129 research outputs found

    Minoische Rhyta

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    Detta examensarbete har genomförts vid Institutionen för produktionsekonomi pĂ„ Linköpings tekniska högskola. Uppdragsgivare har varit Svenskt NĂ€ringsliv och arbetet har utförts pĂ„ Södersjukhuset i Stockholm. Syftet med arbetet har varit att kartlĂ€gga flödet av patienter med sökorsak höft genom sjukhusets akutmottagning och ortopediska verksamhet, för att dĂ€refter analysera detta och föreslĂ„ Ă„tgĂ€rder som kan minska vĂ€ntetider och öka genomflödet. PĂ„ akutmottagningen har tre aktiviteter visat sig vara viktigare Ă€n de övriga, nĂ€mligen lĂ€karundersökning, röntgen och inlĂ€ggning pĂ„ vĂ„rdplats. Anledningen till detta Ă€r att vĂ€ntan till de aktiviteterna utgör cirka tvĂ„ tredjedelar av en patients tid pĂ„ akutmottagningen. DĂ€rför har Ă„tgĂ€rderna pĂ„ akutmottagningen syftat till att reducera dessa vĂ€ntetider och mildra dess konsekvenser. Ett led i detta Ă€r att akutmottagningen anpassar antalet lĂ€kare bĂ€ttre efter de varierande behoven över dygnet. Röntgenavdelningen bör kontinuerligt utvĂ€rdera behoven frĂ„n akutmottagningen för att pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt balansera sin kapacitet. Patienter som Ă€r fĂ€rdiga pĂ„ akutmottagningen placeras i en separat lokal under tiden de vĂ€ntar pĂ„ vĂ„rdplats. Inom den ortopediska verksamheten syftar Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslagen till en förĂ€ndrad hantering av resurser och ett bĂ€ttre utnyttjande av desamma. De tvĂ„ resurser som arbetet koncentrerar sig kring Ă€r vĂ„rdplatser och operation, och avvĂ€gningen om dessa bör vara gemensamma eller dedicerade mellan elektiva och akuta patienter. Det betydande antalet operationer som drabbas av störningar, och dĂ€rför ej kan genomföras, talar för en uppdelning av operationsresurser mellan akuta och elektiva patienter. DĂ€remot bör vĂ„rdplatserna vara gemensamma eftersom de elektiva patienterna kan jĂ€mna ut den totala efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ vĂ„rdplatser. Genom att dessutom se över utskrivningsrutinerna frĂ„n vĂ„rdavdelningar kan flödet förbĂ€ttras ytterligare. ÅtgĂ€rder som föreslagits för att Ă„stadkomma detta Ă€r tidig planering av utskrivningar, utskrivningskoordinator och att inrĂ€tta en lokal i vĂ€ntan pĂ„ hemfĂ€rd

    Estniska Republikens geografi

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    Increased aldehyde-modification of collagen type IV in symptomatic plaques - A possible cause of endothelial dysfunction.

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    Subendothelial LDL-adhesion and its subsequent oxidation are considered as key events in the development of atherosclerotic lesions. During oxidation of LDL, reactive aldehydes such as malondialdehyde (MDA) are formed, which modify apolipoprotein B100. However, the possibility that these reactive aldehydes could leak out of the LDL-particle and modify surrounding extracellular matrix proteins has been largely unexplored. We have investigated if aldehyde-modification of collagen type IV, one of the major basement membrane components, in plaques is associated with cardiovascular events

    Circulating cytokines reflect the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in atherosclerotic plaques.

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    Inflammation is a key factor in the development of plaque rupture and acute cardiovascular events. Although imaging techniques can be used to identify vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, we are lacking non-invasive methods, such as plasma markers of plaque inflammation that could help to identify presence of vulnerable plaques. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether increased plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines reflects inflammatory activity within atherosclerotic plaques

    NFAT regulates the expression of AIF-1 and IRT-1: Yin and yang splice variants of neointima formation and atherosclerosis.

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    Aims Alternative transcription and splicing of the allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) gene results in the expression of two different proteins: AIF-1 and interferon responsive transcript-1 (IRT-1). Here we explore the impact of AIF-1 and IRT-1 on vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) activation and neointima formation, the mechanisms underlying their alternative splicing, and associations of AIF-1 and IRT-1 mRNA with parameters defining human atherosclerotic plaque phenotype.Methods and results Translation of AIF-1 and IRT-1 results in different products with contrasting cellular distribution and functions. Overexpression of AIF-1 stimulates migration and proliferation of human VSMCs, whereas IRT-1 exerts opposite effects. Adenoviral infection of angioplasty-injured rat carotid arteries with AdAIF-1 exacerbates intima hyperplasia, whereas infection with AdIRT-1 reduces neointima. Expression of these variants is modulated by changes in nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) activity. Pharmacological inhibition of NFAT or targeting of NFATc3 with siRNA lowers the AIF-1/IRT-1 ratio and favors an anti-proliferative outcome. NFAT acts as a repressor on the IRT-1 transcriptional start site, which is also sensitive to interferon-Îł stimulation. Expression of AIF-1 mRNA in human carotid plaques associates with less extracellular matrix and a more pro-inflammatory plaque and plasma profile, features that may predispose to plaque rupture. In contrast, expression of IRT-1 mRNA associates with a less aggressive phenotype and less VSMCs at the most stenotic region of the plaque.Conclusions Inhibition of NFAT signaling, by shifting the AIF-1/IRT-1 ratio, may be an attractive target to regulate the VSMC response to injury and manipulate plaque stability in atherosclerosis

