7,880 research outputs found

    Assessment of China's virtual air pollution transport embodied in trade by using a consumption-based emission inventory

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    Substantial anthropogenic emissions from China have resulted in serious air pollution, and this has generated considerable academic and public concern. The physical transport of air pollutants in the atmosphere has been extensively investigated; however, understanding the mechanisms how the pollutant was transferred through economic and trade activities remains a challenge. For the first time, we quantified and tracked China's air pollutant emission flows embodied in interprovincial trade, using a multiregional input - output model framework. Trade relative emissions for four key air pollutants (primary fine particle matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and non-methane volatile organic compounds) were assessed for 2007 in each Chinese province. We found that emissions were significantly redistributed among provinces owing to interprovincial trade. Large amounts of emissions were embodied in the imports of eastern regions from northern and central regions, and these were determined by differences in regional economic status and environmental policy. It is suggested that measures should be introduced to reduce air pollution by integrating cross-regional consumers and producers within national agreements to encourage efficiency improvement in the supply chain and optimize consumption structure internationally. The consumption-based air pollutant emission inventory developed in this work can be further used to attribute pollution to various economic activities and final demand types with the aid of air quality models

    The openness conjecture and complex Brunn-Minkowski inequalities

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    We discuss recent versions of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality in the complex setting, and use it to prove the openness conjecture of Demailly and Koll\'ar.Comment: This is an account of the results in arXiv:1305.5781 together with some background material. It is based on a lecture given at the Abel symposium in Trondheim, June 2013. 13 page

    Polyphenylene as an Active Support for Ru-Catalyzed Hydrogenolysis of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural

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    Selective transformation of biomass feedstocks to platform molecules is a key pursuit for sustainable chemical production. Compared to petrochemical processes, biomass transformation requires the defunctionalization of highly polar molecules at relatively low temperatures. As a result, catalysts based on functional organic polymers may play a prominent role. Targeting the hydrogenolysis of the platform chemical 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), here, we design a polyphenylene (PPhen) framework with purely sp2-hybridized carbons that can isolate 5-HMF via π–π stacking, preventing hemiacetal and humin formation. With good swellability, the PPhen framework here has successfully supported and dispersed seven types of metal particles via a newly developed swelling-impregnation method, including Ru, Pt, Au, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu. Ru/PPhen is studied for 5-HMF hydrogenolysis, achieving a 92% yield of 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) under mild conditions, outperforming the state-of-the-art catalysts reported in the literature. In addition, PPhen helps perform a solventless reaction, achieving direct 5-HMF to DMF conversion in the absence of any liquid solvent or reagent. This approach in designing support–reactant/solvent/metal interactions will play an important role in surface catalysis

    Investigation of a mesospheric bore event over northern China

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    A mesospheric bore event was observed using an OH all-sky airglow imager (ASAI) at Xinglong (40.2° N, 117.4° E), in northern China, on the night of 8–9 January 2011. Simultaneous observations by a Doppler meteor radar, a broadband sodium lidar, and TIMED/SABER OH intensity and temperature measurements are used to investigate the characteristics and environment of the bore propagation and the possible relations with the Na density perturbations. The bore propagated from northeast to southwest and divided the sky into bright and dark halves. The calculations show that the bore has an average phase velocity of 68 m s−1. The crests following the bore have a horizontal wavelength of ~ 22 km. These parameters are consistent with the hydraulic jump theory proposed by Dewan and Picard, as well as the previous bore reports. Simultaneous wind measurements from the Doppler meteor radar at Shisanling (40.3° N, 116.2° E) and temperature data from SABER on board the TIMED satellite are used to characterize the propagating environment of the bore. The result shows that a thermal-Doppler duct exists near the OH layer that supports the horizontal propagation of the bore. Simultaneous Na lidar observations at Yanqing (40.4° N, 116.0° E) suggest that there is a downward displacement of Na density during the passage of the mesospheric bore event.Q. Li, J. Xu, J. Yue, X. Liu, W. Yuan, B. Ning, S. Guan, and J. P. Younge

    Global properties of Stochastic Loewner evolution driven by Levy processes

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    Standard Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE) is driven by a continuous Brownian motion which then produces a trace, a continuous fractal curve connecting the singular points of the motion. If jumps are added to the driving function, the trace branches. In a recent publication [1] we introduced a generalized SLE driven by a superposition of a Brownian motion and a fractal set of jumps (technically a stable L\'evy process). We then discussed the small-scale properties of the resulting L\'evy-SLE growth process. Here we discuss the same model, but focus on the global scaling behavior which ensues as time goes to infinity. This limiting behavior is independent of the Brownian forcing and depends upon only a single parameter, α\alpha, which defines the shape of the stable L\'evy distribution. We learn about this behavior by studying a Fokker-Planck equation which gives the probability distribution for endpoints of the trace as a function of time. As in the short-time case previously studied, we observe that the properties of this growth process change qualitatively and singularly at α=1\alpha =1. We show both analytically and numerically that the growth continues indefinitely in the vertical direction for α>1\alpha > 1, goes as logt\log t for α=1\alpha = 1, and saturates for α<1\alpha< 1. The probability density has two different scales corresponding to directions along and perpendicular to the boundary. In the former case, the characteristic scale is X(t)t1/αX(t) \sim t^{1/\alpha}. In the latter case the scale is Y(t)A+Bt11/αY(t) \sim A + B t^{1-1/\alpha} for α1\alpha \neq 1, and Y(t)lntY(t) \sim \ln t for α=1\alpha = 1. Scaling functions for the probability density are given for various limiting cases.Comment: Published versio

