102 research outputs found

    Ecole enfantine: influence de la forme de jeu sur la socialisation de l’enfant

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    Pour mon travail de mĂ©moire, je me suis intĂ©ressĂ©e au jeu Ă  l’école enfantine et principalement Ă  l’influence qu’ont un jeu formel et un jeu informel sur la socialisation d’un groupe d’élĂšves de 2H. J’ai commencĂ© par dĂ©finir ce qu’est le jeu et son rĂŽle. Je me suis ensuite intĂ©ressĂ©e au dĂ©veloppement de l’enfant d’un point de vue cognitif et social en abordant divers auteurs tels que Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori ou encore Lev Vygotsky. J’ai aussi abordĂ© le thĂšme de l’éducation explicite et implicite puisque ma question de recherche concerne le jeu formel et le jeu informel. Pour ma partie pratique, j’ai mis en place des observations dans une classe de 1H-2H. J’ai filmĂ© un groupe de trois Ă©lĂšves jouant Ă  un jeu formel et Ă  un jeu informel une fois par semaine et durant trois semaines consĂ©cutives. Les principaux rĂ©sultats qui sont ressortis de ces observations sont les suivants : les Ă©lĂšves n’ont pas toujours le mĂȘme Ă©veil mental lors du jeu, et l’élĂšve de 5-6ans est encore trĂšs Ă©gocentrique, ce qui freine les interactions avec ses pairs

    Structure of microbial communities in Sphagnum peatlands and effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment

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    Little is known about the structure of microbial communities in Sphagnum peatlands, and the potential effects of the increasing atmospheric C02 concentration on these communities are not known. We analyzed the structure of microbial communities in five Sphagnum-dominated peatlands across Europe and their response to C02 enrichment using miniFACE systems. After three growing seasons, Sphagnum samples were analyzed for heterotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria, microalgae, heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates, testate amoebae, fungi, nematodes, and rotifers. Heterotrophic organisms dominated the microbial communities and together represented 78% to 97% of the total microbial biomass. Testate amoebae dominated the protozoan biomass. A canonical correspondence analysis revealed a significant correlation between the microbial community data and four environmental variables (Na+, DOC, water table depth, and DIN), reflecting continentality, hydrology, and nitrogen deposition gradients. Carbon dioxide enrichment modified the structure of microbial communities, but total microbial biomass was unaffected. The biomass of heterotrophic bacteria increased by 48%, and the biomass of testate amoebae decreased by 13%. These results contrast with the absence of overall effect on methane production or on the vegetation, but are in line with an increased below-ground vascular plant biomass at the same sites. We interpret the increase in bacterial biomass as a response to a C02-induced enhancement of Sphagnum exudation. The causes for the decrease of testate amoebae are unclear but could indicate a top-down rather than a bottom-up control on their densit

    Factors modulating cottongrass seedling growth stimulation to enhanced nitrogen and carbon dioxide: compensatory tradeoffs in leaf dynamics and allocation to meet potassium-limited growth

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    Eriophorum vaginatum is a characteristic species of northern peatlands and a keystone plant for cutover bog restoration. Understanding the factors affecting E. vaginatum seedling establishment (i.e. growth dynamics and allocation) under global change has practical implications for the management of abandoned mined bogs and restoration of their C-sequestration function. We studied the responses of leaf dynamics, above- and belowground biomass production of establishing seedlings to elevated CO2 and N. We hypothesised that nutrient factors such as limitation shifts or dilutions would modulate growth stimulation. Elevated CO2 did not affect biomass, but increased the number of young leaves in spring (+400%), and the plant vitality (i.e. number of green leaves/total number of leaves) (+3%), both of which were negatively correlated to [K+] in surface porewater, suggesting a K-limited production of young leaves. Nutrient ratios in green leaves indicated either N and K co-limitation or K limitation. N addition enhanced the number of tillers (+38%), green leaves (+18%), aboveground and belowground biomass (+99, +61%), leaf mass-to-length ratio (+28%), and reduced the leaf turnover (−32%). N addition enhanced N availability and decreased [K+] in spring surface porewater. Increased tiller and leaf production in July were associated with a doubling in [K+] in surface porewater suggesting that under enhanced N production is K driven. Both experiments illustrate the importance of tradeoffs in E. vaginatum growth between: (1) producing tillers and generating new leaves, (2) maintaining adult leaves and initiating new ones, and (3) investing in basal parts (corms) for storage or in root growth for greater K uptake. The K concentration in surface porewater is thus the single most important factor controlling the growth of E. vaginatum seedlings in the regeneration of selected cutover bog

    Exploitation of northern peatlands and biodiversity maintenance: a conflict between economy and ecology.

