20 research outputs found

    The main integrative discipline in the medical career

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    En la disciplina principal integradora se sintetizan todos los contenidos del plan de estudios. Se reflexiona sobre los principales elementos que contiene, las tendencias internacionales de la educación médica superior y se destaca el papel de la disciplina integradora como rectora del proceso de aprendizaje.All the contents of the curriculum are synthesized in the main integrative discipline. It reflects on the main elements that it contains, the international tendencies of higher medical education and highlights the role of the integrating discipline as rector of the learning process

    Modelo de negocio basado en insumos de cushuro y macambo

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    En la actualidad uno de los problemas más relevantes en nuestro país son los hábitos alimenticios y el comportamiento de los ciudadanos con respecto al cuidado de la salud. Según un estudio de Datum Internacional y Red Win, en el Perú el 68% de mujeres y el 77% de hombres se consideran saludables, sin embargo, los segmentos que se auto perciben de esta manera son segmentos de personas con mayor educación (estudios superiores, postgrado, etc). Además, solo 8% de peruanos compran productos basados en dietas y 10% toma algún suplemento vitamínico regularmente o siempre. Estos datos señalados anteriormente nos muestran la realidad de la sociedad peruana, los productos saludables son percibidos como fuera del alcance al ser caros. Así mismo, la cantidad de productos que cuentan con las características de un alimento saludable muchas veces no son agradables al paladar o son difíciles de preparar; sin embargo, tanto niños como adultos muchas veces prefieren el consumo de snacks para “encontrar el momento dulce del día” a modo de salir de la rutina y darse un gusto. Estos productos en el mercado muchas veces no son saludables y su consumo excesivo es dañino para la salud debido a los altos niveles de azúcar y otros componentes. Por ese motivo, en el presente trabajo desarrollamos un plan de negocios que se enfoca en dos segmentos de mercado enfocándonos en niños con problemas de obesidad y personas que siguen una alimentación saludable. Nutribom es la marca de nuestros bombones elaborados de macambo y rellenos de cushuro que son dos productos que aportan los nutrientes necesarios para ambos segmentos de mercado. Así mismo, satisface la necesidad de un snack puramente saludable y rico en sabor. El objetivo de Nutribom es que nuestros productos suplan a los snacks no saludables y se vuelvan parte de la alimentación balanceada de nuestro mercado al ser percibido como saludable y rico. Además, buscamos impactar en la vida de nuestros clientes y que estos acepten a los alimentos saludables dentro de su vida cotidiana y que estos pueden ser consumidos de diversas formas y maneras. Ser saludable puede ser divertido.Currently one of the most relevant problems in our country are the eating habits and behavior of citizens about health care. According to a study by Datum International and Red Win, in Peru 68% of women and 77% of men consider themselves healthy, however, the segments that self-perceive in this way are segments of people with higher education (university degree, master’s degree, etc.). In addition, only 8% of Peruvians buy products based on diets and 10% take vitamins supplements regularly or always. These data indicated above show us the reality of Peruvian society, healthy products are perceived as expensive. Likewise, the amount of products that have the characteristics of a healthy food are often not as pleasant to the palate or they are more difficult to prepare. However both children and adults often prefer the consumption of snacks to "find the sweet moment of the day" in order to get out of the routine and indulge themselves. These products on the market are often unhealthy and their excessive consumption is harmful to health due to the high levels of sugar and other components. In this paper we develop a business plan that focuses on two market segments focusing on children with obesity problems and people who follow a healthy diet. Nutribom is the brand of our chocolates. They are made with macambo and filled with cushuro, which are two products that provide necessary nutrients for both market segments. Nutribom satisfies the need for a purely healthy snack which is rich in flavor. The objective of Nutribom is that our products replace unhealthy snacks and become part of the balanced diet of our market by being perceived as healthy and tasty. We seek to impact the lives of our customers and hope that they accept healthy foods in their daily lives and help them realize that being healthy can be fun.Trabajo de investigació

