272 research outputs found

    Reaction profiling of a set of acrylamide-based human tissue transglutaminase inhibitors

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    The major function of the enzyme human tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is the crosslinking of proteins via a transamidation between the γ-carboxamide of a glutamine and the ε-amino group of a lysine. Overexpression of TG2 can lead to undesirable outcomes and has been linked to conditions such as fibrosis, celiac disease and neurodegenerative diseases. Accordingly, TG2 is a tempting drug target. The most effective TG2 inhibitors to date are small-molecule peptidomimetics featuring electrophilic warheads that irreversibly modify the active site catalytic cysteine (CYS277). In an effort to facilitate the design of such TG2 inhibitors, we undertook a quantum mechanical reaction profiling of the Michael reaction between a set of six acrylamide-based known TG2 inhibitors and the TG2 CYS277. The inhibitors were docked into the active site and the coordinates were refined by MD simulations prior to modelling the covalent modification of the CYS277 thiolate. The results of QM/MM MD umbrella sampling applied to reaction coordinates driving the Michael reaction are presented for two approximations of the Michael reaction: a concerted reaction (simultaneous thiolate attack onto the acrylamide warhead and pronation from the adjacent HIS335) and a two-stage reaction (consecutive thiolate attack and protonation). The two-stage approximation of the Michael reaction gave the better results for the evaluation of acrylamide-based potential TG2 inhibitors in silico. Good correlations were observed between the experimental TG2 IC50 data and the calculated activation energies over the range 0.0061 – 6.3 µM (three orders of magnitude) and we propose that this approach may be used to evaluate acrylamide-based potential TG2 inhibitors

    Multiple Binding Sites for Fatty Acids on the Potassium Channel KcsA

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    Interactions of fatty acids with the potassium channel KcsA were studied using Trp fluorescence quenching and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques. The brominated analogue of oleic acid was shown to bind to annular sites on KcsA and to the nonannular sites at each protein-protein interface in the homotetrameric structure with binding constants relative to dioleoylphosphatidylcholine of 0.67 ± 0.04 and 0.87 ± 0.08, respectively. Mutation of the two Arg residues close to the nonannular binding sites had no effect on fatty acid binding. EPR studies with a spin-labeled analogue of stearic acid detected a high-affinity binding site for the fatty acid with strong immobilization. Fluorescence quenching studies with the spin-labeled analogue showed that the binding site detected in the EPR experiments could not be one of the annular or nonannular binding sites. Instead, it is proposed that the EPR studies detect binding to the central hydrophobic cavity of the channel, with a binding constant in the range of ~0.1-1 ?M

    Interaction of short modified peptides deriving from glycoprotein gp36 of feline immunodeficiency virus with phospholipid membranes

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    A tryptophan-rich octapeptide, C8 (Ac-Trp-Glu-Asp-Trp-Val-Gly-Trp-Ile-NH2), modelled on the membrane-proximal external region of the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) gp36 glycoprotein ectodomain, exhibits potent antiviral activity against FIV. A mechanism has been proposed by which the peptide, being positioned on the surface of the cell membrane, inhibits its fusion with the virus. In the present work, peptide–lipid interactions of C8 with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine liposomes are investigated using electron spin resonance spectroscopy of spin-labelled lipids. Three other peptides, obtained from modifications of C8, have also been investigated, in an attempt to clarify the essential molecular features of the interactions involving the tryptophan residues. The results show that C8 adsorbs strongly on the bilayer surface. Membrane binding requires not only the presence of the Trp residues in the sequence, but also their common orientation on one side of the peptide that is engendered by the WX2 WX2 W motif. Membrane interaction correlates closely with peptide antiviral activity, indicating that the membrane is essential in stabilizing the peptide conformation that will be able to inhibit viral infection

    The Roles of Transmembrane Domain Helix-III during Rhodopsin Photoactivation

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    Background: Rhodopsin, the prototypic member of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), undergoes isomerization of 11- cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal upon photoactivation. Although the basic mechanism by which rhodopsin is activated is well understood, the roles of whole transmembrane (TM) helix-III during rhodopsin photoactivation in detail are not completely clear. Principal Findings: We herein use single-cysteine mutagenesis technique to investigate conformational changes in TM helices of rhodopsin upon photoactivation. Specifically, we study changes in accessibility and reactivity of cysteine residues introduced into the TM helix-III of rhodopsin. Twenty-eight single-cysteine mutants of rhodopsin (P107C-R135C) were prepared after substitution of all natural cysteine residues (C140/C167/C185/C222/C264/C316) by alanine. The cysteine mutants were expressed in COS-1 cells and rhodopsin was purified after regeneration with 11-cis-retinal. Cysteine accessibility in these mutants was monitored by reaction with 4, 49-dithiodipyridine (4-PDS) in the dark and after illumination. Most of the mutants except for T108C, G109C, E113C, I133C, and R135C showed no reaction in the dark. Wide variation in reactivity was observed among cysteines at different positions in the sequence 108–135 after photoactivation. In particular, cysteines at position 115, 119, 121, 129, 131, 132, and 135, facing 11-cis-retinal, reacted with 4-PDS faster than neighboring amino acids. The different reaction rates of mutants with 4-PDS after photoactivation suggest that the amino acids in different positions in helix-III are exposed to aqueous environment to varying degrees. Significance: Accessibility data indicate that an aqueous/hydrophobic boundary in helix-III is near G109 and I133. The lack of reactivity in the dark and the accessibility of cysteine after photoactivation indicate an increase of water/4-PDS accessibility for certain cysteine-mutants at Helix-III during formation of Meta II. We conclude that photoactivation resulted in water-accessible at the chromophore-facing residues of Helix-III.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant GM28289)National Eye Institute (Grant Grant EY11716)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant EIA-0225609

