217 research outputs found

    Poznolatenska železna čelada iz Ljubljanice

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    Utjecaj Europskog suda za ljudska prava na postupak posvojenja u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    In numerous cases related to adoption, the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter: ECtHR) emphasized the importance of a comprehensive approach to the adoption procedure as well as the best interest of the child, taking into account all the circumstances of the case. The denial of the right to consent to adoption leads to the violation of human rights, which is especially manifested to vulnerable social groups. The ECtHR also determined this type of violation of rights in the “Croatian cases” - X. v. Croatia and A.K. and L. v. Croatia, which dealt with the violation of the rights of persons with mental disabilities, more precisely, parents deprived of legal capacity and the right to parental care. The shortcomings determined by the ECtHR influenced the change of the adoption paradigm in the new Croatian family legislation from 2015. Therefore, the paper highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to the adoption procedure by analyzing the Croatian family legislation and jurisprudence of the ECtHR related to “Croatian cases”. Likewise, newer cases decided by the ECtHR are analyzed, from which guidelines for further improvement of the adoption procedure and the protection of fundamental human rights are derived.U brojnim predmetima povezanim s posvojenjem, Europski sud za ljudska prava (u daljnjem tekstu: ESLJP) istaknuo je važnost sveobuhvatnoga pristupa postupku posvojenja te najboljeg interesa djeteta, uzimajući u obzir sve okolnosti slučaja. Uskraćivanje prava na pristanak na posvojenje dovodi do kršenja ljudskih prava, što se posebno očituje u odnosu na ranjive društvene skupine. Takav oblik povrede prava ESLJP je utvrdio i u „hrvatskim predmetima” - X. protiv Hrvatske te A.K. i L. protiv Hrvatske. U njima se bavio povredom prava osoba s duševnim smetnjama, točnije roditelja lišenih poslovne sposobnosti i prava na roditeljsku skrb. Nedostatci koje je utvrdio utjecali su na promjenu paradigme posvojenja u novom hrvatskom obiteljskom zakonodavstvu iz 2015. godine. Stoga se u radu ističe važnost cjelovitoga pristupa postupku posvojenja analizirajući hrvatsko obiteljsko zakonodavstvo i judikaturu ESLJP-a vezanu za „hrvatske predmete”. Također se analiziraju i noviji predmeti iz kojih proizlaze smjernice za daljnje unaprjeđenje postupka posvojenja i zaštite temeljnih ljudskih prava

    When is blockholding growth enhanced?

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    In this paper we test productivity differences among groups of firms with multiple controls. By using an exceptionally reach database, consisting of more than 4,000 Slovenian firms, each employing at least 50 employees or having their assets larger than two million euros (two criteria defining a small firm), and containing the information of firms’ ten largest owners and their financial statements for the period 2006-2014, we design all possible minimal controlling coalition types up to three dominant owners and examine which minimal controlling coalition type generates the highest expected total factor productivity (TFP). We show that the optimal blockholding coalition type, consistingof two members coalitions without dominant owners,was able to attain short-term efficiency of dispersed owners.Other blockholdingcoalition types stayed behind. A simple behavioristic principle is observed: short term efficiency of controlling coalition type decreases with the number of dominant owners and increases with the number of potential controlling (minimal) coalitions with different dominant owners. Keywords: multiple shareholders, minimal controlling coalition, corporate governance, productivity of fir

    Opravdanost teze o sistemski značajnim bankama u RH : Diplomski rad

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    Glavni cilj ovoga rada je analizirati važnost sistemski važnih banaka i njihov utjecaj na stabilnost globalnog i nacionalnih financijskih sustava. Globalna financijska kriza je dokazala da poremećaji u poslovanju i stečaj sistemski važnih banaka imaju značajne negativne posljedice na stabilnost financijskih sustava. Zbog nedostatka financijskih sredstava za saniranje sistemski važnih banaka, nadležna tijela prihvaćaju preventivni regulatorni sustav koji obvezuje regulatore na identifikaciju sistemski važnih banaka, Bazel 3. U skladu s Bazelom 3 sistemski važne banke će biti predmet posebne regulacije s ciljem sprječavanje njihove propasti, što je financijski mnogo racionalnije i efikasnije nego sanacija. Hrvatska Narodna Banka, u svrhu očuvanja stabilnosti hrvatskog financijskog sustava, identificira sistemski važne banke u svom okruženju te im nameće posebnu regulaciju kako bi smanjila vjerojatnost njihove propasti zbog velikih financijskih posljedica.The main goal of this paper is to analyze the importance of systemically important banks and their influence on stability of global and national financial systems. Global financial crisis has proved that disorders and failures of systemically important banks have significant negative consequences on stability of financial systems. Due to the lack of money for restructuring systemically important banks, competent authorities accepted preventive regulatory system which commits regulators to identify systemically important banks, Basel 3. In accordance with Basel 3, systemically important banks will be subject of specific regulation with the aim of preventing their failure, which is financially much more effective and rational than bank restructuring and rehabilitation. Croatian National Bank, in order to preserve the stability of Croatian financial system, identifies systemically important banks in its own business environment and imposes them special regulation to reduce the likelihood of their failure because of the huge financial consequences