    MPK6, sphinganine and the \u3ci\u3eLCB2a\u3c/i\u3e gene from serine palmitoyltransferase are required in the signaling pathway that mediates cell death induced by long chain bases in \u3ci\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/i\u3e

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    • Long chain bases (LCBs) are sphingolipid intermediates acting as second messengers in programmed cell death (PCD) in plants. Most of the molecular and cellular features of this signaling function remain unknown. • We induced PCD conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings and analyzed LCB accumulation kinetics, cell ultrastructure and phenotypes in serine palmitoyltransferase (spt), mitogen-activated protein kinase (mpk), mitogenactivated protein phosphatase (mkp1) and lcb-hydroxylase (sbh) mutants. • The lcb2a-1 mutant was unable to mount an effective PCD in response to fumonisin B1 (FB1), revealing that the LCB2a gene is essential for the induction of PCD. The accumulation kinetics of LCBs in wild-type (WT) and lcb2a-1 plants and reconstitution experiments with sphinganine indicated that this LCB was primarily responsible for PCD elicitation. The resistance of the null mpk6 mutant to manifest PCD on FB1 and sphinganine addition and the failure to show resistance on pathogen infection and MPK6 activation by FB1 and LCBs indicated that MPK6 mediates PCD downstream of LCBs. • This work describes MPK6 as a novel transducer in the pathway leading to LCBinduced PCD in Arabidopsis, and reveals that sphinganine and the LCB2a gene are required in a PCD process that operates as one of the more effective strategies used as defense against pathogens in plants

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the early-onset colorectal cancer

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    COVID-19 pandemic; Early-onset colorectal cancerPandemia de COVID-19 Cáncer colorrectal precozPandèmia de COVID-19; Càncer colorectal precoçThe COVID19 pandemic has affected the spectrum of cancer care worldwide. Early onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) is defined as diagnosis below the age of 50. Patients with EOCRC faced multiple challenges during the COVID19 pandemic and in some institutions it jeopardized cancer diagnosis and care delivery. Our study aims to identify the clinicopathological features and outcomes of patients with EOCRC in our Centre during the first wave of the pandemic in comparison with the same period in 2019 and 2021. Patients with EOCRC visited for the first time at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Spain from the 1st March to 31st August of 2019, 2020 and 2021 were included in the analysis. 177 patients with EOCRC were visited for the first time between 2019 and 2021, of which 90 patients met the inclusion criteria (2019: 30 patients, 2020: 29 patients, 2021: 31 patients). Neither differences in frequency nor in stage at diagnosis or at first visit during the given periods were observed. Of note, indication of systemic therapy in the adjuvant or metastatic setting was not altered. Days to treatment initiation and enrollment in clinical trials in this subpopulation was not affected due to the COVID-19 outbreak.This work was supported by the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) grant OPTIMISTICC (C10674/A27140)

    Propuesta de plan de mercadeo para la spin off Bottom de la Universidad EAFIT

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    Este trabajo se desarrolla en Colombia, en el departamento de Antioquia, en la ciudad de Medellín. Tiene un enfoque de mercadeo en las empresas del sector de filtros. El objetivo general es diseñar un plan de mercadeo para una spin off del sector de nano filtros del área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, específicamente la empresa Bottom (spin off de la universidad EAFIT) que le permita identificar su entorno externo e interno, sus debilidades y fortalezas. Esto con el objetivo de entrar en el mercado de los filtros de una manera exitosa, con crecimiento y perdurabilidad. Inicialmente, se presenta la empresa, se analiza su situación y su mercado. De esta manera, se puede identificar cómo se encuentra la spin off actualmente. Se plantean, además, los objetivos de este plan de mercadeo según las debilidades y las oportunidades. Asimismo, se sugiere la investigación pertinente para realizar y su respectiva herramienta. Después, se describen las estrategias de marketing mix que se recomiendan ejecutar para la spin off. Por último, se abordan temas como presupuesto, cronograma, indicadores y lecciones aprendidas. Como objetivo final se presenta un documento con toda la información recolectada y con los resultados obtenidos.This work takes place in Colombia, in the department of Antioquia, in the city of Medellín. It has a marketing focus on companies in the filter sector. The general objective is to design a marketing plan for a Spin-Off of the Nanofilters sector of the Aburrá Valley metropolitan area, specifically the Bottom company (EAFIT University Spin Off) that allows it to identify its external and internal environment, weaknesses and strengths. With the aim of entering the filter market in a successful way, with growth and lasting over time. To start, the company is presented, its situation and its market are analyzed. In this way we can identify how the Spin-Off is currently. The objectives of this market plan are proposed, according to the weaknesses and opportunities. The pertinent research to be carried out and its respective tool are suggested. Then, the marketing mix strategies that are recommended to execute at the Spin-Off are described. Finally, topics such as budget, schedule, indicators and lessons learned are addressed. As a final objective, a document is presented with all the information collected and the results obtained

