482 research outputs found

    Tbx20 - Ein essentieller Regulator der Entwicklung des atrioventrikulÀren Kanals im Zebrafisch

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    Etwa 1 % aller Lebendgeburten leiden unter angeborenen Herzfehlern, von denen viele untherapiert zum Tod durch Herzinsuffizienz fĂŒhren. Um die FrĂŒherkennung von angeborenen Herzfehlern zu erleichtern und TherapieansĂ€tze zu finden, wurden Tiermodelle entwickelt, die es ermöglichen, angeborene Herzfehler detailliert zu erforschen. Weiches herzm245 (whz) ist eine rezessive, embryonal letale Zebrafischmutante, die im Rahmen der funktionellen Genomanalyse durch ENUMutagenese erzeugt wurde. Homozygot-mutante whz-Embryonen entwickeln im Verlauf ihrer Herzentwicklung eine kontraktile Dysfunktion, die zum vollstĂ€ndigen Verlust der Blutzirkulation und damit zum embryonalen Tod fĂŒhrt. Durch histologische und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen von mutanten whz-Embryonen wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt, dass die Entwicklung des atrioventrikulĂ€ren Kanals (AVC) bereits im frĂŒhesten durch molekulare Marker nachweisbaren Entwicklungsstadium inhibiert ist. So entwickeln mutante whz- Embryonen weder AV-Klappen, noch ein spezialisiertes AV-Überleitungssystem, das im Wildtyp (WT) die sequentielle Kontraktion von Atrium und Ventrikel steuert. Die positionelle Klonierung ergab, dass der whz-PhĂ€notyp durch einen Gendefekt in tbx20, einem Tbox-Transkriptionsfaktor, hervorgerufen wird, der zum partiellen Verlust der transkriptorischen Aktivatorfunktion fĂŒhrt. Die loss of function- Mutation in tbx20 wurde durch einen genetischen rescue von whz durch WT-tbx20 bestĂ€tigt. Die durchgefĂŒhrten Analysen kamen zu dem Schluss, dass im Zebrafisch die Entwicklung des AVC durch die synergistische transkriptorische AktivitĂ€t von Tbx20 mit Nkx2.5, Gata5 und Tbx5 reguliert wird und dass bmp4 ein direktes Zielgen von Tbx20 darstellt. Des Weiteren wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit im Zebrafisch eine zweite Isoform von Tbx20, Tbx20b, isoliert, die nicht die Entwicklung des AVCs oder des Herzens, sondern die Angiogenese reguliert. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde festgestellt, dass der FGF-Signalweg sowohl die morphologische als auch die funktionelle Entwicklung des AVCs reguliert und dort möglicherweise durch Tbx20 induziert wird

    Directory of Academic Library Consortia (Book Review)

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    The Role of Long-Chained Marine N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Cardiovascular Disease

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    This paper reviews the current evidence regarding long-chained marine omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), their possible mechanisms of action, and results of clinical trials. Also, primary and secondary prevention trials as studies on antiarrhythmic effects and meta-analyses are summarized. However, the individual bioavailability of n-3 PUFAs along with the highly different study designs and estimations of FAs intake or supplementation dosages in patient populations with different background intake of n-3 PUFAs might be some of the reasons for the inconsistent findings of the studies evaluating the impact of n-3 PUFAs on CVD. The question of an optimum dose of n-3 PUFAs or whether there exists adose-response relation for n-3 PUFA supplementation is widely discussed.Moreover, the difficulties in interpreting meta-analyses are clearly demonstrated by two recently published meta-analyses (Rizos et al. and Delgado Lista et al.), evaluating the efficacy of n-3 PUFAs on CVD, including 12 common studies, but drawing opposite conclusions. We definitely need more large-scale, randomized clinical trials of long duration, also reporting harmful effects of n-3 PUFAs.publishedVersio

    Fotballdommere som "the duck" - Eliteseriedommeres opplevelse og hÄndtering av stress i vanskelige situasjoner

