280 research outputs found

    IFT proteins interact with HSET to promote supernumerary centrosome clustering in mitosis.

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    Centrosome amplification is a hallmark of cancer, and centrosome clustering is essential for cancer cell survival. The mitotic kinesin HSET is an essential contributor to this process. Recent studies have highlighted novel functions for intraflagellar transport (IFT) proteins in regulating motors and mitotic processes. Here, using siRNA knock-down of various IFT proteins or AID-inducible degradation of endogenous IFT88 in combination with small-molecule inhibition of HSET, we show that IFT proteins together with HSET are required for efficient centrosome clustering. We identify a direct interaction between the kinesin HSET and IFT proteins, and we define how IFT proteins contribute to clustering dynamics during mitosis using high-resolution live imaging of centrosomes. Finally, we demonstrate the requirement of IFT88 for efficient centrosome clustering in a variety of cancer cell lines naturally harboring supernumerary centrosomes and its importance for cancer cell proliferation. Overall, our data unravel a novel role for the IFT machinery in centrosome clustering during mitosis in cells harboring supernumerary centrosomes

    A Monte Carlo framework for denoising and missing wedge reconstruction in cryo-electron tomography

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    International audienceWe propose a statistical method to address an important issue in cryo electron to-mography image analysis: reduction of a high amount of noise and artifacts due to the presence of a missing wedge (MW) in the spectral domain. The method takes as an input a 3D tomogram derived from limited-angle tomography, and gives as an output a 3D denoised and artifact compensated tomogram. The artifact compensation is achieved by filling up the MW with meaningful information. The method can be used to enhance visualization or as a pre-processing step for image analysis, including segmentation and classification. Results are presented for both synthetic and experimental data

    Concurrent sampling of transitional and coastal waters by Diffusive Gradient in Thin-films (DGT) and spot sampling for trace metals analysis

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    This protocol was developed based on the knowledge acquired in the framework of the Interreg MONITOOL project (EAPA_565/2016) where extensive sampling campaigns were performed in transitional and coastal waters covering eight European countries. It provides detailed procedures and guidelines for the sampling of these waterbodies by concurrent collection of discrete water samples and the deployment of Diffusive Gradient in Thin-films (DGT) passive samplers for the measurement of trace metal concentrations. In order to facilitate the application of this protocol by end-users, it presents steps to follow in the laboratory prior to sampling campaigns, explains the procedures for field campaigns (including in situ measurement of supporting parameters) and subsequent sample processing in the laboratory in preparation for trace metal analyze by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and voltammetry. The protocol provides a systematic, coherent field sampling and sample preparation strategy that was developed in order to ensure comparability and reproducibility of the data obtained from each project Partner in different regions. • Standardization of the concurrent sampling of transitional and coastal waters by DGT passive samplers and spot sampling. • Robust procedures and tips based on existing international standards and comprehensive practical experience. • Links to demonstration videos produced within the MONITOOL project

    Assessing variability in the ratio of metal concentrations measured by DGT-type passive samplers and spot sampling in European seawaters

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    The current study evaluates the effect of seawater physico-chemical characteristics on the relationship between the concentration of metals measured by Diffusive Gradients in Thin films (DGT) passive samplers (i.e., DGT-labile concentration) and the concentrations measured in discrete water samples. Accordingly, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to measure the total dissolved metal concentrations in the discrete water samples and the labile metal concentrations obtained by DGT samplers; additionally, lead and cadmium conditional labile fractions were determined by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (ASV) and total dissolved nickel was measured by Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry (CSV). It can be concluded that, in general, the median ratios of DGT/ICP and DGT/ASV(CSV) were lower than 1, except for Ni (median ratio close to 1) and Zn (higher than 1). This indicates the importance of speciation and time-integrated concentrations measured using passive sampling techniques, which is in line with the WFD suggestions for improving the chemical assessment of waterbodies. It is the variability in metal content in waters rather than environmental conditions to which the variability of the ratios can be attributed. The ratios were not significantly affected by the temperature, salinity, pH, oxygen, DOC or SPM, giving a great confidence for all the techniques used. Within a regulatory context such as the EU Water Framework Directive this is a great advantage, since the simplicity of not needing to use corrections to minimize the effects of environmental variables could help in implementing DGTs within monitoring networks