    "United in Diversity" ...or by Education? - Reviewing the Role of Education in Identification with Europe

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    The forging of a European identity is an essential part of overcoming challenges to European integration. However, existing literature indicates that those who identify the most as European, often represent a homogenous elite that is not reflective of the diversity present in Europe. Based on Inglehart's (1970) Cognitive Mobilization Hypothesis, education is often argued to be a pathway through which European identity can become more accessible. Given growing investments and integration in European higher education, this paper seeks to reevaluate the role of education categorically, and how its effect on identification with Europe may be moderated by one's financial background and rural or urban residence. Moreover, the paper investigates whether country-level participation in educational mobility programs can impact individual-level identification with Europe. Making use of the latest wave of the survey on European Solidarity, a multilevel continuous model was employed for empirical analysis. The results show that when education is examined categorically, master's and doctoral degrees significantly increase identification with Europe, and the relationship between education and identification with Europe was not moderated by financial status or residence area type. Furthermore, coming from a country with..

    "Sjednoceni v rozdílnosti"...nebo vzděláváním? - Přezkum úlohy vzdělávání v identifikaci s Evropou

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    The forging of a European identity is an essential part of overcoming challenges to European integration. However, existing literature indicates that those who identify the most as European, often represent a homogenous elite that is not reflective of the diversity present in Europe. Based on Inglehart's (1970) Cognitive Mobilization Hypothesis, education is often argued to be a pathway through which European identity can become more accessible. Given growing investments and integration in European higher education, this paper seeks to reevaluate the role of education categorically, and how its effect on identification with Europe may be moderated by one's financial background and rural or urban residence. Moreover, the paper investigates whether country-level participation in educational mobility programs can impact individual-level identification with Europe. Making use of the latest wave of the survey on European Solidarity, a multilevel continuous model was employed for empirical analysis. The results show that when education is examined categorically, master's and doctoral degrees significantly increase identification with Europe, and the relationship between education and identification with Europe was not moderated by financial status or residence area type. Furthermore, coming from a country with...Katedra evropských studiíDepartment of European StudiesFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Memoria Prospectiva: Contexto y Calidad de Compromiso en una Situación de Recuerdo Libre Memoria Prospectiva: Contexto y Calidad de Compromiso en una Situación de Recuerdo Libre