    Molecular fingerprinting of radiation resistant tumors: Can we apprehend and rehabilitate the suspects?

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    Radiation therapy continues to be one of the more popular treatment options for localized prostate cancer. One major obstacle to radiation therapy is that there is a limit to the amount of radiation that can be safely delivered to the target organ. Emerging evidence suggests that therapeutic agents targeting specific molecules might be combined with radiation therapy for more effective treatment of tumors. Recent studies suggest that modulation of these molecules by a variety of mechanisms (e.g., gene therapy, antisense oligonucleotides, small interfering RNA) may enhance the efficacy of radiation therapy by modifying the activity of key cell proliferation and survival pathways such as those controlled by Bcl-2, p53, Akt/PTEN and cyclooxygenase-2. In this article, we summarize the findings of recent investigations of radiosensitizing agents in the treatment of prostate cancer

    Effects of Restrained Sampling Space and Nonplanar Amino Groups on Free-Energy Predictions for RNA with Imino and Sheared Tandem GA Base Pairs Flanked by GC, CG, iGiC or iCiG Base Pairs

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    Guanine-adenine (GA) base pairs play important roles in determining the structure, dynamics, and stability of RNA. In RNA internal loops, GA base pairs often occur in tandem arrangements and their structure is context and sequence dependent. Calculations reported here test the thermodynamic integration (TI) approach with the amber99 force field by comparing computational predictions of free energy differences with the free energy differences expected on the basis of NMR determined structures of the RNA motifs (5′-GCGGACGC-3′)2, (5′-GCiGGAiCGC-3′)2, (5′-GGCGAGCC-3′)2, and (5′-GGiCGAiGCC-3′)2. Here, iG and iC denote isoguanosine and isocytidine, which have amino and carbonyl groups transposed relative to guanosine and cytidine. The NMR structures show that the GA base pairs adopt either imino (cis Watson−Crick/Watson−Crick A-G) or sheared (trans Hoogsteen/Sugar edge A-G) conformations depending on the identity and orientation of the adjacent base pair. A new mixing function for the TI method is developed that allows alchemical transitions in which atoms can disappear in both the initial and final states. Unrestrained calculations gave ΔG° values 2−4 kcal/mol different from expectations based on NMR data. Restraining the structures with hydrogen bond restraints did not improve the predictions. Agreement with NMR data was improved by 0.7 to 1.5 kcal/mol, however, when structures were restrained with weak positional restraints to sample around the experimentally determined NMR structures. The amber99 force field was modified to partially include pyramidalization effects of the unpaired amino group of guanosine in imino GA base pairs. This provided little or no improvement in comparisons with experiment. The marginal improvement is observed when the structure has potential cross-strand out-of-plane hydrogen bonding with the G amino group. The calculations using positional restraints and a nonplanar amino group reproduce the signs of ΔG° from the experimental results and are, thus, capable of providing useful qualitative insights complementing the NMR experiments. Decomposition of the terms in the calculations reveals that the dominant terms are from electrostatic and interstrand interactions other than hydrogen bonds in the base pairs. The results suggest that a better description of the backbone is key to reproducing the experimental free energy results with computational free energy predictions

    Parameterization of a coarse-grained model of cholesterol with point-dipole electrostatics

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    © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. We present a new coarse-grained (CG) model of cholesterol (CHOL) for the electrostatic-based ELBA force field. A distinguishing feature of our CHOL model is that the electrostatics is modeled by an explicit point dipole which interacts through an ideal vacuum permittivity. The CHOL model parameters were optimized in a systematic fashion, reproducing the electrostatic and nonpolar partitioning free energies of CHOL in lipid/water mixtures predicted by full-detailed atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The CHOL model has been validated by comparison to structural, dynamic and thermodynamic properties with experimental and atomistic simulation reference data. The simulation of binary DPPC/cholesterol mixtures covering the relevant biological content of CHOL in mammalian membranes is shown to correctly predict the main lipid behavior as observed experimentally

