20 research outputs found

    Timed written picture naming in 14 European languages

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    We describe the Multilanguage Written Picture Naming Dataset. This gives trial-level data and time and agreement norms for written naming of the 260 pictures of everyday objects that compose the colorized Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set (Rossion & Pourtois in Perception, 33, 217–236, 2004). Adult participants gave keyboarded responses in their first language under controlled experimental conditions (N = 1,274, with subsamples responding in Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish). We measured the time to initiate a response (RT) and interkeypress intervals, and calculated measures of name and spelling agreement. There was a tendency across all languages for quicker RTs to pictures with higher familiarity, image agreement, and name frequency, and with higher name agreement. Effects of spelling agreement and effects on output rates after writing onset were present in some, but not all, languages. Written naming therefore shows name retrieval effects that are similar to those found in speech, but our findings suggest the need for cross-language comparisons as we seek to understand the orthographic retrieval and/or assembly processes that are specific to written output

    Timed written picture naming in 14 european languages

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    We describe the Multilanguage Written Picture Naming Dataset. This gives trial-level data and time and agreement norms for written naming of the 260 pictures of everyday objects that compose the colorized Snodgrass and Vanderwart picture set (Rossion & Pourtois in Perception, 33, 217\u2013236, 2004). Adult participants gave keyboarded responses in their first language under controlled experimental conditions (N = 1,274, with subsamples responding in Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish). We measured the time to initiate a response (RT) and interkeypress intervals, and calculated measures of name and spelling agreement. There was a tendency across all languages for quicker RTs to pictures with higher familiarity, image agreement, and name frequency, and with higher name agreement. Effects of spelling agreement and effects on output rates after writing onset were present in some, but not all, languages. Written naming therefore shows name retrieval effects that are similar to those found in speech, but our findings suggest the need for cross-language comparisons as we seek to understand the orthographic retrieval and/or assembly processes that are specific to written output

    Handschriftliche Sprachproduktion: sprachstrukturelle und ontogenetische Aspekte

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    Nottbusch G. Handschriftliche Sprachproduktion: sprachstrukturelle und ontogenetische Aspekte. Linguistische Arbeiten; 524. TĂĽbingen: Niemeyer; 2008

    Längsschnittliche Effekte der häuslichen und institutionellen Lernumwelt auf den Wortschatz von Grundschulkindern – ein Vergleich

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    It is assumed that additionally to the family background and child characteristics, the children’s learning environments are crucial for the acquisition of early competencies. This study aimed to compare the effects of home and institutional learning environment on young children’s vocabulary and to test necessary conditions for a potential compensatory effect of the institutional learning environment. Using longitudinal data from N = 557 preschool children (German National Educational Panel Study), we analysed to what extent family background and children’s characteristics predicted home and institutional learning environments and to what extent these learning environments predicted vocabulary in preschool and primary school. In order to test if both learning environments predict vocabulary separately, we used almost identical indicators to operationalize them. The effects were estimated within a structural equation model. The study revealed that both, home and institutional learning environment, had small and separate effects on children’s vocabulary. The home learning environment was more closely related to the family background, while the institutional learning environment was more closely related to the children’s characteristics. This evokes new possibilities to discuss compensatory effects. (DIPF/Orig.)Es wird angenommen, dass für den frühen Kompetenzerwerb eines Kindes neben dem familiären Hintergrund und Merkmalen des Kindes die Lernumgebungen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Die vorliegende Studie verfolgte das Ziel, die Effekte der häuslichen und der institutionellen Lernumgebung von Kindergartenkindern auf den frühen Wortschatzerwerb zu vergleichen und notwendige Bedingungen für einen kompensatorischen Effekt der institutionellen Lernumgebung zu überprüfen. Anhand längsschnittlicher Daten von N = 557 Kindergartenkindern aus dem deutschen Nationalen Bildungspanel (NEPS) wurde untersucht, in welchem Ausmaß der familiäre Hintergrund und die Merkmale eines Kindes die häusliche und institutionelle Lernumgebung prädizieren und in welchem Ausmaß diese wiederum den Wortschatz in der Vorschule und in der ersten Klasse vorhersagen. Um zu überprüfen, ob die beiden Lernumgebungen einen jeweils eigenständigen Beitrag zur Prädiktion des Wortschatzes leisten, wurden nahezu identische Indikatoren zur Operationalisierung verwendet. Mittels Strukturgleichungsmodellierung wurden die Effekte geschätzt. Die Studie zeigte, dass die häusliche und institutionelle Lernumgebung eines Kindes kleine sowie voneinander abgrenzbare Effekte auf den Wortschatz hatten. Dabei war die häusliche Lernumwelt stärker mit dem familiären Hintergrund assoziiert, während die institutionelle Lernumgebung stärker durch Merkmale des Kindes selbst prädiziert wurde. Dies eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten der Diskussion kompensatorischer Effekte. (DIPF/Orig.

    Learning handwriting: Factors affecting pen-movement fluency in beginning writers.

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    Data and script for Fitjar, C. L., Rønneberg, V., Torrance, M., & Nottbusch, G. (2021). Learning handwriting: Factors affecting pen-movement fluency in beginning writers. Frontiers in Psychology

    Written production of German compounds. Effects of lexical fequency and semantic transparency

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    Sahel S, Nottbusch G, Grimm A, Weingarten R. Written production of German compounds. Effects of lexical fequency and semantic transparency. Written Language and Literacy. 2008;11(2):211-227.In this study, we present an experiment in which we examined the time course of typing German compounds. The compounds varied according to three criteria: (1) whole word frequency (high vs. low), (2) head frequency (high vs. low) and (3) semantic transparency (transparent vs. opaque). In this experiment, we recorded the interkey intervals (IKIs) and concentrated on the IKI measurements found at the boundary of the two immediate constituents in compounds. We refer to this boundary type as an SM-boundary because (S)yllable and (M)orpheme boundaries coincide at this word position. As we found effects of lexical frequency for SM-IKIs in a series of previous studies, we argue that possible differences in SM-IKIs found for compounds of different frequency classes and of different degrees of semantic transparency can give an insight into the processes involved in the written production of German compounds: whole word procedures and/or compositional procedures. Our findings show that SM-IKIs are affected by compound frequency, head frequency and semantic transparency. We therefore argue that both whole word procedures and compositional procedures are involved in the written production of German compounds. These findings are in line with those versions of dual-route models which postulate that the two routes run in parallel and interact