516 research outputs found
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DL 57/2016/CP1453/CT0023O papiro Hermitage 1115 contém uma das composições literárias mais completas do período faraônico. O texto apresenta a narrativa sobre um marinheiro que naufraga em uma ilha fantástica e, depois de retornar ao Egito, tem a oportunidade de contar sua história na sua velhice. Neste artigo, trazemos uma tradução comentada do Conto do Náufrago, com o texto hieroglífico, a transliteração e sua contextualização histórica atualizada sobre a geopolítica egípcia durante o Reino Médio (c. 2055-1650 AEC). Um glossário egípcio-português conclui a obra. Papyrus Hermitage 1115 contains one of the most complete literary compositions of the Pharaonic period. The text presents the narrative about a sailor who is shipwrecked on a fantastic island and, after his return to Eg ypt, had the opportunity to tell his story in his old age. In this article, we present a translation and a commentary of the Shipwrecked Sailor, with the hieroglyphic text, the transliteration, and an updated historical context on the Eg yptian geopolitics during the Middle Kingdom (c.2055-1650 BCE). An Eg yptian--Portuguese glossar y concludes the work.publishersversionpublishe
Estudo material das esculturas em gesso de Soares dos Reis
Artificial blood feeding for Culicidae colony maintenance in laboratories: does the blood source condition matter?
Culicidae colonization in laboratory is paramount to conduct studies aiming at a better understanding of mosquitoes’ capacity to transmit pathogens that cause deadly diseases. Colonization requires female blood feeding, a necessary step for maturation of female’s oocytes. Direct blood feeding on anesthetized mammals implies in a number of disadvantages when compared to artificial blood feeding. Consequently, laboratories worldwide have been trying to -feed female mosquitoes artificially in order to replace direct feeding. In this study, we compared the effects of direct blood feeding and artificial blood feeding on important life traits of three Culicidae species. Artificial feeding was performed using citrated or defibrinated sheep blood and citrated or defibrinated rabbit blood. Direct feeding was performed using anesthetized guinea pigs as the blood source and the experiment control. Results indicated that artificial feeding using sheep blood was not good enough to justify its use in the maintenance of laboratory colonies of Culicidae. However, artificial feeding using rabbit blood maintained a recovery rate always very close to the control, especially when blood was citrated. We concluded that artificial feeding using citrated rabbit blood can substitute direct feeding on mammals reducing the use of animals, eliminating the need to maintain a bioterium in the laboratory and reducing costs in scientific researches involving Culicidae vectors
Inappropriate medications for the elderly provided by the Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil according to the criteria of Beers-Fick
Objective: To check the prevalence of Potentially Inappropriate Medications (MPI) for the elderly among the available ones in primary health care by the State Secretariat of Health of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Method: This is a study with secondary data from the State Directory of Medicines (rem) and it is analyzed in the light of the guidelines provided for in respect of according to the Beers-Fick of 2012. Results: It was found that in REM-RJ, out of a total of 124 medicines, 13,70% (n = 17) are considered MPIs to elderly, with consumption in 2 broad categories (that act in the CNS and peripheral = 35,29%; and operating in cardiovascular and renal system = 29,41%). Conclusion: This research highlights the need to develop criteria aligned with the perspective of the brazilian elderly and the adaptation of the Beers-Fick criteria, and the elaboration of specific overviews, you behold reflecting its this population and its peculiarities, considering references scientific significance
Stress and recovery perception, creatine kinase levels, and performance parameters of male volleyball athletes in a preseason for a championship
Background: Training load and adequate recovery have been identified as essential elements to improve wellbeing and performance in team sports and avoid non-functional overreaching and overtraining. Objective: This cohort study sought to analyze the stress and recovery perceptions, creatine kinase levels (CK), and vertical jump performance of volleyball athletes at different training times during a championship preseason. Methods: Thirteen high-level male volleyball players (23.80 ± 5.40 years, 91.50 ± 8.80 kg, and 193.10 ± 6.40 cm) completed the RESTQ-Sport questionnaire on stress and recovery perception, and blood samples were collected to evaluate CK levels. These measures were performed six times over 16 weeks, while jumps such as squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), and countermovement jump arm (CMJA) were performed at three of those times for specific performance evaluation. Results: The stress perception and recovery perception indices increased and decreased, respectively, in the precompetitive phase, while CK levels presented an initial rise, maintenance over the training period, and a drop. Vertical jump heights increased significantly throughout the preparatory period regardless of the type of jump. In all training phases, CMJA values exceeded CMJ and SJ values, and CMJ values exceeded SJ values. Conclusions: Positive adaptations were elicited by training stimuli, resulting in improvements in performance. Conversely, load training variables indicated higher levels of stress and muscle damage, together with lower perceptions of recovery during the championship preseason
Thromboembolism of the subclavian artery to the vertebral artery with haemorrhagic transformation
We report on the case of a 56-year-old male patient who, after fainting, regained consciousness in hospital
in a confused state complaining of pain in the left arm. In the physical examination, the arm was seen to be cold and without pulse, so an arteriography was performed which identified an aneurysm of the subclavian
artery with distal embolus of the upper limb. He was submitted to embolectomy of the limb but evolved with degeneration of the neurological state and so was transferred to a university hospital which confirmed the presence of thromboembolism of the vertebral artery. The upper limb had signs of distal ischaemia, so anticoagulation with heparin was initiated. The patient presented with further deterioration of the neurological condition and a transformation from ischaemic to hemorrhagic stroke was confirmed.
