18 research outputs found

    Arquitectura de Software orientada a la creación de mricomundos para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje

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    W hen lnitialing the pro¡ect of the creation of a"Arc hltecture of software oriented to the microwo rldcreation for education and the le arnmg· . thoughtabout designing a new arch1tecture of software.taking as it bases a software pattern so that itserves like model in the creation of the differentdevelopments from m1croworld software in theprogram of engineering of systems of the UniversityLibre - Secciona! Bogota.A software architecture consists of the structure andbehavior that must have from the smallest programto greatest this also contributes to its classification;therefore it becomes the study of systems alreadyimplemented as well as the development of newpo ssible. is when the sub ject is the different levelsfrom abstraction of the function ality of the systems.which are associate with different aspects andcomponents from his .. architecture of software".Cuando se inicia el proyecto de la creación de una"Arquitectura de software orientada a la creación demicromundos para la enseñanza y el ap<endizaje". sepiensa diseñar una nueva arquitectura de software.tomando como base un patrón de software para que sirvacomo modelo en la creación de los diferentes desarrollosde software de micromundo s en el programa de ingenieríade sistemas de la Universidad libre - Secciona! Bogotá.Una arquitectura de software consiste en l aestructura y comportamiento que debe tener desdeel más pequeño programa hasta el más grande:esto igualmente contribuye a su clasificación; porlo tanto se hace po sible el estudio de sistemas yaimp leme ntado s. as! como el desarrollo de nuevos.es cuando se trata el tema de los diferentes nivelesde abstracción de la funcionalidad de los sistemas,los cuale s están asociados con diferentes aspectos ycomponentes de su ·arquitectura de software ..

    Nueva arquitectura de software micro_libre para la creación de micromundos para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje

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    En los procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje se pueden llegar a presentar problemas como la falta de recursos y el desconocimiento del manejo de las tecnologías de información, lo cual puede obstaculizar el acceso a la educación de algunas personas que desean adquirir conocimiento. Igualmente puede di ficultar el aprendizaje en los estudiantes por las metodologías utilizadas dentro de los programas académicos. Al ser el aprendizaje una actividad circunstancial para el ser humano, es necesario implementar herramientas que permitan tanto al estudiante desarrollar el autoaprendizaje como a los docentes brindarles un complemento en el proceso de enseñanza. Se pueden describir otros problemas como son: Currículos rígidos en contravía a la creatividad y manejo de las TICs, desaprovechamiento del potencial de los estudiantes y analfabetismo digital

    Teaching Experience on The Concept of Sensory Disability

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    The development of teaching skills from educational innovation seen from inclusive education recognizes the parameter of alignment from the role of how to relate new alternatives, the use of virtual reality in didactic situations device called SISI that accounts for the role of the relational aspects of teachers when faced with social problems, and collects through a Likert-type survey the perceptions of 166 teachers about their knowledge and teaching skills to work with deaf, blind, deafblind and low vision students. This is a descriptive, non-experimental, quantitative study. This type of alternative as a result of research in the field facilitates the coupling of new work elements

    Teaching Practices as a Contribution Effect in The Development of Inclusive Education in A Higher Education Institution Knowledge Processes and Metacognition in The Educational Improvement Bet

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    Educational inclusion is established from a legal framework, articulated with the country of origin which accounts for the purposes of continuous improvement, in Colombian higher education institutions it is regulated how to meet these requests for educational inclusion, it is parameterized and accommodates an element of self-regulation and self-evaluation that builds a concept of expanding the recognition of prior knowledge, the research performs the determination of the incidence of the recognition of knowledge, attitudes and practices of teachers in inclusive education. Method: Semi-structured interviews were applied to teachers of a higher education institution. Teachers are unaware of the regulations, consider that everyone has the right to access education, but disagree about the permanence and graduation of students with cognitive disabilities, and present weaknesses in planning, flexibility and curricular evaluation

    Validación de la herramienta IDEG Unicafam, desde un consejo de expertos y el estadístico de Alfa de Cronbach: Validação da ferramenta IDEG Unicafam, com base em conselhos de especialistas e nas estatísticas Alfa do Cronbach

