19 research outputs found

    Construction and Simulation of a Planar Transformer Prototype

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    This paper illustrates the design and building of a planar transformer prototype with a 1:1 transformation ratio for high-frequency applications in power electronics. By using reference literature and considering the ferrite core dimensions, the windings were conceived and exported to Gerber format using PCB design software. The transformer prototype was then assembled and tested under laboratory conditions for frequencies from 800 Hz to 5 MHz, which showed a sinusoidal wave at the transformer output from 1.3 kHz onwards and a better performance starting at 10 kHz, where the loses were significantly reduced and the transformation ratio was closer to the originally designed. As a final step, a finite element method (FEM) analysis was carried out to understand the electromagnetic flux behavior using a 3D Multiphysics simulation software. The 3d building process and details are explained step by step and the resulting magnetic flux density is graphically shown for the core and the windings.Universidad Tecnológica de Bolíva

    Learning Factory: The Path to Industry 4.0

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    Abstract Nowadays, there are plenty of studies that seek to determine which are the skills that should be met by an engineer. Communication and teamwork are some of the most recurrent ones associated with a knowledge of the engineering sciences. However, their application is not straight forward, due to the lack of educational approaches that contributes to develop experience-based knowledge. Learning Factories (LF) have shown to be effective for developing theoretical and practical knowledge in a real production environment. This article describes the transformation process of a training-addressed manufacturing workshop, in order to structure a Learning Factory for the production engineering program at EAFIT University. The proposed transformations were based on the definition of three pillars (didactic, integrative and engineering) for the development of an LF. We argue that a proper transformation process may contribute to ease the path towards new manufacturing trends such as industry 4.0 into an academic context that strengths the engineering training process


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    Unbound showcases the graduating class from the fashion design school at Fanshawe College. Unbound describes the creative spirit and achievements of our twenty-seven emerging Canadian fashion designers. Unbound 2014 is a professional collaboration between Fanshawe College, Community and Professionals in the Fashion Industry. As you turn the pages, admire their accomplishments - the results of three years of passion, hard work, and dedication.https://first.fanshawec.ca/famd_design_fashiondesign_unbound/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Evidence for increasing global wheat yield potential

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    Wheat is the most widely grown food crop, with 761 Mt produced globally in 2020. To meet the expected grain demand by mid-century, wheat breeding strategies must continue to improve upon yield-advancing physiological traits, regardless of climate change impacts. Here, the best performing doubled haploid (DH) crosses with an increased canopy photosynthesis from wheat field experiments in the literature were extrapolated to the global scale with a multi-model ensemble of process-based wheat crop models to estimate global wheat production. The DH field experiments were also used to determine a quantitative relationship between wheat production and solar radiation to estimate genetic yield potential. The multi-model ensemble projected a global annual wheat production of 1050 ± 145 Mt due to the improved canopy photosynthesis, a 37% increase, without expanding cropping area. Achieving this genetic yield potential would meet the lower estimate of the projected grain demand in 2050, albeit with considerable challenges.Fil: Guarin, Jose Rafael. National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Estados Unidos. Columbia University; Estados Unidos. Florida State University; Estados UnidosFil: Martre, Pierre. Institut Agro Montpellier SupAgro; FranciaFil: Ewert, Frank. Universitat Bonn; Alemania. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; AlemaniaFil: Webber, Heidi. Universitat Bonn; Alemania. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; AlemaniaFil: Dueri, Sibylle. Institut Agro Montpellier SupAgro; FranciaFil: Calderini, Daniel Fernando. Universidad Austral de Chile; ChileFil: Reynolds, Matthew. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center ; MéxicoFil: Molero, Gemma. KWS; FranciaFil: Miralles, Daniel Julio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Slafer, Gustavo Ariel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; Argentina. Universitat de Lleida; España. Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats; EspañaFil: Giunta, Francesco. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche. Istituto Di Scienze Dell Atmosfera E del Clima.; ItaliaFil: Pequeno, Diego N.L.. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center; MéxicoFil: Stella, Tommaso. Universitat Bonn; Alemania. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research; AlemaniaFil: Ahmed, Mukhtar. University Of Pakistan; PakistánFil: Alderman, Phillip D.. Oklahoma State University; Estados UnidosFil: Basso, Bruno. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Berger, Andres G.. Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria;Fil: Bindi, Marco. Università degli Studi di Firenze; ItaliaFil: Bracho-Mujica, Gennady. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Cammarano, Davide. Purdue University; Estados UnidosFil: Chen, Yi. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de ChinaFil: Dumont, Benjamin. Université de Liège; BélgicaFil: Rezaei, Ehsan Eyshi. Leibniz Institute Of Plant Genetics And Crop Plant Research.; AlemaniaFil: Fereres, Elias. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Ferrise, Roberto. Michigan State University; Estados UnidosFil: Gaiser, Thomas. Universitat Bonn; AlemaniaFil: Gao, Yujing. Florida State University; Estados UnidosFil: Garcia Vila, Margarita. Universidad de Córdoba; EspañaFil: Gayler, Sebastian. Universidad de Hohenheim; Alemani

