24 research outputs found

    Place de l'acupuncture dans l'accompagnement des fausses couches précoces, traitées par méthode médicamenteuse

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    Acupuncture obstétricaleCe travail, basé sur une étude bibliographique, permet de mettre en évidence l'intérêt de l'acupuncture dans la prise en charge des fausses couches précoces, associée au traitement médicamenteux, par son action sur la contractilité utérine, la maturation cervicale, la gestion de la douleur et le psychisme des patiente

    Suspect screening of environmental contaminants by UHPLC-HRMS and transposable Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationship modelling

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    International audienceA Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationship (QSRR) model is proposed and aims at increasing the confidence level associated to the identification of organic contaminants by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography hyphenated to High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) in environmental samples under a suspect screening approach. The model was built from a selection of 8 easily accessible physicochemical descriptors, and was validated from a set of 274 organic compounds commonly found in environmental samples. The proposed predictive figure approach is based on the mobile phase composition at solute elution (expressed as % acetonitrile), that has the major advantage of making the model reusable by other laboratories, since the elution composition is independent of both the column geometry and the UHPLC-system. The model quality was assessed and was altered neither by the columns from different lots, nor by the complex matrices of environmental water samples. Then, the solute retention of any organic compound present in water samples is expected to be predicted within ± 14.3% acetonitrile by our model. Solute retention can therefore be used as a supplementary tool for the identification of environmental contaminants by UHPLC-HRMS, in addition to mass spectrometry data already used in the suspect screening approach

    Diesel knock noise from combustion phenomenon to perceived signals

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    International audienceCombustion noise still remains a major concern when designing engines for vehicles passenger comfort. Among most efficient strategies for reducing Diesel knock are modifications of engine parameters used for controlling combustion processes. This work aims at giving guidelines when controlling these processes to improve customers combustion noise perception. A methodology is described, which establish a relation between the engine tuning parameters, directly linked to cylinder pressure evolutions, and their effects on perception. We use cyclic Wiener filters allowing realistic overall Diesel noise re-synthesises from cylinder pressure signals. Cylinder pressures are split into elementary components, leading to different types (and patterns) of physically admissible modifications. A perceptive test is then conducted to establish a perceptive space of Diesel combustion noise based on some different pressure cylinder noticeable patterns. An issue is a better understanding of the subjective effects, particularly rhythmic ones, produced by such pulse trains

    Multiple tests of the effect of nasal saddles on dabbling ducks : combining field and aviary approaches

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    Capsule Nasal saddles have no negative consequences apart from, under some circumstances, a potential bias in social relationships. Aims To test the effect of nasal saddles on Teal Anas crecca, Wigeon A. penelope, Mallard A. platyrhynchos and Pintail A. acuta. Methods The following features were compared between saddled and unsaddled individuals: body mass change of wild Teal between ringing and first live recovery, pairing probability of wild Teal through the winter, wild Teal and Wigeon time-budgets, captive Mallard and Pintail body mass fluctuations, testosterone levels and dominance in the aviary. Results We generally found no significant difference between values for birds with nasal saddles and control birds. Exceptions were for pairing probability, which was lower for marked Teal during one of the winters, and the proportion of aggressive interactions won by Pintail, which decreased after they were fitted with saddles, while this did not happen in Mallard. Conclusions Nasal saddles are an appropriate general method for marking dabbling ducks. However, saddles may not be appropriate for the study of social relationships in some conditions

    Comparaison et impact de différentes méthodes d’extraction d’eau sur l’analyse non ciblée par chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse haute résolution

