30 research outputs found

    Influence of green tea extract on corrosion of different metals in 0.5 mol dm-3 NaCl solution

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    The corrosion behavior of copper, aluminum and stainless steel AISI 316L in 0.5 mol dm-3 NaCl solution without and with the addition of an aqueous-ethanol extract of green tea leaves at a temperature of 25°C was investigated. Electrochemical parameters where determined by linear polarization measurements and potentiodynamic polarization method, and the surface of the metal samples were investigated using an optical microscope after the polarization measurements. Results have shown that green tea extract acts as a corrosion inhibitor for copper aluminum and stainless steel

    From demands to deliberation: participatory budgeting in Pittsburgh

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    In 2015, the City of Pittsburgh partnered with several community organizations to design and pilot a unique model of PB tailored to best meet its needs. As a result of this effort, the City implemented Deliberative Community Budget Forums as a more engaging and inclusive method for soliciting public input on the 2016 Capital Budget. This paper seeks to evaluate the impact of the Deliberative Forums on the quality and level of community participation, deliberation, and engagement, as well as measure outcomes in the budget. Data collected from the 2014 Community Budget Hearings are used as a baseline for comparison. The study found the forums led to considerable quantitative and qualitative improvements in the budget process with respect to public participation and deliberation, and increased general knowledge of the budget and political engagement among participants. The study also determined areas where the forums could be improved, particularly in regards to diversity and political voice. The impact of the forums on the Capital Budget were not able to be determined. At the end, several key recommendations to address these issues are made. This paper concludes by briefly summarizing the findings of the study and discussing their positive implications for the future of the forums as an effective alternative form of PB in Pittsburgh and possibly in the United States

    Bedürfnisse erkennen, ohne sie aussprechen zu können : die Betreuung von allophonen Frauen während Notfallsituationen

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    Hintergrund: Studien zeigen, dass die mütterliche und kindliche Mortalität und Morbidität bei Migrantinnen in der Schweiz erhöht ist. Sprachbarrieren sind ein möglicher Grund dafür. Sie erschweren auch die Betreuung fremdsprachiger Migrantinnen, vor allem in Notfallsituationen wird diese Problematik ersichtlich. Ziel: Diese Bachelorarbeit hat zum Ziel, herauszufinden wie Hebammen das Wohlbefinden von allophonen Frauen unter der Geburt während Notfallsituationen fördern können. Zudem sollen Fachpersonen zum Thema Kommunikation während Notfallsituationen mit allophonen Frauen und ihren Begleitpersonen sensibilisiert werden. Methode: Zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung wird die themengeleitete Arbeit gewählt. Dazu werden drei Studien, zwei Expertinneninterviews und vier Erfahrungsberichte analysiert. Relevante Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es nicht genügend Studien und Evidenzen für diese Problematik gibt. Empowerment von allophonen Frauen ist durch die Sprachbarriere stark beschränkt. Nonverbale Kommunikation ist deshalb von grosser Bedeutung. Gezielte Nachgespräche könnten bei der Verarbeitung von belastenden Geburtssituationen helfen. Zusätzlich soll der Fokus auf Prävention und Nachsorge gesetzt werden. Weiter wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen informellem Zwang, Notfallkaiserschnitten und postpartalen psychischen Erkrankungen bestätigt. Schlussfolgerungen: Weitere Forschung bezüglich dieser Thematik ist notwendig, um die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche von allophonen Frauen zu erfassen und in der Hebammenbetreuung zu beachten

    Comparison of corrosion behaviour of copper and copper alloys in aqueous chloride solution

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    A comparative corrosion study of Cu and Cu-Al, Cu-Al-Ni, Cu-Al-Mn and Cu-Al-Mn-Ni in 0.5 mol dm-3 NaCl solution was performed using an open circuit potential, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements (EIS). Scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) analysis was used to evaluate corrosive damage on the sample surface after polarization measurements. The reported results suggest that the alloying elements have reduced cathodic and anodic current densities in the Tafel region, increased anodic currents at higher anodic potentials, and slightly displaced corrosion potential towards more positive values. Overall, impedance increased in the following order: Cu < Cu-Al < Cu-Al-Ni < Cu-Al-Mn < Cu-Al-Mn-Ni. This indicates that Cu alloys possess better corrosion resistance. SEM and EDS analysis after polarization measurements showed uniform dissolution of pure Cu, as well as the presence of a surface oxide layer, consisting of a mixture of the corresponding alloying elements, on all investigated alloys. Aggressive anodic polarization severely damaged the barrier layers on the Cu alloy specimens