38 research outputs found
Insights in opiates toxicity: impairment of human vascular mesenchymal stromal cells
: The most common pulmonary findings in opiate-related fatalities are congestion and oedema, as well as acute and/or chronic alveolar haemorrhage, the cause of which is thought to be a damage to the capillary endothelium related to ischemia. Human vascular mesenchymal stromal cells (vMSCs) play a fundamental role in tissue regeneration and repair after endothelial cell injury, and they express opioid receptors. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of in vitro morphine exposure on the physiological activity and maintenance of human vMSCs. vMSCs were obtained from abdominal aorta fragments collected during surgery repair and were exposed to incremental doses (0.1 mM, 0.4 mM, 0.8 mM and 1 mM) of morphine sulphate for 7 days. The effect was investigated through cell viability assessment, proliferation assay, reactive oxygen species (ROS) detection assay, senescence-associated β-galactosidase assay, senescent-related markers (p21WAF1/CIP1 and p16INK4) and the apoptosis-related marker caspase 3. Moreover, an ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy and in vitro vascular differentiation were evaluated. Results showed a decrease of the cellular metabolic activity, a pro-oxidant and pro-senescence effect, an increase in intracellular ROS and the activation of the apoptosis signalling, as well as ultrastructural modifications and impairment of vascular differentiation after morphine treatment of vMSC. Although confirmation studies are required on real fatal opiate intoxications, the approach based on morphological and immunofluorescence methodologies may have a high potential also as a useful tool or as a complementary method in forensic pathology. The application of these techniques in the future may lead to the identification of new markers and morphological parameters useful as complementary investigations for drug-related deaths
Geographic Patterns of Genome Admixture in Latin American Mestizos
The large and diverse population of Latin America is potentially a powerful resource for elucidating the genetic basis of complex traits through admixture mapping. However, no genome-wide characterization of admixture across Latin America has yet been attempted. Here, we report an analysis of admixture in thirteen Mestizo populations (i.e. in regions of mainly European and Native settlement) from seven countries in Latin America based on data for 678 autosomal and 29 X-chromosome microsatellites. We found extensive variation in Native American and European ancestry (and generally low levels of African ancestry) among populations and individuals, and evidence that admixture across Latin America has often involved predominantly European men and both Native and African women. An admixture analysis allowing for Native American population subdivision revealed a differentiation of the Native American ancestry amongst Mestizos. This observation is consistent with the genetic structure of pre-Columbian populations and with admixture having involved Natives from the area where the Mestizo examined are located. Our findings agree with available information on the demographic history of Latin America and have a number of implications for the design of association studies in population from the region
Improving mental and neurological health research in Latin America: a qualitative study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Research evidence is essential to inform policies, interventions and programs, and yet research activities in mental and neurological (MN) health have been largely neglected, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Many challenges have been identified in the production and utilization of research evidence in Latin American countries, and more work is needed to overcome this disadvantageous situation. This study aims to address the situation by identifying initiatives that could improve MN health research activities and implementation of their results in the Latin American region.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty-four MN health actors from 13 Latin American countries were interviewed as part of an initiative by the Global Forum for Health Research and the World Health Organization to explore the status of MN health research in low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia and Latin-America.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A variety of recommendations to increase MN health research activities and implementation of their results emerged in the interviews. These included increasing skilled human resources in MN health interventions and research, fostering greater participation of stakeholders in the generation of research topics and projects, and engendering the interest of national and international institutions in important MN health issues and research methodologies. In the view of most participants, government agencies should strive to have research results inform the decision-making process in which they are involved. Thus these agencies would play a key role in facilitating and funding research. Participants also pointed to the importance of academic recognition and financial rewards in attracting professionals to primary and translational research in MN health. In addition, they suggested that institutions should create intramural resources to provide researchers with technical support in designing, carrying out and disseminating research, including resources to improve scientific writing skills.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Fulfillment of these recommendations would increase research production in MN health in Latin American countries. This, in turn, will raise the profile of these health problems, and consequently will underscore the need of continued high-quality and relevant research, thus fostering a virtuous cycle in the decision-making process to improve MN health care.</p
Validez de una versión en español del Inventario de Depresión de Beck en pacientes hospitalizados de medicina general.
