132 research outputs found

    Estimating the health benefits of progeny extraction units as a means of reducing exposure to radon

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    Radon exposure to the general public can be reduced by preventing entry of radon gas into buildings using a passive radon-proof membrane or an active sump and pump system. However, a significant majority of the radiation dose delivered is from the decay products of radon rather than from the gas itself. These decay products (also referred to as progeny) are present in indoor air, with an equilibrium factor – a measure of the ratio of progeny to radon gas – of between 0.4 to 0.5. As a result, systems which extract radon progeny from the air by filtering have been promoted as means of reducing exposure to the general population. The European Community Radon Software (ECRS) offers a means of estimating lung-cancer risk associated with an individual’s exposure to radon, and includes the possibility of estimating the health risk from different proportions of radon gas and its progeny by varying the value of the Equilibrium Factor. This software was used to estimate the health benefits associated with reduced decay products in differing concentrations of radon gas. The results were compared to health benefits expected if the risk was reduced by the standard method of reducing the radon gas concentration below the Action Level, which in the UK is 200 Bq·m-3 for domestic properties. These calculations showed that there is the potential for efficient extraction units to provide the necessary dose and risk reduction where initial average radon gas concentrations are up to 800 Bq·m-3. However, above 1000 Bq·m-3, such systems cannot reduce the health risk sufficiently to reach levels comparable to those resulting from radon gas reduction to below the Action Leve

    Interpreting short and medium exposure etched-track radon measurements to determine whether an action level could be exceeded

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    Radon gas is naturally occurring, and can concentrate in the built environment. It is radioactive and high concentration levels within buildings, including homes, have been shown to increase the risk of lung cancer in the occupants. As a result, several methods have been developed to measure radon. The long-term average radon level determines the risk to occupants, but there is always pressure to complete measurements more quickly, particularly when buying and selling the home. For many years, the three-month exposure using etched-track detectors has been the de facto standard, but a decade ago, Phillips et al. (2003), in a DEFRA funded project, evaluated the use of 1-week and 1-month measurements. They found that the measurement methods were accurate, but the challenge lay in the wide variation in radon levels - with diurnal, seasonal, and other patterns due to climatic factors and room use. In the report on this work, and in subsequent papers, the group proposed methodologies for 1-week, 1-month and 3-month measurements and their interpretation. Other work, however, has suggested that 2-week exposures were preferable to 1-week ones. In practice, the radon remediation industry uses a range of exposure times, and further guidance is required to help interpret these results. This paper reviews the data from this study and a subsequent 4-year study of 4 houses, re-analysing the results and extending them to other exposures, particularly for 2-week and 2-month exposures, and provides comprehensive guidance for the use of etched-track detectors, the value and use of Seasonal Correction Factors (SCFs), the uncertainties in short and medium term exposures and the interpretation of results

    An assessment of the effectiveness of UK building regulations for new homes in Radon Affected Areas

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    Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas generated underground by radioactive decay of nuclides contained in certain types of rocks, can concentrate inside buildings, where it poses the second-largest risk factor for lung cancer, after smoking. The highest concentrations of domestic radon in the UK occur in the south-western counties of Devon and Cornwall, but certain areas in Northamptonshire and surrounding counties in the English Midlands also have high levels. It has been shown that it is possible both to reduce the radon concentrations in existing houses and to build new homes with appropriate protection. Since 1999, the UK's Building Regulations have specified that all new homes should be built with a combined radon-proof/damp-proof membrane plus, in Radon Affected Areas, a sump under the building. However, the building regulations do not require that the radon level is measured once the house is built and so there is little information on the effectiveness of these measures. Builders generally do not mention radon, and when asked, just confirm that their houses are built to current standards. To better understand the efficacy or otherwise of the currently mandated radon-protection measures, a cross-sectional investigation was carried out in 26 new housing developments in high-radon areas in Northamptonshire. In a targeted mail-shot, 1056 householders were invited to apply for a free radon test; 124 replied (11.7%). In total, 94 pairs of detectors were returned (70.1% of responders), of which two were spoiled, giving a total of 92 results. Following processing and seasonal correction, the arithmetic mean radon concentration in the target houses was 45% of the arithmetic mean radon concentration in existing houses in the postcode sectors where the houses were built and were approximately log-normally distributed. No results exceeded the UK Action Level of 200 Bq. m−3 but three were above the Target Level of 100 Bq. m−3. The results suggest that the radon-proof membranes in general ensure that radon concentrations in new homes constructed in accordance with the Building Regulations in Radon Affected Areas (RAAs) are satisfactorily low. However, there is a very small statistical probability that levels in a small number of homes will be close to or above the Action Level, particularly in areas of high radon potential. As a result, the Public Health England (PHE) recommendation for testing in the first year of occupation should be adopted as a legal requirement

    Is environmental radon gas associated with the incidence of neurodegenerative conditions? A retrospective study of multiple sclerosis in radon affected areas in England and Wales