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    Non-target screening (NTS) approaches based on high-resolution mass spectrometry coupled with chromatographic techniques allow the identification of a large number of chemical compounds of anthropic or natural origin present in water samples.However, these water samples generally require pre-treatment steps such as filtration, extraction, concentration and purification that may impact the quality of the information obtained. In this study, five different solid phase extraction methods (SPE) at different pH were applied to the same river water and compared based on the results obtained by suspected non-targeted analysis in liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry. Surface water from the Gier River (Givors, Rhône) was filtered, spiked with deuterated surrogates and pH adjusted (pH 3 and 7). Then the water was extracted according to five distinct protocols in terms of SPE cartridges used (HLB or multilayer) and elution solvents (methanol, methanol/dichloromethane mixture, methanol/ethyl acetate mixture). The analyses were carried out using liquid chromatography coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry in both ionization modes ESI (+) and ESI (-). The suspected research was based on a predefined list of 28 molecules to be investigated. The variability of the results in terms of substance detection does not allow selecting one single extraction method to be used that is the least specific possible to meet the objectives of the broadest non-targeted analysis. However, the results obtained with the three extraction methods at pH 7 make it possible to better detect suspected molecules (higher signal intensity), this pH should then be preferred for the extraction of water. Analysis in both ionization modes ESI (+) and ESI (-) is important because it provides additional information (some molecules are ionizable in only one of the two modes) and also further confirmation of the presence of ionizable molecules in both ionization modes.Les approches d’analyses non ciblées ou « non-target screening » (NTS) réalisées en spectrométrie de masse haute résolution couplée à des techniques chromatographiques permettent d’identifier un grand nombre de composés organiques anthropogéniques ou naturels présents dans les échantillons d’eau. Or, ces échantillons d’eau subissent généralement des étapes de préparation comme la filtration, l’extraction, la concentration et la purification qui peuvent impacter la qualité des informations obtenues. Dans cette étude cinq méthodes de préparation d’échantillons d’eau de rivière par extraction sur phase solide (SPE) et à différents pH ont été testées et comparées en fonction des résultats obtenus par analyse non ciblée de suspects (analyse suspectée par la suite du rapport) en chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse haute résolution. L’eau du Gier (Givors, Rhône) après filtration, dopage en traceurs d’extraction deutérés et ajustement du pH (pH 3 et 7) a été extraite selon cinq protocoles distincts en terme de cartouches SPE utilisées (HLB ou multicouches) et de solvants d’élution (méthanol, mélange méthanol / dichlorométhane, mélange méthanol / acétate d’éthyle). Les analyses ont été réalisées en chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse haute résolution dans les deux modes d’ionisation ESI (+) et ESI (-). La recherche suspectée s’est basée sur une liste prédéfinie de 28 molécules à rechercher qui avaient été précédemment retrouvées dans les eaux du Gier. La variabilité des résultats obtenus en terme de détection de substances ne permet pas de concluresur le choix d’une méthode d’extraction unique à utiliser qui soit la moins spécifique possible pour répondre aux objectifs d’une analyse suspectée la plus large possible. Toutefois les résultats obtenus avec les trois méthodes d’extraction à pH 7 permettent de mieux détecter les molécules suspectées (intensité des signaux plus importantes), ce pH d’extraction doit alors être privilégié. Les analyses dans les deux modes d’ionisation ESI (+) et ESI (-) sont nécessaires car elles apportent des informations complémentaires (certaines molécules ne sont ionisables que dans un des deuxmodes) mais aussi une confirmation supplémentaire de la présence des molécules ionisables dans les deux modes d’ionisation

    Impact of pedoclimatic and agricultural conditions on sunflower seeds characteristics in relation to the dehulling process

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    Dehulling sunflower seeds can increase meal protein content by up to 35–36%. However, high variability in seed quality constitutes an obstacle to optimizing the dehulling process. This study has sought to identify the parameters that influence the protein content of sunflower seeds and the ease with which they can be dehulled. Genetic, climatic and crop management effects were studied using seed samples taken from farmers’ fields in south-west France. Soil and climatic effects were revealed to be important for protein content and ease of dehulling (hullability). Some cultivars were found to be significantly more difficult to dehull than others. No relationship was observed between oil content and protein content expressed as a proportion of DDM (defatted dry matter), but there was a significant negative linear relationship between hullability and oil content. Due to the wide range of locations and agricultural practices encountered in the farmers’ fields, it was not possible to verify with confidence the influence of other interactions such as nitrogen fertilization and the potential fertility of the fields. This work nevertheless showed that locality and growing conditions affect the quality of sunflower seeds. This variability in quality could be measured by crushers in order to optimize the dehulling process and thereby produce a meal of consistent quality, with a guaranteed protein content

    Impact of pedoclimatic and agricultural conditions on sunflower seeds characteristics in relation to the dehulling process

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    Dehulling sunflower seeds can increase meal protein content by up to 35-36%. However, high variability in seed quality constitutes an obstacle to optimizing the dehulling process. This study has sought to identify the parameters that influence the protein content of sunflower seeds and the ease with which they can be dehulled. Genetic, climatic and crop management effects were studied using seed samples taken from farmers' fields in south-west France. Soil and climatic effects were revealed to be important for protein content and ease of dehulling (hullability). Some cultivars were found to be significantly more difficult to dehull than others. No relationship was observed between oil content and protein content expressed as a proportion of DDM (defatted dry matter), but there was a significant negative linear relationship between hullability and oil content. Due to the wide range of locations and agricultural practices encountered in the farmers' fields, it was not possible to verify with confidence the influence of other interactions such as nitrogen fertilization and the potential fertility of the fields. This work nevertheless showed that locality and growing conditions affect the quality of sunflower seeds. This variability in quality could be measured by crushers in order to optimize the dehulling process and thereby produce a meal of consistent quality, with a guaranteed protein content