85 research outputs found

    William Wordsworth and the very life

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    Linkage between crustacean zooplankton and aquatic bacteria

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    Iron effects on colonization behavior, motility, and enzymatic activity of marine bacteria

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    Characterization of a yellow pigmented coral-associated bacterium exhibiting anti-Bacterial Activity Against Multidrug Resistant (MDR) Organism

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    Multidrug resistant (MDR) infections have been a world health issue for many decades, and therefore exploration of new antibiotics to overcome this issue is urgently needed. Regarding antimicrobial properties in the coral holobiont, coral-associated bacteria are suggested as potential producer of new antibacterial agents against MDR infections. The purposes of this study include isolation and identification of pigmented coral-associated bacteria, preparation of pigmented extract and evaluation of its antibacterial property, as well as the characterization of the pigmented extract using thin layer chromatography (TLC). Nine bacteria candidates were isolated from an unidentified stony coral collected from Tanjung Gelam, Karimunjawa National Park, Jepara Region, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Bacterial pigment and other metabolites were extracted using 1-butanol, ethyl acetate and acetone. Silica gelbased TLC was applied to detect b-carotene and characterize the bacterial crude extracts. Antibacterial activity was evaluated against the extended spectrum b-lactamase (ESBL) E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). A yellow pigmented bacterium was isolated and identified as Vibrio owensii TNKJ.CR.24-7. Nonribosomal peptide-synthetase Peptide-Synthetase NRPS genes fragments were detected. All bacterial extracts from 1-butanol, ethyl acetate and acetone contained the yellow pigment that was identified as b-carotene. Only the crude extract from ethyl acetate inhibited all of MDR bacteria. TLC chromatogram showed that there were 7 bands from 1-butanol extract and 6 bands from ethyl acetate extract. However, crude extract from acetone was not well separated using silica-based TLC. Bands at Rf 0.64 and 0.81 were found both in 1-butanol and ethyl acetate extract

    Illinois State Normal University, Eighty-Ninth Annual Commencement, June 7, 1948

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    Normal, IllinoisIllinois State Normal UniversityEighty-Ninth Annual Commencement3:00 p.m.MondayJune 7, 1948https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/commencement/1084/thumbnail.jp

    Advancing the case for microbial conservation

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    The majority of the biomass and biodiversity of life on the Earth is accounted for by microbes. They play pivotal roles in biogeochemical cycles and harbour novel metabolites that have industrial uses. For these reasons the conservation of microbial ecosystems, communities and even specific taxa should be a high priority. We review the reasons for including microorganisms in conservation agenda. We discuss some of the complications in this endeavour, including the unresolved argument about whether microorganisms have intrinsic value, which influences some of the non-instrumental motivations for their conservation and, from a more pragmatic perspective, exactly what it is that we seek to conserve (microorganisms, their habitats or their gene pools). Despite complications, priorities can be defined for microbial conservation and we provide practical examples of such priorities

    Passiv stress: depression og sygdom

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    Siden midten af dette århundrede har stress-begrebet spillet en tiltagende rolle i teoretiske og empiriske udforskninger af psykologiske faktorers betydning for udvikling af sygdom ('psykosomatisk sygdom'). Stressbegrebet er imidlertid kommet til at dække over temmelig forskelligartede psyko-fysiologiske tilstande. I denne artikel focuseres der især på sådanne stress-tilstande som kan karakteriseres som 'passive' for så vidt situationelle og erfaringsmæssige faktorer forhindrer individet i aktivt at søge at bekæmpe eller lindre en belastningssituation. Sådanne passive stress-reaktioner ser ud til at have dels neurokemiske konsekvenser, der kan tænkes at medvirke ved udviklingen af depressive lidelser, og dels hormonelle konsekvenser, der via en hæmning af immunapparatet kan øge risikoen for infektionssygdomme og måske cancer. Artiklen gennemgår det forskningsmæssigebelæg for disse to antagelser.Passive stress denotes a set of behavioral and physiological responses to aversive situations faced with which the organism due to situational and experiental (learning) factors reacts with passivity rather than with active attemps at coping with the situation. The neurochemical changes in passive stress may underlie various depressive disorders and hormonal (neuroroendocrinological)changes may lead to increased risk of infectous disease and possibly cancer due to immuno-supression. The article reviews the empirical basis for these allegations

    Penapisan Bakteri Laut Penghasil Antimikroba dari Pesisir Serdang Bedagai Sumatera Utara

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    Screening of marine bacteria producing antimicrobial was done. Thirty six potential isolates shown antimicrobial activity inhibition zone around colony. Antagonistic assay showed that three isolates SB5, BG3 and BG4 inhibited growth of Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio sp., Candida albicans with inhibition zone of 31 mm; 27,9mm; 26mm respectively