    Climate change mitigation in Chinese megacities: A measures-based analysis of opportunities in the residential sector

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    China’s commitment to the UNFCCC to peak its emissions by 2030, or sooner, signaled a long anticipated shift in China’s model of development with far reaching consequences. Cities in China, and particularly the residential sector in cities, will be charged with making significant reductions in emissions growth even as rates of urbanization continue to climb. Focusing on Beijing and Shanghai, this paper carries out a measures-based economic analysis of low carbon investment opportunities in the residential sector. Results find significant opportunity: between 2015 and 2030, BAU levels of CO2 emissions could be reduced by 10.2% in Beijing and 6.8% in Shanghai with the adoption of economically attractive low carbon measures. While these headline results underline the case for low carbon investment in the residential sectors of these megacities in China, a closer analysis provides insights for understanding the economics of decarbonisation in cities more generally

    Statistical experimental methods for optimizing the cultivating conditions for Rhodococcus erythropolis

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    Rhodococcus erythropolis was found to effectively degrade aflatoxin Bl produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. However, one problem of concern was the slow growth of this strain. In this study, Plackett–Burman design was used to select the most important variables, namely, temperature, pH, inoculum size, liquid volume, agitation speed and culture time that affected the growth of R. erythropolis. Central composite experimental design and response surface analysis were adopted to derive a statistical model for optimizing the culture conditions. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the optimum parameters were: temperature, 15.3°C; pH, 5.56; inoculum size, 4%; liquid volume, 70 ml in 250 ml flask; agitation speed, 180 rpm; and culture time, 58.2 h. At this optimum point, the populations of the viable organisms could reach 108 colony forming units (CFU)/ml, which was 100 times higher than that incubated under the initial conditions. After 58.2 h incubation in this optimum cultivating conditions, 53.9 ± 2.1% of aflatoxin B1 was degraded, while only 20.6±1.4% of aflatoxin B1 was degraded in the initial conditions.Key words: Rhodococcus erythropolis, culture condition, optimization, Plackett–Burman design, central composite design, response surface methodology

    Prediction of a High Temperature Bonding Condition at the Interface for the Hot-Rolled Stainless Steel Clad Plate on Rolling

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    The stainless steel-carbon steel clad plate was investigated using the theoretical analysis of various factors influencing the high-temperature interfacial bonding during its rolling. Phenomenological prediction analysis model of interfacial bonding strength at high temperature which considers the vacuum depth, rolling temperature, and rolling reduction, was established. The specific thermal simulation experiment was designed, the bonding strength of carbon steel and stainless steel at 1000~1200°C and compression degree of 10~30% was measured by a Gleeble 3500 thermal simulator, as a result, the interfacial bonding ratio was obtained. The results show that the bonding ratio is 0.5-0.65 at the experimental temperature and compression degree. The numerical simulation method was used to analyze the influence of the compression degree of the first pass for a 2000×1500×100 mm stainless steel clad plate under the interfacial bonding condition. The simulation results show that the optimum compression degree of the first pass is 15-20% at the rolling temperature of 1200°C.Листовая углеродистая сталь, плакированная нержавеющей сталью, исследована с помощью теоретического анализа различных факторов, влияющих на высокотемпературное межповерхностное сцепление при ее прокатке, феноменологической модели прогнозного анализа прочности межповерхностного сцепления при высокой температуре, которая учитывает глубину разрежения, температуру прокатки и обжатие при прокатке. Подготовлен специальный эксперимент с моделированием температурного режима, прочность сцепления углеродистой и нержавеющей сталей при 1000–1200°С и степени обжатия 10~30% измерена с помощью моделирующего устройства с регулируемым температурным режимом Gleeble 3500, получена относительная прочность межповерхностного сцепления. Показано, что при температуре и степени обжатия, принятых в эксперименте, относительная прочность сцепления составляет 0.50–0.65. Метод численного моделирования использован для анализа влияния степени обжатия за первый пропуск пластины плаплакированной нержавеющей сталью размером 2000×1500×100 мм на межповерхностное сцепление. Оптимальная степень обжатия за первый пропуск составляет 15–20% при температуре прокатки 1200°С