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo generar la validación de la herramienta de gestión empresarial IDEG Unicafam, por medio de (2) técnicas, (1) por consejo de expertos y (2) por medio del cálculo del estadístico de Alfa de Cronbach. Frente al consejo de expertos se pudo apreciar que exista un número muy alto de preguntas lo cual determino fijar en un número no mayor de 150 preguntas, haciendo un análisis de cuales preguntas eran indispensables y cuales preguntas se podían unir, por otra parte se hicieron cambios significativos en los encabezados de cada una de las respuestas para así hacer el instrumento de una manera mucho más amigable y entendible a las personas objeto de estudio. Por otra parte una vez terminada la intervención de los expertos, se llevó a cabo una prueba piloto con 20 empresas, para determinar los ajustes definitivos del instrumento. Después se aplicó el instrumento a 80 empresas y se parametrizaron las respuestas con las cuales se llevó a cabo un análisis estadístico a partir del cálculo del Alfa de Cronbach con el cual se pudo ajustar las escalas de calificación de las repuestas sugeridas, pasando de un valor de 0.6813 a un valor de 0.8005, valor con el cual se puede afirmar que el instrumento IDEG Índice de desempeño empresarial y Gerencial UNICAFAM tiene una consistencia estadística frente a la confiabilidad de sus respuestas del 0.8005

    Modelo para la medición de la productividad de la industria automotriz en Colombia

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    The model for measuring productivity is of great help the automotive sector and any industrial sectors in the industry; In addition to that, it allows us to face market changes, taking into account the control over the different variables that will impact productivity; then this model is a strategic tool with which competitiveness can be improved taking into account the measurement of productivity in the automotive sector in Colombia. This tool can optimize productivity from the measurement of times and the balancing of production lines, identifying production rates, in which the relationship between two variables could be defined, and thus have estimates of operating levels and others components.El modelo para la medición de la productividad es de gran ayuda para el sector automotriz y para cualquier sector industrial en general; además, permite afrontar los cambios del mercado, al tener en cuenta el control sobre las diferentes variables que impactan la productividad. Este modelo es una herramienta estratégica con la cual se puede mejorar la competitividad y con la que se facilita la medición de la productividad en el sector automotriz en Colombia. Esta herramienta puede optimizar la productividad a partir de la medición de tiempos y el balanceo de líneas de producción, identificando las tasas de producción, en las que se pudo definir la relación entre dos variables, y así tener las estimaciones de los niveles operativos y otros componentes

    University Dropout Problems and Educational Trends

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    School dropout is an issue that worries and threatens the permanence and student success in universities, becoming a decision factor that accounts for the lack of sensitive opportunities of the social purpose of universities. The lack of academic training constitutes them as relegated by society; from the research or it was possible to identify school dropout as a problem not particular to the educational institution but on the contrary, a serious problem that presents today's world, very marked in Latin America due to multiple factors that are encouraging adolescents to take the easiest path, which is the total neglect of their academic commitments


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    A documentary review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers concerning studying B-learning, Higher Education, and Moodle as a strategy in university education. The purpose of the bibliometric analysis proposed in this paper was to know the main characteristics of the volume of publications registered in the Scopus database during the period 2017-2022 and to identify the current situation in Ecuadorian institutions regarding the study of the variables mentioned above, achieving the identification of 78 publications in total. The information provided by the said platform was organized employing graphs and figures categorizing the information by Year of Publication, Country of Origin, Area of Knowledge and Type of Publication. Once these characteristics were described, a qualitative analysis was used to refer to the position of different authors on the proposed topic. Among the main findings of this research, it is found that Spain, with 28 publications, was the country with the highest scientific production registered in the name of authors affiliated with institutions of that nation. The area of knowledge that made the greatest contribution to the construction of bibliographic material referring to the study of B-learning, Higher Education, Moodle as a strategy in university education was Social Sciences with 41 published documents, and the type of publication that was most used during the period mentioned above was the journal article, representing 56% of the total scientific production

    Strategies For Support Based on The Articulation of Secondary and Higher Education in Accordance with Educational Gaps

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    The development of an articulation process from the point of view of secondary education and how it is articulated with higher education generates new management models that shows that the applied point recognizes the case of the school Institución Educativa Distrital El Rodeo, hereinafter (I.E.D.) with the student population of the eleventh grade, it is sought to respond to What importance has the directive management in the processes of articulation of secondary education with higher education to facilitate the continuous improvement of the educational quality? In order to develop this problem, the processes of directive management are analyzed, under the analysis of the research that will allow visualizing the antecedents, which have been previously worked in favor of the strengthening of the educational quality from the articulation in secondary education. The methodological approach that was applied to address this qualitative approach and the instrument applied was through questionnaires applied to eleventh grade students and teachers who guided the subjects in the middle school stage, the value of the findings recognizes the importance of articulating education with the productive sectors and regional development. &nbsp