273 research outputs found

    The use of high-resolution terrain data in gravity field prediction

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    Different types of gravity prediction methods for local and regional gravity evaluation are developed, tested, and compared. Four different test areas were particularly selected in view of different prediction requirements. Also different parts of the spectrum of the gravity field were considered

    A Temporal Map in Geostationary Orbit: The Cover Etching on the EchoStar XVI Artifact

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    Geostationary satellites are unique among orbital spacecraft in that they experience no appreciable atmospheric drag. After concluding their respective missions, geostationary spacecraft remain in orbit virtually in perpetuity. As such, they represent some of human civilization's longest lasting artifacts. With this in mind, the EchoStar XVI satellite, to be launched in fall 2012, will play host to a time capsule intended as a message for the deep future. Inspired in part by the Pioneer Plaque and Voyager Golden Records, the EchoStar XVI Artifact is a pair of gold-plated aluminum jackets housing a small silicon disc containing one hundred photographs. The Cover Etching, the subject of this paper, is etched onto one of the two jackets. It is a temporal map consisting of a star chart, pulsar timings, and other information describing the epoch from which EchoStar XVI came. The pulsar sample consists of 13 rapidly rotating objects, 5 of which are especially stable, having spin periods < 10 ms and extremely small spindown rates. In this paper, we discuss our approach to the time map etched onto the cover and the scientific data shown on it; and we speculate on the uses that future scientists may have for its data. The other portions of the EchoStar XVI Artifact will be discussed elsewhere.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Estimation of toxicity of chemical mixtures through modeling of chemical interactions.

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    The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), in collaboration with the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Nutrition and Food Research Institute, is conducting studies to evaluate the role of chemical interactions in the expression of toxicity from low-level exposure to combinations of chemicals. The goal of this collaborative effort is to use a weight-of-evidence (WOE) approach to estimate joint toxicity of some simple chemical mixtures and to compare the estimations with test results from animal toxicity studies. The WOE approach uses individual chemical dose-response assessments and algorithms that incorporate various assumptions regarding potential chemical interactions. Qualitative evaluations were prepared for binary combinations of chemicals for the effect of butyl hydroxyanisole on di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, the effect of stannous chloride on Cd chloride (CdCl2), and the effect of CdCl2 on loperamide. Analyses of these evaluations and their comparison with the conclusions of laboratory animal experiments indicate that the WOE approach can be used to estimate qualitatively the joint toxicity of such simple mixtures. To further test the utility of the WOE approach, qualitative and semiquantitative evaluations were prepared for two chemical mixtures--one with similarly acting halogenated aliphatics (trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, hexachloro-1,3-butadiene[HCBD], and 1,1,2-trichloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene [TCTFP]) and the other with dissimilarly acting nephrotoxic components (mercuric chloride, lysinolalanine, D-limonene, and HCBD). These two sets of data were used to estimate the overall toxicities of the mixtures using the WOE algorithm for the mixture. The comparison of the results of the estimated toxicity with experimentally determined toxicity of the mixture of similarly acting nephrotoxicants demonstrated that the WOE approach correctly adjusted for the observed interactions in experimental animal studies. However, this was not true for the mixture of dissimilarly acting nephrotoxicants. This could be attributed to the fact that WOE evaluations are based on dose additivity that postulates that all chemicals in a given mixture act in the same way--by the same mechanism--and differ only in their potencies. In these cases the WOE approach evaluations, based on consideration of common mechanisms for simple chemical mixtures, can lead to better estimates of joint toxicity of chemical mixtures than the default assumption of dose additivity. The results also show that the WOE evaluations should be target-organ specific because none of the models tested could approximate the observed responses in organs other than the target organs in the laboratory animal studies

    Identification of altered miRNAs and their targets in placenta accreta

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    Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is one of the major causes of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide with increasing incidence. PAS refers to a group of pathological conditions ranging from the abnormal attachment of the placenta to the uterus wall to its perforation and, in extreme cases, invasion into surrounding organs. Among them, placenta accreta is characterized by a direct adhesion of the villi to the myometrium without invasion and remains the most common diagnosis of PAS. Here, we identify the potential regulatory miRNA and target networks contributing to placenta accreta development. Using small RNA-Seq followed by RT-PCR confirmation, altered miRNA expression, including that of members of placenta-specific miRNA clusters (e.g., C19MC and C14MC), was identified in placenta accreta samples compared to normal placental tissues. In situ hybridization (ISH) revealed expression of altered miRNAs mostly in trophoblast but also in endothelial cells and this profile was similar among all evaluated degrees of PAS. Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) analyses showed enriched pathways dysregulated in PAS associated with cell cycle regulation, inflammation, and invasion. mRNAs of genes associated with cell cycle and inflammation were downregulated in PAS. At the protein level, NF-κB was upregulated while PTEN was downregulated in placenta accreta tissue. The identified miRNAs and their targets are associated with signaling pathways relevant to controlling trophoblast function. Therefore, this study provides miRNA:mRNA associations that could be useful for understanding PAS onset and progression