    Trends in template/fragment-free protein structure prediction

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    Predicting the structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence is a long-standing unsolved problem in computational biology. Its solution would be of both fundamental and practical importance as the gap between the number of known sequences and the number of experimentally solved structures widens rapidly. Currently, the most successful approaches are based on fragment/template reassembly. Lacking progress in template-free structure prediction calls for novel ideas and approaches. This article reviews trends in the development of physical and specific knowledge-based energy functions as well as sampling techniques for fragment-free structure prediction. Recent physical- and knowledge-based studies demonstrated that it is possible to sample and predict highly accurate protein structures without borrowing native fragments from known protein structures. These emerging approaches with fully flexible sampling have the potential to move the field forward

    Differential Cerebral Cortex Transcriptomes of Baboon Neonates Consuming Moderate and High Docosahexaenoic Acid Formulas

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    BACKGROUND: Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) and arachidonic acid (ARA, 20:4n-6) are the major long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) of the central nervous system (CNS). These nutrients are present in most infant formulas at modest levels, intended to support visual and neural development. There are no investigations in primates of the biological consequences of dietary DHA at levels above those present in formulas but within normal breastmilk levels. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Twelve baboons were divided into three formula groups: Control, with no DHA-ARA; “L”, LCPUFA, with 0.33%DHA-0.67%ARA; “L3”, LCPUFA, with 1.00%DHA-0.67%ARA. All the samples are from the precentral gyrus of cerebral cortex brain regions. At 12 weeks of age, changes in gene expression were detected in 1,108 of 54,000 probe sets (2.05%), with most showing <2-fold change. Gene ontology analysis assigns them to diverse biological functions, notably lipid metabolism and transport, G-protein and signal transduction, development, visual perception, cytoskeleton, peptidases, stress response, transcription regulation, and 400 transcripts having no defined function. PLA2G6, a phospholipase recently associated with infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy, was downregulated in both LCPUFA groups. ELOVL5, a PUFA elongase, was the only LCPUFA biosynthetic enzyme that was differentially expressed. Mitochondrial fatty acid carrier, CPT2, was among several genes associated with mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation to be downregulated by high DHA, while the mitochondrial proton carrier, UCP2, was upregulated. TIMM8A, also known as deafness/dystonia peptide 1, was among several differentially expressed neural development genes. LUM and TIMP3, associated with corneal structure and age-related macular degeneration, respectively, were among visual perception genes influenced by LCPUFA. TIA1, a silencer of COX2 gene translation, is upregulated by high DHA. Ingenuity pathway analysis identified a highly significant nervous system network, with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as the outstanding interaction partner. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that LCPUFA concentrations within the normal range of human breastmilk induce global changes in gene expression across a wide array of processes, in addition to changes in visual and neural function normally associated with formula LCPUFA

    Determination of Alkali and Halide Monovalent Ion Parameters for Use in Explicitly Solvated Biomolecular Simulations

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    Alkali (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+) and halide (F−, Cl−, Br−, and I−) ions play an important role in many biological phenomena, roles that range from stabilization of biomolecular structure, to influence on biomolecular dynamics, to key physiological influence on homeostasis and signaling. To properly model ionic interaction and stability in atomistic simulations of biomolecular structure, dynamics, folding, catalysis, and function, an accurate model or representation of the monovalent ions is critically necessary. A good model needs to simultaneously reproduce many properties of ions, including their structure, dynamics, solvation, and moreover both the interactions of these ions with each other in the crystal and in solution and the interactions of ions with other molecules. At present, the best force fields for biomolecules employ a simple additive, nonpolarizable, and pairwise potential for atomic interaction. In this work, we describe our efforts to build better models of the monovalent ions within the pairwise Coulombic and 6-12 Lennard-Jones framework, where the models are tuned to balance crystal and solution properties in Ewald simulations with specific choices of well-known water models. Although it has been clearly demonstrated that truly accurate treatments of ions will require inclusion of nonadditivity and polarizability (particularly with the anions) and ultimately even a quantum mechanical treatment, our goal was to simply push the limits of the additive treatments to see if a balanced model could be created. The applied methodology is general and can be extended to other ions and to polarizable force-field models. Our starting point centered on observations from long simulations of biomolecules in salt solution with the AMBER force fields where salt crystals formed well below their solubility limit. The likely cause of the artifact in the AMBER parameters relates to the naive mixing of the Smith and Dang chloride parameters with AMBER-adapted Åqvist cation parameters. To provide a more appropriate balance, we reoptimized the parameters of the Lennard-Jones potential for the ions and specific choices of water models. To validate and optimize the parameters, we calculated hydration free energies of the solvated ions and also lattice energies (LE) and lattice constants (LC) of alkali halide salt crystals. This is the first effort that systematically scans across the Lennard-Jones space (well depth and radius) while balancing ion properties like LE and LC across all pair combinations of the alkali ions and halide ions. The optimization across the entire monovalent series avoids systematic deviations. The ion parameters developed, optimized, and characterized were targeted for use with some of the most commonly used rigid and nonpolarizable water models, specifically TIP3P, TIP4PEW, and SPC/E. In addition to well reproducing the solution and crystal properties, the new ion parameters well reproduce binding energies of the ions to water and the radii of the first hydration shells