300 research outputs found

    Repensar los cruces. La implementación del modelo Superilles: el caso de la Superilla del Poblenou de Barcelona (2016-2021)

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    [spa] En septiembre de 2016 se inaugura la Superilla del Poblenou de Barcelona en el marco de una fuerte controversia vecinal. Las Superilles son un modelo de transformación urbana cuyo objetivo reside en reestructurar la organización funcional de una zona determinada. En este caso, un sector del distrito barcelonés de Sant Martí se modifica mediante la implementación de una célula de unos 400 x 400 metros de la trama Cerdà, donde se prioriza el tránsito y los usos estacionarios peatonales frente a la circulación motorizada. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral consiste en analizar el diseño, la materialización y el impacto provocado por este ejercicio de reordenación urbana ejecutado por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona en la zona de implementación. El ámbito temporal de investigación comprende el período 2016-2021. A partir de un marco teórico guiado por las reflexiones de la epistemología feminista, se ha combinado el análisis proyectual y de la gestión política de la transformación urbana de la Superilla del Poblenou con el análisis de las representaciones sociales. Las herramientas principales utilizadas han sido la observación etnográfica del entorno urbano y de la plataforma digital Instagram, incluyéndose entrevistas a un espectro amplio de individuos –de vecinas del Poblenou a técnicos del Ayuntamiento–. Los datos recogidos se han puesto en diálogo con fuentes de información de carácter secundario, enfatizando el seguimiento pormenorizado de la producción por parte de las instituciones públicas en relación con el objeto de investigación. La investigación realizada permite concluir que la implementación de la Superilla del Poblenou logra algunos de sus objetivos –especialmente aquellos asociados al avance hacia una ciudad más verde, ecológica, y saludable– en las zonas de actuación explícita. A su vez, se constata que dicho modelo presenta carencias en la vertiente llamémosle “social” del espacio, tanto en lo que corresponde a diseño como gestión. Unas carencias, cabe decir, que trascienden el propio proyecto de la Superilla y requieren de replanteamientos y cambios en el modelo urbano de la ciudad mucho más profundos, complejos y que cuestionen de un modo directo a la ordenación estructural capitalista del medio socioeconómico urbano.[cat] Al setembre de 2016 s'inaugura la Superilla del Poblenou de Barcelona en el marc d'una forta controvèrsia veïnal. Les Superilles són un model de transformació urbana l'objectiu del qual és reestructurar l'organització funcional d'una zona determinada. En aquest cas, un sector del districte barceloní de Sant Martí es modifica mitjançant la implementació d'una cèl·lula d'uns 400 x 400 metres de la trama Cerdà, on es prioritza el trànsit i els usos estacionaris per als vianants respecte a la circulació motoritzada. L'objectiu de la present tesi doctoral consisteix a analitzar el disseny, la materialització i l'impacte provocat per aquest exercici de reordenació urbana executat per l'Ajuntament de Barcelona en la zona d'implementació. L'àmbit temporal de recerca comprèn el període 2016-2021. A partir d'un marc teòric guiat per les reflexions de l'epistemologia feminista, s'ha combinat l'anàlisi projectual i de la gestió política de la transformació urbana de la Superilla del Poblenou amb l'anàlisi de les representacions socials. Les eines principals utilitzades han sigut l'observació etnogràfica de l'entorn urbà i de la plataforma digital Instagram, incloent també entrevistes a un espectre ampli d'individus –de veïnes del Poblenou a tècnics de l'Ajuntament–. Les dades recollides s'han posat en diàleg amb fonts d'informació de caràcter secundari, emfatitzant el seguiment detallat de la producció per part de les institucions públiques en relació amb l'objecte de d’estudi. La recerca realitzada permet concloure que la implementació de la Superilla del Poblenou aconsegueix alguns dels seus objectius –especialment aquells associats al progrés cap a una ciutat més verda, ecològica, i saludable– en les zones on s’han fet les actuacions. A l’hora, es constata que aquest model presenta mancances en la vessant que hem anomenat “social” de l’espai, tant pel que fa al disseny com la gestió. Unes mancances que transcendeixen el propi projecte de la Superilla i requereixen de replantejaments i canvis en el model urbà de la ciutat molt més profunds, complexos, els quals qüestionin d'una manera directa a l'ordenació estructural capitalista del mitjà socioeconòmic urbà.[eng] The Poblenou’s Superblock in Barcelona was inaugurated in September 2016 amidst a strong social controversy. Superilles (superblocks) is a model for urban transformation whose objective is to modify the functional organisation of a specific area. In this case, a part of Barcelona's Sant Martí district has been modified by implementing a new scale urban cell that gathers 400 x 400 meters of the “Cerdà” grid, where transit and stationary pedestrian uses have priority over motorised traffic. Based on a theoretical framework guided by feminist epistemology, this investigation analyzes the project and the political management of the urban transformation of the Poblenou’s Superblock, as well as its social representations. Said Analysis is done through the ethnographic observation of the urban environment as well as the digital platform Instagram, including interviews to a wide spectrum of individuals - from neighbours of Poblenou to technicians of the city council. The collected data has been compared with secondary sources of information, emphasizing the monitoring of institutional sources’ production about the research topic. The carried-out research allows to conclude that the implementation of the Poblenou’s Superblock achieves some of its purposes - especially those associated with advancing towards a more ecological and healthier city - in the specific areas where actions have been taken. At the same time, this model, both in its design and management, has weaknesses in its social aspect. These flaws transcend the Superilla project itself and require more deeper and complex changes in the urban model of the city that challenge the capitalist structural organisation of the urban socio- economic urban setting

