749 research outputs found

    Nephrotic syndrome caused by Babesia spp. in a dog: A case repor

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    P?ginas. 91-99Un canino, macho, entero, de raza Weimaraner, de dos a?os de edad, es presentado a consulta por adelgazamiento progresivo y distensi?n abdominal en el transcurso de cuatro semanas. Al realizar examen cl?nico y las pruebas de laboratorio, se confirm? la presencia de s?ndrome nefr?tico y enfermedad renal cr?nica, posiblemente desencadenada por Babesia spp. El tratamiento se enfoc? en el control del hemopar?sito y manejo sintom?tico de las afecciones asociadas al s?ndrome. El presente documento expone un caso cl?nico de s?ndrome nefr?tico, su diagn?stico y tratamiento.ABSTRACT. A two-years-old canine intact male Weimaraner is presented to the veterinary clinic with a record of progressive weight loss and abdominal distension since 4 weeks ago. Clinical examination and laboratory tests confirmed the presence of nephrotic syndrome and chronic kidney disease, suspected to be caused by Babesia spp. The treatment was focused on the hemoparasites and reduction of ascites. In this report we discuss the nephrotic syndrome, its diagnosis and treatment

    Lack of Association Between Tidal Volume and Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in Morbidly Obese Patients

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    Background: Current evidence suggests that a low tidal volume (TV) intraoperative ventilation strategy reduces the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). Morbidly obese patients have not only been underrepresented in these trials, but low-tidal volumes have not been formally tested in this population. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between TV adjusted for ideal body weight (IBW) and the occurrence PPCs in morbidly obese patients undergoing abdominal surgery. Methods: Single-center retrospective study. We included patients with a BMI of at least 40 kg/m2, undergoing open or laparoscopic abdominal surgery lasting for at least 120 minutes. We obtained clinical variables to estimate the preoperative pulmonary risk, as well as intraoperative ventilator data to perform associations. PPCs were graded on severity and a composite score was developed. Outcomes were defined by ICD-10 diagnoses. All data was collected electronically using structured query language. Results: 859 patients were included in the analysis. Overall, patients were ventilated at a TV/IBW of 9.47 mL/Kg IBW and PPCs occurred in 8.3% of the sample. The occurrence of PPCs was correlated with the preoperative risk as defined by the ARISCAT score, where PPCs occurred in 6.3%, 9% and 30% for patients at low, intermediate and high risk, respectively. There is no association between TV/IBW and PPC score. This finding remained present after stratifying by ARISCAT categories (low, intermediate or high). In conclusion, tidal volume was not correlated to an increased frequency or severity of postoperative pulmonary complications in morbidly obese patients undergoing prolonged abdominal surgery. Future studies exploring ventilation strategies for the morbidly obese should pursue clinically relevant outcomes and optimal PEEP titration to support clinical practice recommendations.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2019clinres/1044/thumbnail.jp

    Temperature management during cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy

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    In addition to attaining complete or near complete cytoreduction, the instillation of select heated chemotherapeutic agents into the abdominal cavity has offered a chance for cure or longer survival inpatients with peritoneal surface malignancies. While the heating of chemotherapeutic agents enhances cytotoxicity, the resulting systemic hyperthermia has been associated with an increased risk of severe hyperthermia and its associated complications. Factors that have been associated with an increased risk of severe hyperthermia include intraoperative blood transfusions and longer perfusion duration. However, the development of severe hyperthermia still remains largely unpredictable. Thus, at several institutions, cooling protocols are employed during cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (CRS-HIPEC). Cooling protocols for CRS-HIPEC are not standardized and may be associated with episodes of severe hyperthermia or alternatively hypothermia. In theory, excessive cooling could result in a decreased effectiveness of the intraperitoneal chemotherapeutic agents. This presumption has been supported by a recent study of 214 adults undergoing CRS-HIPEC, where failure to attain a temperature of 38° C at the end of chemo-perfusion was associated with worse survival. Although not statistically significant, failure to maintain a temperature of 38° C for at least 30 minutes was associated with worse survival. Although studies are limited in this regard, the importance of maintaining a steady state of temperature during the hyperthermic phase of intraperitoneal chemotherapy administration cannot be disregarded. The following article describes the processes and physiological mechanisms responsible for hyperthermia during CRS-HIPEC. The challenges associated with temperature management during CRS-HIPEC and methods to avoid severe hypothermia and hyperthermia are also described

    Anesthesia Options and the Recurrence of Cancer: What We Know so Far?