    Rapportage Grondig Boeren met Mais Drenthe: 2012-2019

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    Eindrapportage Grondig Boeren met Mais Drenthe : 2012-2018

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    In de afgelopen decennia is de maisteelt in toenemende mate in verband gebracht met duurzaamheidsproblemen. Deze hebben te maken met verliezen van nutriënten door af- en uitspoeling, een dalend gehalte aan organische stof in de bodem, een achteruitgang van de biodiversiteit op akkers en de productie van boeikasgassen als lachgas. De opeenstapeling van negatieve aspecten heeft als gevolg dat de maisteelt een duidelijke stap moet zetten in de richting van verduurzaming. Sinds 2012 wordt er binnen Grondig Boeren met Mais gewerkt aan het verduurzamen van de maisteelt door extra aandacht voor beter bodembeheer met daarbij het streven naar gelijkblijvende opbrengsten. Dit gebeurt vanuit een systemendemonstratie, detaildemonstraties en demovelden bij satellietbedrijven. Kern in het project is de systemendemonstratie waarbij vijf verschillende manieren van telen in de jaren 2012 t/m 2018 zijn vergelijken. Hierbij is een gangbare manier van telen vergeleken met alternatieve strategieën. Eén van de alternatieve systemen is een object met aandacht voor extra organische stof. Daarnaast is er een object waarbij mineralen uit kringloop worden toegepast. In dit systeem wordt getracht de mineralen in de meest efficiënte vorm toe te passen. Een andere strategie is het twee teelten systeem waarbij eerst een snede gras geoogst wordt, gevolgd door een ultra vroeg maisras. Het vijfde alternatief dat is getoetst is het vruchtwisselingssysteem waarbij 2 jaar grasland word afgewisseld met 2 jaar snijmais. Uit de systemendemo blijkt na zeven jaar dat er alternatieve maisteeltsystemen zijn waarbij de opbrengst gelijk blijft of zelfs stijgt. De systemen organische stof, mineralen uit kringloop en vruchtwisseling hebben een positief effect op de opbrengst ten opzichte van het standaard systeem. Het organische stof en vruchtwisselingsysteem hebben daarnaast een zeer positieve organische stofbalans, ten opzichte van een ongeveer neutrale balans voor het standaard systeem. Het twee oogsten systeem presteert wisselend, de maisopbrengst blijft in de meeste jaren achter, en de grasopbrengst kan dit verschil vaak niet compenseren. Qua organische stof aanvoer is dit wel een interessant systeem. Door het telen van jaar op jaar mais op hetzelfde perceel krijgt de systemendemonstratie steeds meer te maken met ziekte. Ook onkruiden zijn een groter worden probleem, en dan met name de grasachtigen die niet meer met bodemherbiciden bestreden kunnen worden in de systemen waar het vanggewas wordt ondergezaaid. De detaildemo’s blijken een goed communicatiemiddel omdat deze duidelijk de effecten van verschillende gewasbeschermingsstrategieën laten zien op het vanggewas bijvoorbeeld. Ook wordt er gekeken naar de mogelijkheden van het mechanisch inwerken van vanggewassen. In samenwerking met de satellietbedrijven worden innovaties in de praktijk geïmplementeerd en gedeeld met collega maistelers

    Role of IL-36 Cytokines in the Regulation of Angiogenesis Potential of Trophoblast Cells

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    IL-36 cytokines (the agonists IL-36α, IL-36β, IL-36γ, and the antagonist IL-36Ra) are expressed in the mouse uterus and associated with maternal immune response during pregnancy. Here, we characterize the expression of IL-36 members in human primary trophoblast cells (PTC) and trophoblastic cell lines (HTR-8/SVneo and JEG-3) and upon treatment with bacterial and viral components. Effects of recombinant IL-36 on the migration capacity of trophoblastic cells, their ability to interact with endothelial cells and the induction of angiogenic factors and miRNAs (angiomiRNAs) were examined. Constitutive protein expression of IL-36 (α, β, and γ) and their receptor (IL-36R) was found in all cell types. In PTC, transcripts for all IL-36 subtypes were found, whereas in trophoblastic cell lines only for IL36G and IL36RN. A synthetic analog of double-stranded RNA (poly I:C) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced the expression of IL-36 members in a cell-specific and time-dependent manner. In HTR-8/SVneo cells, IL-36 cytokines increased cell migration and their capacity to interact with endothelial cells. VEGFA and PGF mRNA and protein, as well as the angiomiRNAs miR-146a-3p and miR-141-5p were upregulated as IL-36 response in PTC and HTR-8/SVneo cells. In conclusion, IL-36 cytokines are modulated by microbial components and regulate trophoblast migration and interaction with endothelial cells. Therefore, a fundamental role of these cytokines in the placentation process and in response to infections may be expected