5,593 research outputs found

    Health Effects of Diesel Emissions

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    Superintegrable Hamiltonian systems with noncompact invariant submanifolds. Kepler system

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    The Mishchenko-Fomenko theorem on superintegrable Hamiltonian systems is generalized to superintegrable Hamiltonian systems with noncompact invariant submanifolds. It is formulated in the case of globally superintegrable Hamiltonian systems which admit global generalized action-angle coordinates. The well known Kepler system falls into two different globally superintegrable systems with compact and noncompact invariant submanifolds.Comment: 23 page

    The inception of Symplectic Geometry: the works of Lagrange and Poisson during the years 1808-1810

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    The concept of a symplectic structure first appeared in the works of Lagrange on the so-called "method of variation of the constants". These works are presented, together with those of Poisson, who first defined the composition law called today the "Poisson bracket". The method of variation of the constants is presented using today's mathematical concepts and notations.Comment: Presented at the meeting "Poisson 2008" in Lausanne, July 2008. Published in Letters in Mathematical Physics. 22 page

    Automorphisms and forms of simple infinite-dimensional linearly compact Lie superalgebras

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    We describe the group of continuous automorphisms of all simple infinite-dimensional linearly compact Lie superalgebras and use it in order to classify F-forms of these superalgebras over any field F of characteristic zero.Comment: 24 page

    Cohomology of GKM Fiber Bundles

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    The equivariant cohomology ring of a GKM manifold is isomorphic to the cohomology ring of its GKM graph. In this paper we explore the implications of this fact for equivariant fiber bundles for which the total space and the base space are both GKM and derive a graph theoretical version of the Leray-Hirsch theorem. Then we apply this result to the equivariant cohomology theory of flag varieties.Comment: The paper has been accepted by the Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics. The final publication is available at springerlink.co

    Mg II Absorption Systems in SDSS QSO Spectra

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    We present the results of a MgII absorption-line survey using QSO spectra from the SDSS EDR. Over 1,300 doublets with rest equivalent widths greater than 0.3\AA and redshifts 0.366z2.2690.366 \le z \le 2.269 were identified and measured. We find that the λ2796\lambda2796 rest equivalent width (W0λ2796W_0^{\lambda2796}) distribution is described very well by an exponential function N/W0λ2796=NWeW0W\partial N/\partial W_0^{\lambda2796} = \frac{N^*}{W^*} e^{-\frac{W_0}{W^*}}, with N=1.187±0.052N^*=1.187\pm0.052 and W=0.702±0.017W^*=0.702\pm0.017\AA. Previously reported power law fits drastically over-predict the number of strong lines. Extrapolating our exponential fit under-predicts the number of W00.3W_0 \le 0.3\AA systems, indicating a transition in dN/dW0dN/dW_0 near W00.3W_0 \simeq 0.3\AA. A combination of two exponentials reproduces the observed distribution well, suggesting that MgII absorbers are the superposition of at least two physically distinct populations of absorbing clouds. We also derive a new redshift parameterization for the number density of W0λ27960.3W_0^{\lambda2796} \ge 0.3\AA lines: N=1.001±0.132(1+z)0.226±0.170N^*=1.001\pm0.132(1+z)^{0.226\pm0.170} and W=0.443±0.032(1+z)0.634±0.097W^*=0.443\pm0.032(1+z)^{0.634\pm 0.097}\AA. We find that the distribution steepens with decreasing redshift, with WW^* decreasing from 0.80±0.040.80\pm0.04\AA at z=1.6z=1.6 to 0.59±0.020.59\pm0.02\AA at z=0.7z=0.7. The incidence of moderately strong MgII λ2796\lambda2796 lines does not show evidence for evolution with redshift. However, lines stronger than 2\approx 2\AA show a decrease relative to the no-evolution prediction with decreasing redshift for z1z \lesssim 1. The evolution is stronger for increasingly stronger lines. Since W0W_0 in saturated absorption lines is an indicator of the velocity spread of the absorbing clouds, we interpret this as an evolution in the kinematic properties of galaxies from moderate to low z.Comment: 50 pages, 26 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    QSOs and Absorption Line Systems Surrounding the Hubble Deep Field

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    We have imaged a 45x45 sq. arcmin. area centered on the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) in UBVRI passbands, down to respective limiting magnitudes of approximately 21.5, 22.5, 22.2, 22.2, and 21.2. The principal goals of the survey are to identify QSOs and to map structure traced by luminous galaxies and QSO absorption line systems in a wide volume containing the HDF. We have selected QSO candidates from color space, and identified 4 QSOs and 2 narrow emission-line galaxies (NELGs) which have not previously been discovered, bringing the total number of known QSOs in the area to 19. The bright z=1.305 QSO only 12 arcmin. away from the HDF raises the northern HDF to nearly the same status as the HDF-S, which was selected to be proximate to a bright QSO. About half of the QSO candidates remain for spectroscopic verification. Absorption line spectroscopy has been obtained for 3 bright QSOs in the field, using the Keck 10m, ARC 3.5m, and MDM 2.4m telescopes. Five heavy-element absorption line systems have been identified, 4 of which overlap the well-explored redshift range covered by deep galaxy redshift surveys towards the HDF. The two absorbers at z=0.5565 and z=0.5621 occur at the same redshift as the second most populated redshift peak in the galaxy distribution, but each is more than 7Mpc/h (comoving, Omega_M=1, Omega_L=0) away from the HDF line of sight in the transverse dimension. This supports more indirect evidence that the galaxy redshift peaks are contained within large sheet-like structures which traverse the HDF, and may be precursors to large-scale ``pancake'' structures seen in the present-day galaxy distribution.Comment: 36 pages, including 9 figures and 8 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Quantum ergodicity of C* dynamical systems

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    This paper contains a very simple and general proof that eigenfunctions of quantizations of classically ergodic systems become uniformly distributed in phase space. This ergodicity property of eigenfunctions f is shown to follow from a convexity inequality for the invariant states (Af,f). This proof of ergodicity of eigenfunctions simplifies previous proofs (due to A.I. Shnirelman, Colin de Verdiere and the author) and extends the result to the much more general framework of C* dynamical systems.Comment: Only very minor differences with the published versio

    Invariants of pseudogroup actions: Homological methods and Finiteness theorem

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    We study the equivalence problem of submanifolds with respect to a transitive pseudogroup action. The corresponding differential invariants are determined via formal theory and lead to the notions of k-variants and k-covariants, even in the case of non-integrable pseudogroup. Their calculation is based on the cohomological machinery: We introduce a complex for covariants, define their cohomology and prove the finiteness theorem. This implies the well-known Lie-Tresse theorem about differential invariants. We also generalize this theorem to the case of pseudogroup action on differential equations.Comment: v2: some remarks and references addee