    The belt-buckle with Bacchus from “Romuliana”

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    Predmet ovoga rada su dvije iznimne pozlaćene srebrne pojasne kopče s mitološkim prizorima Bakha, Pana i jedne menade, koje su navodno pronađene u okolici Zaječara, najvjerojatnije u području rimskoga središta ROMULIANA. Izvrsna usporedba za kopču dolazi odnekle iz „Male Azije”, s prizorima Apolona i Dafne, kao i lovačkim prizorima koji možda prikazuju Belerofonta i Himeru. Obje su kopče bile vezane uz najviše vojne činove u kasnoantičkom društvu, a vjerojatno su proizvedene u istočnim radionicama, možda u Konstantinopolu. Prisutnost obje kopče potvrđuje istaknutu ulogu tog istočnoga dijela Rimskoga Carstva, kao i Romuliane, u razdoblju oko 400. godine.The article deals with two extraordinary gilded silver belt buckles with mythological scenes representing Bacchus, Pan, and a Maenad, reportedly found in the surroundings of Zaječar, most likely in the area of the Roman centre of ROMULIANA. The belt buckles have an excellent parallel from somewhere in “Asia Minor” with scenes of Apollo and Daphne, as well as hunting scenes, perhaps displaying Bellerophon and Chimera. Both belt buckles were associated with the highest military rank of Late Roman society, and probably produced in eastern workshops, perhaps in Constantinople. The presence of both belt buckles confirms the prominent role of this eastern part of the Roman Empire, and of Romuliana, in the period around 400 AD

    Bosanc, čefur, Izbrisani — The Immigrant from the Former Yugoslav Republics in a Slovenian Feature Film

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    From the 1960s to the present day, immigrants have come to Slovenia mainly from the repub-lics/countries of the former Yugoslavia. Their appearance in Slovenian society caused a sense of threat to their own culture. Mutual relations between Slovenes and newcomers were deter-mined from the very beginning by cultural and linguistic barriers that have not disappeared to this day. The film did not remain indifferent to this situation. The plots of the few films made between 1965 and 2018 deal with the topic of immigrants and their functioning in Slo-venian society, primarily criticizing the intolerant attitude of the hosts. Using stereotypical representations of immigrants and Slovenes, they playfully or tragically emphasize inequal-ities in their relations, as well as the privileged position of some and the marginalization of others. Although Slovenia is widely recognized as a country open to multiculturalism, which identifies itself with the European values of respect for every individual and respect for basic human rights, the films presented create a crack in this image, showing Slovenes as an intol-erant, even xenophobic society. This reluctance towards a stranger, however, focuses only on newcomers from other countries of the former Yugoslavia, who seem to be seen as a collective with unequivocally negative characteristics

    Izbori za Europski parlament – analiza trendova izlaznosti

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    Unatoč inkluzivno postavljenom modelu demokracije, participacija europskih građana u njemu sve je manja, za što se objašnjenje može pronaći u činjenici da je Europska unija po pitanju krucijalnih problema pokazala svoje slabosti i neučinkovitost u postupanju, što se posljedično preslikava i na interes građana za sudjelovanje u demokratskim procesima. Zbog toga postoje značajne razlike u izlaznosti na izbore za Europski parlament, a ona je vidljiva i na razini pojedinih država. Odaziv birača najveći je u starim državama članicama koje kao kreatorice koncepta Europske unije uspijevaju promovirati europske vrijednosti i osjećaj pripadnosti Europskoj uniji, dok je izlaznost u pojedinim državama članicama daleko ispod europskog prosjeka, što i ne čudi s obzirom da u tim državama još uvijek nisu u potpunosti prepoznati demokratski potencijali koje nudi Europska unija