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    Surgery is a critical period in the survival of patients with cancer. While resective surgery of primary tumors has shown to prolong the life of these patients, it can also promote mechanisms associated with metastatic progression. During surgery, patients require general and sometimes local anesthetics that also modulate mechanisms that can favor or reduce metastasis. In this narrative review, we summarized the evidence about the impact of local, regional and general anesthesia on metastatic mechanisms and the survival of patients. The available evidence suggests that cancer recurrence is not significantly impacted by neither regional anesthesia nor volatile or total intravenous anesthesia

    Plano de negócios - Delicious Bakery

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    O presente trabalho de projeto consiste na elaboração de um plano de negócios de uma fábrica de bolos e salgados, onde o seu principal objetivo é analisar a sua viabilidade económico-financeira. Para isso, elaborou-se um plano de negócios viável, com criação de emprego, estabelecendo parcerias locais, analisando a concorrência e verificando a sustentabilidade do projeto. Tendo como base a metodologia utilizada, apurou-se um valor atual líquido de 115.581€, uma taxa interna de rendibilidade de 97,60%, e elaborou-se uma análise de risco tendo por base o método de Monte Carlo, onde se verifica que existe 79,45% de probabilidade de o negócio apresentar resultados positivos. Com base nestes três indicadores conclui-se que o negócio apresenta viabilidade económico-financeira; Business Plan – Delicious Bakery Abstract: The present project work consists in the elaboration of a business plan for a cake and salty pastries factory, where the main objective is to analyse the economic and financial viability. For this, a viable business plan was created, with the creation of new jobs and local partnerships, analysing the competition and verifying the project’s sustainability. Based on the methodology used, was determined a net present value of 115.581€, an internal rate of return of 97,60%, and a risk analysis was carried based on the Monte Carlo method, where it turns out that there is 79,45% probability of the business showing positive results. Therefore, based on these three factors, we can conclude that the business has economic and financial viability

    Confinement and surface effects on the physical properties of rhombohedral-shape hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanocrystals

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    Morphological, microstructural and vibrational properties of hematite (α-FeO) nanocrystals with a rhombohedral shape and rounded edges, obtained by forced hydrolysis of iron(III) solutions under a fast nucleation, have been investigated in detail as a function of aging time. These studies allowed us to propose a detailed formation mechanism and revealed that these nanocrystals are composed of four {104} side facets, two {110} faces at the edges of the long diagonal of the nanocrystals and two {-441} facets as the top and bottom faces. Also, the presence of nanoscopic pores and fissures was evidenced. The vibrational bands of such nanocrystals were shifted to lower frequencies in comparison with bulk hematite ones as the nanocrystal size was reduced due to phonon confinement effects. Also, the indirect and direct transition band gaps displayed interesting dependences on the aging time arising from quantum confinement and surface effectsConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CB-17948

    Cathodoluminescence characterization of InGaSb crystals

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    The nature and the spatial distribution of radiative defects in In(X)Ga(1-x)Sb grown by the vertical Bridgman method have been studied by cathodoluminescence (CL) in a scanning electron microscope. The CL results have been complemented by X-ray microanalysis and backscattered electron imaging to relate the local luminescence properties to the chemical composition. Measurements of the band gap energy from the CL spectra, supported by X-ray compositional mappings, reveal an effective incorporation of In in the matrix, leading to the fori-nation of the ternary alloy in the whole volume of the ingot. A band often observed in the CL spectra, peaked at about 20 meV below the band gap energy, is attributed to the presence in the ternary alloy of an acceptor level that would correspond to the V(Ga)-Ga(Sb) acceptor in GaSb