    Spatial and temporal distribution of marine debris in seafloor habitats of the Balearic Islands

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    The weight and distribution of marine macrodebris in benthic habitats (continental shelves and upper slopes) from bottom trawl scientific surveys at the Balearic Islands was investigated. A time series of 15 years (2001 -2015) was studied at mesoscale level. Most abundant debris were glass, plastic and fishing material. The plastic fraction, which is highly persistent and resistant to biodegradation, showed a high variability in space and time with no clear trend

    Improving the ecological efficiency of the bottom trawl fishery in the western Mediterranean: it’s about time!

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    The improvement of fishing technology has been detrimental to the sustainability of fisheries, which is particularly clear for the bottom trawl fishery. Reducing its environmental impact is a key point for the development of a more sustainable fishery. The present work analyzed different possibilities to mitigate the impact of gears on the seabed and to increase the efficiency of the bottom trawl fishery of the Western Mediterranean. The analysis of three experiments showed that innovative technical and regulation measures can lead to benefits such as the reduction of fishing effort, the improvement of the cost-benefit relation and the reduction of the direct impact on the seabed and the indirect effect on the ecosystems through reduce discards and the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere. After years of studies focused on improving the sustainability of this fishery, it's about time to turn this improvement into realityPreprint1,86

    Diamond vs. square mesh codend in a multi-species trawl fishery of the western Mediterranean: effects on catch composition, yield, size selectivity and discards

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    Selectivity studies usually describe the effects on target species, whereas information on by-catch and discards is scarce. Nevertheless, large quantities of undersized individuals and invertebrates are discarded in the Mediterranean multi-species bottom trawl fishery. The present work analyses the data from two surveys carried out on the shallow and deep continental shelf (50–78 m, and 147–189 m, respectively) off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). In these surveys, the traditionally used 40 mm diamond mesh codend and an experimental square mesh codend were used under commercial conditions. Catch composition, yields, size selectivity of both target and by-catch species, and discards were compared between the two mesh types. The mean selection length (L50) clearly increased for most species when using square mesh, escaping many more individuals under their minimum landing size. Yield of Spicara smaris was significantly lower by using the square mesh, changing the composition of the retained catch. Escapement ratio and economic loss were significantly higher with square mesh, although economic loss was almost negligible for both meshes on the deep continental shelf. The use of square mesh significantly reduced the discards of algae in the shallow waters and fish on the deep continental shelf. The results confirmed that square mesh codend reduces the fishing pressure on small specimens as well as the impact of trawling on the ecosystem. These benefits would not lead to a reduction of the yields neither of the main target species, the fishes Merluccius merluccius, Mullus surmuletus, Zeus faber, and the cephalopods Loligo vulgaris and Octopus vulgaris, nor of the rest of commercial categories, except for Spicara smarisPublicado

