15 research outputs found

    Expansion of Agriculture in Northern Cold-Climate Regions: A Cross-Sectoral Perspective on Opportunities and Challenges

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    Agriculture in the boreal and Arctic regions is perceived as marginal, low intensity and inadequate to satisfy the needs of local communities, but another perspective is that northern agriculture has untapped potential to increase the local supply of food and even contribute to the global food system. Policies across northern jurisdictions target the expansion and intensification of agriculture, contextualized for the diverse social settings and market foci in the north. However, the rapid pace of climate change means that traditional methods of adapting cropping systems and developing infrastructure and regulations for this region cannot keep up with climate change impacts. Moreover, the anticipated conversion of northern cold-climate natural lands to agriculture risks a loss of up to 76% of the carbon stored in vegetation and soils, leading to further environmental impacts. The sustainable development of northern agriculture requires local solutions supported by locally relevant policies. There is an obvious need for the rapid development of a transdisciplinary, cross-jurisdictional, long-term knowledge development, and dissemination program to best serve food needs and an agricultural economy in the boreal and Arctic regions while minimizing the risks to global climate, northern ecosystems and communities

    Claims to a nation, dressing the part and other boundary making strategies by skilled migrants in response to ethnic categorization

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    This article is about self-defined social identities, other people's perceptions of us and the potentially conflictual relationship between these two. Building on a Barthian focus on group boundaries, the article takes the interplay between external categorizations and internal group definitions as its point of departure to examine how individuals negotiate the boundaries of their social identities. Based on a case study of skilled migrants with racialized ethnicities in Finland, I look at how they express their self-defined identity as well-to-do, skilled professionals in the face of contradicting categorizations of them as unskilled , lower-class migrant subjects. I identify two types of complementary approaches employed by the skilled migrants in boundary making strategies to their identity negotiations: those de-emphasizing ethnicity (or its importance), and those emphasizing class status. These approaches are two sides of the same coin; coming from different perspectives, they both aim at a more positively viewed identity, and for individuals to be seen as well-to-do, educated, working professionals, rather than as ethnic migrant subjects. As such, the article also highlights the interconnection of class and ethnicity for the social identities of skilled migrants in Finland.This article is about self-defined social identities, other people’s perceptions of us and the potentially conflictual relationship between these two. Building on a Barthian focus on group boundaries, the article takes the interplay between external categorizations and internal group definitions as its point of departure to examine how individuals negotiate the boundaries of their social identities. Based on a case study of skilled migrants with racialized ethnicities in Finland, I look at how they express their self-defined identity as well-to-do, skilled professionals in the face of contradicting categorizations of them as un-skilled, lower-class migrant subjects. I identify two types of complementary approaches employed by the skilled migrants in boundary making strategies to their identity negotiations: those de-emphasizing ethnicity (or its importance), and those emphasizing class status. These approaches are two sides of the same coin; coming from different perspectives, they both aim at a more positively viewed identity, and for individuals to be seen as well-to-do, educated, working professionals, rather than as ethnic migrant subjects. As such, the article also highlights the interconnection of class and ethnicity for the social identities of skilled migrants in Finland.Peer reviewe

    Are the target exposure index and deviation index used efficiently?

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink belowExposure index (EI) is important to evaluate correct exposure in radiography and thus important for image quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the target exposure index (EIT) and deviation index (DI) were used efficiently.Introduction: Exposure index (EI) is important to evaluate correct exposure in radiography and thus important for image quality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the target exposure index (EIT) and deviation index (DI) were used efficiently. Methods: Radiography departments in Iceland, using <10 years old equipment, were invited to participate. For each x-ray unit, admin users were asked about the use of EIT and data was gathered on EIT for five body parts (BP); lumbar spine, chest, hip, knee and hand. For each of the five BP, 100 examinations from the past year were selected randomly (or all, if < 100). The EI from one predefined view was recorded and the corresponding DI calculated. Results: A total of ten x-ray units, from four manufacturers and located at eight departments, were included in the study. The departments involved are comprised of a university hospital, smaller hospitals, and miscellaneous private departments. Two departments (25%) had not set EIT, five (62.5%) used default values and only one had revised EIT values. In four departments (50%) radiographers favored "acceptable EI range" over DI. The mean EI was significantly different (p < 0.05) from the EIT in the majority of the five BP, in four out of the six departments that had defined EIT. In total 30% of images from all departments combined had DI outside the range of -3.0 < DI < +3.0. The standard deviation of DI was from 1.4 to 2.7. Conclusion: The study shows that the EIT and DI are not used efficiently, regardless of equipment vendor or department characteristics. Implications for practice: Current recommendations on targeting the mean DI of 0 need to be reinforced. Theoretical knowledge and training need to be improved. Keywords: Digital radiography; Dose indicator; Dose optimization; Radiation exposure

