38 research outputs found

    Teamwork, Spirit of the Game and Communication: A Review of Implications from Sociological Constructs for Research and Practice in Ultimate Frisbee Games

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    Ultimate Frisbee (UF) is a non-contact, challenging, and self-promoted team sport. Its characteristics, such as the game environment and rules, appear to influence the on-the-pitch behaviour of players. This article examines the content of qualitative studies to determine if and how the unique characteristics of UF may be related to nine sociological themes, that may be identified during gameplay. These themes include the following: (a) competition and performance; (b) enjoyment; (c) communication; (d) cooperation/friendship; (e) behaviors/welfare; (f) teamwork/social skills; (g) environment/lifestyle; (h) rules/self-refereeing and (i) spirit of the Game (SOTG). The review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. A comprehensive search protocol was used to identify, screen, and select published research articles under a Qualitative Systematic Review (QSR). The search was occurred from 1 June to 30 December 2020 with no limitations regarding the year of publication. Original English-language papers that contained relevant data regarding sociological themes and UF were selected. As a result, nine papers were qualified to be included in the final version of QSR. The files analyzed were structured with MAXQDA. A total of 521 references were identified and selected for analysis. After the Screening (n = 301) and Eligibility (n = 71) phases, a total of 30 potential papers were selected and classified. Nine studies were included in the final analysis. The three most cited sociological themes in these studies were: communication, teamwork/social skills, and spirit of the game. Research suggests that UF involves patterns of interaction related to communication and the spirit of the game that encourage active lifestyles. Finally, we point out that UF is an appropriate sport to include in physical education classes in which the creation of positive relationships between students is the desired outcome. This topic should be explored further through interventional studies done in different contexts although the evidence suggests that UF offers players unique opportunities to experience a combination of physical activity and enjoyment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ultimate frisbee players:characteristics according to their competitive level and spirit of the game

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    In Ultimate Frisbee, players are responsible for administering and reinforcing adherence to the rules of the game. As a self-refereed sport, UF relies upon the Spirit of the Game (SOTG). This study aimed to profile the experience, to ascertain the training history of the sport, the participation and goal orientations of international Ultimate Frisbee players in the European Beach Ultimate Championship, and to evaluate the contribution of these variables in a discriminant function to classify players according to SOTG level and competitive level. The sample consisted of 160 players [females 33.8% (29.3 ± 7.2 years); males 66.2% (37.6 ± 9.7 years)] who competed in the European Beach Ultimate Championship, 2019. Factorial ANOVA was used to test the effect of sex, competitive level and SOTG level (measured by the sum of the scores obtained in five questions addressing the following domains: (1) Knowledge and use of the rules; (2) Fouls and body contact; (3) Fair-mindedness; (4) Positive attitude and self-control; (5) Communication. The results revealed that sex was not a consistent source of SOTG level variation among players. In each competitive level, those with high SOTG levels obtained lower European Beach Ultimate Championship classification (t = 5.73 to 6.55, p < 0.001, d = 1.28 to 2.06), higher SOTG classification (t = −13.21 to −7.04, p < 0.001, d = 1.28 to 2.85), and better evaluation for fouls and body contact (t = 2.76 to 9.23, p < 0.05, d = 0.86 to 1.99) and for positive attitude (t = 5.88 to 7.43, p < 0.001, d = 2.06 to 2.57), than regular SOTG level players. Players of different competitive levels demonstrated similar SOTG results. These findings provide important information to coaches, physical education teachers and sport consultants

    Teamwork: A Systematic Review of Implications From Psychosocial Constructs for Research and Practice in the Performance of Ultimate Frisbee Games