Objetivos: El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar en el Perú la validez de una versión en español del Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI) en pacientes hospitalizados de medicina general. Material y Métodos: Se tomó una muestra de 136 pacientes internados en los pabellones de medicina general del Centro Médico Naval (Lima-Perú), a quienes se les administró el BDI y la sección para el diagnóstico de depresión mayor de la Entrevista ClÃnica Estructurada para el DSM-IV (SCID). Resultados: El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue 0,889. La puntuación promedio del BDI fue significativamente más alta en los pacientes con depresión mayor que en los que no la tenÃan (26,71 frente a 6,79, p<0,001). Tomando 18,5 o 19,5 como punto de corte del BDI para el diagnóstico de depresión mayor, la sensibilidad fue 87,5% y la especificidad 98,21%. Ningún paciente con BDI menor de 7,5 tuvo depresión, mientras que todos los sujetos con BDI mayor de 24,5 la presentaron. A excepción de la pérdida de peso, todos los Ãtems tuvieron puntajes significativamente más altos en los pacientes deprimidos, siendo los Ãtems que mejor predecÃan la presencia de depresión: la inconformidad con uno mismo, la autopercepción negativa del aspecto fÃsico, la autocensura, el insomnio y el sentirse castigado. Conclusiones: La versión en español del BDI utilizada tiene propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para la evaluación de depresión en pacientes hospitalizados de medicina general
Validez de una versión en español del Inventario de Depresión de Beck en pacientes hospitalizados de medicina general.
Objetivos: El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar en el Perú la validez de una versión en español del Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI) en pacientes hospitalizados de medicina general. Material y Métodos: Se tomó una muestra de 136 pacientes internados en los pabellones de medicina general del Centro Médico Naval (Lima-Perú), a quienes se les administró el BDI y la sección para el diagnóstico de depresión mayor de la Entrevista ClÃnica Estructurada para el DSM-IV (SCID). Resultados: El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue 0,889. La puntuación promedio del BDI fue significativamente más alta en los pacientes con depresión mayor que en los que no la tenÃan (26,71 frente a 6,79, p<0,001). Tomando 18,5 o 19,5 como punto de corte del BDI para el diagnóstico de depresión mayor, la sensibilidad fue 87,5% y la especificidad 98,21%. Ningún paciente con BDI menor de 7,5 tuvo depresión, mientras que todos los sujetos con BDI mayor de 24,5 la presentaron. A excepción de la pérdida de peso, todos los Ãtems tuvieron puntajes significativamente más altos en los pacientes deprimidos, siendo los Ãtems que mejor predecÃan la presencia de depresión: la inconformidad con uno mismo, la autopercepción negativa del aspecto fÃsico, la autocensura, el insomnio y el sentirse castigado. Conclusiones: La versión en español del BDI utilizada tiene propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para la evaluación de depresión en pacientes hospitalizados de medicina general
Factores predictores de uso problemático de alcohol en personas atendidas en una sala de emergencia Predictive factors of alcohol use problems among patients visiting an emergency room
Objetivos. Valorar el efecto predictivo de caracterÃsticas claves de pacientes atendidos en salas de emergencia para detectar casos de uso problemático de alcohol. Materiales y Métodos. La muestra de estudio estuvo constituida por 371 personas atendidas en el lapso de siete dÃas completos de enero de 2005 en el servicio de emergencia de un hospital público de Lima, Perú. Se aplicó un cuestionario demográfico, el SIDUC/CICAD para uso reciente de sustancias psicoactivas en salas de emergencias (i.e., uso dentro de las seis horas previas a la atención) y el AUDIT para uso problemático de alcohol en el último año. El análisis de regresión logÃstica simple y multivariada permitió valorar el efecto predictor de la edad, sexo, especialidad del servicio de atención, presencia de daño fÃsico y el uso reciente de alcohol para detectar casos problemáticos de su uso. Resultados. El odds de tener uso problemático de alcohol en los varones es 26 veces el odds de tener dicho problema entre las mujeres (p<0,001). El análisis estratificado por sexo y ajustado por edad y especialidad del servicio de emergencia, mostró que para los varones el uso reciente de alcohol estuvo fuertemente asociado con presentar uso problemático (OR=5,2; IC al 95%: 2,4-11,5; p<0,001), mientras que para las mujeres no se encontró dicha asociación. Conclusiones. Se debe tamizar uso problemático de alcohol en aquellos varones con uso reciente de alcohol atendidos en salas de emergencia, para poder identificarlos y darles la oportunidad de recibir consejerÃa o un manejo médico adecuado.<br>Objectives. To assess the predictive effect of key individual-level characteristics to identify cases of alcohol use problems among patients visiting an emergency room. Materials and methods. The study sample was composed of 371 people attending an emergency room in a public hospital in Lima, Peru, during a period of seven complete days in January, 2005. For data gathering, we used a questionnaire for demographic information, the SIDUC/CICAD for recent use (i.e., in the last 6 hours) of psychoactive substances before arriving to the emergency room, and the AUDIT, to identify alcohol use problems in the last year. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to estimate the predictive effect of age, sex, area of attention in the emergency room, presence of physical injuries and recent use of alcohol. Results. The odds of being a case of alcohol use problem for males is 26 times the odds of having that problem for females (p-value<0,001). Stratified analysis by sex and adjusted by age and area of attention in the emergency room, showed that males who had recent use of alcohol were more likely of having alcohol use problems as compared to those who did not have recent alcohol use (OR=5.2; 95% CI: 2.4 - 11.5; p<0,001), while for females such an association did not exist. Conclusions. These results support screening initiatives for those males who have recent alcohol use before arriving to an emergency room in order to identify cases of alcohol-related problems and refer them for an appropriate counseling or medical treatment
A homemade furnace. Influence of occupational skills in a fire-related planned complex suicide
The term "\u80\u9cplanned complex suicide\ue2\u80" means the combination of more than one method of suicide, planned to prevent failure of the first method to ensure a fatal outcome. Professional skills and tools are sometimes used to plan and perpetrate the suicide. A case of planned complex suicide of a mechanical engineer working with furnaces in a tube factory is herein reported. The suicide was committed in a rudimental furnace set up in the victim\ue2\u80\u99s apartment using his professional skills, by assembling furniture, mattresses, books and flammable liquid present in the house. Three-dimensional models of the crime scene before and after the realization of the \ue2\u80\u9chomemade furnace\ue2\u80\u9d are proposed. The discussion will focus on the importance of a comprehensive analysis of the professional background of the victim to infer the manner of death for the identification of complex and occupation-related suicides
Manejo de pacientes con trastornos mentales en servicios ambulatorios de Medicina General en tres hospitales de Lima.