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    Hensikten med denne kvalitative studien er Ă„ sĂžke kunnskap om hvordan Eliteseriedommerne opplever stress og hĂ„ndterer stress i vanskelige situasjoner. Den praktiske implikasjonen med studien er Ă„ rette fokus mot dommerutvikling i form av mental trening og stresshĂ„ndtering. Datagrunnlaget har blitt skapt gjennom semi-strukturerte intervjuer med fire fotballdommere i Eliteserien, med utgangspunkt i to kontroversielle situasjoner de selv har vĂŠrt i sentrum av. Disse dataene er analysert med inspirasjon fra grounded theory. Dataene er deretter presentert dommer for dommer, og situasjon for situasjon. Funnene har blitt diskutert i lys av stressteori og tidligere forskning. Stressteorien belyser hva stress er og hvordan det pĂ„virker fotballdommerne i vanskelige situasjoner. Funnene mine antyder at Eliteseriedommerne blir utsatt for stress i kamp. Graden av stresset pĂ„virkes av deres egen tro pĂ„ avgjĂžrelsen, tidligere erfaringer og omgivelsene. Dommerne i Eliteserien Ăžnsker Ă„ vĂŠre “the duck”. Selv om de fĂžler seg stresset, Ăžnsker de Ă„ utstrĂ„le ro og trygghet. NĂ„r 20.000 tilskuere roper pĂ„ straffe og alle retter fokus mot mannen i svart, pendler beina til “the duck” under overflaten, mens over vannet og i spotlighten ser dommeren ut til Ă„ vĂŠre i full kontroll. NĂ„r den vanskelige situasjonen inntrer, har dommeren konkrete tanker pĂ„ arbeidsoppgavene. I etterkant av situasjonen, nĂ„r dommeren fĂ„r tid til Ă„ tenke, Ăžker stressnivĂ„et. Dommerne har ikke muligheten til Ă„ stĂ„ med fasiten i hĂ„nda pĂ„ banen, og mĂ„ ta beslutninger pĂ„ hva de har sett pĂ„ et tidels sekund. For Ă„ hĂ„ndtere stresset har dommerne utviklet strategier for Ă„ prestere best mulig i kampen. BĂ„de dommeren selv og dommerteamet har strategier pĂ„ Ă„ hĂ„ndtere spillere, vanskelige situasjoner, og andre stressrelaterte utfordringer.The purpose of this qualitative study is to seek knowledge about how Elite referees in Norway experience stress and handle stress in difficult situations. The practical implication of the study is to focus on referee development in terms of mental training and stress management. The data has been created through semi-structured interviews with four football referees in the Eliteserien, based on two controversial situations they themselves have been at the center of. These data have been analyzed with inspiration from grounded theory. The data is then presented referee by referee, and situation by situation. The findings have been discussed considering stress theory and previous research. The stress theory sheds light on what stress is and how it affects football referees in difficult situations. My findings suggest that the Elite referees are exposed to stress in matches. The degree of stress is influenced by their own beliefs about the decision, previous experiences and the environment. The referees in the Eliteserien want to be "the duck". Even if they feel stressed, they want to radiate calm and safety. When 20.000 spectators shout for a penalty and everyone focuses on the man in black, the legs of "the duck" swing under the surface, while above the water and in the spotlight, the referee seems to be in full control. When the difficult situation arises, the referee has concrete thoughts on the work tasks. After the situation, when the referee has time to think, the stress level increases. The referees do not have the opportunity to stand with the facts in their hands on the pitch and have to make decisions based on what they have seen in a tenth of a second. To deal with the stress, the referees have developed strategies to perform as well as possible in the match. Both the referee himself and the refereeing team have strategies for dealing with players, difficult situations and other stress-related challenges

    Allmennlegens mĂžte med "kidsa". Kvalitative intervju med leger i helsestasjon for ungdom