    El alcoholismo, una problemática actual

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    A descriptive study was conducted to characterize the behavior of adolescents from dysfunctional families due to alcohol abuse in the health area of the Marta Abreu Polyclinic, in Santa Clara, from January 2010 to June 2011. As techniques of the investigative process, a test FF-SIL and an epidemiological questionnaire were applied to refine and psychological variables. The population consisted of all 50 adolescents between 11 and 15 years old, belonging to the Julio Pino Machado Joint Center, in the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province. Informed consent was sought. The chi-square statistic was used for the statistical processing of information variables: age, sex, marital status of parents, cohabitation, validism, family lifestyles, knowledge about alcoholism, alcohol intake, motivation to do so, alterations in adolescents, opinion of the teacher in relation to the care of the teenager at school by family members, school performance and behavior of adolescent. Its significance was determined by the statistic p. The most frequent harmful lifestyles were the daily intake of alcohol, fights and discussions, and misuse of family income. Adolescents did not recognize alcoholism as a disease, and the most common alterations were academic underachievement, difficulties in interpersonal relationships and alcohol consumption. Therefore, it is concluded that alcoholism is a health problem causing dysfunctionality in adolescents’ families.Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para caracterizar el comportamiento de adolescentes provenientes de familias disfuncionales por consumo de alcohol en el Área de Salud del Policlínico “Marta Abreu” desde enero de 2010 a junio de 2011; se trabajó con la totalidad de la población de adolescentes pertenecientes al Centro Mixto “Julio Pino Machado”, Municipio Santa Clara, Provincia Villa Clara. Como técnicas del proceso investigativo se aplicaron la prueba de percepción del funcionamiento familiar y un cuestionario para precisar las variables epidemiológicas y psicológicas, previo consentimiento informado. Para el procesamiento estadístico de la información de variables como: la edad, el sexo, el estado civil de los padres, la convivencia, el validísmo, los estilos de vida de la familia, el conocimiento sobre el alcoholismo, la ingestión de alcohol, la motivación para hacerlo, las alteraciones presentes en los adolescentes,  la opinión del maestro en relación a la atención de los familiares al adolescente en la escuela, el rendimiento escolar del estudiante y el comportamiento del adolescente se utilizó el estadístico Chi cuadrado y su significación se determinó por el estadígrafo p. Los estilos de vida nocivos más frecuentes fueron: la ingestión diaria de alcohol, las riñas y las discusiones y la mala utilización del percápita familiar; los adolescentes no reconocieron el alcoholismo como enfermedad y las alteraciones que más se presentaron fueron el bajo rendimiento académico, las dificultades en las relaciones interpersonales y la ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas, por lo que se concluye que el alcoholismo es un problema de salud causante de disfuncionabilidad en los adolescentes

    Automatic Classification of Field Winding Faults in Synchronous Motors based on Bicoherence Image Segmentation and Higher Order Statistics of Stray Flux Signals

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    [EN] In this work, the application of the bicoherence (a squared normalized version of the bispectrum) of the stray flux signal is proposed as a way of detecting faults in the field winding of synchronous motors. These signals are analyzed both under the starting and at steady state regime. Likewise, two quantitative indicators are proposed, the first one based on the maximum values of the asymmetry and the kurtosis of the bicoherence matrix obtained from the flux signals and the second one relying on an algorithm based on the bicoherence image segmentation of the obtained pattern for each analyzed state. The results are analyzed through a comparative study for the two considered motor regimes, obtaining satisfactory results that sustain the potential application of the proposed methodology for the automatic field winding fault detection in real applications.Miguel E. Iglesias Martínez s work was supported by the postdoctoral research scholarship "Ayudas para la recualificación del sistema universitario español 2021-2023. Modalidad: Margarita Salas", UPV, Ministerio de Universidades, Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, Spain. Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU. This work is also supported by Generalitat Valenciana (reference CIAICO/2021/020)Iglesias-Martínez, ME.; Guerra Carmenate, J.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Dunai, L.; Platero, CA.; Conejero, JA.; Fernández De Córdoba, P. (2023). Automatic Classification of Field Winding Faults in Synchronous Motors based on Bicoherence Image Segmentation and Higher Order Statistics of Stray Flux Signals. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 59(4):3945-3954. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIA.2023.32622203945395459