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    Introduction: Ultimate Frisbee (UF) is a non-contact, challenging, and self-promoted team sport. Some factors such as the game environment and rules seem to influence athletes’ behavior. Goals: Provide a robust systematic review (SR) of the psychological domains associated with UF.Methods: A SR according to Cochrane guidelines was completed. A reproducible search strategy was conducted by two independent reviewers in thirteen online databases: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, SCOPUS, B-On, SportDiscus, Scielo; APA PsycINFO, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences; Academic Search Complete; Medline (PubMed); ERIC; Google Scholar; Open Acess Thesis and Dissertations. The search occurred from 1st to 30th June 2020, and there were no limitations regarding the year of publication. Original papers that contained relevant data regarding psychological domains in the context of UF in English, Portuguese and Spanish were selected. The combination of the main terms “ultimate frisbee” and “sport psychology” was used in all databases. A total of 464 studies were identified and selected in the last phase of selection. After the Screening (n = 301) and Eligibility (n = 71) phases, a total of 30 potential papers were selected and classified. Finally, only four papers were qualified to be included in the final version of SR.Results: The psychological dimensions revealed in the present study were: leadership; basic psychological needs; behaviors; task cohesion and performance; intrateam communication; performance-avoidance goals; friendship goals; sportsmanship associated with goal-directed self-talk and self-regulated learning.Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first SR about UF. In reviewing all the findings in the studies, there is evidence that UF can promote teamwork, task cohesion, leadership, and increase friendship-approach goals.Conclusion: The results revealed that group goals and promoting teamwork significantly predicted social cohesion and that teamwork and task cohesion was mediated by communication. UF is characterized by communication between all players, whether they are from the same team or the opposing team. In summary, the current study revealed real-time information about the game and its rules. This is important because UF is one of the few team sports worldwide that are self-referred by participants.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blood Pressure Responses in Isokinetic Dynamometry Test in Elderly Community Women: An Exploratory Study

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    The aim of the study was to verify the systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure response in elderly women during isokinetic test. The study included 54 females (68.8 ± 5.9 years) divided into two age groups (Group 1: 60 to 70 and group 2: above 71 years). BP was measured before and immediately after the isokinetic knee extension / flexion test in the concentric-concentric mode. After the test, significant elevations were observed in relation to the pre-test in SBP (G1: Δ% = 29.7%, G2: Δ% = 20.6%, p <.01, respectively) and in MAP (G1: Δ% = 7.6 %, G2: Δ% = 8.4%, p <.01, respectively). The use of isokinetic tests produces elevations in systolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure in elderly women. Increases occur independently of the age group studied. However, the increases detected do not appear to be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a health hazard whereby isokinetic tests can be safely applied in this population

    Assessing ethical behavior and self-control in elite ultimate championships: a cross-sectional study using the spirit of the game scoring system

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    IntroductionImplementing a self-refereeing system presents a unique challenge in sports education, particularly in academic and training settings where officiated sports prevail. However, Ultimate Frisbee stands out by entrusting players with both athlete and referee roles, introducing distinctive ethical complexities. This manuscript is intended to evaluate ethical behavior and self-control within the Spirit of the Game (SOTG) scoring system in Elite Ultimate. To address these, Ultimate employs the (SOTG) scoring system, integral since the sport's inception in the late 1980s. SOTG aims to enhance and evaluate athletes’ ethical conduct. This study evaluates SOTG's effectiveness in elite-level Ultimate, analyzing variations across divisions and age groups in three high-level tournaments.MethodsUsing a cross-sectional design, data were collected from five international Ultimate tournaments in 2022. Teams spanned diverse age groups (under 17 to over 50) and divisions (women's, mixed, open). Post-match, teams assessed opponents’ SOTG in five domains: Rules knowledge, fouls, fairness, attitude/self-control, and communication. Ratings used a 5-point Likert scale (“poor” to “excellent”). An overall SOTG score was calculated by aggregating domain scores.ResultsOur study consistently revealed high SOTG scores, reflecting strong sportsmanship. “Positive attitude and self-control” consistently ranked highest, while “Knowledge and use of the rules” scored lowest. Divisional differences in SOTG were statistically insignificant. Notably, WMUCC2022 (participants aged 30+) had significantly higher SOTG scores, possibly indicating age-related self-control improvement or evolving sport culture. Lower rules knowledge scores may stem from linguistic translation challenges.ConclusionSelf-refereeing promotes ethical behavior across divisions and age groups. SOTG underscores sportsmanship's importance and aligns with International Olympic Committee (IOC) and with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3, 4, 5 and 16 fostering a fairer, healthier, and more peaceful world

    Self-Refereeing System in Ultimate during the Joint Junior Ultimate Championship in Three Different Divisions—A Different Way to Promote Fair-Play?