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    Helsestasjon for ungdom er et lavterskeltilbud for ungdom i alderen 13-20 Är som har sÊrlig fokus pÄ Ä forebygge uÞnsket graviditet, pÄ forbygging og behandling av SOI og pÄ Ä forebygge og avdekke psykiske plager. Det finnes lite eller ingen forskning pÄ legers opplevelse av Ä jobbe i HFU. FormÄlet med oppgaven er Ä undersÞke legers erfaringer med Ä jobbe i HFU. Det benyttes kvalitativ metode. Det er gjennomfÞrt semistrukturerte intervju med fem leger som jobber i HFU. Intervjuene er analysert ved hjelp av STC. Resultatene presenteres som analytisk tekst med innhold av sitater. Legene mente god tilgjengelighet var avgjÞrende for at ungdom brukte HFU. De opplevde jobben som meningsfull og fÞlte de gjorde en forskjell. Legene verdsatte samarbeid med andre yrkesgrupper og jobben ga dem et avbrekk fra vanlig legehverdag. Utfordringene var sÊrlig knyttet til situasjoner der de mÄtte gjÞre bÄde juridiske og etiske vurderinger. I kommunikasjon med ungdom brukte legene et enkelt sprÄk, de var nysgjerrige og unngikk Ä moralisere. Oppgaven kan danne grunnlag for videre studier som tar for seg legens perspektiv pÄ Ä jobbe i HFU

    Re-admissions to hospital and patient satisfaction among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after telemedicine video consultation - a retrospective pilot study

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of acute hospital admissions. The main object of our study was to evaluate the effects of telemedicine video-consultation (TVC) on the frequency of hospital re-admissions due to COPD exacerbations. Our secondary aim was to assess the impact of TVC on the length of re-admission stays within 6 and 12 months follow up after TVC. Patient satisfaction was also evaluated. Methods: The study was a retrospective observational study of COPD patients who after hospital discharge or during outpatient treatment for acute COPD exacerbations, were monitored for 2 weeks by TVC at home by a specialist nurse at the hospital during a pilot project period. Retrospectively, we compared the frequencies (chi-square test) and durations of hospital re-admissions (paired t-test) due to COPD exacerbations within 6 and 12 months follow up after TVC to comparable events 6 and 12 months prior to TVC. Results: Among 99 patients followed for 6 months after TVC, 56 were followed for totally 12 months. The number of patients re-admitted and the number of re-admissions due to COPD exacerbations were not reduced within 6 or 12 months post-TVC, as compared to 6 and 12 months pre-TVC. The mean length of re-admission stays within 12 months post-TVC was markedly reduced as compared to pre-TVC. Patients hospitalised the last 6 and 12 months pre-TVC, had significantly shorter re-admission stays, p = 0.033 and p = 0.001, respectively. Patient satisfaction was high. Conclusion: Despite the failure to demonstrate reduced frequency of re-admissions within 6 and 12 months post-TVC, the re-admission length within 12 months post-TVC was markedly reduced as compared to pre-TVC. The patient satisfaction was high. Future prospective, randomised, controlled trials must be performed before TVC can be recommended in COPD management.publishedVersio

    The Inflectional Accent in Basque and Indo-European

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    9-O-Ethyl­berberrubinium iodide monohydrate

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    In the title compound (systematic name: 9-eth­oxy-10-meth­oxy-5,6-dihydro-1,3-dioxolo[4,5-g]isoquinolino­[3,2-a]isoquin­olin-7-ium iodide monohydrate), 2C21H20NO4 +·2I−·H2O, two independent mol­ecules pack in the unit cell, where interactions between the molecules are stabilized by weak inter­molecular π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid distances in the range 3.571 (4) to 3.815 (4)Å]. Inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions are also observed. The iodide anions are disordered with occupancy ratios of 0.94 (1):0.06 (1) and 0.91 (1):0.09 (1). The cationic molecule is planar in structure with a small torsion resulting from the dihydropyridine ring