Acta Angiol 2010; 16, 3: 135–137We report on the case of a 56-year-old male patient who, after fainting, regained consciousness in hospital
in a confused state complaining of pain in the left arm. In the physical examination, the arm was seen to be
cold and without pulse, so an arteriography was performed which identified an aneurysm of the subclavian
artery with distal embolus of the upper limb. He was submitted to embolectomy of the limb but evolved
with degeneration of the neurological state and so was transferred to a university hospital which confirmed
the presence of thromboembolism of the vertebral artery. The upper limb had signs of distal ischaemia, so
anticoagulation with heparin was initiated. The patient presented with further deterioration of the neurological
condition and a transformation from ischaemic to hemorrhagic stroke was confirmed.
Acta Angiol 2010; 16, 3: 135–13
Avaliação de desempenho nas organizações: um estudo multicasos
Esta pesquisa objetivou mapear as práticas de avaliação de desempenho dos funcionários adotadas pelas organizações na contemporaneidade. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo multicasos, que contou com 11 organizações de médio e grande porte. A escolha das organizações estudadas baseou-se na conveniência dos pesquisadores e na listagem das melhores empresas para trabalhar no Brasil em 2014 divulgada pelo Instituto Great Place to Work. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário eletrônico, enviado ao e-mail institucional das organizações selecionadas. A partir dos resultados alcançados, foi possível identificar um conjunto de desafios para a área de gestão de pessoas nas organizações: a busca por soluções que tornem a operacionalização da avaliação 360º mais eficiente; a superação da resistência dos funcionários em relação ao conceito de avaliação; a necessidade de preparar os líderes para fornecerem feedback; e a formulação de metodologias consistentes que permitam a vinculação dos resultados das avaliações de desempenho dos funcionários a uma parcela de sua remuneração
Mulheres em cargos de chefia: desafios e percepções
The general objective of this research was to analyze the challenges that women who occupy senior positions in organizations faced and still face in their careers as well as their individual perceptions on the issue of gender. To collect data were used in-depth interviews. From the results, it was found that men’s prejudgment is still one of the main challenges faced by professionals of female gender in the organizational context because, at the same time makes it difficult for women to be promoted, moves the suspicions about them when in leadership positions.O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar os desafios que as mulheres que ocupam cargos de chefia nas organizações brasileiras enfrentaram e ainda enfrentam em suas carreiras, assim como suas percepções individuais sobre a questão do gênero. Para coleta de dados, realizaram-se entrevistas em profundidade. A partir dos resultados obtidos, constatou-se que o preconceito masculino ainda é um dos principais desafios enfrentados pelas profissionais do gênero feminino no âmbito organizacional, pois, ao mesmo tempo em que dificulta que as mulheres sejam promovidas, move as desconfianças sobre elas, quando as mesmas ocupam cargos de médio e alto escalão
Performance assessment in organizations : a multicases study.
Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender como se d? a avalia??o de desempenho dos funcion?rios em organiza??es de m?dio e grande porte que est?o entre as melhores para trabalhar no Brasil. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo multicasos, que contou com 11 organiza??es. A escolha das organiza??es estudadas baseou-se na listagem das melhores empresas para trabalhar no Brasil em 2014 divulgada pelo Instituto Great Place to Work. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um question?rio eletr?nico, enviado ao email institucional das organiza??es selecionadas. A partir dos resultados alcan?ados, foi poss?vel identificar um conjunto de desafios para a ?rea de gest?o de pessoas nas organiza??es: a busca por solu??es que tornem a operacionaliza??o da avalia??o 360? mais eficiente; a supera??o da resist?ncia dos funcion?rios em rela??o ao conceito de avalia??o; a necessidade de preparar os l?deres para fornecerem feedback; e a formula??o de metodologias consistentes que permitam a vincula??o dos resultados das avalia??es de desempenho dos funcion?rios a uma parcela de sua remunera??o.This research aimed to understand how performance evaluation of employees works in medium and large organizations that are among the best to work in Brazil. For this, we carried out a multicases study, which included 11 organizations. The choice of the organizations studied was based on the list of best companies to work in Brazil in 2014 released by the Great Place to Work Institute. Data collection was conducted through an electronic questionnaire, sent to the institutional e-mail of selected organizations. From the results obtained, it was possible to identify a set of challenges for human resources management area in organizations: the search for solutions that make the 360-degree evaluation more efficient; overcoming employee resistance to the concept of evaluation; the need to prepare leaders to provide feedback; and the formulation of consistent methodologies to link the results of employee performance appraisals to a portion of their compensation
A cultura do milho é muito responsiva à adubação nitrogenada, tanto por se tratar de uma Poaceae, como pelos vários anos de melhoramento genético. Entretanto, outros fatores devem ser considerados quanto do uso de doses excessivas de nitrogênio, principalmente aspectos econômicos e ambientais. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a produtividade do milho híbrido em doses crescentes de sulfato de amônio, bem como de outras características como massa de grãos, altura de plantas (Em quatro estádios) e altura de inserção de espigas. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e três repetições. As doses de sulfato de amônio avaliadas foram zero, a recomendada para o milho, 50% menor, 25% menor, 25% maior e 50% maior do que a recomendada para a região. Os tratamentos em que se utilizaram doses 25% e 50% superior à recomendada para a cultura do milho na região apresentaram resultados de produtividade estatisticamente iguais. O mesmo comportamento foi observado para a massa de grãos. Para a altura de plantas, na quarta avaliação observou-se diferença estatística entre os tratamentos, sendo o tratamento em que se utilizou dose 50% menor do que a recomendada, o que apresentou o menor valor. Para a altura de inserção de espigas, não se observou efeito das doses de sulfato de amônio. Concluiu-se que o uso da dose recomendada para a cultura do milho na região é suficiente para atingir altas produtividades
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