173 research outputs found

    Superwind evolution: the young starburst-driven wind galaxy NGC 2782

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    We present results from a 30 ksec Chandra observation of the important starburst galaxy NGC 2782, covering the 0.3-10keV energy band. We find evidence of a superwind of small extent, that is likely in an early stage of development. We find a total of 27 X-ray point sources within a region of radius 2D25D_{25} of the galaxy centre and which are likely associated with the galaxy. Of these, 13 are ULXs (LX≥1039 ergs−1L_{X}\geq 10^{39}~ erg s ^{-1}) and a number have likely counterparts. The X-ray luminosities of the ULX candidates are 1.2−3.9×1039 ergs−11.2-3.9\times10^{39}~ erg s ^{-1}. NGC2782 seems to have an unusually large number of ULXs. Central diffuse X-ray emission extending to ~ 3kpc from the nuclear region has been detected. We also find an X-ray structure to the south of the nucleus, coincident with H{\alpha} filaments and with a 5 GHz radio source. We interpret this as a blow-out region of a forming superwind. This X-ray bubble has a total luminosity (0.3-10 keV) of 5×1039ergs−15\times10^{39}erg s ^{-1} (around 15%15\% of the total luminosity of the extended emission), and an inferred wind mass of 1.5×1061.5\times10^{6} M⊙_\odot. We also discuss the nature of the central X-ray source in NGC2782, and conclude that it is likely a low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN), with a total X-ray luminosity of LX=6×1040 ergs−1L_{X}=6\times10^{40}~erg s ^{-1} with strong Fe line emission at 6.4 keV.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Gendered Trajectories Through Education, Work and Parenthood in Peru

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    This paper explores young people’s inter-related transitions and pathways through schooling, work and parenthood, with a special focus on the way gender affects trajectories into adulthood among a sample of young people growing up in poverty. The authors report on the outcomes and trajectories of those members of the Older Cohort who participated in Young Lives longitudinal qualitative research between 2007 and 2014, when they were aged between 13 and 20, and we combine this analysis with descriptive survey statistics from the wider Young Lives sample of Older Cohort children: according to Round 4 of the Young Lives survey, at the age of 19, 70 per cent of the young people in the Older Cohort had completed secondary education and 39 per cent of the cohort had started tertiary education. Young people from poorer families or rural areas were less likely to have completed school than their peers, but we find no evidence of gender or ethnic differences in school completion rates; the results from the qualitative analysis show that gender mattered in young people’s trajectories when families had limited economic resources, in both rural and urban scenarios. In addition, the study shows that role of the family seems to be very important in decisions about young people’s futures; with regard to education trajectories, although gender differences were not observed during primary and secondary school, this study found that low-income families tended to prioritise boys’ education at post-secondary level. Moreover, results show that in rural areas young people who wished to pursue post-secondary education might also decide to work; however, these temporary jobs exposed them to risky situations and maltreatment, especially girls; in rural areas, social norms regarding gender are important to an understanding of why work is the most common trajectory among young men in early adulthood. Working is a positive thing for young men because it positions them as providers. In urban areas young men’s involvement in work and families’ expectations of males are different; parents try to postpone their offspring’s access to money, in order to keep them away from drugs, alcohol and gangs that might lead them astray; the results about the transition into parenthood show that there was a clear difference between the experiences of boys who became parents at a young age or were waiting to have a child and those of girls. The situation was worse for girls. Boys were more protected by their parents, who supported them emotionally and financially in the experience of becoming a parent and starting a new family

    Gendered trajectories through education, work and parenthood in Peru

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    Este documento explora las transiciones y caminos interrelacionados de los jóvenes a través de la escolarización, el trabajo y la paternidad, con un enfoque especial en la forma en que el género afecta las trayectorias hacia la edad adulta entre una muestra de jóvenes que crecen en la pobreza. Informamos sobre los resultados y las trayectorias de los miembros de la cohorte mayor que participaron en la investigación cualitativa longitudinal de Young Lives entre 2007 y 2014, cuando tenían entre 13 y 20 años, y combinamos este análisis con estadísticas de encuestas descriptivas de la muestra más amplia de Young Lives de niños de la cohorte mayor

    The relationship of telomere length to baseline corticosterone levels in nestlings of an altricial passerine bird in natural populations.