    Evidence for increasing global wheat yield potential

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    Wheat is the most widely grown food crop, with 761 Mt produced globally in 2020. To meet the expected grain demand by mid-century, wheat breeding strategies must continue to improve upon yield-advancing physiological traits, regardless of climate change impacts. Here, the best performing doubled haploid (DH) crosses with an increased canopy photosynthesis from wheat field experiments in the literature were extrapolated to the global scale with a multi-model ensemble of process-based wheat crop models to estimate global wheat production. The DH field experiments were also used to determine a quantitative relationship between wheat production and solar radiation to estimate genetic yield potential. The multi-model ensemble projected a global annual wheat production of 1050 +/- 145 Mt due to the improved canopy photosynthesis, a 37% increase, without expanding cropping area. Achieving this genetic yield potential would meet the lower estimate of the projected grain demand in 2050, albeit with considerable challenges

    Pasantía de Grado en Fox telecolombia

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    Este escrito es un breve resumen del trabajo y el proceso realizado en la empresa FOXTELECOLOMBIA como ingeniero de sonido en la modalidad de pasantía. Todos lo retos que esta con llevo ,el proceso de aprendizaje están aquí consignados .Se describen tres casos en los que se trabajo durante la pasantía ,siendo estos tres casos series o novelas en las que tuve la oportunidad de participar.Por otro lado se hace una breve descripción de la empresa y sus instalaciones (Estudios de Postproducción).This paper is a brief summary of the work and the process carried out in the company FOXTELECOLOMBIA as a sound engineer in the internship modality. All the challenges that this entails, the learning process are listed here. Three cases are described in which I worked during the internship, these three cases being series or novels in which I had the opportunity to participate. On the other hand, a brief description of the company and its facilities is made (Postproduction Studies).Maestro (a) en MúsicaPregrad

    Análisis de la tecnología detrás de las criptomonedas y su aplicación en la economía colombiana

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    No aplicaEl proyecto aborda el tema de las criptomonedas, centrándose en tres objetivos principales. En primer lugar, se describe el mercado de las criptomonedas como una alternativa de inversión, destacando sus características únicas y ventajas en comparación con otros mercados financieros. En segundo lugar, se explora el funcionamiento de la tecnología de las criptomonedas y se destacan las innovaciones y tendencias emergentes en este campo, así como sus posibles aplicaciones en diversos sectores. Por último, se examinan los factores más representativos de las criptomonedas en términos de transacciones y almacenamiento de valor, resaltando sus beneficios y consideraciones clave. En general, el proyecto ofrece una visión integral de las criptomonedas, desde su mercado como inversión hasta su tecnología y aplicaciones, proporcionando una comprensión sólida de este fenómeno financiero en constante evolución.The project addresses the topic of cryptocurrencies, focusing on three main objectives. Firstly, it describes the cryptocurrency market as an investment alternative, highlighting its unique characteristics and advantages compared to other financial markets. Secondly, it explores the functioning of cryptocurrency technology and showcases emerging innovations and trends in this field, as well as their potential applications in various sectors. Lastly, it examines the most representative factors of cryptocurrencies in terms of transactions and value storage, emphasizing their benefits and key considerations. Overall, the project provides a comprehensive overview of cryptocurrencies, from their market as an investment to their technology and applications, offering a solid understanding of this constantly evolving financial phenomenon

    Analysis of causes due to failures in the Galán - Chimita and Sebastopol - Yumbo transportation systems that affect transport volumes