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    Državljanstvo predstavlja pravni odnos između države i pojedinca iz kojeg proizlaze prava i obveze, a suvremenom regulacijom državljanstvo se javlja kao čimbenik oblikovanja državnog suvereniteta. Na njegovo oblikovanje utječu sociološki i pravni čimbenici čijom komplementarnošću nastaje jedinstven pojam, a koji sadrže brojna zakonodavstva. Zakon o hrvatskom državljanstvu donesen je 1991. godine i kao većina europskih državljanskih zakona, tako se i ovaj Zakon temelji na ius sanguinis kao temeljnom obliku stjecanja hrvatskog državljanstva. Ulaskom u Europsku uniju 2013. godine, hrvatski državljani postaju i europski građani. Pojam europskog građanstva (ili državljanstva) predstavlja posebnu pravnu vezu koju državljani država članica imaju prema Europskoj uniji kao nadnacionalnoj tvorevini, a koju automatizmom stječu i gube. Ta pravna veza proizvodi brojna prava koja, među ostalim, uključuju slobodu kretanja, biračko pravo i druga. Živeći desetljećima u zajedničkoj državnoj zajednici, Hrvatska i države zapadnog Balkana imaju niz sličnosti, ali i različitosti kod uređivanja državljanskog zakonodavstva. Razlike u zakonodavstvu očituju se ponajprije s obzirom na pitanje stjecanja državljanstva naturalizacijom, pri čemu pojedine države postavljaju strože uvjete za ovaj način stjecanja državljanstva (gdje se smješta i Hrvatska). Sve to ukazuje kako državljanstvo može utjecati na državni suverenitet kao temeljnu odliku države. Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati složenost tematike državljanstva ponajprije s pravnog aspekta, osobito analizom hrvatskog pravnog okvira te ukratko ukazati na normativno uređenje susjednih država, tzv. zemalja zapadnog Balkana. Može se zaključiti kako državljanstvo ima i pravni i sociološki aspekt te kako njihova međusobna kombinacija opravdava i tezu odlike državnog suvereniteta.Citizenship represents a legal relationship between the state and the individual, from which rights and obligations arise, and by modern regulation, citizenship appears as a factor in shaping state sovereignty, which is influenced by the sociological and legal factors whose complementarity creates a unique concept and that include numerous laws. The Croatian Citizenship Act was passed in 1991, and like the majority of European citizenship acts, this Act is also based on ius sanguinis as the fundamental form of acquiring Croatian citizenship. By joining the European Union in 2013, Croatian citizens also became European citizens. The concept of European citizenship (or citizenship) represents a special legal link that the citizens of the Member States have towards the European Union as a supranational institution, which is acquired and lost automatically. This legal link produces numerous rights, which, inter alia, include freedom of movement, electoral law and others. Having lived in one state for decades, Croatia and the Western Balkan countries share a number of not only similarities but also differences in relation to the regulation of national legislation. Legislative differences are manifested primarily with regard to the question of acquiring citizenship on the grounds of naturalization, with certain states imposing stricter conditions for acquiring citizenship in this way (Croatia is also part of this group). All this indicates that citizenship can influence state sovereignty as a fundamental feature of the state. The aim of this paper is to present the complexity of citizenship, primarily from the legal aspect, especially by analyzing the Croatian legal framework and briefly pointing out a normative arrangement of neighboring states, the so-called Western Balkan countries. It can be concluded that citizenship has both a legal and a sociological aspect and that their mutual combination justifies the hypothesis of state sovereignty

    Spatial optimization of Rijeka city functions

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    Neracionalna organizacija prostora predstavlja velik problem i izazov za prostorne planere. Kako bi riješili taj problem, prostorni planeri se služe različitim skupovima metoda i tehnika među koje spada i prostorna optimizacija. Predmet rada je primijeniti metode i tehnike prostorne optimizacije u reorganizaciji funkcionalno-prostorne strukture Grada Rijeke. Cilj je predstaviti prostornu optimizaciju kao skup tehnika i metoda kojima se nastoji postići racionalna alokacija funkcionalnih zona čime se postiže veća dostupnost gradskih funkcija, to jest kvalitetnija funkcionalno-prostorna struktura, a sve to uz minimalne financijske troškove i na maksimalno ekološki prihvatljiv način. Kako bi se to postiglo formirani su model alokacije (simulira stanje funkcionalno-prostorne strukture Grada Rijeke 2050. godine nakon provedbe prostorna optimizacija), i model promjene (predviđa stanje funkcionalno-prostorne strukture Grada Rijeke 2050. godine u slučaju da ne dođe do prostorne optimizacije ). Usporedba rezultata dana je u obliku dva različita scenarija pri čemu scenarij koji sadrži prostornu optimizacijom ukazuje na bolju kompaktnost i raznovrsnost funkcionalnih zona, odnosno funkcionalno-prostorne strukture nego scenarij koji ne sadrži prostornu optimizaciju. Metode korištene u radu su više-agentni sustavi, genetski algoritmi, optimizacija kolonijom mrava, analize u GIS-u, terenski rad, metoda deskripcije, metoda analogije, matematičko modeliranje, metoda scenarija, ćelijski automati, umjetne neuronske mreže, troškovna metoda procjene nekretnina, statističke i geostatističke analize te metode krajobrazne metrike.Irrational spatial organization is a major problem and challenge for spatial planners. To solve this problem, spatial planners use different sets of methods and techniques, including spatial optimization. The subject of this paper is to apply methods and techniques of spatial optimization in the reorganization of the functional-spatial structure of the City of Rijeka. The aim is to present spatial optimization as a set of techniques and methods that seek to achieve rational allocation of functional zones, thereby achieving greater accessibility of urban functions, that is, a better functional-spatial structure, all with minimal financial costs and in the most environmentally friendly manner. In order to achieve this, an allocation model (simulating the state of the functional-spatial structure of the City of Rijeka in 2050 after spatial optimization), and a model of change ( predicts the state of the functional-spatial structure City of Rijeka in 2050 in case there is no spatial optimization) were formed. The comparison of the results is in the form of two different scenarios, with the scenario containing spatial optimization indicating better compactness and diversity of functional zones, that is, functional-spatial structure than the scenario containing no spatial optimization. The methods used in the work are multi-agent systems, genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, GIS analysis, fieldwork, descriptive method, analogy method, mathematical modelling, scenario method, cellular automata, artificial neural networks, real estate costing method, statistical and geostatistical analysis and methods of landscape metric