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    In ultimate games governed by the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF), all competitors also take on the role of referee. The players discuss disputed calls with each other during the game, and then follow rules designed for these situations to determine how the play continues. The number one rule of the sport is to respect the spirit of the game (SOTG), which encourages competitive play while preserving mutual respect and minimizing the risk of injury. The use of SOTG in ultimate in the framework of self-arbitration as a moral practice aligns well with other tools of critical pedagogy. For this study, the SOTG scores of the WFDF Joint Junior Ultimate Championship (JJUC 2022) were analyzed. A total of 1009 players from 19 countries competed in 434 self-refereed games (29 national teams in the WJUC Under-20 (U20) tournament and 20 teams in the EYUC Under-17 (U17) tournament). All the scores from the individual criteria correlated well with the overall scores, but for the most part, they did not correlate with each other. Our experience with the scoring system has highlighted the importance of participants understanding the meaning of the results and how they may lead to a constructive reflection to improve exceptions, including scores representing fouls and rules knowledge. The findings provide important information for physical education teachers, coaches, and sport consultants and may be of use to design SOTG programs that could foster the experience of sportsmanship and to facilitate the ethical conduct of athletes in either recreative or in competitive contexts

    Age-related sarcopenia index and functional capacity in elderly community members: a correlational study

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    Sarcopenia affects performance in simple activities of daily life, directly impacting the quality of life of the elderly. The objective of the present study was to analyse the correlation between age, sarcopenia index and functional capacity in community-dwelling elderly. The sample comprised 40 community-dwelling elderly, 12 men (69.16 ± 8.13 years) and 28 women (67.96 ± 6.23 years). All participants underwent the Electrical Bioimpedance (BIA), Handgrip Strength test (HS), and Timed-Up-and-Go test (TUG). A strong correlation was found between age x TUG in men (r = 0.733; p = 0.021), between age x fat mass in women (r = 0.775; p = 0.032), between HS and TUG in men (r = − 0.713; p = 0.0003), and a weak correlation between HS and Free Fat Mass in women (r = 0.394; p = 0.043). Weak negative correlations were found regarding age in both men and women. In functional performance, concerning test time and age, strong correlations were found for men and weak correlations for women

    AutopercepçÔes, bem-estar subjectivo, e exercício físico em adultos : efeitos de um programa de exercício físico em indivíduos praticantes da cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG) - Brasil