    Stock boundaries for fisheries assessment and management in the Mediterranean: the Balearic Islands as a case study

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    The stock concept plays a pivotal role in fisheries assessment and management. Stocks are defined according to biological, geographical, economic or socio-political factors. The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has established thirty management geographical sub-areas (GSAs) based on political and statistical considerations rather than biological or economic factors. Here, we present our view on the main biological and ecological aspects that should be considered for delineating different management units in the Mediterranean. We focus on the Balearic Islands (GSA05) as a case study highlighting its specificities compared to the adjacent coast of the Iberian Peninsula (GSA06), but the approach could be generalized to the problem of identifying stock boundaries in other areas. The work is based on published information from different marine disciplines such as geomorphology, ecology and fisheries, combined with the analysis of new data coming from official fishery statistics and scientific surveys. This approach avoids the important draw¬backs (inconclusive results, high costs) of other time-consuming techniques used in stock identification, such as genetics. According to the information presented, we conclude that GSA05 should be maintained as an individualized area for assess-ment and management purposes in the western MediterraneanPublicado

    On the Identification of the Key Factors for a Successful Use of Twitter as a Medium from a Social Marketing Perspective

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    [EN] Public administrations are organizations whose mission is to serve the interests of society by providing efficient and sustainable services. Much of the information received from public administrations uses social media due to their versatility and capacity to reach a large number of citizens. Among them, Twitter is the most widely used, especially to disseminate messages with a high social content. This type of messages falls within the discipline of social marketing. However, when public administrations use Twitter for social marketing communication, it is not known which factors are the most decisive to achieve the social objective for which they are issued. This article provides an answer to this question, using the Analytic Network Process Multicriteria method to determine which factors matter and how they are interrelated when issuing social marketing messages through Twitter. The result of this research reveals that from the 22 factors analyzed, the most influential from a social marketing point of view are the average age of population, the existence of a strategic communication plan, the number of tweets and the average number of tweets per day, the number of followers, retweets and mentions, as well as the efficiency of the account.Guijarro, E.; Santandreu Mascarell, C.; Blasco-Gallego, B.; Canós-Darós, L.; Babiloni, E. (2021). On the Identification of the Key Factors for a Successful Use of Twitter as a Medium from a Social Marketing Perspective. Sustainability. 13(12):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13126696S115131

    Short spatio-temporal variations in the population dynamics and biology of the deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris (Decapoda: Crustacea) in the western Mediterranean

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    The deep-water rose shrimp Parapenaeus longirostris is a demersal decapod crustacean that is commercially exploited by trawl fleets. The present work compares its population dynamics, biology and condition in two locations (southern and north-western Mallorca in the Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean, separated by a distance of 120 km) with different environmental conditions and explores the relationships between the species and certain environmental factors. Six multidisciplinary bimonthly surveys were carried out during 2003 and 2004 in these two locations (between 150 and 750 m depth) in order to collect data on the demersal species with bottom trawl, the hydrography (temperature and salinity) with CTD casts, and trophic resources (zooplankton in the water column and suprabenthos with Bongo net and Macer-GIROQ sledge respectively) and sediments with a Shipeck dredge. The trawl fleets from both locations were monitored by monthly on board sampling and daily landings obtained from sales bills. Additional data was obtained from other trawl surveys. Temporal differences were detected both annually, with a decreasing trend over the last years in species abundance, and seasonally, in the biological indexes analysed. Bathymetric differences were also found in abundance, mean length, sex-ratio and condition of females. There were clear differences between the two locations studied, with higher abundance, condition and mean length and a lower length at first maturity for females in the north-western location. Trophic conditions could act as a link between geo-physical and biological changes. These short spatio-temporal differences could be due to the higher productivity found at this location, with higher density of preferred prey for the studied species together with adequate seafloor topography, sediment composition and hydrographical characteristicsPublicado