446 research outputs found

    Evolution of gonad transcriptomes and gamete-recognition genes in sea stars

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    Evolved differences in life history traits, including fertilization ecology and mating systems, are expected to affect the strength of sexual selection acting on gamete-recognition genes (GRGs) responsible for gamete compatibility and fertilization success. The evolution of life history traits such as internal fertilization of eggs and mating system traits such as self-fertilization is expected to weaken the effects of sexual selection (due to the resolution of sperm competition among males and sexual conflicts between males and females). To assess these expectations, I compared the responses to selection of GRGs and other genes expressed in the gonads from multiple species of sea stars with different life histories. I first developed a bioinformatic protocol to reconstruct the transcriptomes of gonads from RNA-seq libraries using the data from the crown-of-thorns sea star Acanthaster cf. solaris and used that protocol to characterize GRGs and gene expression. I then compared GRGs in two recently diverged species with contrasting mating systems. I found little evidence of positive selection in the GRGs of the outcrossing species (Cryptasterina pentagona). Instead, I found evidence of relaxed selection in the self-fertilizing and hermaphroditic species (Cryptasterina hystera). I also found evidence of selection in non-GRG-genes linked to abiotic stressors, DNA regulation, polyspermy, and egg retention. In the last chapter, I compared the selection on female GRGs and other ovary genes using a phylogenetically broad sample of sea star species with two modes of reproduction. I found evidence of rapid evolution acting on female GRGs and of a stronger response to selection on female GRGs from sea stars with expected stronger sexual selection (gonochoric, broadcast spawning, planktonic fertilization) compared to species with derived life history traits associated with weaker sexual selection (hermaphroditic, benthic fertilization, brood protection). In summary, these results support the expectation of rapid evolution and strong selection on GRGs compared to other parts of animal genomes. GRG evolution likely contributes to the speciation process as a mechanism of reproductive incompatibility. And when selection targets GRG, life history traits can affect the response to selection

    A propósito de los graffiti del templo de San Miguel de Escalada (León)

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    Aunque los primeros estudios se remontan al siglo XVIII, el templo leonés de San Miguel de Escalada continúa siendo una inagotable fuente de conocimiento. El reciente descubrimiento de sus graffiti parietales nos ha permitido ampliar la información que poseemos sobre este antiguo cenobio, además de establecer una relación, no sólo con otros edificios históricos peninsulares, sino también con la arquitectura que durante la Alta Edad Media fue excavada en sus inmediacione

    Las prácticas espirituales del eremitismo peninsular altomedieval

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    Durante la antigüedad tardía comenzó a desarrollarse en la Península Ibérica un ascetismo cristiano basado en los modos de vida llevados a cabo por los Padres del Desierto y predicados en las Sagradas Escrituras. Sin embargo, las semejanzas que este fenómeno presenta con respecto a algunas de las doctrinas filosóficas griegas de época helenística son evidentes. Así, el aislamiento, la contemplación o el ayuno como medio de purificación son prácticas comunes a ambos. De esta manera, el presente trabajo pretende ofrecer un análisis del panorama del eremitismo peninsular durante la Alta Edad Media en relación con dichos sistemas filosóficos.During the late antiquity started to develope a christian asceticism in the Iberian Peninsula which were based on the ways of life of the Fathers of the desert and preached in the Holy Scriptures. However, this phenomenom looks like some of the Greek philosophical doctrines of the Hellenistical period. Thus, the loneliness, the meditation or the fast as way of purification are common practices for both of them. This way, the present study tries to offer an analysis of the peninsular hermits panorama during the High Middle Ages compared to these philosophical systems

    The graffiti on the north portal of the church of san Juan de Bohí (Alta Ribagorza, Lleida)

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en los graffiti incisos durante los siglos XIII y XIV en la portada norte de la iglesia románica de san Juan de Bohí (Alta Ribagorza, Lleida). En él, se realiza un estudio de la totalidad de las manifestaciones parietales recogidas a ambos lados de la puerta y se corrigen las cronologías erróneas establecidas con anterioridad para algunos de ellos.The present paper is focused on the graffiti incised during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries on the north portal of the Romanesque church of san Juan de Bohí (Alta Ribagorza, Lleida). We carry out a comprehensive study of all the incised wall expressions located on both sides of the door and correct the wrong dates that have been previously established for some of them

    De pleitos, comisiones y eruditos: la historia de la "Cueva del Cubo" de Rueda del Almirante (León)

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    A lo largo del margen derecho del valle medio del Esla se extiende una serie de conjuntos excavados de excepcional importancia para entender la arquitectura sustractiva altomedieval en territorio leonés, y aun en el hispano. A pesar de que a principios del siglo pasado gozaron de la atención de algunos miembros de las Comisiones de Monumentos Históricos y Artísticos, así como de la curiosidad de algunos eruditos locales, hoy, ya languidecientes, apenas han suscitado interés dentro de la comunidad científica. El presente estudio pretende centrarse en el espacio excavado en la localidad leonesa de Rueda del Almirante por tratarse del más desconocido y arruinado de todos ellos, además de constituir un auténtico paradigma de la arqui-tectura excavad

    Anti-inflammatory effect of topiramate in a chronic model of TNBS-induced colitis

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    FCT_UIDB/05608/2020. FCT_UIDP/05608/2020.Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterized by a chronic and relapsing inflammatory response in the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in severe symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bloody stools, and weight loss. Currently, there is no cure, and the pharmacological treatment includes drugs that induce and keep the patient in remission, not reversing the underlying pathogenic mechanism. In the long term, these therapies may cause various side effects and complications, which has increased the need to investigate new, more effective, and safer pharmacological approaches. In preclinical studies, topiramate has demonstrated a potential anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting the production of several pro-inflammatory cytokines. This study aimed to investigate the effect of topiramate in a chronic TNBS-induced colitis model in rodents. Experimental colitis was induced by four intrarectal administrations of 1% TNBS in female CD-1 mice. Topiramate 10 and 20 mg were administered intraperitoneally for 14 days. Several parameters were evaluated, such as body weight, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), fecal hemoglobin, fecal calprotectin, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and interleukin (IL)-10. Topiramate reduces TNBS-induced colonic damage in a model of chronic experimental colitis and normalizes stool consistency and anus appearance. Additionally, topiramate significantly reduced the concentration of ALP, fecal hemoglobin, fecal calprotectin, TNF-α, and IL-10, demonstrating it to be a promising pharmacological approach for treating IBD in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El estado del arte sobre los seres sintientes. Una revisión conceptual

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    The present document tries to show the different variables on the evolution of the relations between the man and the nonhumans from the different doctrines, legislation and the constitutional jurisprudence. This review analyzes a state of the art about the different positions that have influenced different conceptions about the human-animal relationship in order to determine legitimate behaviors of people towards animals, and if at least they are supported under plausible ethical conditionsEl presente documento pretende mostrar las diferentes variables sobre la evolución de las relaciones entre el hombre y los no humanos a partir de las diferentes doctrinas, legislación y la jurisprudencia Constitucional. Esta revisión analiza un Estado del Arte sobre las diferentes posiciones que han abanderado diferentes concepciones sobre la relación humano-animal para así determinar comportamientos legítimos de las personas para con los animales, y si al menos están sustentados bajo condiciones éticas plausibles