361 research outputs found

    Oral health in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis : Caries, plaque, gingival bleeding, and oral health-related quality of life

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    Munnhelsen blant norske barn og unge med juvenil idiopatisk artritt (JIA) er ukjent. Internasjonale studier som fokuserer pÄ munnhelsen hos denne pasientgruppen, viser motstridende resultater, samtidig som kvaliteten pÄ forskningen som er utfÞrt spriker. JIA omfatter ulike sykdomskategorier med distinkte egenskaper, noe som medfÞrer at forebyggende tiltak rettet mot denne pasientgruppen er avhengig av mer kunnskap. Det overordnede mÄlet med avhandlingen var Ä undersÞke mulige forskjeller nÄr det gjelder karies, plakk, gingival blÞdning og munnhelserelatert livskvalitet mellom unge individer med JIA og en kontrollgruppe uten JIA. I tillegg var delmÄl Ä vurdere om sosiale-, adferdsmessige - og munnhulefaktorer pÄvirket de observerte forskjellene i tannhelse, vurdere effekten av klynge data og evaluere variasjonen i karies og periodontale tilstander pÄ flate-nivÄ. Et ytterligere delmÄl var Ä mÄle variasjoner i tannhelse etter JIA spesifikke karakteristika. Hypotesen var at unge individer med JIA har dÄrligere munnhelse og opplever dÄrligere munnhelserelatert livskvalitet enn jevnaldrende uten JIA. Deltakerne, 4-16 Är gamle med JIA (n=224) og matchete kontroller (n=224), fikk indekstenner undersÞkt mellom 2015-2018 av kalibrerte tannleger ved hjelp av anerkjente mÄleinstrumenter. JIA-spesifikke karakteristika ble vurdert av barnerevmatologer, og sosiodemografiske, adferdsmessige og selv-rapporterte munnhelseopplysninger ble innsamlet ved hjelp av spÞrreskjema og intervju. FlernivÄ analyser viste signifikant sammenheng mellom JIA status og plakk, og gingival blÞdning, men ikke for karies. Forskjeller mellom JIA- og kontrollgruppen med hensyn til munnhelserelatert livskvalitet var avhengig av type analyse og gav ikke entydige resultater. Lav utdanning blant mÞdre Þkte signifikant risikoen for karies. Jenter 12-16 Är gamle med JIA hadde Þkt sannsynlighet for Ä rapportere om pÄvirket livskvalitet. Signifikant interaksjon mellom karies og plakk pÄ flate-nivÄ og gruppetilhÞrighet ble pÄvist i det permanente tannsettet. Økt sannsynlighet for approksimal-karies (i.e., mesial) var merkbar blant JIA gruppen i det permanente tannsettet. Klynge-effektene demonstrerte behovet for flernivÄ analyser. Visse JIA spesifikke karakteristika, ofte forenelig med et mer alvorlig sykdomsforlÞp, indikerte Þkt risiko for pÄvirket munnhelse. Det kan konkluderes med at hypotesen om dÄrligere munnhelse blant unge med JIA sammenlignet med jevnaldrende, bekreftes for de periodontale tilstandene, men ikke for karies og munnhelserelatert livskvalitet mÄlt ved generiske instrumenter. Forebyggende tiltak har stort potensiale blant barn og unge med JIA; Þkt fokus er nÞdvendig pÄ flere plan, ogsÄ blant de som ikke er tannhelsepersonell, for Ä oppnÄ best mulig helse blant unge individer med JIA.Oral health in Norwegian children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is undetermined. International studies report inconsistent findings, and high-quality research is called for. JIA encompasses a heterogeneous group of disease categories, and the distinct characteristics must be accounted for when evaluating this group of patients. The main objective of this multicenter cross-sectional study was to explore whether the outcome variables caries, plaque, gingival bleeding, and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) differ between young individuals with JIA compared to controls without JIA. Additionally, explore whether socio-behavioral and intraoral characteristics affect the outcomes and whether these covariates vary according to group affiliation on impacted OHRQoL. Multilevel modeling facilitated caries and periodontal exploration at surface-level and cluster effect measures. Association between JIA-specific features and the outcomes was evaluated. We hypothesized that young individuals with JIA have poorer oral health than their peers. Participants, 4-16-year-olds with JIA (n=224) and their matched controls (n=224), were assessed, according to index-teeth and internationally acknowledged indices, during 2015-2018 by calibrated dentists. Pediatric rheumatologists evaluated JIA-specific characteristics, and socio-demographic, behavioral, and self-reported oral health information was collected through questionnaires and personal interviews. Adjusted mixed effects logistic regression showed a significant association between JIA status and plaque, and gingival bleeding, but not for caries. JIA status was significantly associated with impacted OHRQoL by application of negative binomial regression amongst the youngest (4-11 years) but not amongst the participants from 12 years; ordinary logistic regression did not show any significant associations in any age groups. Low maternal educational level was significantly associated with caries. Female adolescents (12-16 years) with JIA were more likely to report OHRQoL impacts. Surface-specific caries and plaque in the permanent dentition varied among the two groups. A trend of increased caries susceptibility on approximal surfaces (i.e., mesial) of permanent molars was apparent in the JIA group. Cluster effects warranted the application of multilevel modeling. Some JIA-specific features, often consistent with a more severe disease course, are suggested to increase susceptibility to impaired oral health. In conclusion, the hypothesis of poorer oral health in young individuals with JIA compared to peers was confirmed for the periodontal outcomes but not for caries and OHRQoL measured by generic instruments. The potential of preventive strategies among young individuals with JIA is considerable; increased focus beyond the dental disciplines is needed to achieve the best possible outcomes.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Cantons de Marchaux, Pontarlier, Pont-de-Roide, Roulans, Valentigney (Doubs), Arinthod, Champagnole, Salins-les-Bains (Jura), Rougemont-le-Chateau (Territoire de Belfort)