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    To test whether an association exists between radon gas concentration in the home and increased multiple sclerosis (MS) incidence, a retrospective study was undertaken of MS incidence in known areas of raised domestic radon concentration in England and Wales, using The Health Improvement Network (THIN) clinical research database.The study population comprised 20,140,498 person-years of clinical monitoring (males: 10,056,628: 49.93%; females: 10,083,870: 50.07%), representing a mean annual population of 2.5 million individuals. To allow for the possible latency of MS initiation following exposure, data extraction was limited to patients with at least five years registration history with the same GP practice before first diagnosis. Patient records were allocated to one of nine radon concentration bands depending on the average radon level in their postcode sector.MS incidence was analysed by searching for patients with first MS diagnosis over the eight calendar years 2005-2012 inclusive. 1512 new MS cases were diagnosed, 1070 females, 442 males, equivalent to raw incidence rates of 7.51, 10.61 and 4.40 per 105person-years respectively, comparable to previously reported results. Of these new cases, 115 could be allocated to one of the radon bands representing high radon areas.Standardising to the UK 2010 population, excess relative risk (ERR) figures for MS were calculated for each radon band. Linear regression of ERR against mean band radon concentration shows a positive gradient of 0.22 per 100 Bq·m-3(R2= 0.25, p = 0.0961) when forced through the origin to represent a linear-no-threshold response. The null hypothesis falls inside the 95% confidence interval for the linear fit and therefore this fit is not statistically significant. We conclude that, despite THIN sampling around 5% of the population, insufficient data was available to confirm or refute the hypothesised association between MS incidence and radon concentration

    A critical analysis of climatic influences on indoor radon concentrations: implications for seasonal correction

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    Although statistically-derived national Seasonal Correction Factors (SCFs) are conventionally used to convert sub-year radon concentration measurements to an annual mean, it has recently been suggested that external temperature could be used to derive local SCFs for short-term domestic measurements. To validate this approach, hitherto unanalysed radon and temperature data from an environmentally-stable location were analysed. Radon concentration and internal temperature were measured over periods totalling 1025 days during an overall period of 1762 days, the greatest continuous sampling period being 334 days, with corresponding meteorological data collected at a weather station 10 km distant. Mean daily, monthly and annual radon concentrations and internal temperatures were calculated. SCFs derived using monthly mean radon concentration, external temperature and internal-external temperature-difference were cross-correlated with each other and with published UK domestic SCF sets. Relatively good correlation exists between SCFs derived from radon concentration and internal-external temperature difference but correlation with external temperature, was markedly poorer. SCFs derived from external temperature correlate very well with published SCF tabulations, confirming that the complexity of deriving SCFs from temperature data may be outweighed by the convenience of using either of the existing domestic SCF tabulations. Mean monthly radon data fitted to a 12-month sinusoid showed reasonable correlation with many of the annual climatic parameter profiles, exceptions being atmospheric pressure, rainfall and internal temperature. Introducing an additional 6-month sinusoid enhanced correlation with these three parameters, the other correlations remaining essentially unchanged. Radon latency of the order of months in moisture-related parameters suggests that the principal driver for radon is total atmospheric moisture content rather than relative humidity

    Short and long-term radon measurements in domestic premises: reporting results in terms of the HPA action and target levels

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    In the UK, the Action Level for radon gas in domestic buildings has stood at 200 Bq.m-3 for many years. Some years ago, our group made an extensive study of 7-day, 1-month and 3-month measurements in thirty-four un-remediated dwellings in a high-radon area over a full year. It was shown that one-week exposures were less reliable indicators of the long-term radon level, but that this variability was related to the changes in radon level, due to occupancy, weather changes and other influences. Our analysis reported the confidence limits for each detection period, and recommended a protocol for reporting. Short-term measurements can be reliable indicators in low-radon areas or for new properties, but in high-radon areas, the use of three-month exposures is indicated. In 2010 the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) recommended the introduction of a lower Target Level of 100 Bq.m-3, with the intention of encouraging those most at risk from radon to consider remediation of their homes, even if the long-term average is between 100 and 200 Bq.m-3. We have reviewed the results of the previous survey in relation to the new Target Level, and report on the limits of confidence established for establishing whether a short-term result is over the target level, and proposes a reporting schem

    Exploring the relationship between social deprivation and domestic radon levels in the East Midlands, UK

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    The natural radioactive gas radon is widely present in the built environment and at high concentrations is associated with enhanced risk of lung-cancer. This risk is significantly enhanced for habitual smokers. Although populations with higher degrees of social deprivation are frequently exposed to higher levels of many health-impacting pollutants, a recent study suggests that social deprivation in the UK is associated with lower radon concentrations. The analysis reported here, based on published data on social deprivation and domestic radon in urban and rural settings in the English East Midlands, identifies a weak association between increasing deprivation and lower radon areas. This is attributed to the evolution of the major urban centres on low-permeability, clay-rich alluvial soils of low radon potential. In addition, the predominance of high-rise dwellings in towns and cities will further reduce average exposure to radon in populations in those areas

    Comprehensive survey on radon mitigation and indoor air quality in energy efficient buildings from Romania

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    Over the last 10 years applied scientific research has been carried out in Romania to tacked the residential radon issues. The increased interest to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings has lead to the implementation and use of new architectural solutions aimed to save energy in houses and other buildings. As a consequence, the degree of retrofit in existing buildings and energy efficiency of new buildings promoted the need to not only mitigate indoor radon, but improve indoor air quality overall. The present study found that the while the best performance in radon reduction was confirmed to be based on sub-slab depressurization (61% - 95% reduction), centralized and decentralized mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery yielded a good efficiency in overall improvement of indoor air quality (CO2, VOC, RH, temperature). The outcome of our research, as well as future perspectives, take into account the recommended harmonization of energy efficiency programs with those of public health by finding and applying the best technologies in compliance with energy saving and indoor environmental quality