    Immune hierarchy among HIV-1 CD8+ T cell epitopes delivered by dendritic cells depends on MHC-I binding irrespective of mode of loading and immunization in HLA-A*0201 mice

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    Recent human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccination strategies aim at targeting a broad range of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes from different HIV-1 proteins by immunization with multiple CTL epitopes simultaneously. However, this may establish an immune hierarchical response, where the immune system responds to only a small number of the epitopes administered. To evaluate the feasibility of such vaccine strategies, we used the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*0201 transgenic (tg) HHD murine in vivo model and immunized with dendritic cells pulsed with seven HIV-1-derived HLA-A*0201 binding CTL epitopes. The seven peptides were simultaneously presented on the same dendritic cell (DC) or on separate DCs before immunization to one or different lymphoid compartments. Data from this study showed that the T-cell response, as measured by cytolytic activity and Îł-interferon (IFN-Îł)-producing CD8+ T cells, mainly focused on two of seven administered epitopes. The magnitude of individual T-cell responses induced by immunization with multiple peptides correlated with their individual immunogenicity that depended on major histocompatibility class I binding and was not influenced by mode of loading or mode of immunization. These findings may have implications for the design of vaccines based on DCs when using multiple epitopes simultaneously

    T-cell competition as a mechanism for immunodominance and the role for IL-12 in CTL responses

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    Immunodominance is a process in which the immune response focuses on one or a few of all potential epitopes that exists within an antigen. The mechanisms for immunodominance have not yet been determined. The work described in this thesis has addressed the question whether competition between peptides for presentation at the cell surface or competition between Tcells for activation by the antigen presenting cell are important mechanism for immunodominance. In an experimental model with transplantation antigens there is no detectable difference in the amount of subdominant epitopes presented at the cell surface in the presence or absence of immunodominant epitopes. In a model with synthetic peptides there is no correlation between peptide affinities for MHC class I or T-cell avidity and immunodominance. These results indicate that competition between epitopes for presentation at the cell surface is not a determining mechanism in these models. We show that the antigens need to be presented by the same cell for immunodominance to occur. We also show that immunodominance is not absolute, since mice previously inoculated with the complete antigenic barrier not only retain their capacity to respond to subdominant epitopes but they are more easily primed against subdominant epitopes indicating a passive mechanism for immunodominance that allows some printing also against subdominant epitopes. Finally, we can overcome immunodominance in both of these models by inoculation of high numbers of antigen bearing dendritic cells. Based on these results we suggest that the determining mechanism for immunodominance in these models is T-cell competition. T-cells may compete for cytokines such as IL-12, access to the APC itself for costimulation or any other factor provided by the APC. The second part of this thesis concerns the role for interleukin-12 in the immune response against tumors and for the initiation of primary and memory CTL responses against synthetic peptide antigens. IL-12 is an important cytokine that promotes cellular immunity mainly by the induction of interferon-gamma production. IL-12 also augments the cytotoxic ability of both natural killer cells and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. We have shown that IL-12 is important for the generation of innate immune responses against a TAP deficient lymphoma (RMA-S) as well as adoptive immunity against the TAP expressing lymphoma (RMA). We also show that IL-12 is important for the generation of CTL responses against synthetic peptides pulsed on dendritic cells. The need for IL-12 can be circumvented by immunization with peptides together with adjuvant. Interestingly, IL-12 seems to be important for the initiation of CTL memory responses also in mice immunized with adjuvant. Once a memory response has been established IL-12 is no longer needed for maintenance of that response

    Riskbedömning och riskhantering i samband med vÀgbyggen

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    The aim with this thesis is to investigate the risk management at the department Road construction, The National Road Administration Region MĂ€lardalen. The aim is also to study how the risk management could be improved to better support the project leaders. Included in theses aims is to examine potential problems with the current risk management and to suggest changes. It is of utter importance to define the concept of risk, to study how risk can be measured and in which ways risk can be analyzed. In doing so, a literary study has be done and fourteen respondents has been interviewed. Risk is to be seen more as a concept than a quantity. Risk management demands time and money. It takes some effort to perform the initial brainstorm and the constant revision. However, risk management can lead to saved costs and the avoidance of accidents. To keep a list of risks is not a waterproof method, nevertheless it is better to create an awareness of risk than ignore a method for its flaws. Risk management can create a discussion about problems and difficulties, a discussion that might otherwise not have a forum
