215 research outputs found

    Coding task performance in early adolescence: A large-scale controlled study into boy-girl differences

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    This study examined differences between boys and girls regarding efficiency of information processing in early adolescence. 306 healthy adolescents (50.3% boys) in grade 7 and 9 (aged 13 and 15 respectively) performed a coding task based on over-learned symbols. An age effect was revealed as subjects in grade 9 performed better than subjects in grade 7. Main effects for sex were found in the advantage of girls. The 25% best-performing students comprised twice as many girls as boys. The opposite pattern was found for the worst performing 25%. In addition, a main effect was found for educational track in favor of the highest track. No interaction effects were found. School grades did not explain additional variance in LDST performance. This indicates that cognitive performance is relatively independent from school performance. Student characteristics like age, sex and education level were more important for efficiency of information processing than school performance. The findings imply that after age 13, efficiency of information processing is still developing and that girls outperform boys in this respect. The findings provide new information on the mechanisms underlying boy-girl differences in scholastic performance

    Women Designers, Craftswomen, Architects and Engineers between 1918 and 1945. MoMoWo 1st International Conference-Workshop. Programme and Abstracts

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    Il volume contiene il programma e gli abstract dei contributi presentati in occasione della prima conferenza-workshop del progetto europeo "MoMoWo - Women's creativity since the Modern Movement" co-finanziato dal programma Creative Europe e capofilato dal Politecnico di Torino. L'attività si è svolta dal 23 al 25 Settembre 2015 presso Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society

    The relationship between depression symptoms, anxiety symptoms, diabetes distress, diabetes regulation and proactive coping competence in patients with diabetes type 2

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    Doel van dit onderzoek is meer inzicht te krijgen in hoeverre depressieve symptomen, angstsymptomen, diabetesdistress, diabetesregulatie (HbA1c), de eigen beoordeling van de diabetesregulatie en proactieve copingvaardigheden met elkaar samenhangen

    MoMoWo: Women Designers, Craftswomen, Architects and Engineers between 1918 and 1945

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    The book consists of six chapters, which present achievements by European women – pioneers in the fields of architecture, civil engineering, interior and industrial design and arts and crafts, who were active in the period between 1918 and 1945. The chapter Crossing Geographies deals with the importance of migrants and migrations for the global expansion of modernism and for development of avant-garde artistic currents; Pioneers and Organisations presents cases of selected women pioneers and their involvement with peer organisations; The Home contributes studies of women creators’ position in the inter-war period and the different ways in which they attempted to overcome societal barriers through interior design; Representation deals with representation of women creators' achievements in publications; Cases from Ireland to Finland brings case studies of women designers active in typically male professions; Examining Drawings as Practices of Architectural Design contributes insight into women architects' projects through new methodological approaches. The book is based on papers, presented at the first international MoMoWo conference in September 2015 at Leiden University. It aims to present an important part of the 'anonymous' and overlooked European cultural heritage

    Форми затримки статевого дозрівання дівчаток, що проживають за умов дефіциту йоду

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    Вступ. У районах йодного дефіциту виявлена низька частка школярів, що мають гармонійний розвиток особистості, у третини дітей реєструються відхилення у статевому розвитку, а у половини дівчаток спостерігаються порушення показників репродуктивного здоров’я. Мета. Вивчити показники статевого розвитку у дітей із зони йодного дефіциту

    Una mirada al albinismo óculo-cutáneo: reporte de mutaciones en el gen TYR en cinco individuos colombianos

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    Introduction. Oculocutaneus albinism is a pigment-related inherited disorder characterized by hypopigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes, foveal hypoplasia and low vision. To date, 230 mutations in the TYR gene have been reported as responsible for oculocutaneus albinism type 1 worldwide. TYR gene encodes the enzyme tyrosinase involved in the metabolic pathway of melanin synthesis.Objectives. Mutations were identified in the TYR gene as responsible for oculocutaneous albinism type 1 in five Colombian individuals, and a new ophthalmic system was tested that corrected visual defects and symptoms in a patient with oculocutaneous albinism.Materials and methods. Samples were taken from 5 individuals, four of whom belong to a single family, along with a fifth individual not related to the family. Five exons in the TYR gene were sequenced to search for the gene carriers in the family and in the non-related individual. In addition, clinical ophthalmological evaluation and implementation of an new oculo-visual system was undertaken.Results. A G47D and 1379delTT mutation was identified in the family. The unrelated individual carried a compound heterozygote for the G47D and D42N mutations. The oculo-visual corrective system was able to increase visual acuity and to diminish the nystagmus and photophobia.Conclusions. This is the first study in Colombia where albinism mutations are reported. The methods developed will enable future molecular screening studies in Colombian populations.Introducción. El albinismo óculo-cutáneo es un trastorno hereditario autosómico recesivo relacionado con la pigmentación. Sus manifestaciones clínicas incluyen hipopigmentación en piel, cabello y ojos, hipoplasia en la fóvea y disminución de la agudeza visual. A nivel mundial, hasta el momento, se han reportado, aproximadamente, 230 mutaciones en el gen TYR que causan albinismo óculo-cutáneo de tipo 1. Este gen codifica para la tirosinasa, enzima principal de la biosíntesis de melanina.Objetivos. Identificar las mutaciones en el gen TYR responsables del albinismo óculo-cutáneo de tipo 1 en cinco individuos colombianos; cuatro de ellos pertenecen a una misma familia y el otro individuo es un caso aislado no relacionado con la familia. Asimismo, se pretende evaluar un sistema oftálmico que permite corregir problemas de refracción, y disminuir el nistagmo y la fotofobia en uno de los casos.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo la secuenciación de los cinco exones del gen TYR en los cinco individuos de estudio y se buscaron portadores en la familia. Se llevó a cabo la evaluación clínica oftalmológica y la implementación del sistema correctivo en uno de los pacientes.Resultados. Se encontraron las mutaciones G47D y 1379delTT en la familia, y en el caso aislado, las mutaciones G47D y D42N. Con la implementación del sistema óculo-visual se logró incrementar la agudeza visual y disminuir el nistagmo.Conclusiones. Por ser el primer estudio en albinismo de este carácter en el país, estos resultados marcan una pauta para estudios posteriores de tamización molecular de albinismo en población colombiana. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v32i2.638

    Evaluación de la exposición al polvo de carbón y de sílice en sitios de minería subterránea en tres departamentos de Colombia

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    Introduction: Coal workers’ pneumoconiosis is a chronic and irreversible disease representing a public health problem. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of pneumoconiosis and its associated factors among underground coal miners in the Colombian departments of Boyacá, Cundinamarca and Norte de Santander. Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 476 miners to measure the prevalence of pneumoconiosis and its associated factors such as coal dust and silica levels, as well as the occupational conditions. The medical assessment and a chest x-ray were performed according to the International Labor Organization criteria, along with spirometry and the identification of glutathione S-transferase and repair enzyme polymorphisms.The associations were explored using Cox regression models. Results: We performed a total of 479 environmental monitoring sessions in 31 companies and we evaluated 476 workers with 10 to 57 years of mining work experience. The prevalence of pneumoconiosis was 33.8% (95% CI: 27.0 - 41.3%). In the Cox multivariate regression model with a constant risk time, pneumoconiosis was significantly associated with working in medium-sized companies (PR=2.00, 95% CI: 0.995 - 2.690; p=0.052), the level of severe exposure to coal dust (PR=2.055, 95% CI: 1.043 - 4.048; p=0.038), and working in underground mining for 25 years or more (for those with 25.0-29.9 years: PR=2.199, 95% CI: 1.449 - 3.338; p=0.001). Conclusions: The prevalence of pneumoconiosis was very high and was found to be associated with severe exposure to coal dust, work exposure for 25 years or more and working in medium-sized enterprisesIntroducción. La neumoconiosis de mineros del carbón es una enfermedad crónica e irreversible que se considera un problema de salud pública. Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de neumoconiosis y sus factores asociados en mineros de carbón de Boyacá, Cundinamarca y Norte de Santander. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal en 476 mineros. Se les hizo valoración médica, se tomaron radiografías de tórax siguiendo los criterios de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, así como espirometrías, y se identificaron los polimorfismos de la glutatión S-transferasa y de las enzimas de reparación. Las asociaciones entre las condiciones ocupacionales y de la empresa con la neumoconiosis, se estudiaron usando modelos de regresión de Cox. Resultados. En 31 empresas se hicieron 479 monitorizaciones ambientales y se evaluaron 476 trabajadores cuyo tiempo de trabajo fluctuaba entre 10 y 57 años. La prevalencia de la neumoconiosis fue de 33,8 % (IC95% 27,0-41,3). En el modelo de regresión multivariado de Cox, con tiempo de riesgo constante para la neumoconiosis, esta se asoció significativamente con el trabajo en empresas medianas (razón de prevalencias, RP=2,00; IC95% 0,995- 2,690; p=0,052), con un nivel alto de exposición al polvo de carbón según el índice de exposición (RP=2,055; IC95% 1,043-4,048; p=0,038), y una antigüedad de 25 años o más (para 25,0 a 29,9 años: RP=2,199; IC95% 1,449-3,338; p=0,001). Conclusiones. La prevalencia de la neumoconiosis fue muy alta y se asoció a la exposición a altos niveles de polvo de carbón, a una exposición laboral mayor o igual a 25 años y al trabajo en empresas medianas

    Estudio de un brote epidémico de fiebre amarilla selvática en el pie de monte de La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, 1979

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    During 1979 an epidemic of sylvan nellow fever was observed in Colombia, in the lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada the Santa Marta, where the disease had not been registred before. The cases occurred in the vicinity of the cities of Valledupar and Santa Marta, at that time infested with Aedes aegypti. Twenty cases were demonstrated by histopathological examination of the liver or by virus isolation. Thirty six additional cases were clinically diagnosed. In the first group there were 14 fatalities; in the area emergency control measures against A. aegypti and vaccination were carried out. No urban cases of the disease were observed. Cases were infected in narrow galfery forests and in coffee groves, where previous and concurrent mortality in monkeys (Alouatta seniculus), was observed. The entomological survey showed in the region the presence of 3 species of Hoemogogus. H. janthinomys among them. Of 745 captured mosquitoes divided into 192 pools, only one, composed by H. janthinomys was positive for jellow fever virus. The aforementioned epidemic constitutes an example of the power of invasion of yellow fever virus to new rural "habitats" creating at the same time a serious threat to neighboring cities infested with A. aegypti because of the risk of urbanization of the virus. a situation which demands immediate action to abate the mosquitoe and to vaccinate the human population.En 1979 se observó en Colombia una epidemia de fiebre amarilla selvática, en las estribaciones más bajas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, donde nunca antes se había registrado la enfermedad. Los casos ocurrieron en las cercanías de las ciudades de Valledupar y Santa Marta, por entonces infestadas con Aedes aegypti .Veinte de ellos fueron confirmados por examen histopatológico de hígado o por aislamiento de virus y en otros 36 se hizo un diagnóstico de presunción, con base en estudios clínicos, epidemiológicos y serológicos. Entre los primeros hubo 14 defunciones y entre los segundos 13. En las localidades urbanas del Brea se llevaron a cabo intensas campañas de lucha contra el A. aegyptiy de vacunación. No se registraron casos urbanos de la enfermedad. Los enfermos se infectaron en bosques estrechos de galería y en cafetales. donde previa y paralelamente se observó mortalidad en monos í Alouatta seniculus). El reconocimiento entomológico mostró en la región la presencia de 3 especies de Haemagogus, entre ellas H. janthinomys Con 745 mosquitos se hicieron 192 mezclas para intentar aislamiento de virus, habiéndose obtenido sólo uno positivo para fiebre amarilla, a partir de H. janthinomys. La epidemia descrita es un ejemplo mBs de la invasión del virus amarílico a nuevos "habitats" rurales,  con la consiguiente amenaza para las ciudades vecinas infestadas con A. aegypti, el riesgo de la urbanización del virus, lo cual exige la adopción inmediata de medidas para abatir el mosquito y para vacunar a la población expuesta

    Determinantes sociales de la intoxicación por plaguicidas entre cultivadores de arroz en Colombia