    Frá stofnanavæðingu til sjálfstæðs lífs : vistheimilið Sólborg

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    Verkefni þetta er 10 eininga lokaverkefni til B.A.-prófs við Menntavísindasvið í þroskaþjálfafræði við Háskóla Íslands vorönn 2014. Vinna við verkefnið hófst í janúarmánuði og lauk á vormánuðum 2014. Um er að ræða heimildaritgerð og markmiðið okkar með verkinu var að skoða stofnanavæðingu á Íslandi á 20. öld. Höfundar beina sjónum að því hver þróunin hefur orðið í lagaumhverfi fatlaðs fólks frá fyrstu lögum sem voru sett árið 1936. Við skoðum helstu sjónarhorn og skilgreiningar í fötlunarfræðum. Til að varpa ljósi á aðstæður fólks á stofnunum fjölluðum við um lífssögur tveggja einstaklinga sem bjuggu á stofnunum. Aðalkaflinn í verkinu er um Vistheimilið Sólborg sem var fimmta sólarhringsstofnunin á landinu og var starfrækt á Akureyri á árunum 1969-1996. Við beinum sjónum okkar að því hvernig það kom til að stofnunin var sett á laggirnar í ljósi þeirrar hugmyndafræði sem var ríkjandi og hvernig það tengist þeirri hugmyndafræði sem hefur tekið við

    Exterior oblique view of Bovee House [6] [picture].

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    Part of the collection: Eric Milton Nicholls collection.; Condition: Yellowing and brittle on edges.; Title by captioner derived from Vernon inventory; "Bovee"--On front of image, top right in pencil.; Photograph probably taken by Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin.; Also available in electronic version via the Internet at: http://nla.gov.au/nla.pic-vn3603884-s766; Purchased from Marie and Glynn Nicholls, 2006.; Vernon inventory, Pt. II/3 No.4

    Self-Study Methodology: An Emerging Approach for Practitioner Research in Europe

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    © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.This chapter highlights the European contribution to the growing knowledge about self-study methodology. Europe is a patchwork of countries, cultures and languages. Looking at teacher educators in Europe, we see a broad variation in background, tasks and opportunities for professional development and self-study research.In this chapter we firstly map the development of self-study research in Europe which has mainly been the work of individuals and small groups. Then we focus on four countries that are in the forefront: England, Iceland, Ireland and the Netherlands. In all four countries self-study has proved to be a useful and stimulating way to aid the transition from being a teacher - or researcher - to becoming a teacher educator. Self-study methodology not only supported the understanding and development of the teacher education practice, but also led to identity development. Most helpful proved to be working together and mentoring, and sharing results publicly. In this context the role of the biannual S-STEP Castle Conference in England, which offers European self-study researchers to connect with colleagues from North America and Australia, plays an important role