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    The memory processes, including recall, are influenced by the objective and logical structure of knowledge, as well as by subjective and motivational aspects. The frequency and distribution of units in a free recall task provide information about the organization of memory and the accesibility of material. The objective of this work was to investigate prospective memory as a function of personality (i. e. selfregulation), goal´s commitment quality (i. e. obligation, intention and desire) and context for which they are generated (i. e. labor and not-labor). Two instruments for free recall of goals were developed and were applied along with Action Control Scale to 70 hotel employees. The results indicate that the self-regulatory tendency, the quality of commitment and the context influence in the amount and structure of remembered goals.<br><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; line-height: normal; mso-layout-grid-align: none;"><span style="font-family: "AGaramond-Regular","serif"; font-size: 9pt; mso-bidi-font-family: AGaramond-Regular;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Los procesos de memoria, incluido el recuerdo, son influidos tanto por la estructura objetiva y lógica del conocimiento, como por aspectos subjetivos y motivacionales. La frecuencia y distribución de unidades en una tarea de recuerdo libre arrojan datos sobre la organización de la memoria y sobre la accesibilidad del material. En este trabajo se investigó la memoria prospectiva como función de la personalidad (i.e. tendencia autorregulatoria), de la calidad de compromiso de las metas (i.e. obligación, plan y deseo) y del contexto para el cual se generan (laboral y no-laboral). Se desarrollaron dos instrumentos de recuerdo libre de metas; mismos que fueron aplicados junto con la Escala de Control de la Acción a 70 empleados de un hotel. Los resultados indican que la tendencia autorregulatoria, la calidad de compromiso y el contexto influyen en la cantidad y la estructura de las metas recordadas.</span></span></p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> </span

    Impacto en la liquidez de las constructoras ubicadas en los distritos top 5 de Lima al comparar los beneficios por la aplicación de la suspensión del sistema de detracciones y de los Decretos Legislativos No. 1481 y 1488, año 2021

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    El propósito de la presente investigación es determinar el impacto de la liquidez de los beneficios de la suspensión del sistema de detracciones, así como de los beneficios brindados por los decretos legislativos No. 1488 y No. 1481, que son comparados en las empresas dedicadas al servicio de construcción que se ubican en el top 5 de los distritos más atractivos para hacer negocios en Lima en el 2021. Considerando que los decretos dados por el gobierno son medidas nuevas que pueden ser aplicadas en el año materia de investigación, año 2021, resulta necesario analizar su efectividad, es decir, si cumple con la generación de liquidez inmediata dentro de un entorno económico complejo, con mercados paralizados y requerimientos de liquidez para el cumplimiento de obligaciones, que puedan ser tomados como medidas estándar en un futuro similares y/o buenas prácticas de gobierno. En efecto, la investigación se divide en cinco capítulos. En el capítulo I, Marco Teórico, se explican los antecedentes y conceptos fundamentales para el entendimiento del tema principal. En el capítulo II, Plan de Investigación, se propone el problema principal y específicos, los objetivos e hipótesis general y específicas, como las limitaciones, y justificación de la investigación. En el capítulo III, Metodología de la Investigación, se explican las variables y subvariables con sus respectivas definiciones, el tipo de investigación aplicada y el detalle de los enfoques de la investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. En el capítulo IV, Desarrollo de la Investigación, se presentan los resultados de cada enfoque de investigación, y presentación del caso práctico para demostrar las hipótesis planteadas. Por último, en el capítulo V, Análisis de Resultados, se muestra la explicación por el desarrollo de los instrumentos aplicados como la encuesta y entrevistas a profundidad.The purpose of this research is to determine the liquidity impact of the benefits of the withdrawal system suspension, as well as the benefits provided by legislative decrees No. 1488 and No. 1481, which are compared in companies dedicated to construction service that are in the top 5 of the most attractive districts to do business in Lima in 2021. Considering that the decrees issued by the government are new measures that can be applied in the year under investigation, 2021, it is necessary to analyze their effectiveness, that is, if they comply with the generation of immediate liquidity within a complex economic environment, with paralyzed markets and liquidity requirements for compliance with obligations, which may be taken as standard measures in the future and/or good governance practices. Indeed, the research is divided into five chapters. In Chapter I, Theoretical Framework, the background, and fundamental concepts for understanding the main topic are explained. Chapter II, Research Plan, proposes the main and specific problems, the general and specific objectives, and hypotheses, as well as the limitations and justification of the research. In chapter III, Research Methodology, the variables, and sub variables are explained with their respective definitions, the type of applied research and the details of the qualitative and quantitative research approaches. In chapter IV, Research Development, the results of each research approach are presented, and the case study is presented to demonstrate the hypotheses raised. Finally, in chapter V, Analysis of Results, the explanation for the development of the applied instruments such as the survey and in-depth interviews is shown.Tesi