests or quarantine organisms such as Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.Guillen-Climent, ML.; Mas, H.; Fernández-Landa, A.; Algeet-Abarquero, N.; Tomé, JL. (2020). Uso de imágenes hiperespectrales para la predicción del marchitamiento de Pinus halepensis (Mill.) en el bosque mediterráneo. Revista de Teledetección. 0(55):59-69. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2020.13289OJS596905

    Early-onset Alzheimer's disease shows a distinct neuropsychological profile and more aggressive trajectories of cognitive decline than late-onset

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    Early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease (EOAD and LOAD) share the same neuropathological traits but show distinct cognitive features. We aimed to explore baseline and longitudinal outcomes of global and domain-specific cognitive function in a well characterized cohort of patients with a biomarker-based diagnosis.In this retrospective cohort study, 195 participants were included and classified according to their age, clinical status, and CSF AD biomarker profile: 89 EOAD, 37 LOAD, 46 young healthy controls (age???65?years), and 23 old healthy controls (>65?years). All subjects underwent clinical and neuropsychological assessment, neuroimaging, APOE genotyping and lumbar puncture.We found distinct neuropsychological profiles between EOAD and LOAD at the time of diagnosis. Both groups showed similar performances on memory and language domains, but the EOAD patients displayed worsened deficits in visual perception, praxis, and executive tasks (p?<?0.05). Longitudinally, cognitive decline in EOAD was more pronounced than LOAD in the global outcomes at the expense of these non-amnestic domains. We found that years of education significantly influenced the decline in most of the neuropsychological tests. Besides, the APOE ?4 status showed a significant effect on the decline of memory-related tasks within the EOAD cohort (p?<?0.05).Age of onset is a main factor shaping the cognitive trajectories in AD patients, with younger age driving to a steeper decline of the non-memory domains. Years of education are related to a transversal decline in all cognitive domains and APOE ?4 status to a specific decline in memory performance in EOAD.© 2022 The Authors. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Neurological Association

    ValidaciĂłn del Cuestionario de OrientaciĂłn a la Vida (OLQ-13) de Antonovsky en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios en Navarra

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    Fundamento. El sentido de coherencia interna (SOC), concepto central del modelo salutogénico descrito por Aaron Antonovsky, se ha empleado como predictor de medidas de salud percibida y objetiva, se relaciona fuerte y positivamente con comportamientos saludables, y se desarrolla principalmente en la juventud y en la época de estudiante. Los universitarios son un grupo de jóvenes diana para aplicar medidas promotoras de salud en función de su nivel SOC, siendo necesario comprobar la calidad de la medición de la escala. El objetivo es validar y estudiar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala SOC en los estudiantes de la Universidad de Navarra, y conocer su evolución temporal. Sujetos y método. Se analizaron los estudiantes de nuevo acceso de la Universidad de Navarra. Estudio de cohortes con seguimiento a los tres años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el cuestionario de orientación a la vida (OLQ-13), la Escala del Estrés Percibido (EEP) y el Índice de malestar. Se estudiaron la calidad de los datos y viabilidad, asunciones escalares, estabilidad temporal, fiabilidad, validez de criterio concomitante y clínica, y estructura factorial y análisis confirmatorio de los datos obtenidos. Se utilizaron los paquetes estadísticos SPSS v. 19 y Amos v.7. Resultados. La muestra ha sido de 508 estudiantes, 33,5% varones y el 65,9% mujeres. Fiabilidad alta (Alfa de Cronbach de 0,814). Adecuada validez convergente con la EEP. Inadecuada validez clínica. Análisis de componentes principales con tres factores que explican el 50,73% de la varianza. Conclusiones. Instrumento válido que permite proponerlo como herramienta para aplicar medidas promotoras de salud en jóvenes.Background. The sense of coherence (SOC), the central concept of the salutogenesis model described by Aaron Antonovsky, has been employed as a predictor of measures of perceived and objective health. It is strongly and positively related to healthy behaviour and is mainly developed while young and studying. University students are a target youth group for applying measures promoting health according to their SOC level; it is therefore necessary to check the quality of the scale’s measurement. The goal is to validate and study the psychometric properties of the SOC scale in students at the University of Navarre and determine their temporal evolution. Methods. Newly enrolled students at the University of Navarre were analysed. Cohort study with a 3 year follow-up. The instruments used were the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ-13), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Discomfort Index. The following were studied: the quality and viability of the data, scale assumptions, temporal stability, reliability, concurrent and clinical validity, as well as factorial structure and confirmatory analysis of the data obtained. SPSS v. 19 and Amos v.7 statistical software were used. Results. The study sample consisted of 508 students, 33.5% male and 65.9% female. High reliability (Cronbach Alpha 0.814). Adequate validity converging with the PSS. Inadequate clinical validity. Analysis of main components with three factors that explain 50.73% of the variation. Conclusions. A valid instrument that makes it possible to propose it as a tool for applying measures promoting health in young people
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