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    Peatlands are ecosystems of exceptional conservation value because of their beauty, biodiversity, importance in global geochemical cycles, and the paleoenvironmental records they preserve. Commercial extraction and drainage for forestry or agriculture have caused the destruction of many peatlands, especially in or close to urban areas of the northern temperate zone. Are these commercial and environmental interests irreconcilable? A close analysis suggests that limited peat extraction may actually increase biodiversity in some cases, and may be sustainable over the long term. As we learn more about how peatlands spontaneously regenerate following disturbance, and what conditions govern the re-establishment of a diverse community and the ability to sequester carbon, we increase our chances of being able to restore damaged peatlands. Preserving the chronological records hidden in the peat profile, the natural heritage value of peatlands, and the bulk of sequestered carbon, however, will remain incompatible with any form of exploitation

    Factors modulating cottongrass seedling growth stimulation to enhanced nitrogen and carbon dioxide: compensatory tradeoffs in leaf dynamics and allocation to meet potassium-limited growth

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    Eriophorum vaginatum is a characteristic species of northern peatlands and a keystone plant for cutover bog restoration. Understanding the factors affecting E. vaginatum seedling establishment (i.e. growth dynamics and allocation) under global change has practical implications for the management of abandoned mined bogs and restoration of their C-sequestration function. We studied the responses of leaf dynamics, above- and belowground biomass production of establishing seedlings to elevated CO2 and N. We hypothesised that nutrient factors such as limitation shifts or dilutions would modulate growth stimulation. Elevated CO2 did not affect biomass, but increased the number of young leaves in spring (+400 %), and the plant vitality (i.e. number of green leaves/total number of leaves) (+3 %), both of which were negatively correlated to [K+] in surface porewater, suggesting a K-limited production of young leaves. Nutrient ratios in green leaves indicated either N and K co-limitation or K limitation. N addition enhanced the number of tillers (+38 %), green leaves (+18 %), aboveground and belowground biomass (+99, +61 %), leaf mass-to-length ratio (+28 %), and reduced the leaf turnover (-32 %). N addition enhanced N availability and decreased [K+] in spring surface porewater. Increased tiller and leaf production in July were associated with a doubling in [K+] in surface porewater suggesting that under enhanced N production is K driven. Both experiments illustrate the importance of tradeoffs in E. vaginatum growth between: (1) producing tillers and generating new leaves, (2) maintaining adult leaves and initiating new ones, and (3) investing in basal parts (corms) for storage or in root growth for greater K uptake. The K concentration in surface porewater is thus the single most important factor controlling the growth of E. vaginatum seedlings in the regeneration of selected cutover bogs

    Ecological conditions for Saxifraga hirculus in Central Europe: a better understanding for a good protection

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    Saxifraga hirculus is a postglacial relict in Central Europe, whose populations suffered a dramatic decrease in the 19th and 20th centuries. However, few researchers have been interested in its ecological requirements in Central Europe. This article synthesizes previous knowledge supplemented by original data from the last large population (Switzerland). S. hirculus is a weak competitor which needs precise ecological conditions. It grows on bryophyte carpets in neutral to slightly acid wetlands, with stable water table close to the soil surface (optimum between 8-14 cm) but does not stand long flooding. However, it requires a good oxygen supply, with roots 2-3 cm under the soil surface, generally not reached by water, with running, cold water through loose, fibric peat. Its optimal conditions are in spring fens, but it grows in other types of wetlands as well. However, overgrowing by shrubs, sedges or Sphagnum in natural successions may threaten the species with extinction, as did drainage and peat extraction previously. Now, its survival in Central Europe depends on an adequate management of the ecosystems. Moderate grazing (cattle or sheep) or mowing help to limit competition with taller Carex species. Re-introduction of disappeared populations or creation of new ones from cultivation in botanical garden is possible, but appropriate sites are rare. In some cases, substrate management could improve the conditions in somewhat inadequate situations. This management in four directions can be flexibly applied in different situations to progress to optimal conditions for the conservation of this valuable species
