446 research outputs found

    On the interpretation of the long-term cyclic period variations in RR Lyrae stars

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    Many RR Lyrae stars show long-term variations of their pulsation period, some of them in a cyclic way. Such behaviour can be attributed to the light-travel time effect (LTTE) caused by an unseen companion. Solutions of the LTTE often suggest very eccentric orbits and minimal mass of the companion on the order of several solar masses, thus, in the black hole range. We discuss the possibility of the occurrence of the RR Lyr-black hole pairs and on the case of Z CVn demonstrate that the LTTE hypothesis can be false in some of the binary candidates.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, published in the proceedings of "The RR Lyrae 2017 Conference", Niepolomice, Poland, 17-21 September 201

    A cautionary tale of interpreting O-C diagrams: period instability in a classical RR Lyr Star Z CVn mimicking as a distant companion

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    We present a comprehensive study of Z CVn, an RR Lyrae star that shows long-term cyclic variations of its pulsation period. A possible explanation suggested from the shape of the O-C diagram is the light travel-time effect, which we thoroughly examine. We used original photometric and spectroscopic measurements and investigated the period evolution using available maximum times spanning more than one century. If the binary hypothesis is valid, Z CVn orbits around a black hole with minimal mass of 56.556.5 M\mathfrak{M}_{\odot} on a very wide (Porbit=78.3P_{\rm orbit}=78.3 years) and eccentric orbit (e=0.63e=0.63). We discuss the probability of a formation of a black hole-RR Lyrae pair and, although we found it possible, there is no observational evidence of the black hole in the direction to Z CVn. However, the main objection against the binary hypothesis is the comparison of the systemic radial velocity curve model and spectroscopic observations that clearly show that Z CVn cannot be bound in such a binary. Therefore, the variations of pulsation period are likely intrinsic to the star. This finding represents a discovery/confirmation of a new type of cyclic period changes in RR Lyrae stars. By the analysis of our photometric data, we found that the Blazhko modulation with period of 22.931 d is strongly dominant in amplitude. The strength of the phase modulation varies and is currently almost undetectable. We also estimated photometric physical parameters of Z CVn and investigated their variations during the Blazhko cycle using the Inverse Baade-Wesselink method.Comment: 15 pages, 8 tables, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Revisiting CoRoT RR Lyrae stars: detection of period doubling and temporal variation of additional frequencies

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    We search for signs of period doubling in CoRoT RR Lyrae stars. The occurrence of this dynamical effect in modulated RR Lyrae stars might help us to gain more information about the mysterious Blazhko effect. The temporal variability of the additional frequencies in representatives of all subtypes of RR Lyrae stars is also investigated. We pre-process CoRoT light curves by applying trend and jump correction and outlier removal. Standard Fourier technique is used to analyze the frequency content of our targets and follow the time dependent phenomena. The most comprehensive collection of CoRoT RR Lyrae stars, including new discoveries is presented and analyzed. We found alternating maxima and in some cases half-integer frequencies in four CoRoT Blazhko RR Lyrae stars, as clear signs of the presence of period doubling. This reinforces that period doubling is an important ingredient to understand the Blazhko effect - a premise we derived previously from the Kepler RR Lyrae sample. As expected, period doubling is detectable only for short time intervals in most modulated RRab stars. Our results show that the temporal variability of the additional frequencies in all RR Lyrae sub-types is ubiquitous. The ephemeral nature and the highly variable amplitude of these variations suggest a complex underlying dynamics of and an intricate interplay between radial and possibly nonradial modes in RR Lyrae stars. The omnipresence of additional modes in all types of RR Lyrae - except in non-modulated RRab stars - implies that asteroseismology of these objects should be feasible in the near future (Abridged).Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The CoRoT star 105288363: strong cycle to cycle changes of the Blazhko modulation

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    We present the analysis of the CoRoT star 105288363, a new Blazhko RR Lyrae star of type RRab (f0 = 1.7623 c/d), observed with the CoRoT space craft during the second long run in direction of the galactic center (LRc02, time base 145 d). The CoRoT data are characterized by an excellent time sampling and a low noise amplitude of 0.07 mmag in the 2-12 c/d range and allow us to study not only the fine details of the variability of the star but also long-term changes in the pulsation behaviour and the stability of the Blazhko cycle. We use, among other methods, standard Fourier analysis techniques and O-C diagrams to investigate the pulsational behavior of the Blazhko star 105288363. In addition to the frequency pattern expected for a Blazhko RR Lyrae star, we find an independent mode (f1 = 2.984 c/d) showing a f0/f1 ratio of 0.59 which is similar to that observed in other Blazhko RR Lyrae stars. The bump and hump phenomena are also analysed, with their variations over the Blazhko cycle. We carefully investigated the strong cycle-to-cycle changes in the Blazhko modulation (PB = 35.6 d), which seem to happen independently and partly diametrically in the amplitude and the phase modulation. Furthermore, the phasing between the two types of modulation is found to change during the course of the observations.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Uncovering hidden modes in RR Lyrae stars

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    The Kepler space telescope revealed new, unexpected phenomena in RR Lyrae stars: period doubling and the possible presence of additional modes. Identifying these modes is complicated because they blend in the rich features of the Fourier-spectrum. Our hydrodynamic calculations uncovered that a 'hidden' mode, the 9th overtone is involved in the period doubling phenomenon. The period of the overtone changes by up to 10 per cent compared to the linear value, indicating a very significant nonlinear period shift caused by its resonance with the fundamental mode. The observations also revealed weak peaks that may correspond to the first or second overtones. These additional modes are often coupled with period doubling. We investigated the possibilities and occurrences of mutual resonances between the fundamental mode and multiple overtones in our models. These theoretical findings can help interpreting the origin and nature of the 'hidden' modes may be found in the high quality light curves of space observatories.Comment: In proceedings of "20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series: Impact of new instrumentation & new insights in stellar pulsations", 5-9 September 2011, Granada, Spai