La literatura mundial describe diversos estudios sobre el manejo de trastornos mentales (TM) en servicios no psiquiátricos; sin embargo, en el Perú los estudios están básicamente dirigidos a determinar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales en población general o en población hospitalaria no-psiquiátrica. Objetivo: Obtener información sobre las caracterÃsticas y actitudes de los médicos generales (MGs) y los patrones de manejo de pacientes con probables TM. Materiales y métodos: Se administró una encuesta a 73 médicos que trabajaban en servicios ambulatorios de medicina general en tres hospitales de Lima – Perú. Resultados: El 23% de los MGs recibieron algún curso de salud mental luego de haber concluido los estudios universitarios, 56% se siente confiado en su propia habilidad para diagnosticar un TM, 82% reporta interés en manejar médicamente a pacientes con TM y 66% de siente capaz de  ayudarlos. Como práctica usual, 37% reporta realizar evaluación del estado mental (EEM), 48% dice preguntar sobre conducta sexual y 37% sobre historia personal y familiar de TM. La confianza en hacer un diagnóstico fue significativamente más elevada en MGs varones y en asistentes, pero el interés para manejarlos médicamente fue mayor en MGs mujeres. La actualización en salud mental en post-grado se asoció significativamente con la confianza en diagnosticar TM, preguntar sobre historia psiquiátrica y salud sexual, y realizar EEM. Los TM listados como más frecuentemente vistos fueron: depresión, trastornos somáticos sin explicación y trastornos de ansiedad. Los psicotrópicos listados como más utilizados fueron: hipnóticos/sedantes; tónicos, vitaminas y hierbas; y antidepresivos, particularmente tricÃclicos. Diagnosticado un TM, 93% dice referirlo a un psiquiatra. Conclusiones: Factores relacionados a los MGs pueden influenciar los patrones de tratamiento de pacientes psiquiátricos en atención primaria
Post-mortem thermal angiography: a pilot study on swine coronary circulation
Thermal imaging (TI) allows the detection of thermal patterns emitted from objects as a function of their temperature in the long-infrared spectrum and produces visible images displaying temperature differences. The aim of this pilot study was to test TI to visualize the coronary circulation of swine hearts. Thirty swine hearts were prepared for ex situ coronarography, and thermal images were acquired through a FlirOne thermal camera (FLIR Systems\uae) paired with a Google Android Smartphone. Coronary arteries were cannulated, namely the anterior interventricular artery, the circumflex branch of the left coronary artery, and the right coronary artery. The heart was cooled, and contrast medium (CM) consisting of distilled water heated to 40\ua0\ub0C was injected in a coronary vessel, while thermal images were captured. These steps were repeated for each coronary vessel and under experimentally simulated coronary heart disease. Thermal imaging coronarography (TIC) allowed a clear representation of the morphology and course of the coronary vessels and of experimentally simulated coronary heart disease, moreover, demonstrated to be easy to perform during or after autopsies on ex situ hearts, non-destructive, reproducible, and cheap. On the basis of these preliminary results, TIC might allow a subsequent more focused and comprehensive cardiopathological examination of the heart, which remains mandatory for the definitive diagnosis of coronary heart disease. Although these preliminary results seem encouraging, further systematic studies on human hearts, both normal and pathological, are necessary for estimating the sensitivity and specificity of the proposed method and to draw any definitive conclusion. \ua9 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature