7 research outputs found

    Dual release of proteins from porous polymeric scaffolds

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    To create porous scaffolds releasing in a controlled and independent fashion two different proteins, a novel approach based on protein-loaded polymeric coatings was evaluated. In this process, two water-in-oil emulsions are forced successively through a prefabricated scaffold to create coatings, containing each a different protein and having different release characteristics. In a first step, a simplified three-layered system was designed with model proteins (myoglobin and lysozyme). Poly(ether–ester) multiblock copolymers were chosen as polymer matrix, to allow the diffusion of proteins through the coatings. The model system showed the independent release of the two proteins. The myoglobin release was tailored from a burst to a linear release still on-going after 60 days, while the lysozyme release rate was kept constant. Macro-porous scaffolds, with a porosity of 59 vol.%, showed the same ability to control the release rate of the model proteins independently. The relation between the coatings properties and their release characteristics were investigated with the use of a mathematical diffusion model based on Fick's second law. It confirmed that the multiple coated scaffolds are biphasic system, where each coating controls the release of the protein that it contains. This approach could be of value for tissue engineering applications

    A survey on emergency thyroid monitoring strategies and capacities in Europe and comparison with international recommendations

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    There are ongoing social debates about the risks and benefits of using nuclear reactors to generate electricity. Radiation accidents can occur for different reasons and even be caused deliberately as a result of terrorist actions, and these may affect from a few to thousands of people. After a major release of radioactive iodine as a result of a nuclear accident, large number of potentially affected people may require rapid assessments to determine the degree of thyroid contamination, especially children and young people given that their thyroid is a highly radiosensitive organ and particularly vulnerable to the carcinogenic action of ionising radiation. To date, there is no internationally agreed protocol for measuring 131I in the thyroid of affected persons, especially in children. To address this problem, the Child and Adult Thyroid Monitoring After Reactor Accident (CAThyMARA) project (https://www.eu-neris.net/projects/operra/operra-cathymara.html) focused on post-accidental 131I measurements in the thyroid, giving special attention to children and involved 15 institutions from 12 European countries. One of the Work Packages of the project had the objective to overview existing national plans and means for thyroid monitoring and to review international recommendations about radioiodine monitoring in the thyroid in case of a large scale nuclear accident. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire-based survey was carried out from May to October 2016. The survey results were based on the analysis of the answers of 31 institutions in 18 European countries, which included a wide range of questions related to emergency plan strategies, monitoring strategies for radioiodine in thyroid, dose assessment, etc. In addition, the peer-review literature in this area was reviewed and summarised. The results of the survey together with the current international recommendations about radioiodine monitoring in thyroid could provide important information on existing gaps, which can be used to develop new or update existing guidelines on thyroid monitoring after a nuclear accident. © 201