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    Dissertação de mestrado em ExercĂ­cio e SaĂșde em PopulaçÔes Especiais, apresentada Ă  Faculdade de CiĂȘncias do Desporto e Educação FĂ­sica da Universidade de CoimbraO interesse pelo conhecimento da prĂĄtica regular de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico e os seus benefĂ­cios para o bem-estar psicolĂłgico e a saĂșde mental, tĂȘm vindo a ganhar grande relevĂąncia nas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas. Nesta ordem, destacamos o estudo do bem-estar subjectivo e a autopercepçÔes no domĂ­nio fĂ­sico, que sĂŁo representados por um conjunto de variĂĄveis que procuram avaliar os indivĂ­duos e entender as relaçÔes entre o seu estado actual positivo e aquilo que ele pensa acerca do seu prĂłprio corpo. Objectivos: Comparar os nĂ­veis de bem-estar subjectivo e das autopercepçÔes no domĂ­nio fĂ­sico em indivĂ­duos adultos, em função do gĂ©nero e da prĂĄtica de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico e ainda, proceder a uma anĂĄlise factorial exploratĂłria do questionĂĄrio intitulado “Perfil de autopercepção fĂ­sica”, visando sua a adaptação e validação transcultural para o Brasil. MĂ©todo: Para o efeito, foram inquiridos 400 indivĂ­duos, na faixa etĂĄria entre 18 e 64 anos. Instrumento: O instrumento utilizado para recolha dos dados foi Ă  versĂŁo adaptada para o portuguĂȘs do Brasil da “Bateria de testes das AutopercepçÔes & bem-estar” (Ferreira, Navarro, Benevides & Furtado, 2009). Resultados: A anĂĄlise factorial do PSPP revelou a existĂȘncia de trĂȘs factores para o gĂ©nero feminino e a replicação de apenas um factor para o gĂ©nero masculino. As restantes anĂĄlises revelaram que existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variĂĄveis do bem-estar subjectivo somente em função do gĂ©nero; existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na autoestima global e nos subdomĂ­nios do perfil de autopercepção fĂ­sica em função do gĂ©nero nos grupos de praticantes e nĂŁo praticantes de ambos os gĂ©neros; nĂŁo existem fortes correlaçÔes positivas entre as variĂĄveis do bem estar subjectivo e os subdomĂ­nios do PSPP. RecomendaçÔes: As evidĂȘncias quanto Ă  validação do PSPP para a realidade brasileira sĂŁo limitadas e apontam para a necessidade de realizar estudos complementares com amostras mais alargadas com a finalidade de dar continuidade este processo, bem como procurar consolidar a existĂȘncia de associaçÔes entre autopercepção fĂ­sica, autoestima global, bem-estar subjectivo e a modificabilidade destas variĂĄveis em função da prĂĄtica de exercĂ­cio.The interests in the knowledge of regular physical exercise and its benefits for the psychological well-being and mental health have gained great importance in recent decades. In this order, we emphasize the study of subjective well-being and self-perceptions in the physical domain which are represented by a set of variables that seek to evaluate individuals and understand the relationships between its current positive and what he thinks about his own body. Main goals: Tocompare the levels of subjective well-being and self-perceptions in the adult physical domain, by gender and physical exercise and also to carry out an exploratory factor analysis of the questionnaire entitled "Physical Self-Perception Profile" (PSPP), seeking its cross-cultural adaptation and validation for Brazil. Method: For this purpose, 400 individuals were interviewed, aged between 18 and 64. Instrument: The instrument used for data collection was the version adapted Brazilian Portuguese of "Bateria de AutopercepçÔes e Bem-estar" (Ferreira, Navarro, Benevides & Furtado, 2009). Results: factor analysis of PSPP revealed three factors for the female and the replication of only one factor for males. The further analysis revealed that there are significant differences in the variables of subjective well-being only by gender, there are significant differences in global self-esteem and in the subdomains of physical self-perception profile by gender in groups of practitioners and non practitioners of both sexes, there are no strong positive correlations between variables and subjective well-being of PSPP subdomains. Recommendations: The evidence for the validation of PSPP to the Brazilian reality is limited and point to the need of further studies with broader samples in order to continue this process and seeking strong t associations between physical self perception, global self-esteem, subjective well-being and changeability of these variables as a function of physical exercise

    AutopercepçÔes, bem-estar subjectivo, e exercício físico em adultos : efeitos de um programa de exercício físico em indivíduos praticantes da cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG) - Brasil