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    Le rapport de prospection Franche-Comté 2000 intéresse essentiellement la montagne jurassienne ; il contient quatorze déclarations de sites ou trouvailles isolées qui concernent trois départements : le Doubs, le Jura et le Territoire de Belfort avec respectivement neuf, quatre et une déclaration. Les découvertes distinguent un site inédit, trois sites répertoriés et dix trouvailles isolées. Toutes les périodes chronologiques sont concernées. Principales découvertes dans le département du Doub..

    Le camp de Cita Ă  Échenoz-la-MĂ©line

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    Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2001 (ME) Le camp de Cita (Échenoz-la-MĂ©line, Haute-SaĂŽne), qui domine au sud la dĂ©pression de Vesoul, est un site de type Ă©peron barrĂ© (rempart en pierre) dont la surface couvre Ă  peu prĂšs 3 ha. L’occupation protohistorique est attestĂ©e au Hallstatt D3 et supposĂ© au Hallstatt C, grĂące Ă  la dĂ©couverte de mobilier connu par des ramassages de surfaces et un sondage situĂ© au nord de l’éperon (Morin, 1971 ; 1973). Les nouvelles dĂ©couvertes viennent confirmer les occupations ..

    Diary of a playwright : from words to action in 3 acts

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    Masteroppgave i praktisk kunnskap - Nord universitet, 201

    Grisars omedelbara beteende vid doftberikning

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    It is common knowledge that pigs are used to search for truffles and that their sense of smell is well developed. Still, there is not much research about pigs’ sense of smell and therefore the aim of this study is to describe which behaviours the pigs perform immediately when exposed to scent enrichment. This study was part of a larger research project about pig olfaction and scent enrichment for pigs. According to Swedish legislation, pigs must have enrichment, to ensure that they have an opportunity to perform their natural behaviours, and thereby reduce problematic behaviours such as tail biting. Before the test started, all pigs were habituated to the experimental pens and equipment. The test included twelve odours (aniseed, blood orange, vanilla, apple, cinnamon bark, musk, pine, jasmine, ginger, thyme, lavender, and cedar wood) and one control (distilled water). Each odour was attached to the test box and was available 3*1 minute, then removed for two minutes. Each test day three scents were tested three times each (total of nine presentations). The whole operation was video recorded, and the immediate behavioural reaction of the pigs was observed. One part of the study was to observe pigs’ behaviour during the first ten seconds. A reaction scale (0-5, where 0 is no reaction and 5 is the strongest reaction) was developed to study the pig’s immediate reaction towards the odours when detecting it for the first time. The average reaction score for the pigs when presented with the odour was 1.10. Some odours were more popular with the pigs, e.g., aniseed, jasmine, and ginger were sniffed more than all other odours. One of the most frequently observed behaviours was sniffing. In total, sniffing the odour was observed in 36% of the odour presentations. Although tail flicking has only previously been described in relation to discomfort, tail flicking was observed as an immediate reaction to blood orange, cinnamon bark and thyme and was not followed by any backing or fleeing from the odour. This may indicate that tail flicking was an autonomous reaction when the olfactory nerve was stimulated. In conclusion sniffing was the most frequently observed behaviour. One behaviour which may be associated with positive stimulus is biting in the hole, where the odours were presented, meanwhile headshaking can be associated with negative stimulus. The results in this study provide information about pigs’ behaviour related to odour and how scent enrichment can be implemented in the pig industry. These findings will contribute to increased knowledge about pigs with potential to improve their welfare. Further research is required before more conclusions can be drawn regarding pigs’ behaviour when exposed to odours