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    BackgroundEnvironmental stressors increase the secretion of glucocorticoids that in turn can shorten telomeres via oxidative damage. Modification of telomere length, as a result of adversity faced early in life, can modify an individual's phenotype. Studies in captivity have suggested a relationship between glucocorticoids and telomere length in developing individuals, however less is known about that relationship in natural populations.MethodsIn order to evaluate the effect of early environmental stressors on telomere length in natural populations, we compared baseline corticosterone (CORT) levels and telomere length in nestlings of the same age. We collected blood samples for hormone assay and telomere determination from two geographically distinct populations of the Thorn-tailed Rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda) that differed in brood size; nestlings body mass and primary productivity. Within each population we used path analysis to evaluate the relationship between brood size, body mass, baseline CORT and telomere length.ResultsWithin each distinct population, path coefficients showed a positive relationship between brood size and baseline CORT and a strong and negative correlation between baseline CORT and telomere length. In general, nestlings that presented higher baseline CORT levels tended to present shorter telomeres. When comparing populations it was the low latitude population that presented higher levels of baseline CORT and shorter telomere length.ConclusionsTaken together our results reveal the importance of the condition experienced early in life in affecting telomere length, and the relevance of integrative studies carried out in natural conditions

    Imágenes engalanadas: undumentaria postiza en imágenes marianas: Siglos XVII - XVIII

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    Esta investigación centra su atención en la práctica de adornar con vestidos y joyas a imágenes marianas, tanto esculturas como pinturas, en el Reino Unido de Granada, especialmente en Santafé y Tunja, durante los siglos XVII y XVIII.Historiador (a)Pregrad

    Conservation genetics of neotropical otters (Lontra longicaudis) in México

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    In this thesis I aimed to provide base-line data to inform conservation of neotropical otters (Lontra longicaudis ) at both the range-wide and local (Mexico) scale. In Chapter 2, I compared three commonly used preservation methods for faecal DNA in order to identify the best method for neotropical otter faeces under challenging field conditions and long-term storage: 1) ambient-temperature drying, 2) a two-step protocol involving incubation in 95% ethanol and posterior silica desiccation, and 3) RNAlater. The results of this experiment showed that that RNAlater provides the highest mtDNA amplification success. In Chapter 3, I looked into the demographic history, genetic diversity and genetic structure of L. Longicaudis in Mexico using mtDNA. I found high genetic structure among North and South regions of the country, potentially due to geographic formations. Analyses of demographic history in Mexico indicated a recent expansion coinciding with the end of the Pleistocene. Given that recent evidence supports the existence of three subspecies of L. longicaudis across its range, I combined mtDNA haplotypes identified in this study with available Central and South American haplotypes in order to examine phylogeographic patterns; as a result, a distinct lineage distributed in North and Central America (NCAM) was identified. Due to the monophyly of this lineage, I propose to consider it a distinctive Evolutionary Significant Unit (ESU). In Chapter 4, I used landscape genetics to identify landscape features that affect otter geneflow in Mexico by means of microsatellites. I looked into the effect of elevation, slope, river networks and land cover on geneflow at a country-wide scale and two regional scales (North and South Pacific). I used Bayesian clustering to examine country-wide genetic structure. In terms of landscape genetics, elevation and slope were the only variables that explained genetic distance among individuals at the range-wide and North Pacific scale, respectively. The results of Bayesian clustering indicated two population clusters roughly distributed in the North and South of Mexico. The results of this thesis suggest that non-invasive methods can be applied to inform conservation efforts for Neotropical otters. I suggest that the NCAM lineage should be considered a distinct Evolutionary Significant Unit (ESU) throughout the range of L.longicaudis. Within Mexico, it is recommended to plan conservation corridors for the species where naturally low elevations and slopes allow genetic connectivity

    Auditoria interna del Colegio Johannes Kepler campaña interna Colegio Johannes Kepler: energía absoluta. Campaña global Colegio Johannes Kepler: working together

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    The Communication in the organizations is manifested as a very important and decisive factor for the achieve strategic objectives. As communicational tool in the organizations is had to the organizational communication, the subjects, strategies and tools that make it are fundamental for a correct management in the gestion in an organization, as well as it is directed toward internal and external audiences of the same. The adequate use of the strategies what they are proposed in an internal communication plan, they will define and routed to the organization, so it is very important that all personnel who are involved with corporate identity, image and culture, is involved with the same, feeling it own. Maintaining a organizational communication regulated is important as well as each action generates a reaction, which can be beneficial or to the otherwise detrimental to the company and its reputation such as internally and externally ..La comunicación, dentro de las organizaciones se manifiesta como un factor muy importante y determinante para el logro de objetivos estratégicos. Dentro de las organizaciones como herramienta comunicacional se tienen a la comunicación organizacional, las ramas, estrategias y herramientas que la conforman son fundamentales para un correcto manejo en la gestión dentro de una organización, pues está dirigida hacia los públicos internos y externos de la misma. El adecuado uso de las estrategias que se propongan dentro de un plan de comunicación interna, definirán y encaminarán a la organización, pues es muy importante que todo el personal que está involucrado con la identidad, imagen y cultura corporativa, se involucre con la misma sintiéndola propia. El mantener una comunicación organizacional regulada es importante, pues cada acción genera una reacción, que puede ser de beneficio o por el contrario, perjudicial para la empresa y su reputación tanto a nivel interno como externo
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