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    Dissertação de mestrado em ExercĂ­cio e SaĂșde em PopulaçÔes Especiais, apresentada Ă  Faculdade de CiĂȘncias do Desporto e Educação FĂ­sica da Universidade de CoimbraO interesse pelo conhecimento da prĂĄtica regular de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico e os seus benefĂ­cios para o bem-estar psicolĂłgico e a saĂșde mental, tĂȘm vindo a ganhar grande relevĂąncia nas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas. Nesta ordem, destacamos o estudo do bem-estar subjectivo e a autopercepçÔes no domĂ­nio fĂ­sico, que sĂŁo representados por um conjunto de variĂĄveis que procuram avaliar os indivĂ­duos e entender as relaçÔes entre o seu estado actual positivo e aquilo que ele pensa acerca do seu prĂłprio corpo. Objectivos: Comparar os nĂ­veis de bem-estar subjectivo e das autopercepçÔes no domĂ­nio fĂ­sico em indivĂ­duos adultos, em função do gĂ©nero e da prĂĄtica de exercĂ­cio fĂ­sico e ainda, proceder a uma anĂĄlise factorial exploratĂłria do questionĂĄrio intitulado “Perfil de autopercepção fĂ­sica”, visando sua a adaptação e validação transcultural para o Brasil. MĂ©todo: Para o efeito, foram inquiridos 400 indivĂ­duos, na faixa etĂĄria entre 18 e 64 anos. Instrumento: O instrumento utilizado para recolha dos dados foi Ă  versĂŁo adaptada para o portuguĂȘs do Brasil da “Bateria de testes das AutopercepçÔes & bem-estar” (Ferreira, Navarro, Benevides & Furtado, 2009). Resultados: A anĂĄlise factorial do PSPP revelou a existĂȘncia de trĂȘs factores para o gĂ©nero feminino e a replicação de apenas um factor para o gĂ©nero masculino. As restantes anĂĄlises revelaram que existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variĂĄveis do bem-estar subjectivo somente em função do gĂ©nero; existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas na autoestima global e nos subdomĂ­nios do perfil de autopercepção fĂ­sica em função do gĂ©nero nos grupos de praticantes e nĂŁo praticantes de ambos os gĂ©neros; nĂŁo existem fortes correlaçÔes positivas entre as variĂĄveis do bem estar subjectivo e os subdomĂ­nios do PSPP. RecomendaçÔes: As evidĂȘncias quanto Ă  validação do PSPP para a realidade brasileira sĂŁo limitadas e apontam para a necessidade de realizar estudos complementares com amostras mais alargadas com a finalidade de dar continuidade este processo, bem como procurar consolidar a existĂȘncia de associaçÔes entre autopercepção fĂ­sica, autoestima global, bem-estar subjectivo e a modificabilidade destas variĂĄveis em função da prĂĄtica de exercĂ­cio.The interests in the knowledge of regular physical exercise and its benefits for the psychological well-being and mental health have gained great importance in recent decades. In this order, we emphasize the study of subjective well-being and self-perceptions in the physical domain which are represented by a set of variables that seek to evaluate individuals and understand the relationships between its current positive and what he thinks about his own body. Main goals: Tocompare the levels of subjective well-being and self-perceptions in the adult physical domain, by gender and physical exercise and also to carry out an exploratory factor analysis of the questionnaire entitled "Physical Self-Perception Profile" (PSPP), seeking its cross-cultural adaptation and validation for Brazil. Method: For this purpose, 400 individuals were interviewed, aged between 18 and 64. Instrument: The instrument used for data collection was the version adapted Brazilian Portuguese of "Bateria de AutopercepçÔes e Bem-estar" (Ferreira, Navarro, Benevides & Furtado, 2009). Results: factor analysis of PSPP revealed three factors for the female and the replication of only one factor for males. The further analysis revealed that there are significant differences in the variables of subjective well-being only by gender, there are significant differences in global self-esteem and in the subdomains of physical self-perception profile by gender in groups of practitioners and non practitioners of both sexes, there are no strong positive correlations between variables and subjective well-being of PSPP subdomains. Recommendations: The evidence for the validation of PSPP to the Brazilian reality is limited and point to the need of further studies with broader samples in order to continue this process and seeking strong t associations between physical self perception, global self-esteem, subjective well-being and changeability of these variables as a function of physical exercise