    The light-curve modulation of XY And and UZ Vir - Two Blazhko RR Lyrae stars with additional frequencies

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    A thorough analysis of multicolour CCD observations of two modulated RRab-type variables, XY And and UZ Vir is presented. These Blazhko stars show relatively simple light-curve modulation with the usual multiplet structures in their Fourier spectra. One additional, independent frequency with linear-combination terms of the pulsation frequency is also detected in the residual spectrum of each of the two stars. The amplitude and phase relations of the triplet components are studied in detail. Most of the epoch-independent phase differences show a slight, systematic colour dependence, however, these trends have the opposite sign in the two stars. The mean values of the global physical parameters and their changes with Blazhko phase are determined utilizing the Inverse Photometric Method (IPM). The modulation properties and the IPM results are compared for the two variables. The pulsation period of XY And is the shortest when its pulsation amplitude is the highest, while UZ Vir has the longest pulsation period at this phase of the modulation. Despite this opposite behaviour, the phase relations of their mean-physical-parameter variations are similar. These results are not in accord with the predictions of the Blazhko model of Stothers (2006, ApJ, 652, 643).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The paper contains 7 figures and 12 tables. Tables 5, 6 and A1-A5 will be published in full online only. See electronic data on http://konkoly.hu/24/publications/ als

    Storage and stability of organic carbon in soils as related to depth, occlusion within aggregates, and attachment to minerals

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    Conceptual models suggest that stability of organic carbon (OC) in soil depends on the source of plant litter, occlusion within aggregates, incorporation in organomineral complexes, and location within the soil profile. Density fractionation is a useful tool to study the relevance of OC stabilization in aggregates and in association with minerals, but it has rarely been applied to full soil profiles. We aim to determine factors shaping the depth profiles of physically unprotected and mineral associated OC and test their relevance for OC stability across a range of European soils that vary in vegetation, soil types, parent material, and land use. At each of the 12 study sites, 10 soil cores were sampled to 60 cm depth and subjected to density separation. Bulk soil samples and density fractions (free light fractions - fLF, occluded light fractions - oLF, heavy fractions - HF) were analysed for OC, total nitrogen (TN), δ13C, and Δ14C Bulk samples were also incubated to determine CO2 evolution per g OC in the samples (specific mineralization rates) as an indicator for OC stability. Depth profiles of OC in the light fraction (LF-OC) matched those of roots for undisturbed grassland and forest sites, suggesting that roots are shaping the depth distribution of LF-OC. Organic C in the HF declined less with soil depth than LF-OC and roots, especially at grassland sites. The decrease in Δ14C (increase in age) of HF-OC with soil depth was related to soil pH as well as to dissolved OC fluxes. This indicates that dissolved OC translocation contributes to the formation of subsoil HF-OC and shapes the Δ14C profiles. The LF at three sites were rather depleted in 14C, indicating the presence of fossil material such as coal and lignite, probably inherited from the parent material. At the other sites, modern Δ14C signatures and pos sit tive correlations between specific mineralization rates and fLF-OC indicate the fLF is a potentially available energy and nutrient source for subsurface microorganisms throughout the profile. Declining specific mineralization rates with soil depth confirm greater stability of OC in subsoils across sites. The overall importance of OC stabilization by binding to minerals was demonstrated by declining specific mineralization rates with increasing contributions of HF-OC to bulk soil OC, and the low Δ14C values of HF-OC. The stability of HF-OC was greater in subsoils than in topsoils; nevertheless, a portion of HF-OC was active throughout the profile. While quantitatively less important than OC in the HF, consistent older ages of oLF-OC than fLF-OC suggest that occlusion of LF-OC in aggregates also contributes to OC stability in subsoils. Overall, our results indicate that association with minerals is the most important factor in stabilization of OC in soils, irrespective of vegetation, soil type, and land use. © Author(s) 2013.European Unio

    CoRoT light curves of RR Lyrae stars. CoRoT 101128793: long-term changes in the Blazhko effect and excitation of additional modes

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    The CoRoT (Convection, Rotation and planetary Transits) space mission provides a valuable opportunity to monitor stars with uninterrupted time sampling for up to 150 days at a time. The study of RR Lyrae stars, performed in the framework of the Additional Programmes belonging to the exoplanetary field, will particularly benefit from such dense, long-duration monitoring. The Blazhko effect in RR Lyrae stars is a long-standing, unsolved problem of stellar astrophysics. We used the CoRoT data of the new RR Lyrae variable CoRoT 101128793 (f0=2.119 c/d, P=0.4719296 d) to provide us with more detailed observational facts to understand the physical process behind the phenomenon. The CoRoT data were corrected for one jump and the long-term drift. We applied different period-finding techniques to the corrected timeseries to investigate amplitude and phase modulation. We detected 79 frequencies in the light curve of CoRoT 101128793. They have been identified as the main frequency f0, and its harmonics, two independent terms, the terms related to the Blazhko frequency, and several combination terms. A Blazhko frequency fB=0.056 c/d and a triplet structure around the fundamental radial mode and harmonics were detected, as well as a long-term variability of the Blazhko modulation. Indeed, the amplitude of the main oscillation is decreasing along the CoRoT survey. The Blazhko modulation is one of the smallest observed in RR Lyrae stars. Moreover, the additional modes f1=3.630 and f2=3.159 c/d are detected. Taking its ratio with the fundamental radial mode into account, the term f1 could be the identified as the second radial overtone. Detecting of these modes in horizontal branch stars is a new result obtained by CoRoT.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 2 long tables. Accepted for publication in A&