14,773 research outputs found

    El cuento estrategia pedag?gica para motivar el proceso lector de los estudiantes del grado cuarto de educaci?n b?sica primaria en el colegio Fabio Lozano Simonelli

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    85 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente informe final de la intervenci?n ?el cuento como herramienta pedag?gica? para crear habito hacia la lectura explica el desarrollo del proceso de investigaci?n formativa al interior de la Instituci?n Educativa en el Colegio Distrital Fabio Lozano Simonelli, en los estudiantes del grado cuarto ubicado en la zona quinta de Usme, grupo donde se evidenciaron mayores dificultades en el proceso lector ya que los ni?os tienen muy poca motivaci?n a leer y a participar en las actividades por que no se les hab?a dado en casa y lo poco que recib?an de la escuela no compensaba en el proceso del conocimiento que deb?an tener. Se propuso como estrategia pedag?gica una propuesta pedag?gica que se centr? en la lectura ?a jugar con los poemas!, a trav?s del dise?o y aplicaci?n de talleres con la intenci?n de generar mayor conciencia acerca de la importancia de lo mismo. Por ello se plantearon diez secciones que mejoraran progresivamente en el proceso lector acorde con lo que se?ala en los est?ndares b?sicos de las competencias en el ciclo de primaria.This final report of intervention "the story and motivation as a teaching tool to encourage reading" explains the development process of formative research into the educational institution in the district school Fabio Lozano Simonelli, in the fourth grade located in the Usme fifth zone group where most difficulty were found in the reading process because children were not motivated to read, Or to participate in activities that had not given them at home and how little they received from the school did not compensate in the process of knowledge they should have. a pedagogical proposal which focused on reading to play with poems!, through the design and implementation of workshops intended to increase awareness about the importance of the same was proposed as a pedagogical strategy. Therefore, thirteen sections progressively improve the communication process in line with what stated in the basic standards of competence in the primary cycle was raised. KEY WORDS: Reading, participation, involvement pedagogical tools, fairy tales

    Technical and systemic keys and context of Hispanic fortifications on Western Mediterranean coast

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    [EN] On recent years, we have developed two new ways of scientific approximation to the study of fortifications: the technical analysis and the systemical analysis. Now, it is possible to recognize a personality and a characteristic technical evolution of the Hispanic fortification departing from the works, the debates, and the treatises generated since the end of 15th Century to the 18th Century. It is also possible to recognize, since the first periods, a clear intention to understand the fortification as a territorial system in which every single piece has its own mission and presents some specific characters that are not understandable from the independent study of every fortification. The current presentations review the technical and systemical keys that allow us to recognize and characterize the Hispanic fortification on the Western Mediterranean Sea. Those keys allow us to surpass the excessive valuation given to the orthodox following of the treatises and to recognize the value of technological landmark of many of the most heterodoxical fortifications. Those keys also allow us to reinterpret our vision of the landscape value of the fortification from new technical and systemic aspects.Cobos-Guerra, F. (2015). Technical and systemic keys and context of Hispanic fortifications on Western Mediterranean coast. En Defensive architecture of the mediterranean: XV to XVIII centuries. Vol. I. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. XIX-XXXIV. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2015.2015.1803OCSXIXXXXI

    Cálculo I

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    Nesta disciplina apresentaremos a você as principais idéias do Cálculo Diferencial e Integral, bem como certa habilidade na parte algébrica. Através de uma linguagem simples e clara, muitas vezes coloquial, apresentamos os conceitos com alguns exercícios resolvidos. Dentre os exercícios apresentados, encontram-se aqueles que se destinam a auxiliar a sua compreensão do conteúdo trabalhado, e aqueles que objetivam conferir a você certa familiaridade com as técnicas operatórias

    Bolivia 1991 Catalog

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    Direct and indirect effect of last mile logistics performance on user intention of crowdsourced delivery services

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    La literatura sobre logística colaborativa" (CSL) y logística de última milla hasta ahora se ha centrado principalmente en la percepción de los consumidores como "co-creadores. Sin embargo, hay una brecha en la literatura sobre la percepción de los consumidores como destinatarios de esta logística. El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar el efecto directo del Rendimiento Logístico de Última Milla (LMLP), sobre la Intención de Usuario (UI) del usuario final de las plataformas de entrega colaborativas, e indirecto a través de la Confianza Percibida (PT) y la Expectativa de Desempeño (PE ). La metodología aplicada consta de 721 encuestas, recolectadas a través de un instrumento validado. Para el análisis se aplicó un Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales (SEM), por mínimos cuadrados parciales. El modelo seleccionado presentó Índices de Ajuste fuertes (CFI=0.976; TLI=0.970; RMSEA; = 0.044; SRMR=0.025). No hay efecto directo de LMLP y PT sobre UI (p = 0,175, 0,054), pero sí existen relaciones indirectas. La conclusión es que LMLP y PT son considerados por los usuarios finales de los servicios de entrega colaborativos como parte del desempeño de la empresa en su conjunto al momento de decidir utilizar estas plataformas. Para futuras investigaciones, se recomienda primero, investigar factores asociados a la cultura; segundo, estratificar los resultados para evaluar diferencias entre grupos de edad; tercero, estudiar factores internos que pueden afectar la intención de uso de estas plataformas, como la experiencia del usuario, la facilidad de uso, el control percibido, que no fueron considerados; cuarto, realizar una investigación que contemple las diferencias de marca.The literature on crowdsourced logistics" (CSL) and edge logistics so far has primarily focused on the perception of consumers as "co-creators of logistics". However, there is a breach in the literature about the perception of consumers as recipients of these logistics services. The purpose of this research was to analyze the direct effect of Last Mile Logistics Performance (LMLP), on the User Intention (UI) of the end user of crowdsourced delivery platforms, and indirect through Perceived Confidence (PT) and Performance Expectation (PE). The applied methodology comprises 721 surveys, gathered through a validated instrument. For the analysis, a Structural Equations Model (SEM) was applied, by partial least squares. The selected model had strong Fit Indexes (CFI=0.976; TLI=0.970; RMSEA; = 0.044; SRMR=0.025). There is no direct effect of LMLP and PT over UI (p = 0.175; 0.054). However, the standardized indirect effect of LMLP in IU, mediated by PT is, 0.699; while the standardized indirect effect of PT in IU, mediated by PE is 0.664. The conclusion is that LMLP and PT are seemed by the final users of crowdsourced delivery services as part of the performance of the business as a whole at the moment of deciding to use these platforms. For future research, it is recommended first, to investigate factors associated with culture; second, to stratify the results to assess differences between age groups; third, to study internal factors that can affect the intention to use these platforms, such as user experience, ease of use, perceived control, which were not considered; fourth, to perform an investigation that contemplates brand differences

    Educating engineers 2030 – PBL, social progress and sustainability

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    2016 Forecast LA Conference Book

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    2016 Forecast LA Conference Book. Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/forecastla/1004/thumbnail.jp

    2018 Forecast LA Conference Book

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    2018 Forecast LA Conference Book. Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/forecastla/1002/thumbnail.jp

    2014 Forecast LA Conference Book

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    2014 Forecast LA Conference Book. Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California.https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/forecastla/1006/thumbnail.jp