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    Objective Large quantities of pesticides are used in rice crops. The aim of this study is to characterize how farmers are exposed to pesticides and subsequent poisoning. Materials and Methods A multilevel (individual and community) multi-method study, which included ethnographic and survey methods, as well as measurement of pesticides in water and human samples, was performed. Results The production process is described and the main risk factors are presented. Pesticides are considered the greatest danger at work and at their homes. Workers have poor working conditions and are not protected by the system of occupational risks. Azinphos-methyl, endosulfan, ?-BHC, bromophos-methyl, bromophos-ethyl and 2,4-DDT were found in water samples. The survey included 381 workers with mild (12.86%), moderate (67.98%) and severe (5.51%) poisonings respectively. Severe cases presented lower levels of education, lower levels of health care access to the contributory regimen of the Colombian social security system and higher incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, herpes or other viral infections. Conclusion There are precarious working conditions that favor exposure to pesticides correlated to the exclusion of farmers from the occupational risk system, to poverty and to poor education. It is urgent to include these workers to the system of occupational risk system and to improve their living conditions, thus reducing unsafe practices when handling pesticides. © 2016, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. All rights reserved

    Citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad en células humanas expuestas in vitro a glifosato.

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    Introduction. Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum non-selective herbicide, used to eliminate unwanted weeds in agricultural and forest settings. Herbicide action is achieved through inhibition of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in plant cells. Since this is not a conserved mechanism between human and plant cells, glyphosate is considered to be a low health risk substance for humans. However, the occurrence of possible harmful side effects of glyphosate use is not well documented and controversial. Toxicity and genotoxicity studies indicate that glyphosate is not harmful, although several investigations suggest that it can alter various cellular processes in animals. Therfore this has potential as a health and environmental risk factor in areas where glyphosate is widely used.Objectives. The present study evaluated glyphosate cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in normal human cells (GM38) and human fibrosarcoma (HT1080) cells.Materials And Methods. Acute and chronic cytotoxicity were determined through the exposure of cultured cells to graded concentrations of glyphosate, and cell viability analysis was performed with crystal violet and Trypan blue staining. Genotoxicity was determined using the comet assay and data significance was evaluated with Dunnet's test.Results. For chronic cytotoxicity a dose-dependent effect was observed in both GM38 and HT1080 cells after treatment with 5.2-8.5 mM and 0.9-3.0 mM glyphosate, respectively. In the acute cytotoxicity study, GM38 cells exposed to 4.0-7.0 mM glyphosate and HT1080 cells exposed to 4.5-5.8 mM glyphosate, had cell viability counts higher than 80%. Genotoxic effects were evidenced in GM38 cells at glyphosate concentrations of 4.0-6.5 mM and in HT1080 cells at glyphosate concentrations of 4.75 -5.75 mM.Conclusions. The levels of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of glyphosate occurring in mammalian cells suggested that its mechanism of action is not limited to plant cells.Introducción. El glifosato es un herbicida de amplio espectro, no selectivo, utilizado para eliminar malezas indeseables en ambientes agrícolas y forestales. La acción herbicida corresponde a la inhibición de la biosíntesis de aminoácidos aromáticos en las plantas. Al no ser este mecanismo compartido por los seres humanos es considerado como de bajo riesgo para la salud de los mismos. Sin embargo, investigaciones recientes indican que puede alterar otros procesos celulares en animales lo que puede presentar un factor de riesgo a nivel ambiental y de salud en las zonas donde se emplea este herbicida. Objetivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la citotoxicidad y la genotoxicidad del glifosato en células humanas normales (GM38) y en células humanas de fibrosarcoma (HT1080). Materiales y métodos. La citotoxicidad aguda y crónica se determinó al exponer las células en cultivo a diferentes concentraciones de glifosato, y se analizó la viabilidad celular con cristal violeta y colorante de exclusión azul de tripano, respectivamente. La genotoxicidad se determinó por medio del ensayo del cometa y los datos se analizaron usando la prueba de Dunnet. Resultados. En la citotoxicidad crónica las células GM38 y las HT1080 presentaron un efecto dependiente de la dosis después del tratamiento con glifosato en concentraciones de 5,2 a 8,5 mM y 0,9 a 3,0 mM, respectivamente. En la citotoxicidad aguda, las células GM38 y las HT1080 expuestas a un rango de concentraciones de 4,0 a 7,0 mM, 4,5 a 5,75 mM y 4,0 a 7,0 mM, respectivamente, presentaron una viabilidad mayor al 80%. Se evidenció daño en el ADN después del tratamiento con glifosato en concentraciones de 4,0 a 6,5 mM para las células GM38 y de 4,75 a 5,75 mM para las células HT1080. Conclusiones. Se sugiere que el mecanismo de acción del glifosato no se limita únicamente a las plantas sino que puede alterar la estructura del ADN en otros tipos de células como son las de los mamíferos