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    A traves de diferentes modelos analíticos como Regresión lineal y Random Forests, se realizó un estudio que pretendía explicar las causas principales por las cuales se ve afectado el transporte de diferentes productos (hidrocarburos) a traves de los sistemas especificos de estudio que son: Galan-Chimita y Sebastopol-Yumbo. El proyecto se desarrollo para la empresa Cenit Transporte y Logística de Hidrocarburos S.A.S, la cual es la filial de transporte de Ecopetrol.Para el trabajo se planteó como objetivo de negocio identificar las principales causas que afectan el bombeo de las líneas Galán-Bucaramanga, Sebastopol-Medellín, Medellín-Cartago y Cartago-Yumbo, como insumo en Cenit, para la definición de limites técnicos y de estrategias de soporte en la operación y el mantenimiento, buscando soportar las decisiones para incrementar la capacidad de transporte, reflejándose en la optimización de los activos.Para esto, se propuso el diseño de un modelo a partir del origen y las causas de fallos en los sistemas, para pronosticar el volumen transportado en barriles e identificar la importancia de las variables en explicar la varianza de la cantidad de barriles transportados día.Through different analytical models such as Linear Regression and Random Forests, the objective of the study was to explain the main causes by which the transport of different products (hydrocarbons) is affected through the specific study systems that are: Galan- Chimita and Sebastopol-Yumbo. The project was developed for the company Cenit Transporte y Logística de Hidrocarburos S.A.S, which is the transportation subsidiary of Ecopetrol.For the study, the business objective was to identify the main causes that affect the pumping of the Galán-Bucaramanga, Sebastopol-Medellín, Medellín-Cartago and Cartago-Yumbo lines, as an input in Cenit, for the definition of technical limits and strategies support in operation and maintenance, seeking to support decisions to increase transport capacity, reflecting on the optimization of the company assets.For this, the design of a model was proposed based on the origin and causes of failures in the systems, to forecast the volume transported in barrels and identify the importance of the variables in explaining the variance of the number of barrels transported per day.Magíster en Analítica para la Inteligencia de NegociosMaestrí

    Learning Factory: The Path to Industry 4.0

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    Abstract Nowadays, there are plenty of studies that seek to determine which are the skills that should be met by an engineer. Communication and teamwork are some of the most recurrent ones associated with a knowledge of the engineering sciences. However, their application is not straight forward, due to the lack of educational approaches that contributes to develop experience-based knowledge. Learning Factories (LF) have shown to be effective for developing theoretical and practical knowledge in a real production environment. This article describes the transformation process of a training-addressed manufacturing workshop, in order to structure a Learning Factory for the production engineering program at EAFIT University. The proposed transformations were based on the definition of three pillars (didactic, integrative and engineering) for the development of an LF. We argue that a proper transformation process may contribute to ease the path towards new manufacturing trends such as industry 4.0 into an academic context that strengths the engineering training process

    Evaluación de las competencias de los egresados de odontología de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia sede Medellín desde la perspectiva de los empleadores.

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    Las posibilidades de empleo hoy en día se basan en la capacitación profesional y en las posibilidades de adaptación a un entorno laboral cambiante, contexto especialmente importante en Colombia que tiene una de las tazas de desempleo más altas del mundo. En el campo de la odontología se presenta una sobreoferta laboral con respecto a la demanda reflejándose en un desempleo creciente y que tienden a aumentar en algunos años. El presente estudio evalúo las competencias y habilidades laborales de los egresados y los requerimientos actuales para un mejor ingreso al mundo laboral. Para esto se realizó un estudio descriptivo con empleadores de clínicas odontológicas públicas y privadas que tuvieran egresados de la facultad. Los empleadores consideran que los odontólogos egresados de la Facultad reúnen las competencias requeridas para el trabajo en sus clínicas. En relación a los aspectos de mayor fortaleza referidos se tienen la aplicación de estándares éticos y legales en la atención dental, habilidades en procedimientos restauradores, habilidades para el manejo de tratamiento en cirugía oral simple y compleja, el diagnostico, identificación y manejo de enfermedades pulpares y peri radiculares. Es necesario profundizar en aspectos administrativos, trabajo comunitario y estética dental. Dentro de las problemáticas actuales de la profesión se encuentra la sobreoferta odontológica y la desvalorización del trabajo.Employment opportunities today are based on professional capacity and the possibility of adapting to a changing work environment, which is especially important in Colombia given it has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world. In the field of Dentistry, the labor oversupply relative to demand reflects in said unemployment rates that tends to increase every couple of years. The study evaluated professional competence and abilities of incoming workforce as well as actual requirements for a better entry to such. For this, a descriptive study was carried out with employers of public and private odontology clinics that had new employees from the faculty. The employers consider that the incoming odontologists that graduated from said faculty meet the requirements to work at their clinics. It is necessary to dive deeper into the administrative aspects, community work, and dental aesthetics. Among the current problems of the dentistry profession, we find the dental oversupply and devaluation of dentistry [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@campusucc.edu.c