    Til aktiv deltakelse i samfunnet: modeller i norsk rehabilitering. En pasientundersĂžkelse

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    Le camp de Cita Ă  Échenoz-la-MĂ©line

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    Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2001 (ME) Le camp de Cita (Échenoz-la-MĂ©line, Haute-SaĂŽne), qui domine au sud la dĂ©pression de Vesoul, est un site de type Ă©peron barrĂ© (rempart en pierre) dont la surface couvre Ă  peu prĂšs 3 ha. L’occupation protohistorique est attestĂ©e au Hallstatt D3 et supposĂ© au Hallstatt C, grĂące Ă  la dĂ©couverte de mobilier connu par des ramassages de surfaces et un sondage situĂ© au nord de l’éperon (Morin, 1971 ; 1973). Les nouvelles dĂ©couvertes viennent confirmer les occupations ..

    Norway:: Social science education (samfunnsfag) in Norway: A country report

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    Purpose: The current article on social studies in primary and secondary education in Norway covers a range of relevant topics which starts with a brief context of Norwegian society, history and social studies framework. Main topics are the new (2020) curriculum, textbooks analyses, social studies teacher competence and practices followed by research in social studies. Findings: The original data on teacher practice reveal that teachers talking while using textbooks is (still) a dominant form of practice in Norway, but there is a great variety of practices both in and out of school (excursions). The textbooks still aim at being ‘neutral’ and less critical. A new national curriculum from November 2019 emphasises interdisciplinarity subjects, and have less goals than the previous 2006, but is still very specific and rather top down. Some research is presented, the field is under researched, and an outlook is discussed

    “Ethics are generally not in play here”: The neutralization techniques of “the bad boy of pharma” Martin Shkreli

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    AbstractIn 2015, the American company Turing Pharmaceuticals increased the price of the drug Daraprim by 5,000 percent overnight. Politicians and healthcare representatives accused Turing’s CEO, Martin Shkreli, of having harmed both vulnerable patient groups and the healthcare system. The present article aims to attain an understanding of how Shkreli justified increasing the price and restricting the distribution of the drug Daraprim. Statements made by Shkreli in four video interviews were analyzed on the basis of Sykes and Matza’s (1957) theoretical framework of neutralization techniques. All techniques of neutralization were identified. Shkreli shifted the blame to other actors, denied the existence of victims and of harm to the nation’s healthcare system, characterized his accusers as corrupt, and portrayed profit maximization as a more important goal than public health. AbstractÅr 2015 höjde det amerikanska företaget Turing Pharmaceuticals priset pĂ„ lĂ€kemedlet Daraprim med 5000% över en natt. Politiker och representanter inom sjukvĂ„rden beskyllde Turings VD, Martin Shkreli, för att ha skadat bĂ„de sĂ„rbara patientgrupper och sjukvĂ„rdssystemet. Den aktuella artikeln syftar till att nĂ„ en förstĂ„else av hur Shkreli rĂ€ttfĂ€rdigade prishöjningen och den begrĂ€nsade distributionen av Daraprim. Uttalanden frĂ„n Shkreli i fyra intervjuer analyserades enligt Sykes och Matzas (1957) teoretiska ramverk neutralisationstekniker. Samtliga tekniker identifierades. Shkreli skuldbelade andra aktörer, förnekade existensen av offer samt skada pĂ„ det amerikanska sjukvĂ„rdssystemet, skildrade fördömarna som korrupta och framstĂ€llde vinstmaximering som ett viktigare mĂ„l Ă€n folkhĂ€lsa