    Report on OnVu label evaluation during the wet trial in Iceland November 2009

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    The objective of this study was to validate the performance of the OnVuTM time temperature indicator (TTI) labels and prove the use of such labels under practical conditions during storage of cod loins, in both expanded polystyrene (EPS) boxes and retail packages. This was done by finding the appropriate initial charging value of the labels in agreement with the product time temperature history, finding a suitable position of the labels on the packages and by investigating whether the shelf life, as indicated by the colour change of the TTI labels, was in agreement with sensory, chemical and/or microbiological predictions of the shelf life of cod loins after different storage treatments. Three different storage treatments were studied i) a fresh cod supply chain scenario from packaging to consumption without abuse during transportation; ii) a fresh cod supply chain scenario from packaging to consumption with six-hour abuse during transportation and iii) a fresh cod supply chain back-up scenario from packaging to consumption including superchilled storage (whole simulation at Matis laboratory). Shelf lives predicted by TTI on bottom tray surface and predicted by the SSSP (Seafood Spoilage & Safety Predictor) square-root spoilage model (based on product temperature) were in good agreement for all storage treatments. Placement of TTI labels with the initial square value of 61 on the bottom surface of the retail trays stored at 0.5 C also gave similar shelf life as the product shelf life declared by sensory evaluation. It is therefore, suggested to stick the labels on the bottom of trays to monitor the shelf life of the product. The kinetic model of Kreyenschmidt et al. (2010) for TTI labels worked well with data from non-abuse storage at temperatures below 2 C, which indicates the potential to extend their quality contour diagram to low temperatures so that a charging level can be defined to suit the shelf life of a product stored under the same conditions. However, the shelf life predicted by the TTI labels for the superchilled treatment was overestimated, due to observed temperature fluctuations in the cooling simulator, which led to freeze damage of the muscle, and thus reduction of real shelf life. TTIs should therefore not be used for temperatures below -1°C, since TTIs cannot predict shelf life reduction due to freeze damage.Markmiðið var að sannreyna virkni OnVuTM TTI (time temperature indicator) merkja við raunverulegar aðstæður við geymslu á þorskhnökkum í kæli, bæði í EPS (expanded polystyrene) kössum og í neytendapakkningum. Könnuð voru áhrif mismunandi upphafshleðslu TTI merkjanna og staðsetningu þeirra á umbúðum til að ákvarða gildi sem gæfi sambærilegan líftíma (samkvæmt litabreytingu) við mismunandi hita- og tímaálag og geymsluþol vörunnar miðað við skynmat og efna – og örvermælingar og /eða spágildi um líftíma vörunnar við mismunandi umhverfisaðstæður. Þrenns konar geymslu og flutninga aðstæður voru skoðaðar fyrir fersk þorskflök/hnakka frá pökkun til neytenda i) án hitaálags; ii) sex tíma hitaálag; iii) ofurkæling (kælihermar Matís). Geymsluþol áætlað með TTI merkjum á yfirborði geymslupakkninga (bottom) var í samræmi við niðurstöður spálíkans byggt á “square root” líkani (SSSP Seafood Spoilage and Safety Predictor), þar sem notast var við skráningar á hitastigi vörunnar. TTI merki sem staðsett voru á botni neytendapakkninga með upphafs gildi 61 gáfu sambærilegar niðurstöður um geymsluþol við 0,5 C og skynmat. Því er mælt með staðsetningu á TTI merkjum á botni pakkninga til að fylgjast með geymsluþoli. Hraðafræðilíkan Kreyenschmidt o.fl. (2010) reyndist vel fyrir gögn úr tilraunum við geymsluhitastig undir 2 C, þar sem ekki var um að ræða hitaálag. Það bendir til þess að hægt sé að aðlaga líkanið að lágum geymsluhita og ákvarða upphafshleðslu merkjanna í samræmi við skilgreint geymsluþol vöru við viðkomandi aðstæður. Hins vegar reyndist geymsluþol við ofurkælingu samkvæmt TTI merkjum vera ofáætlað. Hugsanleg skýring er sú að miklar sveiflur voru á hitastigi í kælihermunum, sem gæti hafa orsakað frostskemmdir í fiskvöðva og þar af leiðandi haft áhrif á styttra geymsluþol. TTI merki henta því ekki til að spá fyrir um geymsluþol við aðstæður undir -1°C, þar sem hætta er á að frostskemmdir geti átt sér stað.EC-funded project CHILL-ON (FP6-016333-2) entitled “Developing and integrating novel technologies to improve safety, transparency and quality assurance of the chilled/frozen food supply chain - test case fish and poultry” United Nations University - Fisheries Training Programm