    Optical and photovoltaic properties of indium selenide thin films prepared by van der Waals epitaxy

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    Indium selenide thin films have been grown on p-type gallium selenide single crystal substrates by van der Waals epitaxy. The use of two crucibles in the growth process has resulted in indium selenide films with physical properties closer to these of bulk indium selenide than those prepared by other techniques. The optical properties of the films have been studied by electroabsorption measurements. The band gap and its temperature dependence are very close to those of indium selenide single crystals. The width of the fundamental transition, even if larger than that of the pure single crystal material, decreases monotonously with temperature. Exciton peaks are not observed even at low temperature, which reveals that these layers still contain a large defect concentration. The current–voltage characteristic of indium selenide thin film devices was measured under simulated AM2 conditions. The solar conversion efficiency of these devices is lower than 0.6%. The high concentration of defects reduces the diffusion length of minority carriers down to values round to 0.2 μ[email protected] ; [email protected]

    B cell activity is impaired in human and mouse obesity and is responsive to an essential fatty acid upon murine influenza infection

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    Obesity is associated with increased risk for infections and poor responses to vaccinations, which may be due to compromised B cell function. However, there is limited information about the influence of obesity on B cell function and underlying factors that modulate B cell responses. Therefore, we studied B cell cytokine secretion and/or Ab production across obesity models. In obese humans, B cell IL-6 secretion was lowered and IgM levels were elevated upon ex vivo anti-BCR/TLR9 stimulation. In murine obesity induced by a high fat diet, ex vivo IgM and IgG were elevated with unstimulated B cells. Furthermore, the high fat diet lowered bone marrow B cell frequency accompanied by diminished transcripts of early lymphoid commitment markers. Murine B cell responses were subsequently investigated upon influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/34 infection using a Western diet model in the absence or presence of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA, an essential fatty acid with immunomodulatory properties, was tested because its plasma levels are lowered in obesity. Relative to controls, mice consuming theWestern diet had diminished Ab titers whereas theWestern diet plus DHA improved titers. Mechanistically, DHA did not directly target B cells to elevate Ab levels. Instead, DHA increased the concentration of the downstream specialized proresolving lipid mediators (SPMs) 14-hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid, 17-hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid, and protectin DX. All three SPMs were found to be effective in elevating murine Ab levels upon influenza infection. Collectively, the results demonstrate that B cell responses are impaired across human and mouse obesity models and show that essential fatty acid status is a factor influencing humoral immunity, potentially through an SPM-mediated mechanism

    Olanzapine-Induced Hyperphagia and Weight Gain Associate with Orexigenic Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Signaling without Concomitant AMPK Phosphorylation

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    The success of antipsychotic drug treatment in patients with schizophrenia is limited by the propensity of these drugs to induce hyperphagia, weight gain and other metabolic disturbances, particularly evident for olanzapine and clozapine. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in antipsychotic-induced hyperphagia remain unclear. Here, we investigate the effect of olanzapine administration on the regulation of hypothalamic mechanisms controlling food intake, namely neuropeptide expression and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation in rats. Our results show that subchronic exposure to olanzapine upregulates neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti related protein (AgRP) and downregulates proopiomelanocortin (POMC) in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC). This effect was evident both in rats fed ad libitum and in pair-fed rats. Of note, despite weight gain and increased expression of orexigenic neuropeptides, subchronic administration of olanzapine decreased AMPK phosphorylation levels. This reduction in AMPK was not observed after acute administration of either olanzapine or clozapine. Overall, our data suggest that olanzapine-induced hyperphagia is mediated through appropriate changes in hypothalamic neuropeptides, and that this effect does not require concomitant AMPK activation. Our data shed new light on the hypothalamic mechanism underlying antipsychotic-induced hyperphagia and weight gain, and provide the basis for alternative targets to control energy balance